"It is very difficult for you to make informed choices when people are only feeding you part of the idea that support their closed minded views. The council has only asked for the big picture on parking meters. No one, even me has suggested blanketing ocean city with meters. I'm biggest supporter of getting users of our roads to pay for street repairs. Meter's do that. Why should property owners pay the whole 41 million in needed road repair and the day trippers and visitors that flood our roads and trash our town ride free. This is not about wheather we can or can't do roads. We have too. We are behind. This is who is the fairest to pay. I think it has to come from property tax and meter revenue. It's to big of number to be payed totally by one or the other. Please get whole picture before making up your mind. This bill is out there and it must be paid. We can no longer pass the ball down the road for another year. We can't afford to be city of no."

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, February 03, 2012
Ocean City Councilman Joe Hall Hates OC Visitors
"It is very difficult for you to make informed choices when people are only feeding you part of the idea that support their closed minded views. The council has only asked for the big picture on parking meters. No one, even me has suggested blanketing ocean city with meters. I'm biggest supporter of getting users of our roads to pay for street repairs. Meter's do that. Why should property owners pay the whole 41 million in needed road repair and the day trippers and visitors that flood our roads and trash our town ride free. This is not about wheather we can or can't do roads. We have too. We are behind. This is who is the fairest to pay. I think it has to come from property tax and meter revenue. It's to big of number to be payed totally by one or the other. Please get whole picture before making up your mind. This bill is out there and it must be paid. We can no longer pass the ball down the road for another year. We can't afford to be city of no."
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I'm an OC property owner since 1978 (1 condo downtown and 6 in midtown) I say NO to any more parking meters.
This uneducated guy contributes to many of Ocean City's problems. He is a major nuisance. Many wealthy OC residents such as Joe "Schmo" Hall complain about tourists, but people in OC who are dumber than a doorknob like Hall sure don't complain when they count the money in there piggy banks due to the tourists.
Vacationers are needed in Ocean City for idiots such as Joe Hall who spend money frivolously and enjoy living their lavish and unscrupulous lifestyles and to party it up at their choice of a million bars in the area. The question to what is not needed in this town? The ignorant guy fake-smiling in the picture named Joe Hall.
Was this his exact quote cut and pasted from somewhere? I researched and could not locate where he stated this.
Learn how to use the words "to, too, and two"
Thank you
I believe it was on The Citizens For Ocean City’s Facebook page, which is another joke.
Apparently Mr. Hall also stated, “No boby want there home trashed and if a guess does they should pay to have it cleaned up."
This clown not only needs to keep his mouth shut but he also needs to keep his fingers away from a pen, or a keyboard in this case, until he passes a 2nd Grade English class.
Like I have said a number of times on this site - STAY OUT OF OC. They will pick your pockets until one day you will look into your wallet and there will be nothing left to get you to the other side of the bridge.
Everything - I MEAN EVERYTHING - is to expensive in OC. The hotel rooms are running $300 per night with 3 night minimums. Florida - you can go there and $45-50 per night, Las Vegas - $45 - $50 per night. Why in the world OC is so expensive beats me.
Anon 9:05---To answer your question, everything is "so expensive" in OC because the HUGE salaries of the OC's government workers are "so expensive." They are overpaid and everyone knows it and do you know what most of them work on every off-season for 8 months? Not too much!
OC only has tourism and you better be nice to them-there our only customers!
The Town just has TOO many cars during the tourist season. There is a practically EMPTY park and ride lot just across the bridge with FREE parking and bus with fare WAY below parking rates.
Granted, some visitors have physical limitation that make them want to park closer but all the buses have handicap lifts and will bring you much closer to the boardwalk than most free parking places you can find.
The meter users (or free parking users) are mostly day trippers that come for the day and live out of their car and parking place. They bring most of their food and beverages and provide little or no business to the Town merchants (but want all the services).
Anon 8:32
And "there" and "their" and quit using an apostrophe for plural words.
8:32/9:55 It is rude to comment on others grammar and spelling.
This idiot needs to go.
Whether not "wheather'
8:32/9:55 It is rude to comment on others grammar and spelling.
February 3, 2012 10:20 PM
And on top of that, whatever corrections he is 'trying' to make, don't even exist.
Just love these hillbilly's who try to correct someone and they have no idea what they, their, there're talking about.
If you wish to partake in an intelligent conversation, then you part of the conversation should indicate your intelligence. If your grammar is that bad, then it is hard to take the meaning of your comment seriously.
bottom line OC used to be a nice little family resort town. Not any more, been there any over the last several years? Nothing but dirtbags, illegals, trouble makers!
and were not even talking about the business owners who are out to rip everyone off! They still pay one of the lowest piggyback tax rates in the state. Screw them! It's their mess make them live in their filth or clean it up themselves!
12:00 - Practice what you preach, would ya?
You should have written..then YOUR part of the conversation, not "you" part of the conversation. Quit being self-righteous.
12 AM, I agree
Is some writer quoting Mr Hall OR did Mr Hall actually write the post that is in quotes? Either way it is full of misspellings and misuse of the English language.
Never the less, I did find a blog (link below) by OC Magic, with Mr Hall being quoted. Not sure why Sbynews did not reveal the source.
