Let Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart, Bruce Patterson, Laura Mitchell, Jonathan Taylor, SAPOA, the Daily Times & Shanie Shields come after me for what I'm about to say. The TRUTH absolutely kills these people and they know it.
So why are we seeing all these Press Conferences from the Mayor and the minority of the Council? Why are they LYING on a regular basis and getting away with it?
It's easier to lie, who's going to stop them. They tried to win regular elections and they fell flat on their face. So they run to the Daily Times with fabricated LIES and the Daily Times prints whatever they say without any concern. It's not their words, it's the word of those spewing the information.
Why are they holding these press conferences weekly, because the more headlines they get, the more people are going to believe it to be the truth.
However, TODAY, when I called Laura Mitchell out on the 3-2 track record votes and I asked, WHY do you and Shanie always vote NO to everything, a light bulb went on in Laura's head because she knew I had just called her out on their own civility. You see, I don't get invited to these press conferences because unlike the rest of the MSM attending, I wasn't just hired yesterday, or a week ago. As I stated to Laura in today's meeting, I've been around for 8 years and I'm NOT falling for this crap.
Now you can expect the Daily Times NOT to publish ANYTHING I stated in today's press conference. Why, because their agenda is to get rid of Debbie, Terry & Tim. They have no other goal. They have no interest in telling the truth. They will publish what has been sent to them in Laura's press release and they will violate no part of their own standards. If someone else states it, it is the truth, to them.
So just what kind of service are you getting from your local Media. WMDT is pissed off that the Council didn't fold to Palmer Gillis' proposal for the old Fire House and Feldman's. So they too will produce whatever is hand delivered. They didn't even have a reporter there. WHAT FOR! The Mayor and Laura Mitchell put it in writing and they just go with that, its that simple. The service the MSM is providing is nothing close to the truth.
So now we're getting a solid idea as to why things are going the way they are with the Main Stream Media any more. Salisbury News numbers keep skyrocketing because you know what Folks, we deliver the TRUTH. We challenge these public officials and we ask for answers. Heck, today I asked the majority of questions at the press conference and the one time the DT's asked a question, she just repeated something I had already asked and so did WMDT. Have you seen ANYTUHING in the MSM referencing the Board of Education? They have access to the same information we've been providing. They have an agenda, we do NOT. Unless you want to consider the truth an agenda, then I'm guilty.
So, if the Mayor wants a PR War, I'll deliver one but at least on my behalf it will be based on the TRUTH.
Shame on ALL of those names I have called out above. They don't care what you people think. They will lie and cheat every possible way they know how. Let the war begin because I will NOT allow them to win an election based on lies. If they want a win, put up some candidates that aren't living off the government, that haven't declared bankruptcy, that don't LIE on a regular basis.
The outcome, they cannot win because they cannot tell the truth. Suggesting, (right now) that the majority of citizens can't stand Debbie, Terry and Tim is a farce. Don't believe me, START A RECALL PETITION. They won't even attempt it because it will PROVE they are liars.
You go Joe!!!
Keep poundin' their lyin' aces.
The daily slime is done ..Greg we are on to you! and your agenda! for years but no more..
Salisbury News is that little train that could.
Who better to help spread lies then JT.
Here’s an inconvenient little truth. This is from the Council Rules of Order on the city's website. Guess what? Today is Wednesday and the briefing book for the meeting this Tuesday is up on the city web site right now. Maybe Laura should spend more time reading the rules and less time spreading lies.
A. The Council may conduct work session meetings on matters which are expected
to come before the Council for formal action at a regular meeting or otherwise
need study by the Council. Items to be considered will be placed on the agenda
by the Council President. The agenda shall be distributed on the Wednesday
preceding the work session meeting. Because work sessions are considered
informal, items not appearing on the printed agenda may be considered for
discussion by a consensus of the Council.
Lets name it Liartongate.
They will attack Campbell the most because her seat will be up next. She is the one with heart and courage. I don't always agree with her, but she can always explain why she voted the way that she did. In fact, if you raise a good point that she hadn't thought of she'll even change her position if she's convinced that its the right thing to do. She has taken all the distasteful things that Dunn, Tilghman, Webster, Liarton, Mitchell and others have thrown at her with dignity. She has endured graffiti on her home, a window being shot, a brick through a window, and having the front door of her home kicked in. It sickens me what she, Cohen and Spies have had to endure by those who are too cowardly to engage them in respectful, honest public debate on the issues.
GO JOE! And I don't agree with every vote the majority three make, but I'm with 7:40. These are REGULAR people like us (only I admit, much smarter than me) who are trying to do the right thing, raise their families here and kiss no special interests behind.
These people are getting attacked by Salisbury's big money and political wannabees like Mitchell. Time for the little folks to say NO MORE to the likes of Dunn, Mitchell, Ireton and Shiells!
Damn, Joe. If I weren't over 60 and male, I'd wanna marry you and have your kids!
Cohen, Campbell and Spies did win their elections with the truth. But I get your point. The others can't. Remember that landlord smear on Campbell, Cohen, Spies and Ireton?
That's what makes me sick sick sick about Ireton. He got targeted but now stoops to the same lowdown, dirty rotten type of tactics.
What exactly did this big mouth say in her press conference? Do you got a handout or something?
You forgot to mention Bubba "Groaf pay 4 Groaf" Comegys!
anonymous 8:08, get in line. JT & JR already have a man crush on me.
If you go down the Posts I did give a breakdown of what happened.
