Word is, she wants to ask for Councilwomen Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell's resignation.
Look, I've had just about enough of this woman's crap. Never in past history has one Council Member disrespected the system like Laura Mitchell has.
Their grandstanding, (along with Mayor Ireton, Shields & Dunn) is just over the top. Filing ethics charges, petition drives and publicly attacking co council members with personal attacks must end.
I've been told this go around Laura Mitchell wants to go after them for their vote on the towing ordinance. Laura, read my 12:00 Post. Are you really that stupid? Are you really that CLUELESS? Do I need to go back and get the audio and publish your own decisions in that work session, because I will.
No Mayor in past history has ever called for so many weekly press conferences. If the two of you want a war, I'll bring you a war like you've never experienced before. Council Members Tim Spies, Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell are trying to do the business of the City. You don't see them calling for multiple press conferences. They're doing what they were hired to do. Try it some time, you may actually learn something.
I am getting sick and tired of that FAT PIG!! She is just as disgusting as that fat blogger on the other site. Is Laura that stupid to think she has so many supporters??
Laura, let me remind you. You are nothing but a renter who is catering to the slum lords. You are living in Section 8 housing and you a a worthless pig who will never amount to anything. YOU resign or shut your mouth and ride out the rest of your term with some dignity.
How sad to be her.
I think that Laura is living in a glass house. Joe, please do tell us of Laura's afilliations with the special interest groups who behave like thugs and want to continue to control our city. Don't leave out her rendevous at the Chamber. Tell us her history of lying and cheating.
She should be tarred and feathered.
My gut told me she would be a trouble maker so I didn't vote for her. Boy was I right. She has really tried to take over the council to use for yer own interest. Vote her out next election.
Joe, I found this comment from you in an earlier post.
"The liberals HAVE the time because the MAJORITY are either sucking off the taxpayers OR they are politicians."
This fits Laura Mitchell to a Tee. Of course she can call a press conference any day of the week. She is unemployed and living off the backs of hard working tax payers. They hardest work she does is watching the mailbox for her next welfare check. She is living in Section 8 housing on a subsidized tax voucher for an apartment while her liberal teacher husband is living there as well. She is getting medicaid and food stamps as well. She is nothing but a parasite on society just like Jonathan Taylor is. Laura Mitchell's slum lord, Dale Dashiell who owns Rental Management should be investigated for fraud. He rents to many fraudulent females who have significant others living with them while obtaining their subsidized housing. When ever a vote comes up for the rental industry someone should file an ethics complaint on her because it is a conflict of interest and she is voting in support of her slum lords who allow her to live rent "free" in those apartments.
She is not looking well. She has gained weight and her coloris sickly. She is engaging in irrational and desperate behavior. It appears to me that she is her own worst enemy.
I will gladly fight with you against these malignant destructive immoral dishonest greedy scumbags. Lets fight back!!!!!
Laura Mitchell makes me sick. I am not sure how important she thinks she is but she is disgusting and the laughing stock of the city. Please Laura, please know that you are not well liked by alot of people and a failure and disappointment to out city. I hope and pray you are not re elected come election time.
And yes Joe lets see all the dirt on her. We can't wait~!
I think that was done decades ago on one of those old time mattresses?
Was word on the street right? Give us the scoop, Joe.
Who is the fat dude with the gray sweatshirt and gray hat in you picture?
Well I think this whole council is a joke! ALL OF THEM
There is a pic of her so called press release on the fat guys blog.
Who gave her the authority to use a City of Salisbury letterhead with the City seal? Not much of a problem with it other than she has personal information on there such as her personal website which promotes her personal agenda.
I hope someone investigates this to see if it is ethical!
what happened what happened?
Joe look up on public records and see who or what organization donated money to her running for office.
She needs to resign----She loves to stir up trouble to make it look like "The Good 3's" fault!
Time for Attack---Go Joe---we're behind u.!
How can Laura think she should of been president of the council. First election, little knowledge, over the experience of Terry, or Debbie. This lady seems to have problems in many ways. Maybe she should resign do to lack of intelligence to make decisions.
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