Charging documents are claiming a minor was having sex with the step mother while Tom McGuire watched.
McGuire also admitted he caught the two having sex a few weeks ago, hence the domestic arrest.
You can count on additional charges against Tom McGuire in reference to the arson arrest a few weeks ago as well. I'm not at liberty to explain any further but just expect to hear more soon.
These two perverted people need to stay in jail and away from our communities. Some are saying Nikki cut and died her hair because she was going to run. The McGuire's absolutely knew this was coming. In recent weeks they sold their vehicles and had been seen loading furniture into an old pickup truck. Police wasted no time locking the two up before they hit the road.
It should be noted, Jonathan Taylor and Howard, (a Delmar Blogger) both endorsed these two to run for Mayor and Town Council.
they need to be locked away....i know their neighbors will be glad they are gone.
John Robinson was best buddies with this guy on facebook. Sick people.
They look inbred.
February 11, 2012 10:03 AM
I was thinking they looked like brother and sister
The results of a limited gene pool.
I'm not trying to be nasty about this but these two look like they could be characters from Beetlejuice.
You dance with the Devil and he always wins.
This picture certainly doesn't flatter Nikki, the "sex kitten." What a difference an arrest picture can make!
Perversion at its worse. :(
they are really scary looking!
Anonymous said...
I'm not trying to be nasty about this but these two look like they could be characters from Beetlejuice.
February 11, 2012 11:03 AM
I don't care if you are being nasty or not WTF do you think someone has to be nice about any child molesting, criminal pervert. People like you are the reason we have a non American stomping on our Constitution and people like you are drooling over him as your president.
Is the Governor pushing to legalize this yet?
Hopefully they won't be able to post their new "lower" bond that the judge set for them, even though the state's attorneys office wanted it to stay high, because they are a risk to the community and probably also a flight risk. He also lowered the bond on that sick puppy from Salisbury who at 63 is "old and in poor health" even though he isn't sick enough not to rape children and make videos of it. Maybe he should baby sit the judge's family members, after all, he is "old and in poor health." Get a grip judge. Leave these sick b*tches in jail where they belong.
Why didn't the Daily Times use the words "Delmar Blogger" to describe Tom McGuire? If it is now their policy to label bloggers in their articles about them then shouldn't this apply across the board and not just on you Joe?
To the leadership of the Daily Times, you can dismiss this comment if you want, but I think you know a lot of us in the community are getting just plain ol tired of your slanted, oft late and sometimes WRONG (4%??? Really?) "news"!
I would expect Taylor and Robinson to be friends with the McGuires. Isn't there an old saying...."Birds of a feather flock together"? It kind of makes me wonder what kind of people they are as well.
"The judge, L. Bruce Wade, lowered bail for Thomas McGuire to $300,000 and Nicole McGuire to $200,000."
"The judge, L. Bruce Wade, lowered Meagher's bail to $300,000.
"He's 62," Wade said before reducing the amount of bail. "He's in poor health. He has no criminal history.""
What a Piece of Sh!t Bruce Wade is. He is supposed to be an advocate of Children. Shame on him and my guess he condones pedophilia!
So Bruce Wade said Meagher's bond should be reduced because he is 62 and in "bad health." What's his excuse for reducing the McGuire's bond? What a crock of shit. This guy is a disgrace for a judge and the judicial system. I am thoroughly disgusted in him and he needs to rot in hell with the rest of the pedophiles.
This is the same reason the pedophile Thomas Leggs was allowed to be released from jail to molest and murder an innocent child!! Everyone should be outraged about this!!
I didn't realize there was such an age difference between them. In the pictures that were posted here she looked much older but shes 16 years younger than he is. He looks like someone slammed his face in a door. Everything seems to be off kilter.
Just keep in mind that they are not FROM Delmar, they came here from Dundalk with Tom's father because of his fathers past child porn charges. I just want to make sure people don't associate our town with this filth.
I think Nikki was jealous of Tom's obsession of Joe so she went looking for love in all the wrong places.
Who in their right mind would sleep with that!!!!
