For starters, the Daily Times REALLY needs to get their head out of their rear ends, (you know I'm being nice with words) because today they put up an article stating the County Council already approved speed cameras in front of Bennett Middle School.
Look you Idiots, Bennet Middle School speed cameras were decided upon by the CITY COUNCIL and NOT the County Council. One would think that Joe Carmean or Greg Bassett would at least start paying attention to the crap they spew in that daily rag but they don't. This is the problem with virgin reporters who have no clue how things work here on the Shore.
Nevertheless, Sharee, Matt and John Hall were once again quick to show immediate support to Sheriff Lewis on the speed cameras. However, I've got a couple questions for Sheriff Lewis, some of which he has refused to answer.
1. How many children in the past 10 years have been struck by a vehicle in school zone areas?
2. Why does the City and County feel the need to keep these cameras ON during the summer months?
It has become quite evident that the CITIZENS, you know, the people that pay YOUR salaries on Council and in the Sheriff's Department are AGAINST these speed cameras, yet our elected officials keep ramming things we do NOT want down our throats.
ANYONE supporting such a thing supports tax increases. Oh, they'll get those tax increases too, you just wait and see. So when you add it all up in the end you'll be paying higher fees for gas, gas taxes, tolls and a REPUBLICAN, (or so he claims) Mike Lewis is simply shoving another "fee" down our throats because they have to catch you at anything and everything you do. As if they don't have enough on their plate each day with real crime, murders, hit men.
They run to the Daily Times and tell them, we really don't know the MOTIVE behind why this man was ASSASSINATED, yet he was a key witness to a recent attempted murder that was getting ready to go to trial.
No Folks, they don't want you to know the TRUTH. They don't think we're big enough to handle the FACT that Salisbury and Wicomico County now have hit men out there flat out killing people. Instead, they offer a $2,500.00 reward for information leading to the gunman.
Well, we at Salisbury News are NOT stupid. We are strongly against speed cameras and we are destined to tell the TRUTH. Now, will this too get me assassinated, time will tell. Lord knows, I certainly will NOT be protected because I speak my mind, because I tell the truth. I even get threats in comments on these matters by anonymous representatives from the Sheriff's Department, or so we'll assume.
In the end, do YOU support these speed cameras, fees, taxes? Have YOU ever seen or heard of someone being hit by a car by a speeding driver? Come on now, is it really necessary at all. If the Sheriff's Department and Salisbury Police refuse to TICKET/FINE kids NOT using cross walks, why should drivers be punished from 6 am to 8 pm every week day, all year round?
New Posts to fall below.
I remember one girl crossing in an unmarked area and darting in front of a car. If the car was only going 10 mph it could not avoid hitting her. Once again "for the protection of our children" crap is used as a revenue generator.
Where, when? Was it in a school zone? Come on now. It's easy to say something anonymously but be for real. Respectfully, it would be easy for 80 Deputies to make claim someone was hit. Funny part is, I do NOT recall a press release in the past 8 years stating such a thing happened. I don't recall seeing anything on the BOE Website. Remember, we're talking about Wicomico County here. I'm not suggesting it never happens but I have seen and heard of MANY people being killed in cars at dangerous intersections and after many are killed they put in a light. So, do we need to pput in more LIGHTS instead. Or should we ALL get tickets instead? It's a tax, a fee, whatever you like. This is about making money and NOT saving children. Let's get real here.
What is all the drama at bennett about right now?
time for lewis to go! my family won't be voting for him again!
Joe, Not sure what your referring to because Bennett Middle has speed cameras. Could it be possible that they are talking about a new school if built.
They want the speed cameras to pay for the cost of a new retirement system for deputies. They have said so. If deputies are so concerned about safety in school zones maybe they should patrol them instead of attending to personal business, off-duty in their marked cars.
anonymous 1:13, maybe I need to explain this a little better. The Daily Times published an article today stating the County Council has ALREADY voted on the cameras at Bennett Middle School.
