As one commenter stated in an earlier Post, Fredericksen did exactly what they stated. He took it to Court last Thursday, (Bride in hand) and claimed SHE was the one driving the car.
Nevertheless, no matter which one was driving, the Superintendent of Wicomico County Schools, the leader, the guy supposed to set the example is guilty of breaking the law without any show of taking responsibility.
Well, I'll just leave it at that and let the comments take over from here.
New Posts to fall below.
Was it his Board of Ed. car? If so, she was not driving it.
Was the car owned by the BOE or was it his personal car? If it was a BOE car then why the heck was his wife using it?
Does a speed camera get a picture of the driver?
This is a slap in our faces. Do as I say and not as I do.
If it was the BOE car...and she was driving...is that enough to have the care removed from his package...or could it even be enough to fire him? Need a "legel beagle" to help out here!
He should have gone public with this.
Its my understanding it was NOT a BOE vehicle. It was their personal car titled in his name.
I don't care who was driving the car. As I recall there were police officers getting two tickets in camera zones. Did the judge relieve them of these tickets?
Way to set an example. It shouldn't matter if the dog was driving.....
The fact that these were "school zones" with the primary purpose being to increase safety for children that makes this more significant and relevent.
I can understand why he would not want this publicized.
Any info, Joe, on the day of the week and time the tickets were gotten?
anonymous 9:04, Happy Hour, lol. I really don't know.
If the person who was driving the car comes to court and was not the owner of the car, the judge can move the fine over to the driver not the registered owner. I'm sure this is what happened. Yes the camera in most circumstances does get a picture of the driver.
anonymous 9:08, that is not my understanding at all. What I've been told is that the camera takes a picture AFTER you have passed the system and gets an image of your REAR tag. THINK about it. With Delaware tags constantly traveling through this area there would be no reason to take an image of the front of the vehicle. They have NO front tags.
Bottom line is she's getting the blame. I think Dave White might understand how that feels.
They must feel that the camera was wrong for them to go to court.
It didn't sound to me like they were saying the camera was wrong. He seemed to admit that somebody driving that car was speeding, unless I misread it.
There are no point on these tickets. Why did he feel the need to pass the buck onto his wife. Pay the fine and shut up.
There are more important things like turning arrow lights needed around town than speed cameras.
9:18, you're right. Since one accrues no points on these camera-imposed fines, he should have just paid the fine. Someone asked if the camera gets a picture of the driver. No, just the car and the license plate, as I understand it. What irony this story is!
NOBODY breaks the law the quasi government. And it does not matter if it was him or his wife for under the law they are one. Join the slacker class and quit sending these people money.
Shows how much they care about students.
What about the cops that did it in patrol car
I agree he sets a bad example. I am not defending him on this one bit.
That said, these cameras are big brother type crap. Its a joke. They are managed by a private firm too. I would like to know what percentage of my fine is going to the municipality that the camera is located in and how much is going to the 3rd party provider. At some point I feel like these cameras are a little over the top.
Can you confirm that this WAS is a school zone? If so, I get the point. If not, who cares? People of all classes get tickets all the time.
I have confirmed BOTH tickets were in a school zone.
maybe he thinks he is above the law.
How about posting a petition to get the BOE to rescind its recent extension of his contract!
For renewing his contract, this area gets what it deserves.
Just as so many believe the President of the U.S. should be an example to all, so should the leader of the BOE be an example to the citizens of this county ... particularly the STUDENTS. Fine example - speeding through a school zone. Just shows his true character and lack of care for the kids. What a creep.
Anyone check Md case search for the tickets?? Not sure her name.
Liberals, what else is new?
I am, by no ,eams, a big Dr. F fan, but i really can't blame him for going to court to clear up that fact that his wife was the driver. So many people are just looking for a reason to slander him. He does enough on his own - he doesn't need to add his wife's as well.
wise up and learn he is never guilty. it doesn't matter if you watch him do something wrong. he didn't do it and there's something wrong with your eyes.
He lies at any cost. It wll catch up with him. It's starting to already.
don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.
Who cares.
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