11:56 AM
Take your meds.
This was the guy who kept calling my business and threatened me because I advertise on sbynews. I knew there was something wrong with him.
Don't be too outraged at Wicomico judges.If you could see the people that walk on serious charges in Somerset County you would think differently.Molest a child not once,not twice,but three times? Stet docket.Yes,thats right.Register as a pervert,and you are golden,even if you attempt to pick up another kid.
Threaten someone with a gun twice before you are 18? No problem,they will send you back to juvenile court so you can be out on bail when you murder someone.Sorry to be off-topic but the courts in Wicomico are way stricter than others are.
anonymous 4:05, Thanks for sticking with us. John Robinson and Jonathan Taylor joined Tom McGuire in calling our advertisers as well. They were all in bed, (so to speak) together.
And I take it nobody ever introduced this girl to a pair of eyebrow tweezers?
(Okay folks, just going for some comic relief here.)
Anonymous said...
11:56 AM
Take your meds.
February 11, 2012 4:00 PM
Obviously you need the meds you liberal PERVERT!!
I just hope either one of them cannot make the lower bail esp him. One thing is for sure, he has anger problems he can not control as apparent by the arson. I know he has not been convicted of that yet, but if the judge had any common sense he would air on the side of caution and take into consideration that Tom Mcguire is unpredictable.
At this point in time he is facing what could amount to his life spent behind bars, so he is capable of anything and I am worried for the victim witnesses.
I remember Taylor supporting him. Must be of the same mentality. These are some sick people.
Obviously you need the meds you liberal PERVERT!!
February 11, 2012 4:21 PM
lol dude, you got issues.
11:56, someone has good advice for you :"Take your meds." I had no idea why you were so vehemently attacking 11:03, and when you got to the point about blaming those who voted for the President "stomping on the Constitution," you completely lost me. So, to us your comptuter shorthand, WTF are you talking about?
I was just thinking that it looked as though she cut her hair herself. With all the charges he has, I would take off if released.
So they are husband and wife and brother and sister.
What a couple of scumbags!
Guess the long haired one won't be flashing the AK-47 around much anymore.
What is it with these couples trying to run for political office. Didn't the Brewingtons have problems with their children too. I heard the Mrs. is running around at the bars every night getting smashed with no regard to her husband and children. Obviously with his criminal history he's no model parent either.
Amen! I had to live next to those 3 creepy bastards and then he set our house on fire! I still can't believe he ran for mayor against Doug!
When they first moved to Delmar Tom told one of our neighbors that he met Nikki prostituting...who in the hell would pay to sleep with her nasty ass?! They don't work either..they must have money just stashed or something I don't get it! They have caused so many problems for my family and for this town. I really hope that they both get what they deserve!
Anonymous said...
Obviously you need the meds you liberal PERVERT!!
February 11, 2012 4:21 PM
lol dude, you got issues.
February 11, 2012 4:43 PM
I think it's you liberals that have the issues. Just saying!
And Brewington was the one who tried to start a race riot at Fruitland Intermediate. People like this just stir a bunch of crap up, when their own lives are a royal mess.
Couple of really sick puppies there
They sure do look like inbreds!
I think it's you liberals that have the issues. Just saying!
February 11, 2012 7:54 PM
You sure I'm not a conservative? Or a right winger? Left winger? How about socialist? All of the above?
I'm sure everything is perfect in your little world but here in reality where the rest of us live, we are reasonable.
Now take your meds and go to bed. The doctor will see you on Monday.
I feel sorry for the kid. I know he's been charged with arson, but with role models/parents like that who can really blame him for turning out the way he has. How can he return to school and try to turn his life around with this splashed all over every news outlet? They've ruined his life in more ways than one.
Where is the kid's real mother in all this? I hope he has family elsewhere that can take him in. He will never be able to live this down here.
We can see that Nikki does not groom her eyebrows. I wonder if she shaves her legs and armpits.
Just look at those MUGS they look like text book examples of the criminally insane and intellectually deficient they should have been sterilized and put in and institution
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