NO, the CITY COUNCIL voted on it because it's IN the City. The County Council had NOTHING to do with them.
NOW, are you trying to CYA, (by chance) as a DT's employee by asking such a ridiculous question. That school hasn't even been funded, let alone built.
If the County Council had nothing to do with the cameras then please tell me why the City has nothing to do with public schools that are in the city. I admit it may be above me but just asking an explanation as to why all public schools report to the county and not the city if within their limits.
Mike Lewis is a RINO.
Someone has already suggested how to deal with these cameras and it involved a ball peen hammer.
Go with it but don't get caught. And if you do, ask for jury trial. I for one wouldn't convict.
I was in attendance one of the times when the Sherriff discussed the speed cameras with the council. The agreement then was that they would only be in use during school traffic hours, only on school days, and only in school season.
Maybe we've been bait-n-switched....it's always a slippery slope - get your foot in the door and pry it wide open......
1:30 PM
I would guess because the schools are county property and the streets are city property.
Good question tho.
From 12:39
It was on rt 50.She was going to school at Wi Jr. About 10 years ago. Sorry, did not intend to be short on details.
I don't understand the big hullaballoo about speed cameras. DON'T SPEED and you won't have a problem. So what if they make money? Stop speeding by the schools and you won't have a problem. You guys are making a mountain out of NOTHING.
If they put the same effort into protecting citizens that they put into generating revenue it would be a much safer county.
its only another "money maker" if you speed. dont speed, they cant collect money, and they will be taken down as ineffective.
Ok, all. Let's just say, yes, this is a way for the Sheriff's Office to add revenue to their budget. Remember, though, it can only be done if you allow it to be done. That's means NO SPEEDING in a school zone. That will fix their a$$. They will have a dud on their hands then.
if you speed you get a ticket and they are giving you some mph to boot
The current speed cameras were put in place through grants. The money for them did not come out of taxpayer pockets. And how is getting a ticket for speeding punishing people? Don't speed. Or is it your right to speed?
Wow, a lot of deputies making comments here.
Where do you think they get the money for grants?
Can we give kids fines that do not cross at crosswalks and dart out into traffic?
I think that would be a great idea. Give them community service and the parents the fine. If they really want to make this about safety then they should be giving out fines for the ones breaking the law and not using crosswalks.
So do the cops get fined for speeding? We all know they are the worst offenders! They speed just to get to lunch on time. How about the innocent people that they have killed? Yes that has happened on the Eastern Shore.
mr albero is correct in all phases of his comments as far as i see! its all about money and big brother up your a$$ with a microscope. wico miko,s staff needs some new toys!! the durangos that the top three drive need to be updated. i cannot understand why so many administrative ppl there have take home vehicles on the taxpayer dime.like i say its all about money for the till.
Can we give kids fines that do not cross at crosswalks and dart out into traffic?
February 22, 2012 2:40 PM
No, everyone is scared of the kids.
It's much easier to send a ticket through the mail
A lot of dipshits on here say don't speed and you won't get a ticket.
Why don't you cops stop speeding? Or do YOU think you have a right to speed?
Maybe you do. You always get away with it.
The issue isn't about speeding. No one should speed through a school zone. NO ONE.
The cameras are the issue.
School zone?? It's not just school zones!!How about Beaglin Park Drive all the way from Zion Road to Snow Hill Road???? It's like a race track.
How about 50 going west under the 13 overpass?? Posted 35 and people run 55-60 !!!
People drive like nut cases,tail gateing, cuting you off,flipping the bird, on and on.
Speed limit signs are posted for a reason. Are we a law abiding society or a bunch of crazies looking out for ourselves and to heck with everyone else??
Slow down,live to enjoy our beautiful surrondings.
To those who say don't speed and you won't have anything to worry about, i say you are incorrect because -
1. Often these cameras send out tickets to NON speeders in order to generate revenue.
2. These are expensive cameras and require upkeep.
3. It's not always illegal to speed, ie medical emergency. How can a robot tell why you are speeding. INTENT is not considered.
