Community Pharmacy at 725 S. Salisbury Blvd. Suspects fled in green astro van. Tag Number MARTYS.
UPDATE: Now a high speed chase Rt. 50 West right now at Royal Farms heading west.
UPDATE#2: They are now past Chicken Man. The vehicle is registered to a property in Dorchester County. Property is in Herlock. Black male. Getting ready to deploy stop sticks on the Bridge in Vienna.
UPDATE #3: Salisbury Police are starting to lose radio contact.
UPDATE #4: Suspect has been stopped and in custody just prior to the Vienna Bridge. Suspect stopped on his own and has been detained.
UPDATE #5: They are taking the suspect to PRMC as he allegedly swallowed 1/2 bottle of Oxy.
UPDATE#6: Suspect is a man named Jason Hall, 26 years of age and he is a white male. Salisbury News has learned this suspect could be charged with multiple robberies such as the Riverside Drive Pharmacy and others in the past.
Originally Posted at 11:31 AM.
Would deploying stop sticks on a bridge be a good idea?
Heard Maryland State, Wicomico County Sheriff's Department and Salisbury Police on scene at bridge.
they gonna break his nose? rough him up a bit? shoot him?
Just don't take him to PRMC and let the pills take their course. No court fees/no free lunch in jail save the tax payer lots of money.
I wouldn't shoot him, but the other ideas will work. He won't get any jail time in Wicomico Co. Just look at the court briefs in the paper. Rather obvious to the most causal observer.
Hey I agree with 12:11...sounds like a good plan..let the pert digest his pills and smile all the way to meet his maker
Thank God it didn't happen in Somerset County!
I'm so happy law enforcement in Wicomico County is a cut above.
12:22-Yeah,whats up with the court system?As you said,even the most casual observer would notice it.Page after page of wrist slapping.
He wasn't very bright to be driving a vehicle with personalized tags. Easier to remember.
That's messed up to automaticly assume he's black straight off the top. But only to be proven otherwise.
What happened to the black male?
To those commenting about the suspect being white. The information coming in live stated from the police the suspect was a black male. Mind you, after the fact, they stated the windows were tinted very dark. Again, make you wonder what the pharmacy saw though, eh? Lord only knows, is all I can tell you at this point.
Is the pharmacy staff dipping in the pills?
The pharmacy staff are likely still shaking in their boots...and the media are always getting the facts wrong..please do not make light of these terrifying crimes. I am a pharmacist and scared to go to work for the 1st time in 30 years.
anonymous 6:26, media got what wrong. Was there a robbery, yes. Did they catch the guy, yes. We, unlike EVERYONE ELSE even delivered pictures, which includes Sheriff Lewis' brand new Suburban.
I'll await your reply. What did we get wrong?
Was the robber black or white? Most of these robbers have been wearing masks, gloves, hoodies...while screaming at the top of their lungs. No wonder the facts are not always accurate. My experience with our local media has always contained at least one inaccuracy. It makes me wonder about the facts in stories I have no direct knowledge about!
Sadly I know Jason haven't seen him in over a year... He was doing so good when he first got out of jail but it seems his old habit got hold of him again. Sadly his young son and sick mother will now have to deal with his choices
To the comment above at 7:58PM how about some sympathy for the childs mother who has to deal with it
830... Didn't mean to leave mom out however I don't know her.. My heart goes out to all involved.
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