Its pretty obvious they are not going to raise the $500,000.00 necessary to get out. Many wondered if John Robinson or Jonathan Taylor would find a way to pony up the cash to bail their buddy out of Jail but it appears even they are too afraid of a flight risk.
On the other hand, food stamps and advanced disability checks can only go so far. There's always a cake with a file in it.
FUCK YOU. Your a piece of shit. Just like Jonathon Taylor and The MCQUIRES.. all you bloggers are assholes! Print that you lying fucker!
Nice JR - I have so much more respect for you now.
Looks like you struck a nerve Joe. Robinson called my business to try to get me to stop advertising here. It's been the best investment I ever made. I'll not put my name up as I don't want him to call again. He was very nasty on the phone.
And robinson owns a business? oh yeah I want to patronize him. NOT
And you expect me to return to your store, Mr. Robinson, and buy something else (I bought a watch). I think not.
JR just proved what type of person he is. A family member took a ring to his store that the diamond had fell out. He replaced the diamond. When she got the ring back it did not look like professional job, so she took it to another store (a real jeweler). Turns out they had glued a cz in there instead of a real diamond. She went back to JR and explained what shabby work was done, long story short, they did NOT want to give her her money back and was making up all kind of lame excuses. Finally she got her $ back. Hard lesson learned ~ NEVER EVER go there for jewelery repair!!!!
And in all of this, where is the McGuire son? Who's watching after him?
Best place in town to sell hot stuff. No one melts it faster.
This language should not be tolerated on this blogg. I often feel like saying it, but I don't, because of respect of others. There are other ways of getting your point across in a civil manner. There are many young people that may view this blogg,when the parents are not aware. Nuff said!
I went there and he offered me $26.00 a gram what a rip off the guy is!
This post and comments are hilarious. I needed a good laugh. Joe, thanks for making my day!
anonymous 4:03, I have always stated since day one, if you put your name to the comment, YOU OWN IT and it will get published.
Anon 3:46 What is your business.\
Please do tell.
Its no wonder his kid is always getting into trouble. Your words John, not mine.
Wow $26.00 a gram "a rip off" that's like getting robbed!
I think Robinson has a limited vocabulary, so that is how he communicates.
Anon 4:03 Grow up are don't come back! This is freedom of speech!
You know i was thinking John Robinson, Jonathan Taylor, and the McGuire's will forever be linked together.
She is one ugly little creature...sick perverts!
Like I said earlier, Robinson, Taylor, and Brewington along with the McGuire’s are all in a sex club together, very sick people.
How are those trips going up north John. Some of us know what kind of cargo you have. Your day is soon coming and when it comes you may just be a Mcguire cell mate. Moving to Virginia isn't going to help either.
It's down south where he buys his cocaine from! He uses a Dodge Ram station wagon, The one that is in his garage at his store, for transporting it. Truth Hurts HUH!
Scared little boy aren't you now JR that the truth is out. I bet he moves his car tonight!
Johnny the snowman, gotta launder that money some how, how's gold work for you?
Lewis and Macerello know what Robinson has been up to. After all I've been hearing lately I have to wonder why they haven't done anything about it. They have thiefs who have admitted to selling their stolen gold there. What kind of personal car does Lewis drive now.
Anonymous said...
It's down south where he buys his cocaine from! He uses a Dodge Ram station wagon, The one that is in his garage at his store, for transporting it. Truth Hurts HUH!
Scared little boy aren't you now JR that the truth is out. I bet he moves his car tonight!
February 13, 2012 5:22 PM
If this is the case then why doesn't one of the drug sniffing K-9's from the Sheriff's Office pay him a visit. If it's true then the K-9 will get a hit on the car.
Hey JR, whatever happened to that surprise you have for Joe? The class action lawsuit? A lawyer coming down once a week to take statements from Joe's 'victims'? LMAOOO
It looks to me like you anti-Albero's are dropping like flies, one by one.
How fitting since all of you act like insects.
No matter what anyone says, be it a lie or the truth, time will show what it is every time.
Joe is still here. McNutty is locked up and looks like they will be for a while.
Fatso has been quiet for a while now.
And now it seems you may be in a spot of trouble yourself.
Not quite the ending you boys had envisioned is it?
Bye bye birdies.
While I commend John Robinson for his most recent publicity stunt telling every news station that would listen he's going to build an indoor skate park and only charge $5.00 a person ALL DAY, he's full of crap.
Look Folks, I used to own a chain of very upscale billiard rooms. I KNOW what it costs to operate a business like Robinson stated. Either the man is so filthy rich with overflowing money everywhere he turns or he's completely out of his mind. I believe its both.
For ONE, an indoor facility will require proper lighting, heat and air conditioning. It will require an extensive amount of money into the ramps. Far more than what he claims to be a $50,000.00 investment. There's NO DOUBT Robinson will be crying the blues to the group that has been trying to fundraise for their own park to partner up with him on this project because he'll then have to pay for insurance, which is very expensive.