4. They also track your where abouts even if your not speeding and feed a database.
5. They get quasi-government employees experience using robots on their neighbors and peaceful citizens. First cameras, then drones, then what??? ROBOCOP?
6. The robot replaces due-process by making a legal conclusion that you broke the law and sentences you to pay a fine.
3. It's not always illegal to speed, ie medical emergency.
Sorry, but the only vehicles ALLOWED to speed are U.S. MAIL vehicles. The mail must get through.
It's not even legal for ambulances to speed. But they are given a blind eye.
Joe I am confused. If the city council approved the speed cameras in front of Bennett, Doesn't the money generated from tickets go to the city and not the county and/or Mike Lewis?
anonymous 3:29, It is a city road, therefore the money generated goes to the City. The Sheriff's Department has plenty of schools in the County to generate income, IF the taxpayers and County Council allows it.
Sorry, but the only vehicles ALLOWED to speed are U.S. MAIL vehicles. The mail must get through.
It's not even legal for ambulances to speed. But they are given a blind eye.
February 22, 2012 3:25 PM
I looked up my own response and I couldn't find any references to back it up. So I may be wrong. Dang it.
Thanks for the correction 3:25, i guess that means all the police are criminals too when they go over the speed limit.
I'm with 10:57, don't speed. It doesn't kick in until 12 mph over the limit, more than enough to let off anyone with a modestly out of whack calibration on their speedometer.
After the way some maniacs have nearly taken ME out in my car with the way they drive through school zones, I'm all for this.
It's a school zone. Slow the bleep down. It doesn't matter what other things are wrong, like the cops speed or the kids jaywalk, you don't say you aren't going to fix one problem because other problems exist.
Fine, call me a granny driver, but I don't like speeders, especially in school zones.
F the police...
If they want money, then they should actually enforce jay walking...
--#1 reason for people vs. car deaths = an walking idiot whom decided to play in the street with cars...
OK, so the kids are IN SCHOOL most of the day, right? I mean, what's all the BS about saving the kids then?
Joe you may want to check on Where the money goes, If the cameras are thrid party owned IE the one that City of Fruitland has...the money goes to the vendor!
The CITY has approved placing two more cameras. One on South Division Street & Onley Road and the other on Rt. 50 by Wi Middle.
Just wondering why there was no hupla about this?
And, on WBOC those dumbbutts on Delmarva Life(on now) are talking about speed cameras.They have no clue.
Why not put them everywhere ? People exceed the speed limit in most places.Ergo their should be cameras on all public roads.That would generate more money for the politicos to spend .Keep the cameras rolling night and day 24/7.Is no limit what they can justify in the name of protecting the public from their own fooly?
2:33 is an idiot! Grants come from tax payers dollars. Mikey is trying to fund his idiot ideas. If he's so worried about the "children" why isn't he worried about the kids in the small towns. He's a liar like you said. He just wants more money.
I have tried to tell the UPS Teamsters Union and the FedEx employees representatives to get off their A$$ and get up to the county council chambers and express their concerns for what the proposed actions shall due.
I hope they listen and get someone up there ASAP.
4:03 PM
Good point Joe.
This blog had an article not too long ago that pointed out that most of the cars caught speeding in Fruitland were COPS. So, for all these cops and other idiots (thats what I said --- OTHER idiots) who say "don't speed and you don't have to worry" are being a bit disengenuos. Any of those cops get a ticket? Or do they think they are just above the laws they impose on us? Its about the MONEY. Not "the kids", or "safety", or any of the other crap they are trying to lay on us. And like so many others have pointed out, once "we, the sheeple" open the door for things like Nazi "checkpoints" or speed cameras to catch those nasty villians who have actually hit just one child in the last decade, then you (the "good citizen sheeple") have given your permission to flood the country with "stop and frisk" innocent citizen searches, TSA roving "checkpoints", surveillance cameras everywhere, etc. Stop bitchin'. YOU AGREED to it, either to prove what a good citizen you are to the government that could give a damn about you, or to satisfy some desire to right your personal tragedy. You don't know history, you don't understand how power works, and you don't understand what your heel-clicking cheeering has lead us to....
