It's no secret that while Sheriff Mike Lewis was running for Office, Lewis was publicly targeted for racial profiling.
In the Alex Guerrero arrest was it really a "drug investigation" or simply a DWB, (Driving While Black).
There was a ton of discussion in the New York Times challenging MSP Officer Mike Lewis for racial profiling. Will history continue to haunt the Sheriff's Department? ''They're going to let the N.A.A.C.P. tell us how to do traffic stops,'' he says. ''That's what's happening. There may be a few troopers who make stops solely based on race, but thisa they're going to let these people tell us how to run our department. I say, to hell with it all. I don't care if the drugs go through. I don't.'' said Lewis. www.nytimes.com/1999/06/20/magazine/the-color-of-suspicion.html
While a person may not resist a lawful arrest, they have every right to resist an unlawful arrest. No drugs were found, therefore, was the arrest of Alex Guerrero lawful or unlawful? While it's true we weren't there, we can only go by what we are told and or read off of press releases. Mind you, any one taking the time to read the WCSO Press Release can clearly see the multitude of questionable information provided. The Sheriff cannot be very proud of what has been published in that release.
But it's whatever.
When is re-election time again?
Truth is ...the majority of crimes in this country are attributed the the blacks.the statics speak for themselves. Its no different than an officer keeping better eyes on a group of young white kids than a group of old women ten foot away. Why? Cause the kids are more prone to criminal activity than the old ladies!
Put yourself in a cops shoes.see what he sees. His gut has been fine tuned due to experience. And a majority of his experience comes from the engagements of the black community. I'm not saying its right.I'm just saying!
You really fucked up this time Albero.
The obvious answer is YES. Police would like to think they are trained and experienced profiler's but they get it wrong consistently. Then top it of with confrontation, trumped up charges, as much hatred and malice as they can muster, then high five each other after the brutal assault.
They are government trained paranoid schizophrenic masochists and proud of it. Code Blue, Code blue. Intimidation is the rule. The Sheriff, Chief and local Government are all proud of how the officer's conduct their immoral activities on duty "protecting us from ourselves, protecting us from each other, protecting us from crime". Who's protecting us lawful citizen's from them?
I don't know at this time what particular deputy performed the traffic stop, etc, but what i can say is first off... IM BLACK. i've been pulled over by each department. darn lead foot gets me in trouble lol but the thing here is i've never experienced what is mentioned here. in fact i've seen i difference in the personalities of the deputies since mike lewis became the sheriff, and its a change for the better. to a degree i actually enjoy the stops as they usually result in pleasant conversation regardless of whether or not a citation is issued. was i there? of course not. but i have been in a stop in which i was pulled because of the neighborhood i was coming out of. at that time i (hate admitting this) hung out with people that did smoke and the odor was apparently on my jacket. i knew i wasn't guilty of possession or smoking, but a k-9 search as well of a search of my person was conducted. no big deal. another pleasant conversation occurred as the officers did their job and i was on my way soon afterwards. again i don't know what really happened, but i can say with the number of times i've been pulled over, i haven't had a problem. until i see first hand that Mike Lewis is a bad sheriff,
Don't think you'll be getting much love from any cops around here anytime soon Joe...just sayin'.
I want my vote back.
Mike made a name for himself targeting the corridor that the drug runners traveled...ie: the RT 13 bypass. These bozo's today use those same tactics on our local roadways. Now and again they get a "hit" but mostly nickel and dime local dealers or personal stashes. Nothing like what Mike hit with the traveling "salesmen" muling the loads from down south. Its alot safer chasing kids smoking a joint than it is taking down members of the BGF or other gangs that are taking our county over.
damn right mike is right! he knows from experiance. u ppl can't sugar coat this one..thats just there nature!
I wonder, is it really "racial" profiling" or rather "cultural profiling"?
Think about it... who is more likely to get pulled over and profiled... a white guy dressed up like a "gangsta" in a "pimped out ride", or a black guy in a suit driving a sedan? I think it's more than just race that determines if you are profiled.
If you look like a hoodlum.. expect to be under scrutiny. I think calling it a racial thing makes it too simple, and is not really honest.
5:09 is most certainly from the sheriffs office.
The police departments do better than the fire departments.
The fire departments are pretty much lily white and many of those boys are stereotypical redneck. I haven't seen much change in 20 years.
I hope they use racial profiling it is one of the most consistent and accurate tools they could use.
Didn't Joe say he reports ALL of the news, not just the popular stuff? Geez people get real.
