I launched StopASS.org and WicomicoMagnet.info on 3/6/2012 and on 3/15/2012 I was reassigned to the position of teacher in the Alternative School. Surprise! Surprise! I did not conform to what was expected of me, so it seems very appropriate for me to go work with the non-conforming students of Wicomico County. I look forward to working with each and every one of them. Perhaps we should have made this one of our "top ten reasons to stop tracking", but each year about 90% of students sent to the alternative school in Wicomico County are African American. Two out of three of these African Americans are male. And as you might guess, the overwhelming majority of these non-conforming students come from the low track.

Magnet schools were formed during the 1960s and 70s to help reduce racial segregation and provide an alternative to government forced desegregation. Magnet schools had specialized curricula in areas such as Math & Science or Performing Arts. White students were attracted to these schools (like to a magnet) which their parents might have typically considered undesirable due to their large minority populations. The purpose of Magnet schools was to reduce minority isolation and increase diversity.
During the 1980s, a complete bastardization of this original Magnet school concept took place in school districts such as Wicomico County. Unhappy with the aftermath of forced desegregation, a group of parents started a movement that led to the creation of Wicomico’s “Magnet” school in 1987. This was a means to re-segregate students, plain and simple, based on test scores. There was no specialized curriculum to attract students, only the return to the predominantly white classes that these parents had been educated in as children.
As the two 2011-2012 3rd grade classes below demonstrate, one across the hall from the other at North Salisbury Elementary School, this "Magnet" re-segregation is still happening in Wicomico County, 25 years after it began:
New Posts to fall below.
Facts are facts.
Over $30 MILLION is spent on at risk and special ed. students in this county EVERY YEAR. Maybe we need to figure out why all that spending has not raised their achievement levels.
"Re-segregation"? Really?
Your assertion is that it has nothing to do with APTITUDE?
Give both classes the same standardized tests and see for yourself.
Obviously the non magnet students do not have the same cognitive abilities the magnet students possess.
The real racism is apparent here.
Jealousy of kids that are smarter and deserve better than being held back by a bunch of under achieving minorities. Liberal's have defeated public education by preaching tolerance of ignorance and lack of moral fiber and character.
The superintendent had a huge committee to "evaluate" magnet and change the criteria to identify more minority students. (Asians do not count as minorities, by the way). Criteria were supposedly made more fair for ALL students. Guess what? The "fairer" standards led to the LOWEST percentage of African American students qualifying for magnet in the twenty five years of the program.
More liberal BS..How can a class determined by test scores be termed segregation? Sounds to me like we need to find out why minorities don't score as well on the tests. I am sure the answer will be to end the program because it discriminates so that now all kids will be equally screwed.. My advice work as many jobs as you have to to put your kids in private school and get them away from the unionized, government run hell. They only grow up once.
stopASS. I would consider a different URL to be taken seriously.
I think we need to recognize the issue of the reassignment due to non conformity. This seems a little like a dictatorship.
it doesnt work that good... these nutz.
get out of government schools today. what in the world are you waiting on? is your head in the sand? don't you care about your children's education and their future?
let's not let the facts interfere with what the liberals want us to believe. We all know the main reason for the difference in these kids test scores and education is the amount of involvement of both parents in the kids education and life! and no amount of money or good intentions will change anything. All this idiot is doing is making sure everyone is screwed equally. Let's bring those who want to better themselves to to the same level as the animals!
typical liberal BS!
maybe if these AA kids pull themselves up in education instead of thugonomics we wouldnt have this. unfortunately, thats the way it is. live with it.
If you look at public schools of all grades in this area, black male students are the predominant once causing the disruptions and dicipline priblems. Oh, and thats not racist, it is the simple facts.
12:00 you hit the nail on the head. But some are so blind they will never see. I'm just glad he will never teach my kid. But I sure fell bad for the kids in his class. They won't stand a chance.
i personally do not have a problem with this. yes, i am white, and i raised my daughter to study and work hard and behave in school. if you want to go by your chart, then these parents of black children need to start teaching them things to get ahead in life like studying, rather then hanging out all night with friends acting like a bunch of thugs. keep my daughter away from all that mess and with other hard working students. thats they way it should be! either conform or get left behind. we need to start taking care of the ones who want to excell. my daughter goes to a private school, and you can see the difference in the black students there. they obviously come from good homes, do well in school, and have parents that actually show up at school for school plays and such...basically showing an interest in their childs live. its usually that simple...work a little to raise the kids you gave birth to, and we would have these problems.
You people dont understand gen-pop at all.
You are correct , but, nothing will be done.
We educate prisoners who have murdered and when they get out , they do it again.
It is a culture thing , minorities are and will always be valueless.
Must be a hell of a thing to look in the mirrow and see themselves.
