This just came across the transom. A duly signed official letter and a very special document will be scanned for all to see – this comes in a few hours or days, depending on how quick API gets the clearance to do so. The two documents will put the issue to rest and clear the air once and for all who wish to know the true facts of this case file that has bothered a large section of the American people!
Subject: President Obama will be forced by circumstances to apologize: Genuine Birth Certificate surfaces - Americans have been led to believe otherwise, revelation to change the political landscape ~ African Press International (API)
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Apologize???? That SOB needs to be impeached at the very least!!! Tried for treason is more like it!!
is this for real? please say it is.
The more appropriate penalty would be to charge him as a spy, and once convicted he should face a firing squad
he should definitely be prosecuted if it's found he knowingly lied about it from the beginning.
Is this really the type of rhetoric you want promoted on your site Albero? Suggesting the President of the United States face a firing squad?? I hope the Secret Service knocks on your door today.
anonymous 10:37, I'm not stationary today. They're have to track me on my cell phone. ;-)
10:37 is a moron. Anyway, this certificate certainly looks like it's from the sixties...the type, the folds, everything. but i'm sure some will find ways to bury it again and make it a non-issue. Ovomit is a teflon Don.
Wow you people are crazy loons!
I don't think secret service will help here, some serious meds are needed.
I think he should be treated as a terrorist , he infiltrated the government , took advantage of all components of our society . Last of all , he should be treated as any terrorist would.
Of course he is black and good ole Al Sharpton and Jessie Jack will cause an uprising , I hope.
Tar and feather
Impeach and remove from the office. This cover-up and lies have been going on for long time. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Obama's have spent 1.5 million dollars on lawyers to have all his personal records sealed. You wouldn't do that unless you have something to hide and we know he does. All of MSM TV have been threatened by Feds not to report anything about this. Folks, anybody heard of name Jean Paul Ludwig? This is the dead man who's Social Security Number is used by one and only Mr. Obama himself! "I BRING THE TRUTH TO YOUR EARS AS PLAIN AS A-B-C"
Any punishment would, of course, have to follow the rule of law.
I'm curious, since I'm not a lawyer, what the rule of law would dictate, in all seriousness, if the allegations were proven true.
I'm speculating, since I don't know for sure, that impeachment only applies to offenses that occur while one serves as president. However, I'm seriously curious about what appropriate measures should be carried out.
Here is the truth. Obama always thought he was above the Constitution of the United States, and it didn't apply to him.
If this is true, then Obama is not our President. He is holding the title under false pretenses and has committed crime after crime using his false position to undermine America and it people. He should be impeached and tried by law and convicted and serve the rest of his life outside the USA.
You all surprise me. You are going to accept a photocopy of supposed certified copy of a registration of birth from Kenya but you claim that a copy of the Hawaiian documents certified by the officials of the State of Hawaii are fake. Get real. These African guys are the same one's that send you emails and letters advising you that they are going to give you 10 million dollars. All you have to do is supply them your bank account information and send them back 9 million dollars. Talk about grabbing at straws!!!
Barack Obama is the president of the United States and unless the Republicans can manage to get their act together, he probably will be for the foreseeable future. I didn’t vote for him the first time and I probably won’t vote for him this time, but I don’t think this revelation from Kenya is going to make him lose any sleep.
Re: Alex--Are you a licensed mental health professional? You may not be a "crazy loon" but you certainly are very naive...I guess there is no medication to manage that, however!
12:29 there is medication to manage naive - it's called reading. Try it - works wonders.
@11:51 - No, I'd be just as against Hillary and I was just as against Bill. You dems need to understand that conservatives are not the racists that YOU are and try to make us out to be. Historically, the most racism and racist laws have come from the left. Look it up. Our dislike of our current president does not originate from color of his skin, but his political ideology. Liberalism is a disease.
try not to be too hard on alex. he is a bit naive and most often doesn't comprehend truth. it's not his fault as he was probably educated in the government school system and knows only what they spewed out at the time. they didn't teach him to use logic and to search for truth. they didn't teach him to always consider the source. just pray for alex that his eyes will be opened.
Tiderunner: I can NOT attest to this Kenyan birth record being factual or ficticous, however, I can attest to the fact that the birth certificate posted on the government's web site IS a forgery and a very poor one at that. I use photoshop on a daily basis. I downloaded the copy from the government and was able to lift the layers of it quite easily. Now that does not mean that he is not from Hawaii, it just means that the Birth Certificate that was posted and presented as the actual is a fraudulent document. My question to you is that if he is willing to lie about that, what else is he willing to lie about?
Please give us the link to the government web site where you downloaded the unflated Photoshop document. I think you are blowing smoke!
Please give us the link to the government web site where you downloaded the unflated Photoshop document. I think you are blowing smoke!
If Obama did pull off this hoax then He and who ever helped him need to face a firing squad.
Something from Africa?
Is this to go with Dr. Mbutu's email to me that I must respond with my bank account number in order to receive a transfer from his country?
Please give us the link to the government web site where you downloaded the unflated Photoshop document. I think you are blowing smoke!
March 30, 2012 3:59 PM
I'm not 328 but if you are paying attention and following this story you should know which website it is on.
But since it seems like you are not following the story, lazy or mentally slow?, you are the one blowing smoke.
All it takes is a smidgen of effort and you can find your own answers.
Get off you butt and do something besides whine, complain and be a distraction.
You are right about me not following the story, what I was addressing was this person's claim that they were forensic Photoshop expert. I also work with Photoshop every day (started with version CS2 about 17 years ago), and this guy is blowing smoke. I do not believe he was able to download this document and recreate the manipulated layers if it had been flatened, which any graphic artist would have done.
Go to YouTube and search obama fake birth certificate....there are numerous videos showing it being taken apart.
10:58 PM
Ok. First I will apologize for being somewhat rude to you.
Now if you have 17 years experience with photo shop or whatever they were using, I cannot argue with you since I have no experience.
But, the way the laid it out and explained it, and even duplicated what they did on the video, I believed them.
Why would they lie and risk losing credibility in front of the world?
If you would, watch the video and then come back and tell me where they made mistakes. I probably won't understand it but it could be a starting point.
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