You know things are bad when the Main Stream Media, (MSM) totally dismisses yesterday's press conference proving Obama's Birth Cirtificate is a fake.
America has been kidnapped and one thing is for sure, the MSM must be banking on Obama/Liberals to shut down Bloggers in the future in order to keep their secrets, secret.
Follow the money Folks!
Nothing on 16 or 47 about this, and as we all know, the daily times has virtually shut their site down for lack of interest, so nothing there, either.
so lets impeach the lying bastard.
Some jail time should be in order for him and his supporters in congress. Sad part is some of these idiot liberals will still vote for him lies or not,
Here's a hint...
The issue is ridiculous. No serious people believe it. The President's birth in Hawaii has been documented many, many different times.
Keep it up and Obama will win election for sure.
8:05 what don't you understand about the document being fraudulent. That is why liberal will continue to vote for Obama. Because they are brain dead.
The big issue with Obama is he has not been honest concerning anything pertaining to him personally. He refuses to release his school records, he cannot document or substantiate most of his past. I cannot believe the American people fell for this con-artist and phony.
Joe. Please post the entire transcript of sheriff Arpaio findings. I just sent it along for your readers to decide. Perhaps 8:05 would like to comment again.
anonymous 9:12, We posted it yesterday when it came out. Try scrolling down and you'll find it.
That's because most American's are retarded pot holes in the road way... Good for nothing but speed bumps...
they can't think for themselves, they can't make up their own minds, they can't do anything basically without help because they are either fat or lazy or both...
It's a shame because of all the people who's lives are changed due to this war, and all of the service men and women whom died for us to have rights...
America doesn't exist anymore...
The issue is ridiculous. No serious people believe it. The President's birth in Hawaii has been documented many, many different times.
lol Really? A sheriff and hundreds of lawyers and others are not serious to you?
If there was no truth to all this Obama could have put it to rest a long time ago. But he hasn't. Why?
9:19..your so worried about "this war" ..you mean wars...that Bush started..Iraq war in particular..invaded for no reason..all the loss of American life..wheres your outrage @ Bush? if America doesnt exist anymore than move the hell out...im sure you'll be happier in Iraq. cya dipstick.
That sheriff is more of a joke than this issue. You want to talk about ridiculous? At least the MSM doesn't follow every lunatic and give them their five minutes of fame. They leave that to the fringe elements of our society - like many of those sounding off right now.
anonymous 9:44, this coming from someone who's name is ANONYMOUS. A person who doesn't even have the stones to put their name out there, like we're going to give any credit towards an anonymous comment.
The Sheriff and I share something you liberals are too afraid to do, put our names on the line.
in this world why would you use your real name? so one of your crazy commentors can track us down and do something stupid..i would say your stupid to use your real name..asking for trouble..plus its none of your business who we are.
anonymous 10:08, Yeah, they're really harming me. Grow up and stop acting like a typical liberal. You sit back anonymously and attack real men like me and then act all scared that someone might find out who you are.
I'll tell you what. Why don't you try the following. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
Joe, I think he was using an editorial you, not actually referring to you. He's not attacking you either;just some of your crazy readers. But I agree with your advice and think it might be advised for ALL.
Have to go back to what Ellen Saurbray quoted to understand this does'nt mean a thing.
that tells me, he's goin to make history again! the first president for more than two terms!
Please keep bringing this argument up! I love it....it makes the convservatives and tea party seem less and less legitimate each time! WOO HOO!
But the press conference didn't prove a thing.
It says a lot but it has proved nothing.
Like many others, I am disappointed and upset over the way our president has " fixed " things, created more jobs and soon, it will take a job and a half or 2 jobs just to pay for gas. To let off some steam and get rid of my frustrations, I made up a game. I copied this picture and saved it to my desk top 10 times and titled it obama. Then I clicked on it and hit delete. When it asked me, are you sure you want to send obama to the trash bin, I just grinned and hit yes!
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