All white people should feel guilty for the plight of African Americans and sacrifice for them so that they can live in comfort. White people owe so much to African Americans for the rich culture they provide each and every day.
..hey 1:05..problem is..they don't know who their father is!!
Hey 1:37
Feel guilty ? I'm just sorry we invented the cotton Jin and the combine. Their expertise is they can use a hoe or be a hoe.
@ 1:05 pm Could not agree more with your statement. My children go to a private school which I bust my butt to pay for and usually sacrifice most "extra's" because of it...The thought of having to send them to school with black thugs makes me sick. Sometimes I wonder why we dont have segregation anymore. Build a school where these black children are taught manners, values, given a moral compass, taught the real english language, and provide them with a bed to sleep in, hot water for showers and a three times a day meal plan. Maybe then, they will become valuable citizens.
Stopass.org? Tacky. Grow up and choose another acronym. Like the other poster said, more people would take you seriously.
12:00; 12:13; and 12:17...
Well said. Color is not an issue if you have the skills it takes to be in magnet. We need to stop bringing "society" down to the underachievers levels. Parents..raise your own kids and stop looking for someone else to do it for you while you sit back and collect your monthly government checks.
Note to self: don't spew this stuff as a speaker representing WCBOE at national conference.
The apple don't fall far the tree. Uneducated parents are most likely to raise uneducated children. If they don't have the basics of some reading and writing before 1st grade these days they are behind before they ever get started. Doesn't matter the race.
The schools are failing on so many levels, it's hard to to get good results.
To 2:05, "we" didn't invent anything. Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin (learn to spell). Hiram Moore invented the combine. You, I am sure, have invented nothing. Just because you share the same race as Eli Whitney doesn't mean you get any credit for his invention.
It's idiots like you (Daryl Jones) who think in terms of groups, not individuals. You two think people get their worth by what race they belong to, not what they do as individuals.
I am a proud black parent of an intellegent african american child that is now in the last year of the magnet program at North Salisbury. I don't understand why people on this blog are so ignorant!! Grow up people!!
Is it true that SAT scores are different between whites and blacks, or are the tests different? In other words, are all tested on a level playing field?
Demand he be fired!!
Marvin Blye - mblye@wcboe.org
Tyrone Chase - tchase@shoreup.org
Larry Dodd - lwd7734@comcast.net
Carolyn Elmore - cjelmore@comcast.net
Donald Fitzgerald - donfitz64@comcast.net
Ronald Willey - row76@comcast.net
Michelle Wright - michelle@wrightsmarket.com
Instead of punishing the magnet kids for being gifted to make the underachievers feel better about themselves by putting them in one class we need to keep them in separate classrooms.If the "underachievers" are overwhelmingly minority why is that the fault of the gifted kids? Instead of blaming schools,and racism we need to point the finger at the real source of the problem with "underachievers"-their parents or lack thereof.Why should my kid have to be in a classroom with a bunch of idiots just because the race scales are tipped?Thats not my problem,I did my job as a parent!
And you bigots commenting are making the rest of us look bad.I do not care if you are black or white,if your kid is a problem,I do not want them in a classroom with my kid.
2:57 PM
I agree. It would be unfair if minority and at risk kids were given no special help and expected to do perfect work. If the $30 million is right, why aren't they doing better? If "fairer" criteria caused fewer minority kids to be identified for magnet, don't look at what's wrong with magnet, look at what's wrong with the programs spending the $30 million.
Magnet has nothing to do with how many minority kids are in North Salisbury's home school population; that came from the board's drawing of school boundaries and who lives in the neighborhoods that go to that school. I think that's common knowledge even if we don't work for the central office.
Most of these comments make me sick! The schools are failing because parents are failing!How many parent go to the PTA???
I know that unmotivated,uninvolved, negative, uneducated parents make or break their kids for the most part. Parents who value education, read to their kids and expect achievemnent produce high achieving children. Next, put a camera in every class and observe who is doing what behavior. You will see the truth, who acts up then show the parents when it comes time to deal with the disruptive student. Truth is truth no matter what color.
Sorry to see the hate filled racial tones in many of these comments. I am the proud parent of magnet children and my only goal is the best education possible, regardless of the raical makeup of the class. I can say that every parent I know feels the same way.
Before we ever had children the county saw fit to "profile" based solely on a child's current apptiude and abilities (determined primarily through testing), willingness to learn and their history as a student. Sorry that many cannot appreciate the results unless they reflect the community but that was not the intention.
This should not be judged to the be the simple failings of minority parents and children or segregation imposed by the white racist majority. It is simply the facts. We are not all equal but over time, we'll have the same opportunity.
If the argument that tracking is a failure then your problem is with Public Education and the BOE. Despite all the programs, all the money and all the years they still cannot "make the grade".
Blame them also for appointing Mr. Jones to a position that brings him closer to children instead of the unemployment line.
