As every one knows, the Albero household has a LOT of animals. That being said, we have quite a few cats. Like most of you, we spoil our animals and the cats are no exception. They get wet food in the morning and dry food as well. However, last night I made a trip to WalMart to buy another case of large canned cat food and couldn't believe what I was seeing.
When we got our first cat on the property I went up to WalMart to get some food. I stood in the isle looking confused thinking, what in the heck should I buy? A very nice woman saw me standing there and said, let me ask you, is there a special brand you're looking for. I explained my situation and she gave me some great advice. She said, buy the cheapest you can get and try it. If the cat likes it, stick with it. Well, it turns out the cat liked it and ate it so we just stuck with that theory and it has worked perfectly.
However, last night I went into WalMart ready to grab a case until I saw the price. Overnight the price went from 74 cents per can to 94 cents per can! I don't care who you are, that's a HUGE jump in price, period!
I can go to Save A Lot, (so I'm told) and buy two cans of tuna for that price, does this make any sense? We all know none of us would ever eat a can of crappy cat food, but we would eat tuna! Remember now, this is the cheapest brand of wet cat food and I'm sure people spend a lot more than that for one or two spoiled cats. However, we have 7 cats and while they're cool and all, I'm just not spending that additional money and that's final.
So, let's reach out to all of you animal lovers out there and find out who has the best deal out there for cat food, hard or soft. We get the bag of hard cat food at Sam's Club and it went from $7.00 a bag to almost $10.00 a bag. I know one thing, I'm going to stock up on cans of tuna and feed the cats that if these big box stores think they're going to continue subjecting us to these prices.
be careful with just cans of regular tuna, they can cause health and urinary tract issues for cats...
We went to wal mart lasst week to pick up a few items...Yes items went up 25 and 30 cents...one was a box of cake mix was $1.24 and now is $1.50..Eggs are out the roof..
Save a lot have great deals 18 large eggs 1.89 wal-mart $3.05 i guess the chickens are on strike.
I guess when they are in hard times they raise the prices? Dont make sence.
A long time ago I did a call at this very old womans home and while there she boiled som elbow noddles and opened up a can of cat food and mixed it into the noodles and started eating in in her chair. I told her when I was done that I would mail her bill to her, I never did. When I pulled out of her driveway I had tears streaming down my face. I wont ever forget that.
Don't go to Petsmart - they will price match Wal-mart but they have deceptive adverting. They had a canapalooza sale & featured Friskies 24 cans in a case for $9.99. No where in the ad did it say only specially marked cases but they would not honor the price on other cases that didn't have the piece of paper on the can tops.
Try Wal-mart south as weird as it sounds their prices are different than north and sometimes cheaper but less selection.
I remember reading something about Tuna wasn't good for your cats just as 3:27 has stated. It's best to research on line as I know you don't want to cause them harm.
Retailers "play" with raising the items they know the public is going to buy!!!
Think it's a Great Idea to post on here where we can get the best food buys for our beloved pets , as well as ourself!!!!
The world is going nuts gouging people like this-----What the heck is going to happen as the gas prices continue to soar?????
I stopped at the Berlin Walmart last week to pick up this exact thing. When I saw the cans were $.94 I picked up only enough for a few days. When I went to the Salisbury Walmart I saw that they too had upped the prices to $.94 a can. Don't bother going to the Fruitland Walmart thinking it will be cheaper. I was there yesterday and it's the same price. They did however have the Walmart brand of canned food in the large can. Something the Salisbury Walmart can not seem to keep in stock. The Friskies ues to sell by the case full, but not in the last week people are leaving it sit and going for the cheaper store brand. Let's hope Walmart can figure out they need to ORDER MORE of that and less of the other. It usually takes them a few years to realize anything.
Beaver Dam pet foods-all made in Delaware with the best of ingredients. Only dry though and what I do is mix some with water, microwave it, it will get soft, let it cool some and my 4 cats think it is canned food. they have a web site.
Oh-more money is spent on the packaging and fancy labels of pet food then on the food itself. Beaver Dam uses a plain white bag and sticks on a label.
If you think that's bad, wait until you hear this. We have three cats and I always purchased the large bag of Purina cat food at some where around $10.00 a bag (about 12 to 14 lbs.) Our little pure white cat Licy who is deaf developed a skin disorder and the Veterinarian said that she was alergic to chicken which almost 100% of dry food cotains some chicken parts. This required a presciption for special food known as Hill's Z/D at a cost of $50.24 for an 8 1/2 lb. bag. Since it is impossible to segregate the cats at feeding time I had to put all three of them on this special formula. Since all animals are special I just had to bite the bullet and spend the money. If you love animals as much as I do cost should not be a factor for all the love they give back. I am not rich but thought I would share this with you so as not to complain about pet food cost. If people food costs go up do you stop buying anything because of price? I think not.