Everybody relax...
#1: People - OC residents - know that Mr. Hall is an idiot, and does not speak for many (any?) 'movers-and-shakers' in this town.
#2: I'm very tired of hearing how expensive - compared to other cities - Ocean City is.
Try looking at OC with fresh eyes, and you may see what a unique town it is. Conde Nast called OC "one of the few remaining carnival-atmosphere seaside resorts in the country". A "$50.00 hotel room in Florida" you say? I can only imagine the fun you'll have in THAT neighborhood!
Another comment heard most often: "We can get an all-inclusive for a week for $1500.00 in the Caribbean!" Well, if your idea of a vacation is staying in one hotel - eating, drinking, dancing, swimming, with the same boring people for a week, then go for it.
Again: Joe is an embarrassment to OC. We all know it. No need to worry, 'cause he'll be gone come next election time.
To close, I paraphrase Yogi Berra: "Nobody goes to Ocean City anymore, it's too crowded".
9:05 is on-point. OC has priced themselves out of the resort market. Most of the city services - (i.e. water, sewer, taxes - (local & state), front foot assessments, building permit fees, concession fees, taxi cabs, and now parking meters. The OC governmental infrastructure is another classic case where demand destruction has destroyed their community. Like Sarah Palin says; You can put lipstick on a pig - but it is still a pig.
8:21 the link is
You will find other brilliant quotes from our illustrious councilperson there too/
If the property owners have an issue with the meters, then your taxes should be increased. Either put up or shut up. As far as the grammer attacks on the posters, get over yourselves. There is no grammer check available when posting here and most people who need to vent, aren't that concerned with their grammer. They just want to get their point across.
There are already enough parking meters in Ocean City!
Joe Hall's attitude stinks! We need to be "rolling out the red carpet" for people who want to visit Ocean City.
As far as the grammer attacks on the posters, get over yourselves. There is no grammer check available when posting here
If people cared they could download one themselves. Or look uneducated.
i do not even know or ever heard joe hall's name before now! but he has my vote! the ones of you that don't like him probably SHOULD'NT be on the shore to begin with.
10:14 AM
Nice intelligent voting system you got there. And being you know so much about who needs to be where and not to be, they need your help on the border.
Bye now.
10:00 Jeez. Stop already with worrying about grammar and spelling. You made your point about your superior intelligence. We all get it.
Wow, Joe Hall's attitude is terrible. Also, are the roads in Ocean City so bad that they need 41 million in repairs in this economy?
10:00 Jeez. Stop already with worrying about grammar and spelling. You made your point about your superior intelligence. We all get it.
No surprise but you misunderstand.
It's not about superior intelligence. It's about taking time to be understood and looking like you are more educated than a fifth grader.
I downloaded a spell checker and put it in my browser. I'm no expert speller. And correcting misspelled words actually helps my spelling.
And another benefit, I don't have to listen to spell checking people point out my mistakes.
10:56 I had no problem understanding any of the prior comments that had grammar and spelling mistakes. I feel that it is poor taste to correct others who try to give their opinion but might not be able to present it as well as you do.
OC is overpriced but OC government workers are overpaid. A couple of years ago a local paper published the top 100 OC government salaries (google ocean city maryland government salaries). 93 of top 100 made over 100,000 a year in salary & benefits. Oh and it's good to be a department head. This in a town where the average private sector general manager is paid $63,000. We have to work into our 70's to pay for them to retire in their 50's. Government employees have it great. The fact is public sector employees are paid extremely well, receive the best in health insurance and retirement benefits and enjoy generous holiday and sick leave policies. Oh but they need a union now. In my estimation they want to unionize to protect what they already have.
"We can get an all-inclusive for a week for $1500.00 in the Caribbean!" Well, if your idea of a vacation is staying in one hotel - eating, drinking, dancing, swimming, with the same boring people for a week, then go for it.
Sounds like you have never been there.
12:15 PM
Poor taste? Maybe. I think it would depend on how it is corrected. Some corrections have been picayune and retaliatory in nature.
If anyone can understand what someone says, you have a valid point. I just think people should make an effort to speak and spell as well as they can.
If I didn't have a spell checker I would be getting corrected myself.
But I chose to make an effort to avoid that. Umm, but it is getting out of hand I think. Seems more energy is being used correcting the statements than reading, understanding and replying to them.
So on that note, I am gonna take a break from pointing out mistakes. It is really starting to detract from the messages and fun of participating.
Peace and have a nice night, sir.
Damn right close and locals to ocean city know better.I live in Berlin and won't step foot there unless I have to work there.every business owner and political figure is a crook? 2.50 for a soda? 4.75 for a hotdog! Even McDonald's has jacked up their prices compared to one in say salisbury. I can't wait till all those high and mighty crooks are broke or in jail
U r awe dum! Spelled wrong yes.point made!
To Anon 3:25,
The employees who work in the private sector in OC are the ones who are in dire need of a union. These hard-workers are treating like crap, especially at the hotels.
Hotel owners such as Hale Harrison and William Mariner treat their employees like slaves because they know they can get away with it if there are no unions. Those old ruthless thugs have no compassion or morals. As long as they make their millions, they could care less if their employees are treated like sh&t.
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