"We must be careful not to hire too many blacks in the store"
"White trash that sleeps with black men."
"As long as its not a black person"
You better get on the same page as Mrs. Gordy then."
"I don't think a black manager is a good idea"
"He lives in the worst section of town"
"Those people never work out."
"Those black people from that part of town are all thieves."
"I told you we shouldn't hire those people."she dated "black boys" and the last one "was as black as your stereo speaker."
These are just some of the quotes stated in the lawsuit filed in C. A. No. 11-883 filed in the state of Delaware by a former manager.
Well, one has to wonder just how many "black people" will continue to do business with that business????? This "white" person, (me) doesn't do business with them nohow. Look up the case. I'd say Mrs. Gordy has a LOT of explaining to do, according to the documents filed.
New Posts to fall below.
Yikes -- he's a Salisbury official, and Barrie Tilghman's pal, too!
sad days when the government controls YOUR business more than you do. if thats how he feels, regardless of our opinions, he should be able to do as he pleases.
I cannot believe people think like this. This is sickening!
Good friends of Bubba Comegys too
Isn't everyone's money green?
@12:57 - This is not government controlling a business. If true, this represents a violation by this business of THE LAW. He CAN have whatever opinion he wants (no matter how foolish and ignorant), but he cannot discriminate based on race. You would be crying foul if a black owned business owner did the same thing concerning whites. Grow up.
you will get sued after this post. what are you thinking? These will be called lies and they will get thrown out of court and then you will get sued, think before you post!
anonymous 1:59, SUE ME, I dare you. You must be John Robinson. Na, can't be John. Most everything is spelled right.
It's a shame. Bill Gordy's dad treated all as equals. He would roll in his grave...It all went to his head once he inherited Gordy Fuel in Delmar...
Has anyone noticed how this hasn't been in the DT's.
Don't take this wrong, but as you stated Joe, those are the charges.As a business owner too any unhappy employee or customer can say anything they want about an employer or job, doesn't mean it's true. Lets here both sides of the story. Thank you.
Did it ever occur to you that perhaps the former manager is retaliating because he was fired and denied unemployment benefits? I am a former employee of the Gordy Tigermarts and I know for a fact that they hire people of all races and they have had a black female manager for several years. I know you have a vendetta against the Gordys but I have known them for mandy years and they are not the type of people to say those things. You should look at the person that is making these accusations. Then maybe you wouldn't be so quick to judge the Gordys.
To ALL, here's how I personally look at it.
IF an employee goes so far as to hire and attorney and file a lawsuit against an employer, I'm personally going to side with the employee.
No matter what is said, the Daily Times would publish ANYTHING against me when it comes to lawsuits. If one is filed it becomes a matter of public record.
Heck, John Robinson filed TWO bogus lawsuits against me in which he never even had me served. He just did so to get it on public record and make claims against me, just like he did to Bruce's Billiards and another local business. Robinson never even showed up in court.
All the DT's wanted was something filed. Now they don't even wait for that, so don't feed me any crap that I'm being too harsh here. My deceased Father In Law would write a letter to the Editor and the DT's would end his letter stating Art Goetz is the father of Jennifer Albero who is suing the city of Salisbury.
I thought Ed Ellis owned????
Joe, I disagree with you. Former employees hire lawyers because our stupid judicial systems makes it too easy to bring crazy lawsuits against people and employers.
anonymous 3:48, don't feed me your BS. You have never sued someone and or been sued. If you had you'd have a good idea of what it costs to do so and by your comment you are absolutely clueless.
What every one seems to not know is that this person also received a write to sue letter from the EEOC, something VERY difficult to get, unless you have a case.
So you just keep defending this all you like. I'll enjoy sitting in court REPORTING on what is said and who backs it up.
Gordy was constantly using the n word around the fire department.
I would guess he is a "born here"?
I got an idea may be the gordy's should relocate to rising sun maryland> If he is connected to the County Council of Wicomico Co then that explains their mind sets as to why County employees do not get a COLA or pay raises. The only dept in the county that gets hooked up is education, and the sheriffs dept. The hell with the rest go work for chicken industry.
Thanks for bringing us the truth about this family. I know people give you a hard time but if it wasn't for you Joe many things would get brushed under the rug. I will never shop or buy gas at any of their locations as long as I shall live.
Thanks Joe for your truthful comment.
As for 1:27 PM,
This statements was not made by black person. This statement alledgely was made by the person in this article. It's shameful but I am not surprised. There are so many people in this area and abroad who feel this way towards black people. But the bottom line is, these statements are hurtful and the person should be shameful. I personally would say the same thing if spoken by any race. This is shameful and it appears that some folks in this area haven't changed a bit.
is anyone surprised
just because some bumpkin good ole fat neck boy makes good in business does not mean hes an enlightened being or righteous person
Mrs. Gordy is the brains and the class behind this business and it is not surprising she is not from around here
@3:47...not hardly.
If true, could explain why the fire department has stayed so white for so long.
First, this all sounds like he said-she said. Second, why is anybody shocked? Don't tell me you don't hear this everyday, amongst every walk of life. There's no surprise here. Racism is a part of life and it happens on a daily basis with everybody.
I have been in the rt. 13 store and the employees are just stupid...have no customer service. They stand around talking about previous customers. They are racist! I can't stand the Gordy's. They deserve everything that's coming to them. Someone said she has class...NOT! She's just as bad as her husband. The hire and fire worthless employees!
Weren't these the people who requested a judge make a woman who stole gas walk in front of the store wearing a sign as punishment? Of course she was black. I think some civil rights groups need to look into this situation. I'm sure some past staff and people who were denied employment have a case.
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