African American teachers will tell you which racial group causes the most trouble in school. Also, I don't think the $30 million figure includes the millions spent on personnel who deal with the kids who can't or won't behave.
To imply this county isn't doing enough for minority students is amazing unless we're supposed to spend every dime on them. The board can spend huge bucks on something for minorities but just ask for something for high achievers and you'll be told that would not be fair because they have to think about all students. Yes, all students except average and above average.
Two women get fired for hearsay at lunch and a man does what this one's done and gets moved to a teaching job. See a pattern?
I hope anybody who had a kid in magnet those first years sues Stopass for libel. The superintendent (was it Dr. Fulton?) and board members from back then should sue too. They've been called racists.
Should this be a .org website? Is this tied in to the WCBOE?
The unfortunate thing is the AA families are not always mom & dad households, one or both parents are in jail, on drugs, alcholics, and have babies for the welfare check. Once the 'cuteness' is over, these children are neglected by the two people that should love them the most. The parents may not be that well educated to effectivly help their children with schoolwork, if they were even around to help. The children are the ones suffering. The whole ;no child left behind' is not going to work for these children unless they are placed with families that care to help them learn; they need a stable family environment and that is what they don't have. These children don't trust everyone because they have been shuttled around so much. These children need love and a strong family base which is sadly missing in the AA community. Truly a very sad situation for each one of these children.
Folks you dont get it. The issue is not the BOE, the school system or the teachers. Each and every child born has the opportunity to be successful. It is how they are raised is what allows them to be successful in life and school. Mr. Jones is stating facts. Facts we all don't want to address. Instead of placing blame lets fix this problem. It may take generations but it needs to be fixed.
BOE employee, why did he get placed back in the classroom? Let me guess, budget cuts? Or is it because he didnt conform?
"you can't fix stupid" There has always been lesser students and there always will be...plain fact...no amount of money can solve this. Why do "we" the parents of the kids that behave and try their best...have to be responsible for those kids that don't have the same advantage. Go "F" yourself! I'm sick and tired of fixing the mistakes of others. 4:30 boe employee...yeah I'm talking to you!
Let's not forget the person terminated for not so good of record keeping.
11:06am..I have 2 white children who had STRAIGHT A'S!!!!!! and still did not make magnet..There was a new test included last year to qualify for magnet called the Naglieri test...it has no words or numbers, pictures only. I was told that neither of my children scored high enough on this test to qualify for magnet. I was also told this test was implemented to make sure that any gifted student who didn't know the English language well had the opportunity to qualify..thus, no words..pics only..now..please explain to me how that a student who does not know the language, no matter how gifted, is going to flourish in the Magnet program, in which the work is in English..please please tell me..I am dying to know....So......My straight A children who were both in the highest level of their classes, were denied magnet. My white children are not the only ones at their school in this situation. There are black students in their school who also had straight A's, who did not make magnet. One of them is my son's best friend. To quote you: The real racism is apparent here. "Jealousy of kids that are smarter and deserve better than being held back by a bunch of under achieving minorities." Yes, my white children are a minority in their classes..I know that is not how you meant it, but they are..They are white, and there are only 2 white girls in the class, 3 white boys. Yes, they are jealous that their best friends made magnet and they did not. They don't understand how getting straight A's on their report card while doing the most challenging work their grade offers in that school is not enough to get into the magnet program..and quite frankly..it pisses me off too! How dare you speak the way you did..you need to spend some time in these schools and see these wonderful children..and by the way..8 year olds aren't old enough to be "thugs" or "hoodlums." We ALL want nothing but the best for our children..and what happened with both of mine is that they believe now that no matter how high your grades or how hard you work, you still didn't get in the magnet program..something they both wanted. 11:06..explain that to my children please.
Public school must GO!
My goodness , I'm feeling some racist comments on this blog.
I've never heard of the magnet program , but that's not unusual. They have a program or a committee for everything. They even have programs to help other programs.
You want equal rights , then teach "ALL " the children the same. If you fail , you fail. What's so hard about that , go dig ditches or become a doctor. Is this just too simple?
Send the lower classmates to UMES , they get a degree , and are still dumb as a brick.
I know of absolutely no opening for a math teacher at the Alternative School. Was the job created for him? County Council, I hope you ask about it. Taxpayers should wonder too.
Are those Parents in Action blind? They need to do more than be spokespeople for the superintendent. Why don't they ask why there are no results when $30 million is spent on programs without any gain in the achievement of minority and at risk kids? They need to ask more questions about the information they're being given or stay home.
If a student meets the requirements for an advanced class but isn't allowed in it because of his race, that's a problem. If a student doesn't meet the requirements and isn't in the advanced class, that's not the fault of the kids who did meet the requirements. I think it's insulting to African Americans for anyone to act like you can't have high standards for minority kids.