Mitchell challenged Cohen on violating the charter because she and Campbell attended a meeting today with the new city attorney. Mitchell claims this was a violation but quite frankly she's clueless.
God forbid if Terry Cohen were to die tonight, Campbell, (being VP) would immediately take charge and be up to speed with that discussion.
It is completely within their rights to hold these meetings and Laura is acting like a child wanting to be in meetings she's not welcome to. In fact, she attends numerous meetings across the state she's not invited to but she goes anyway.
Nevertheless, they did not violate the charter. It's as dumb as Mike Dunn filing ethics charges against them for a minor donation from the new City attorney. STUPID. Then again, we are talking about babyface Mike Dunn. Yes, he's as stupid as he looks and he will be made a fool of in that hearing, You'll see.
Terry, Debbie, and Tim are the best elected officials this city has seen in years. We were fooled by Louise Smith and now Jim Ireton. We need a real mayor and not some flaming idiot who spends his weekends at a Delaware beach. We need a forth council member that isn't slopping at the government trough with her hand outs and entitlements. We need a forth council member with a brain that can think for themselves.
We are stuck with Shanie Shields because of the trumped up minority district.
What we don't need is Laura Mitchell and Jim Ireton!
Help Is On The Way!! Where the Hell is that recall petition?
anonymous 8:44, no need to recall them. Look, we all just need to come together.
Salisbury News has become the voice of the people. The more we come together, the more we support the TRUTH, the stronger we ALL become.
I didn't start this for nothing. I haven't spend all these hours seven days a week for the past 7+years for nothing.
Barrie, Mike, Jim, SAPOA, JT and others cannot beat us. The MSM cannot bring us down.
Stick together and we will destroy all of them.
Cohen , Shields and Ireton are not part of the solution but part of the problem..So you disfunctional rejects mentioned above just better sit down, shut up and watch how it works. For the better of this city and not just your puppet masters...tell your Slum lord bosses to get lost.. Anyone with internet, half a brain and who does not live under a rock ,knows the Daily slime and MSM WBOC etc are liars agents of half truths, disinformation , Liberal bias journalism. You know, The crap we are fed up with!! Take note you agents of destruction! Your days are numbered REpent now or
1-fold and go away
2- Get on board with common sense and see the error of your libtard agenda
3- GO out of bussinees
4- Start doing your job..you know what we used to call "journalism" and get out of bed with the 1%
"Laura & Shanie can't handle the truth! Citizens of Salisbury - we live in a world that has walls. And those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? Shanie? Laura? Mike Dunn? We at SBYnews have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Tilghman and you curse the reporters of SBYnews. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what we know: that the Mayor's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And SBYnews existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties, you want SBYnews on that wall. You need SBYnews on that wall."
Joe - the truth is that many people don't want to hear the truth - they want to hear what they're comfortable to hear. So often we don't want to be confronted, challenged or questioned and we definitely don't want to have to change our beliefs, behaviours or habits.
But now - there is a bigger kid on the block. Bigger and Stronger than The Daily Times. More influential than Life Magazine was in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s.
So for all of those other Salisbury malcontents - get over it - because at SBYnews - NOTHING IS GONNA CHANGE!!!!!
Oh please correct me Joe!!!Sorry Terry!
Mitchell , Shields and Ireton are not part of the solution but part of the problem..So you disfunctional rejects mentioned above just better sit down, shut up and watch how it works. For the better of this city and not just your puppet masters...tell your Slum lord bosses to get lost.. Anyone with internet, half a brain and who does not live under a rock ,knows the Daily slime and MSM WBOC etc are liars agents of half truths, disinformation , Liberal bias journalism. You know, The crap we are fed up with!! Take note you agents of destruction! Your days are numbered REpent now or
1-fold and go away
2- Get on board with common sense and see the error of your libtard agenda
3- GO out of bussinees
4- Start doing your job..you know what we used to call "journalism" and get out of bed with the 1%
February 15, 2012 8:55 PM
You are saying Cohen, Shields and Ireton aren't part of the solution, but part of the problem???? Are you sure about that?
Like Mc Donalds.... I'm lovin it.
JT has already had Karma just smack him right in the face and yet he still doesn't get it.
Joe, you say you want to destroy them all. This is what bothers me about you. Why the need to destroy? If you truly have the truth on your side, the voters are smart enough to see that. There is no need for destruction of anyone. Stop making it so personal and you will bring more rational people to your way of thinking.
anonymous 9:10, REALLY?????
You don't think the personal attacks, the LIES these people are spreading and have been spreading for YEARS isn't destruction?????
You freakin liberals just can't take what you dish out. You NEVER thought Salisburty News would become the largest news source on the Eastern Shore. You thought the lawsuits against me would stop me and shut me down.
Nope, it only helped me to grow and that too backfired on the group of you.
So don't you dare attempt to lecture me. I have stayed honorable, I tell the truth and maybe, just maybe, you jackasses will LEARN from what I've done and tell that fat pig of a blogger to start telling the truth for once as well because no one believes a word that comes out of his mouth.
Its almost as if the small group of you get a thrill seeing your buullshit spewed in the Daily Times or on the fat pigs site and that makes it all ok.
You just keep doing what your doing and I'll keep doing what I'm doing. Here's the difference, No one has a gun to your head forcing you to come here. If you don't like it, get the hell off this site.
Now go take a shower, you need it.
sounds eerily similar to the WCBOE....
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