While most had been under the understanding that Superintendent of the Wicomico County Board of Education John Fredericksen would be voted yes or no to hire him for another term would be this Tuesday, the Board has chosen to delay that vote until next month.
Salisbury News has learned that the entire Board will not be present on Tuesday, therefore they have delayed the vote.
So what does this mean. Well, it means we have more time to deliver information, (good or bad) for another month. If you have information you feel is important I strongly suggest you get that information/documents to us.
Doesn't he have to be told if he will be renewed by March 1?
I don't understand why those 6 people can not meet on Tuesday. It is not like this is a surprise meeting!
They will just delay until Feb 29 and then vote for another 4 years. The excuse will be that they had no other choice or no time. Baloney we see right thru the stall tactics.
Cowards again show why we need an elected school board.
Interesting. As important as this meeting is and all members cannot be there. Hmmmmmmm
It will be another upcoming Tuesday, but it will not be next month. The vote has to be into the state super's office by then.
COMAR regulation
In the year in which a term begins, the county board shall appoint a county
superintendent between February 1 and June 30. However, if the county board decides
to reappoint the incumbent superintendent, the county board shall take final action
at a public meeting no later than March 1 of that year.
Public is good.
So IF the board doesn't renew the contract, they would have until June 30?
11:33 AM
Yes, exactly.
Does this mean Fredericksen will be unemployed at the expiration of his current contract, and before a renewal? This so much to absorb.
By March 1, the Board must vote whether to renew him. If they vote not to renew, he will be unemployed as July 1. They will have until June 30 to name a new supt. If they vote to renew, he finishes this contract on June 30 and begins his next four year term on July 1.
If I understand correctly, his term ends June 30, unless his contract is renewed.
Please contact your BOE members and ask them not to renew his contract. If you do not contact them they will assume you want them to renew his contract. And from what I am hearing that is what is going to happen. When you snooze you lose!
He needs to GO!
I hear Stefanie Moses is looking for a job.......
4:24 PM
Maybe for now. She has all the evidence she needs and can look forward to reasonable compensatory and massive punitive damages when this hits the federal court system. Hope other employees at the central office step forward to Board members (at least confidentially) to tell how they're treated.
I hope her compensation is such that she never has to work, unless she chooses. She's gone through hell with this system.
I wonder how good Joe's source is on this. I could see this board saying this to shift focus and keep a potential crowd away from the board meeting and then suddenly voting for him anyway.
First of all, it's not a source, it's sourceS. If anything were to change I'd be sure to keep every one updated.
Now, if you'd like to attend a meeting in fear I might be wrong, go right ahead. I won't be there.
They got scared the public would be there. Watch them try to do it quietly.
He has the board in his pocket...enough of them anyway. There's nothing else that explains how he coud fire the director of HR without due process. Love her or hate her, putting personal opinion aside, she was fired illegally. If due process had been adhered to and grounds for termination still existed, then so be it, the same rules should apply to all, but Freddy named himself judge, jury and executioner, all with the blessing of an adequate number of board members to push it through.
Another month would give him more time to destroy evidence against him. If all else fails maybe he has another of those spontaneously combustible laptops laying around!
You all need to read comar. The super has been given a lot of power so he can do what he wants to. Elected school board or not a super has 4 years to do what he wants after he's hired
6:19 AM
A superintendent cannot do what he wants to do for four years. Intimidation of employees and parents, violations of negotiated agreements, lying, refusal to give public information to the public and other violations are not permitted by comar. Some local boards do act powerless to stop abuse of power. That's where courts, ethics commissions, the state board of education, and some federal agencies may be of help. Lies may be told to them as well, but they do something about it.
The 7 person board is allowing Fredericksen to do what he is doing. Keep the letters flowing to ALL members. Do NOT use their BOE address.
Maybe we need your contacts and numbers 4:27.
They don't seem to realize the repercussions for what they have done so far will be lessened if they don't continue to do it.
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