Joe, could you find out if Dr. Jones replaced a teacher or was a new job created for him? That's not possible in these horrible budget times I hope. If so, I'm not trying any more to get support for school funding.
I truthfully have no idea, but I would bet it all that the "alternative school" receives more funding than the magnet program.
So, reward the absolute worst behavior with more money and let the brilliant mind wither to status quo.
Anyone know?
For those questioning how Dr. Jones got put back in the classroom and the two ladies were fired. Simple reason, Dr. Jones has a teaching degree and is protected by the state's tenure law. What he did does not directly fall under COMARs definitiona termination. The ladies were not teachers and we at will employees. The did not have protection of tenure.
Is Mr. Jones making the same salary he was or did they put him back on a teacher's scale?
Stop getting in a knot over magnet! It is not what it is cracked up to be. I know as a parent of a student that was in the traditional part of North Salisbury. The Magnet teachers are mean to the traditional students. Magnet teachers look down at the traditional kids. Students in magnet do not know how to interact with the rest of the kids. They are snobs! and the teachers allow it! Its a shame because there are smart students in the traditional program. They do not need to be looked down. We live in a nice neighborhood and just happen to be in this school district. I can't afford to send him to private school. I have taught my child to be kind to all, stick up for yourself and do your best. I realize not all parents do that. However, most magnet parents are getting a "free" private school education at North Salis by having their child in magnet. Doctors, lawyers, and high paid professionals have their children in the program for free. The students who are of lower class that are in magnet are looked down upon. Trust me I know. My child was in Magnet and I felt he was "picked" on by the teachers because of his wealth...clothing..and not having money for all the fun things that the school wanted him to do to participate in magnet. He was pulled out in the 2nd semester. My son felt the teachers were prejudiced to him. Makes you wonder what is actually being taught!
By the way, your child doesn't need magnet to get into college! They can test high enough to get on the higher level. Let them learn to get along with others. That's what real life is like!
Ask a middle school teacher how a magnet student is once they leave North Salisbury. Culture shock is what it is called!
6:38 PM
He said that the superintendent tried to dismantle magnet, but the superin. has said umpteen times he did not want to dismantle it. Isn't telling untruths about the superin. insubordination and therefore grounds for firing?
Insubordination by definition is the act of willfully disobeying an authority. Refusing to perform an action that is unethical or illegal is not insubordination; neither is refusing to perform an action that is not within the scope of authority of the person issuing the order.
Telling an untruth about your boss or disagreeing with him is not grounds for dismissal according to insubordination.
well all the kids can concentrate alot better now knowing there safe because there is a speed camera in front of there school.
@3:48 no if you check WHOIS (internet database) it is a private site owned by him and not on the same nameservers as wcboe. Also anyone can buy a .org address
9:53PM WHOIS also shows the date and time the site was registered. You can register it as a private site and still have done it on board time from a board computer, right?
Joe, something people should know. I sat in a BOE meeting where a mother of magnet students pleaded for not making magnet entry even more restrictive, from 85% to 90%. She gave good reasons. But they did it anyway!
Mr. Daryl Jones needs to turn his venom on his own employer and leave the parents and kids of magnet alone.
Also, some of the racist comments here are as disgusting as Jones.
You make sense 6:20 AM. Magnet should be the top 15% not the top 10%. When the superintendent told the community magnet cost more and had smaller classes that was not true. Then he set about changing the program to include fewer kids so his falsehoods would be corrected. He also criticized that magnet didn't have enough minorities and then came up with new standards that caused fewer minority kids to qualify. Guess who was on the committee that helped do that? They just make up stuff.
@11:23 PM You are right but the question was "Is this tied in to the WCBOE?"
8:19 AM, My son said someone can register a site using personal information but that can be done from a work computer on work time. Are you saying that's not possible?
If any work on that website was done from the board that's the tie when the lawsuits are filed. I would think the board has deeper pockets than one individual employee.
I don't care who my child sits in class with as long as they are there and are willing to work. Unless you work in the school system, you have no idea what distractions some of these kids can be. So we are now going to group by mixed ability and teachers hands are going to be tied because the restriction is going to be no one can be suspended for more than 10 days. We will now have a mixed classroom and students that fight and cause distractions will not be allowed to be removed from the classroom. And yes, most of them are African American. That does not make me racist, it makes me honest. We need to look where these problems start and that is in the home. Start MAKING parents be involved and maybe some these problems will stop.
If no one can be suspended for more than 10 days, no one will go to the alternative school, right?
To 7:21
Unfortunately that seems to be the direction we are headed. Schools are also be "asked" to not write referrals on African American males anymore.
8:39 PM
If they don't write referrals on AA males, it will look as if a grant position on that topic (at over $70,000 for one man's salary) succeeded. It's only a one year grant, so the "great" work will be rewarded with a position funded by the board.
I didn't know there was a grant position to study this! Ridiculous.
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