Automated photo enforcement has gained wide support among local officials as a proven method of reducing collisions and enforcing traffic laws, freeing officers to respond to more serious crimes. But angry drivers are fighting back with lawsuits, vandalism and a raft of ballot initiatives.
lets see if they are using govt money to fund this, if so its illegal based oh a house bill...
Its there for one reason, and ONE reason only... NOT SAFETY, its there to make money only....
When will you all understand this, if you want to stop crime, hire more police and have them work the roads. If you want to make MONEY, put a camera up
I hope some kids smach them all.
It's a tax.
These cameras suck as much as the folks that want them, and that's a lot. Please don't smash them though, violence is never the answer. Just take another route or don't speed and if you can, don't drive. Ride a bike, walk, car pool, get a cab, whatever it takes. Join the slacker class and starve the power-addicted money loving liars. If you do get a robot ticket demand a jury trial and sue the company/corporation that sent it to it to you. YouTube is full of ways to win against robots that remove the due-process of the constitution.
2:16 - you going to serve that kid's time. You sound like a Tom McGuire type, getting kids to do your dirty work.
Listen ...DO NOT SPEED and you will not have to worry (unless you lend your car to someone).
violence is never the answer
Tell that to the cops.
Destroy them and continue to destroy them. Call it vandalism or whatever term you want. Many of us call it "resistance" and THAT drives them crazy. Ramp it up. They hate the idea that someone will NOT conform or submit. Drones, photographic equipment, "checkpoints" for INNOCENT citizens, secret courts, trials, and prisons (in the USA!!), warrantless searches, imprisonment of journalists (for not telling the GOVERNMENT who gave them "information"), TSA and Homeland Security "protecting us" by TAKING our Constitutional rights, Usurping the freedom of the internet with supercomputers constantly scouring traffic for thousands of "keywords", amny of which are innocuously used, etdc. The list is ENDLESS and so are the people who say "Yeah, sure, go ahead. Its for our own good right?" This ain't "tinfoil hat" paranoia. Or some crazy "conspiracy" theory. This is ALL documented (by GOVERNMENT records and reports) and INTERNATIONAL organizations. Destroy those cameras. Do something other than say "sure, who needs those stupid rights anyway?
9:03 you my friend are so right
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