To only charge $5.00 a DAY, well, it would be completely impossible to survive. You have to employ people to run the place, you have to pay rent and then there's upkeep.
Don't you believe for a SECOND this guy has ANY clue what he's doing.
Oh, by the way John, (since I know you're reading this) you'll also have to pay AMUSEMENT TAX above and beyond sales tax.
Unfortunately, John Robinson is all about the LOOK AT MEEE factor. He'd be smarter to just hand someone else $50,000.00 to build a park then ever go through such a BS business venture.
What he claims he's trying to do has been done numerous times in the past. Berlin had one of these indoor skate parks and they had to use an old grocery store because you need that kind of space. Now, John, let's just say you used the old Super Giant in north Salisbury. Do you really believe THEY could have survived off of $5.00 a day per customer, or did they have to SELL them a ton of groceries just to pay rent and yet they still went out of business.
Why the local MSM even gave this guy a second of their time is beyond me. I commend him for what he WANTS to do. He see's a guy like Hal Chernoff and he wants to be just like him. He see's a Joe Albero and he wants to be just like him. There's NOTHING original about John Robinson. He just wants to be somebody. He wants to be respected by all and he runs to the paper and media with these crazy ideas, claims even if he has to sell his brand new corvette he'll do it. PLLLLLEEEEEASE!
Heck, John even reached out to people betgging them to come forward, (as the other commenter stated) to file a class action lawsuit against me. Of course he claimed the guy was coming out every week to interview people and John was going to pay all the legal fees. FOR WHAT JOHN? So you could stand with your close buddy Barrie Tilghman and BE THE ONE who finally takes down Joe Albero, to defame me because you're a complete A-Hole and every one knows it.
Do something original for once in your life John and stop using children to build your name and business. Y(ou WILL fail at the skate park thing. HOWEVER, maybe now that I've called you out on it you'll really HAVE to spend all that money for years just to save face. ROTFLMAO
Take it from a true, experience and successful businessman John, it will NEVER make it and I'm calling BS on the whole project/fantasy.
You go Joe! Didn't you buy a bmw for your wife and he went out and bought one identical to it? I remember it was silver and I'd look forward to seeing your beautiful wife in it and one day I saw it, then the driver and I thought, yuk! It was his wife, not yours.
8:39 HA! Some times you see a beautiful car and a beautiful woman driving it and other times you see a beautiful car and a turtle neck inbread and you just want to puke. Makes you want to kick the car salesman in the nuts.
Robinson heard about your Friday night gatherings Joe and now he wants to have the same thing at his place downtown. Yeah, he wants to be just like you Joe.
John wanted press. Looks like he got it. Now that you mention it, there's no way he can pay rent and all his bills and charge 5 bucks a day. That is, unless your selling something else. Roll em if you got em.
J.R. can't help it. He was born into it,ask one of the soccer moms of Green Machine. It was the gene pool. The money lets just say he married well which didn't hurt. Such a shame-you ALMOST feel sorry for him. NOT! Wonder how it feels to be hated by so many?
I detest language such as John Robinson used. If he intended that for Joe, I would perfer he call him on the phone or visit in person. I have some old "lava soap" which he should wash his mouth out with. Thanks.
Good points about the skatepark, Joe. I think you should start messing with gold like JR. With all your knowledge, I bet you could but him out of business soon.
there's no way he can pay rent and all his bills and charge 5 bucks a day. That is, unless your selling something else. Roll em if you got em.
February 13, 2012 9:08 PM
That's what I was thinking too.
If what I've been reading is true, a skate park would be a great distribution venue.
Kids coming and going. Other things coming and going. Using kids that way would get him killed by parents.
And then you would have the undesirable kids/people hanging around.
Fights, shootings, robberies. Even if he could pull it off and get it built, it wouldn't last long. Himself too possibly.
From what I've read and heard about him, and his standing in the community, (or lack thereof), he does not have the Midas touch. Quite the opposite it would appear.
I think you said it right Joe. He should give someone else the money and let them run with it. Better chance of success. If his name were associated with anything, people would avoid it just because he was involved.
Just like people avoid his shop.
John, you need popularity to be successful in business, not notoriety.
But it's whatever. You are just another domino we are waiting to fall like your cohorts. Karma's a bitch and so are you and your 'friends'.
Funny how perverts just seem to find one another. J.R. was on the perv radar long before the McGuires came to town. Notice all the stuff John wants to do has kids involved ????? Sorry call it like I see it. John u know what you are. Get help before you share a cell with Tom.
Notice the McGuires and Robinson bash the cops. The picture is clearing up. Kudos to the police that put these perverts away. Do us all justice and put Robinson away.
anonymous 10:18, John Robinson has NEVER, (to my knowledge) done anything but good for children. Just because a man does things for children doesn't mean they have a motive.
Johnny likes being "close" to the kids. The B.O.E. actually let this turd substitute. The sad truth is John could have been a true asset to this community. Look who he chose to hang with. Enough said
Grow up. It is ashame you have to use this language to get your point across. Oh thats right it is the same language you use at Crown to get your point across in front of children.
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