Try Dollar General, Family Dollar or Dollar Tree.
Another thing with the tuna.....long-term heavy consumption of it can lead to raised mercury levels in humans so it may not be too good for cats either.
I have tried all three and I couldn't find the large cans of food at any of those stores. If you find the large can please let us know.
If you voted for Obama quitchyer bitchin.
Hands down Joe go to Save a Lot. That's where we buy canned cat food and dry. We also buy cans of tuna for the humans in the house for 67 cents a can.
I don't have cats, but I do have dogs. As a way to cut costs and feed them healthier food, I started making it for them. A third protein (chicken, fish, or very lean meat), a third white rice, and a third veggies... usually canned green beans. In expensive and avoids many health issues associated with other dog "food". Check out the ingredients in that stuff, especially the wet.
Give tractor supply a try. We have had good luck with them having great dog food prices.
It is not just cat food prices going up, dog food has increased as well. I guess they figure we'll give in and pay the price.
358, that's over six bucks a pound! I wait for steak to go below that before I buy!
As competition falls away, Walmarts prices will rise.It is part of their new business model as Mr, Sam is no longer with us.
Ok now watch them put a rollback price on it soon, it will say "WAS 94" It' all about the mighty dollar.
If it goes to 1.00 then you will see a Huge display 10 for 10
It works only because your buying other items now that they have used the same pricing strategy
Everything is going up. Maybe you should just give dry food and save on the wet food.
We have three cats and I always purchased the large bag of Purina cat food at some where around $10.00 a bag (about 12 to 14 lbs.) Our little pure white cat Licy who is deaf developed a skin disorder and the Veterinarian said that she was alergic to chicken which almost 100% of dry food cotains some chicken parts. This required a presciption for special food known as Hill's Z/D at a cost of $50.24 for an 8 1/2 lb. bag. Since it is impossible to segregate the cats at feeding time I had to put all three of them on this special formula. Since all animals are special I just had to bite the bullet and spend the money. If you love animals as much as I do cost should not be a factor for all the love they give back. I am not rich but thought I would share this with you so as not to complain about pet food cost. If people food costs go up do you stop buying anything because of price? I think not.
Think it's a Great Idea to post on here where we can get the best food buys for our beloved pets , as well as ourself!!!!
The world is going nuts gouging people like this-----What the heck is going to happen as the gas prices continue to soar.
i have 3 cats & only feed them hills science diet. the ingredients are better for them with less filler. yes its more expensive but they deserve it. and i only feed them dry food. significantly cuts down on the "smells" they produce LOL
I feed mine strictly good quality dry food-its made by Purina so I can always find coupons for it and I buy it in the biggest bag they sell.Mark-up on smaller packages of dry pet food is very high.
Was at Fruitland Wal-mart tonight and found the Special Kitty big cans for 70 cents, Friskies big cans for 94,they were 80 cents last week. With gas prices up, human food costs up, they are squeezing the working families to the breaking point. Maybe I should quit my job and go on welfare - then I can get food stamps, free cell phones, medical & dental care and go to college for free. No I can't do that, I was brought up to take care of myself and family and I will continue to struggle to feed the pets I have because the option of the Humane Society and their certain demise is not an option cause who can afford to adopt a pet these days.
befriend a chicken grower
cats love dead chicken
I stopped at the Berlin Walmart last week to pick up this exact thing. When I saw the cans were $.94 I picked up only enough for a few days. When I went to the Salisbury Walmart I saw that they too had upped the prices to $.94 a can. Don't bother going to the Fruitland Walmart thinking it will be cheaper. I was there yesterday and it's the same price. They did however have the Walmart brand of canned food in the large can. Something the Salisbury Walmart can not seem to keep in stock. The Friskies ues to sell by the case full, but not in the last week people are leaving it sit and going for the cheaper store brand. Let's hope Walmart can figure out they need to ORDER MORE of that and less of the other. It usually takes them a few years to realize anything.
How about Big Lots.
It's not just cat food. It's practically everything you buy. 10:03 pm, you can forget Big lots, they're no cheaper than anyone else. Also Five dollar general.
I don't know about Hills, Cathy. Check out the ingredients.
They along with alot of other companies use chicken by products in other words slaughter house waste. Also way too much corn products (corn glutten meal and whole ground corn) in Hills.
We have 3 cats. They have dry Purina from Sams Club in their automatic feeder.
Every evening, they all 3 share a can of the Friskies from Walmart. It's 50 cents a can. When it's time to buy more, we usually buy 6 of each flavor so we have a stock of it.
We tried the more expensive brands and our cats would sniff it and walk away. We tried the Special Kitty and it seemed to be making 2 of the cats sick about twice a week. Since going to Friskies, that stopped.
I see that Food Lion is running Friskies for 50 cents a can now too.
i get all the food for my prepper stash pantry at Sav-a-lot. fill up 2 carts for $150.
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