Maryland becomes eighth state in the nation to legalize gay marriage
ANNAPOLIS, MD (March 1, 2012) – Governor Martin O’Malley today, joined by Lt. Governor Anthony G. Brown, Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr. and House Speaker Michael E. Busch, signed the Civil Marriage Protection Act of 2012 into law. With the passage of this historic bill, Maryland now becomes the eighth state in the nation to legalize gay marriage. The Governor released the following statement:
“For a free and diverse people,… for a people of many faiths,… for a people committed to the principle of religious freedom,… the way forward is always to be found through greater respect for the equal rights of all; for the human dignity of all.
“The very reason for our State’s founding was for religious freedom. At the heart of religious freedom is the freedom of individual conscience.
“If there is a thread that unites the story of our people, it is the thread of human dignity; the dignity of work; the dignity of family; the dignity of every child’s home; the dignity of every individual.
“We are One Maryland, and all of us, at the end of the day, want the same thing for our children: to live in a loving, stable, committed home protected equally under the law.”
These liberals can't even accomplish balancing a budget, but marrying queers is a top priority.
Maybe the governor is a closet queen. After all, he has no balls.
His legacy of promoting sodomy is sickening.
I am ashamed to say I was born and raised in Maryland. I love this State but the Government SUCKS. No pun intended O'Malley
Sickos. I need to move out of state. I am shopping states. With tripling taxes on everything in the book as a cherry on top, I'm gone.
7:12 said it all in a nutshell.
One word... ...REFERENDUM!
I am a proud Maryland resident today. I am disgusted by the ignorant comments of many people on this site regarding same-sex marriage. You should be ashamed of yourselves and the hate that you spread.
get your pens ready to sign a petition...if 56000 signatures are gotten it will go on the ballot to vote in November....Where can i find one to sign? Most likely most churches will have one being passed around there....ask someone that goes to church you will find one....If you are not registered to vote i suggest you get registered before the deadline.
I am a proud Maryland resident today. I am disgusted by the ignorant comments of many people on this site regarding same-sex marriage. You should be ashamed of yourselves and the hate that you spread.
March 1, 2012 9:13 PM
It's not hate, it's their opinion. You know, that thing you have too.
Someone disagrees with what you believe and you jump down their throat saying this and that.
Nobody has to like it, accept it or jump up and down just because you think they should.
Grow up and accept the fact that some people still know right from wrong.
If you don't want to hear negative things, keep that crap to yourselves.
You want others to respect your 'right' but you don't offer the same consideration. Piss on ya.
Anonymous said...
I am a proud Maryland resident today. I am disgusted by the ignorant comments of many people on this site regarding same-sex marriage. You should be ashamed of yourselves and the hate that you spread.
March 1, 2012 9:13 PM
Why should I be ashamed of myself for knowing that man on man sex is immoral and illegal. There is nothing hateful about it. Because I know that pedophilia is immoral, illegal and sick does that mean I am spreading hate?
For all of you raving against this. Please explain how gay marrying affect job creation and your paychecks or our ability to fight the war on terror.
If you all could stop thinking and talking about sex (which is none of your business) you might see that same gender marriage is about legal rights and allows the legal rights of two people married to be legally the same,as straight folks, universally, that means the right to inherit, to have insurance rights, to have "next of kin" rights for hospital and legal documents governing health care decisions, and many other "freedoms" that married couples have always enjoyed in our society. "gays" have been denied those "rights" . That is what these laws are about, not sexual activity. But it seems that is all the media and the "far right" can think about. (I dare say contraceptive rights) please understand that freedom for all means that we as a people give the same rights to everyone. Not just a few that "qualify" by your standards.
When a nation turns its back on moral principles, the nation falls. God's judgment has already begun. Take a good look around you.
Anonymous said...
For all of you raving against this. Please explain how gay marrying affect job creation and your paychecks or our ability to fight the war on terror.
March 1, 2012 11:24 PM
You are to stupid to see the trees for the forest. Gay sex/marriage affects job creation and our pay checks and our ability to fight the war on terror because our governor and state legislature should have been focusing on cutting spending and balancing the budget. They should have listened to the majority who don't want gay sex rammed down our throats. The ones that don't want our children force fed that gay sex is normal. This bill cost the tax payers millions of dollars and thousands of hours wasted while the General Assembly is in session this year and past years. You are a stupid idiot!!
If they weren't calling it marriage most of the issues would not be here!
As a ultra liberal (you know environmentalist, animal rights and all) and I am extremely offended.
O'Malley is saying you need to be married to be a family.
The church is an entity that says a "real" family are parents who are married.
He's pushing his moral views on us.
Now that being said he's been a failure as far as environmental issues also.
7:14, "...should have been focusing on cutting spending and balancing the budget."
yeah, you think? which means instead of you clowns ranting and raving over what 2 consenting adults choose to do with their private lives you should have been focusing on major issues. This was a no brainer issue that should have been settled long ago. You clowns made it into a long drawn out fight. Guess what, the bill was signed and the world did not end. OMG!
Sorry buddy, but there are alot more heterosexuals who are sinning and actually turning their backs to God. I am a Christian, but that is one of the dumbest lines of thought I hear out of you clowns. If you want to make that argument then do you support making adultery, divorce for any reason other than adultery, any type of lying, or any other sin as outlined in the Bible illegal?
O'Malley is msuch an ass. He has ruined the state of Maryland.
Don't blame this one on the liberals. A true liberal would never equate marriage with "the dignity of family." O'Malley is not a liberal. He can best be described as a sleaze politician.
He sold out to big business. Our children's food supply is poison and he has refused to address this.
Our waterways are a refuge for toxic waste and all he does is send a threatening letter to the law school tasked with trying to clean up our waterways.
He is a failure all around.
This is a disgrace! I am ashamed to be a resident of Maryland.
Omalley is so in the pockets of big corporations. He is not out for the little guy like a true Democrat. All these taxes and fees he proposed actually help big business. They are behind it becaues it's a way for them to get around the anti trust laws.
Take for instance the toll increases. The big trucking companies want this. They can afford it but the lone guy with one truck trying to make a living cannot.
What he is saying is that in order to be what he considers a "family" you have to be married in order to be worthy of respect! What about single mother? They consider their unit a "family."
NO-He is not a liberal!
God will punish those who violate his laws and gay-marriage is against why God made man and woman. It is against what marriage has stood for for thousands of years. It is not hate when we speak against this. Those who try to justify wrong always use hate as a response, because in their heart, they know what they are doing is wrong, but don;t want to admit it or give it up.
It is kinda lame that the homosexual community would even want to be married. Out of one sides of their mouths they say government stay out of our business, then out of the other they are inviting the government in, by wanting to be recognized as legally married.
Maybe they really are "mixed up" as some say?
Good. It doesn't affect me anyway and now they can work on real issues.
11:14 their next "real issue" is transgender BS.
I wish a proponent of this Marriage Protection Act would explain the contradictoriness of it all.
For years the gay community mantra was, a family is what it is-marriage does not make a family.
And yes, now all of a sudden, they are all rallying behind some clown who is saying one must be married in order to be respected and considered a family.
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