The other day my 2 year old came home from her private daycare with a bag from the Wicomico County Health Department. Inside was this pamphlet about tobacco use. I feel this is totally inappropriate for them to give to a two year old and expressed my concerns with the daycare owner and I am going to contact the WCHD. I feel I should have been notified prior to and would not have taken my child to school that day. This is something we would like to discuss with our child when the time is right. We are a smoke free household and my daughter has no idea what smoking is. I hope the Health department goes to all the head start programs where those children’s parents smoke other things in addition to cigarettes and would stay away from my expensive daycare. I would have rather someone discussed eating healthy or going to the dentist. In defense I guess my tax dollars for lazy state employees are being utilized and they are actually leaving their desk that they get overpaid to sit at and feel good about themselves about talking to two year olds about smoking. I feel the picture on the front of the pamphlet could send the wrong message to very young children and the inside was even worse. To whomever this was that talked to my child about smoking you should be ashamed of yourself and you are a coward. Why don’t you go to all the horrible gang infested high schools in Wicomico County and talk to them about smoking.
Thanks Joe.
This is simply a way to justify their jobs. They suck!
So.. all the parents who have kids in head start "smoke things in addition to cigarettes"?? Stereotype much??
Original author: Believe it or not, most state employees probably work harder than you do. The stereotype of being lazy and overpaid ended years ago. The state has not given raises in nearly 5 years, instead employees have been subjected to pay union service fees, furlough days, service reduction days, etc. What makes your daycare so special, they're all expensive and a necessary part of life in the society we have created.
I hate to disagree with a previous commenter, but I have had the opportunity to be involved with the outreach staff at the Health Department. They are some of the hardest working and dedicated people I have ever met. They take their jobs seriously and have a level of motivation that is hard to find. They do great things for the community besides quit smoking programs. They do car seat inspections, safe seat, impaired driving awareness, and many, many other things. I am a little dissapointed that someone could be so offended at this. You know.....we got to where we are with seatbelt compliance, reductions in teens smoking, and many other important things because of education and enforcement. Why should they throw in the towel now? I am sure that there are older children at the daycare and they were probably one stop among many. I may be mistaken, but I believe part of the tabacco tax funds these types of programs. Some people live to complain.
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