Who cares if the kids are in school or not? Don't speed and you won't get a ticket. It isn't rocket science people. Save your outrage for some real problem, like violent crime or the whack jobs trying to impose their religious beliefs on the whole country, especially the women.
people should not speed….period. it is dangerous. why on earth are we arguing about this? cameras would not be needed if people did not speed. people speed, cameras are a cheaper way to monitor people that speed. If people know there is a camera, most of them will be less likely to speed. There are so many big problems…..this is not one of them.
If you want to help kids in schools, clean the desks often during cold and flue season, hand out sanitary wipes between classes, monitor the diseases spread through the public schools and post the data online to allow parents to make informed decisions about sending their kids to germ filled class rooms. Do these schools and cafeterias even get inspected? Funny how all the effort 'for the children' really turns out to be just a money grab.
Who cares if the kids are in school or not?
Not you and obviously not the cops or the ones who agreed to the cameras.
I like and respect Mike Lewes. But he must be open to the press and not upset every time someone disagrees with him. Tell the truth people, the speed camares are all about the money they bring in. We are using the kids like the BOE does every time they want something. The camares Should be off when kids are in classes, and when there is no school, no camares. If you leave them on, we prove our point, it is all about the money Mike!
I have been told by the VP of the FOP that the reason for the speed cameras is to off set the cost of LEOPS for the deputies.
Where in the hell do you people come up with this stuff?!
First, the speed cameras were installed by the city at all locations. The county was going to install them but dropped the ball and the city was first to install them.
Second, there is no cost to the city to operate these. The city gets a cut, I think about 30%, and the company that operates the cameras gets about 80%.
Third, the cameras issue a civil fine of $40.00 no matter how fast someone is traveling with the the max allowed by law. The cameras are an easy way for cities to "tax" people under the guise of public safety.
Fourth, Mike lewis and the sheriffs office have nothing to do with the cameras. The income from the cameras go directly to the city till.
Lastly, Joe, you know that you were a mike lewis fan for years, posting comments fed to you by the administration, until you pissed him off and he then turned on you. Mike lewis is a politician plain and simple. If you are of use to him he will take advantage of you for his own advantage, just like every other politician. When you are of no use to him or embarrass him, he casts you aside. This is nothing new. He has been doing this since he took office with all of his employees and friends.
The Sheriffs need money to support the gas they're wasting using police vehicles for their own personal duties. Case in point; a Wicomico County Sheriff drops his child off every morning at Pittsville school in his police cruiser using tax payer gas but here's the real kicker; they live in the Wi-Hi school district by Beaver Run and is doing this so they don't have to go to Wi- Middle. How much gas paid by the taxpayers are they using for their personal errands? Would be interesting to see an investigation done on that. I have a company car that I use for WORK and WORK only, why don't they have to do the same?
1. Yes, students have been hit crossing near Bennett High and Bennett Middle. However, they've been hit b/c they don't cross where they're supposed to cross.
2. IF the cops (County, City AND State) would stop speeding when they're not on a call, I'd have no problem with speeding tickets for citizens in any situation. It just infuriates me to follow a cop going at least 20 mph over the limit and watch him pull into his house or into the school to drop off his kid. Breaking laws, endangering others, wasting gas, and just flaunting a crappy attitude is what they're doing. It's WRONG and absolutely needs to be stopped. Don't let them take the cars home or use them for personal business any more. Maybe that would stop them. It is a sign of complete disrespect to the citizens that ultimately pay their salaries (and their GAS money) that they want us to "do as we say, not as we do". Why would I support these arrogant people? I used to have great respect for anyone who served as a law enforcement officer...not any more. They, like all the "good ol' boys", think they are above the law. Disgraceful.
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