I want you to think about a couple of things here. At this point we all know legally the Council couldn't hire Rick Hoppes as the new Fire Chief, (we'll give even more details about that soon). However, the Mayor, (who had denied Rick Hoppes the last go around because he wasn't qualified) now all of a sudden he feels Rick is and runs to his "play nice" media friends to go after three Council Members who followed the law.
Now, I want you to think very hard about this. Ivan Barkley WAS QUALIFIED to become Police Chief of Salisbury. He had all the degrees and qualifications, the Council SUPPORTED Ivan, yet the Mayor rejected him and hired someone else. Is this starting to make any sense to you?
Joe, I have to give you props for all the information you have giving us lately.
One would say my friend you are on fire.
Can you photoshop Pinocchio's nose on the the photograph of the mayor?
Seems like the council was damned if it did and damned if it didn't. I'm glad they chose the high road. 3 of them, anyway.
Jim Ireton is a worthless P.O.S. who uses people. I have never been a fan of Rick Hoppes and I don't think he was qualified to be the fire chief. I didn't like his wasteful spending and his pompous attitude, but he doesn't deserve to be used like he was to start a fight with the 3 City Council members. This is exactly what Jim Ireton has done to this guy. The citizens should be outraged by Jim Iretons actions.
I want my vote back.
always promising more details. Just write the stories and post them with all of the information
Jim Ireton is playing political football with his former friends and allies, the 3 better council members.
Ireton has something against 3 of the council members,he is not focused on what's good for the people.
I would have to say that he fits right in with the politics in this day and age.
I can only say that I attribute this to his cross-dressing.
Don't know if to call him Mr. or Ms
Ivan would have made an excellent Chief. He was still interacting with all of the officers and has been there long enough to REALLY know the issues. This new chief sucks.. for lack of a better word.
Thank you, Joe. I wondered about this compared to Ivan Barkley. Even if Rick Hoppes had the degree everyone keeps talking about or it wasn't an issue, why didn't Jim Ireton put his name to the council in one of the previous two go rounds?
Ireton was vicious against Terry Cohen about this in the Daily Times yesterday. Maybe that is his game. He's treated her badly from the start. But why is he doing it?
Ivan is a good man but Barb rocks!
Barb has done a great job now if we can get the Sheriff to raise his game we might have a safe community.
The 2 comments stating Barb rocks obviously doesn't work at the SPD. Anon 10:50 AM is obviously a WCSO employee.
The truth of the matter is Barb Duncan is about to have a mutiny on her hands. She is much better than Alan Webster, but the better choice would have been promoting within.
anonymous 11:19, what a load of crap. I'm calling BS on your comment.
I have personally been fortunate enough to get to know Barbara Duncan as Police Chief. She is doing an outstanding job and has the respect of her Staff like I've never seen before.
Look at the Sheriff's Department, seriously. Officers are jumping ship just as fast as they can possibly jump.
Don't try to turn the attention away from the Sheriff's Department by claiming SPD has serious issues.
Just a BS statement with no credibility because once again it's posted anonymously.
When willl the city re-open the position?
Sounds like Ireton is playing both ends against the middle, looking to come out smelling like a rose.
Bad politics, Jimmie. It smells of your predecessor, who smelled anything like a flower.
SPD is performing the best it has in 15 years, and morale for longer.
Joe, I have gotten information first hand from credible employees. It's not all peachy keen on the inside as it appears on the outside, but thank you for supporting her. She is far better than her predecessor.
anything but like a flower, that is.
Jim Ireton knows there are people in house that are qualified for the chief's or department head positions in all the city departments. He is playing political football with every employee and city resident. Ireton has aspirations of getting elected to a House or Senate position at the State level. Mr. Ireton your days as an elected leader are numbered. Many of us are keeping copies of your silly press releases and all the news stories on your actions as mayor. You have used many close friends to get you elected as mayor and you turned on them and constantly attack them. These same friends you turned on will not be there for your next election. You certainly don't have a chance of getting re-elected as mayor. You're political career is TOAST!!
Now go have another hissy fit!
Ireton will get as politically far as Barrie got with the Democratic Party. Not even a bridesmaid.
Anonymous said...
Ireton has something against 3 of the council members,he is not focused on what's good for the people.
I would have to say that he fits right in with the politics in this day and age.
I can only say that I attribute this to his cross-dressing.
Don't know if to call him Mr. or Ms
February 5, 2012 6:37 AM
He has something against the 3 council members because he is intimidated with their popularity as leaders. He is intimidated with the fact that Terry or Debbie will have a better shot at getting elected mayor in the next election. He also lover the infighting as he is nothing more than a Drama Queen.
Last time I vote for Mr. Irton as mayor. However, this time I want to axe him a lot of questions regarding a lot of issues. I want moe infomation on why he did not nominate Mr. Barkley for Salisbury Poelice cheif. If I thinks he is being sly, I will not support him anylonger.
Rest assured, he is being sly. Ask him all the questions you want and see if the answers match the truths you know.
Colleen Bostick Lind commented on The Daily Times.
That is a true crock! What's up with our council.
Council rejects fire chief pick
Like · · Yesterday at 9:11am ·
Jonathan Taylor likes this.
Several things about this comment and commenter bother me.
1) She does business with the City and the Salisbury Fire Department by selling Aflac Insurance. Major conflict of interest.
2)She is not even from this area and now lives in Hebron, not Salisbury. She doesn't contribute to the tax base so her opinion doesn't matter.
3) She has obviously aligned herself with Jonathan Taylor. Big mistake.
What she says is very disrespectful to all the city leaders. She is making a living off the city tax payers and city employees. She should be banned from doing further business with the city.
Ireton didn't nominate Ivan because the council wanted him for the position. Ireton wanted Ernie Leatherbury but council didn't so Ireton acted like the cry baby he is and chose someone from the outside. As for ship-jumping, there is some of that at SPD as well. Let's see who Barb chooses for the next Captain position.
Ireton is nothing more than a sissy school girl trying to take control of the play ground. What he did by setting up Hoppes for his political game is despicable. Ireton didn't deserve the appointment, but he also didn't deserve to be used like he was.
Hoppes didn't deserve to be appointed fire chief but he also didn't deserve to be used by Ireton in his attack against Campbell and Cohen.
Why does Jim Ireton say in the DT he is going to keep Hoppes on as the Acting Fire Chief so he can work on the budget? Does he really have to be an acting chief to do the budget? No! The new chief can work on the budget with Hoppes' guidance and assistance. The last thing the city needs is a budget from Hoppes. It was Hoppes' budget that brought you 5 new fire trucks and a new fire boat.
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