Why are u attacking the sheriffs office accusing them of profiling when the press release and your own post both say the SPD STOPPED the car and requested the k9 to respond???????
I don't believe our Sheriff dept does this
A lawful order is a lawful order. Obey it, or deal with the results. Haven't these idiots seen enough episodes of cops and bait car to know when to behave? The way the police are getting shot these days, no wonder they are jumpy. I wouldn't take any chances either. Make pot legal, and all this dumb poop goes away. You are not going to stop it, so tax it.
with all the crime in Salisbury, and the #3 rating per capita in the country for violent crime, we're crying about profiling ? Gangs are everywhere. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are pretty good it's a duck.
Mike = Hilter
Let's hope they do and keep on doing it.
Maybe they need to replace the whole staff like they did in that school in Cali.
I don't think 5:09 is an African American. I think he's a white cop trying to make it sound like some black people LIKE getting pulled over and searched, just so they can have some "pleasant conversations" with the police while they and their belongings are given a thorough search. Over and over again. Day after day. Its so much fun, I wonder does he speed through town just so he can have some "pleasant conversation" with the police? Must be a very lonely "black man".
@ 7:44 and 5:28, i'm definitely black lol, and although i wish i could say otherwise, i'm not with the sheriff's department. These people, whether sheriff's deputies, city officers, or state troopers take time out of their day to make an attempt to maintain order and safety in the communities we live in. to sit on the outside and just assume what happens is quite easy to do. When you patrol the areas day after day you see trends. you start to see who the neighborhood regulars are and who the newcomers are. no one other than the officer initiating the traffic stop knows the reasoning behind it. he could have felt he saw something or he could have observed something and jumped to the wrong conclusion. mistakes happen. simply put 9 times out of 10 compliance makes a traffic stop so much easier. i was recently witnessed a court proceeding where a deputy (not wicomico) used a minor traffic violation to eventually get to felony charges. now the deputy could have assumed that based on their age they were simply traveling for whatever reason and would have missed a rather large crime being committed. For each and everyone of you out there that wants to assume that law enforcement has nothing better to do other than racially profile the public, i offer you this solution. get off your butt, join one of the local law enforcement agencies, make it through the academy, and spend time on the streets and then let me know what trends you see. i'm not attempting to speak ill of anyone here but a good majority of cops don't just pull people over to have something to do despite what the general public may think.
Joe, you're a dummy...
I don't like the Sheriff much either but you really are a spoiled punk.
Damn Rick - Thank God somebody on here has got some brains and balls. How refreshing that somebody try to see it from the Police point of view. Every time a major crime occurs, Law Enforcement gets bashed for not doing enough. Try to be tough and aggressive on crime and suddenly we're Nazis and Constitution stompers.
Thanks for the amazing idea Rick! For all of those out there that can do a better job than your local law enforcement officers - Get off your ass, apply, pass all the tests, pass the academy (6 months), complete Field Training (another 1.5 - 2 months) and then show us how its done. I can't wait to see crime plummet with all you wonderful experts out there taking over. Imclain will probably clean up Salisbury all by himself because thats the kind of guy he is. We truly have something to look forward to.
Jones--- I probably wouldn't like the part of the training that says its OK to stop and search INNOCENT people to see IF they are committing a crime (O.C. police do this on a regular basis and the Nazi checkpoints certainly do, too.) Nor would I like the part that tells police that they get to use laws like "hindering the police", or "distrubing the peace" , "obstructing the police" as reasons to supress citizens rights to question the actions of police, or to arrest people when they've pissed you off. I certainly wouldn't like the part that says YOU can film US, but when we film YOU, we get arrested or beat up. And I'm not sure, but is there a training section for using your gun and badge (backed up by a police investigating board that always finds the police innocent) to get away with shooting unarmed people (5 in New Orleans, and HUNDREDS of others across our nation), robbing, beating (usually up to 15-20 against one) and killing people, running drugs under the cover of "cop", raping, extorting, fixing tickets, flaunting the law and just about every crime we ("the people") go to jail or prison for? Or is that stuff just IMPLIED during the apparently tough training? Facts speak for themselves. Sorry to hurt your feelings or tell the truth about things that are FACTUALLY documented in court cases and your own police reports, and of course, those lying photoshopped videos). I never had the desire to bully anyone, or teach anyone a lesson, or make up for being 5'6" and insecure, or get back at the people who pushed me around in high school. YOU (the police) have brought the animosity upon youselves. And you know it, but can't admit it....and notice again --- I ain't using "anonymous"....or some fake alias name.
8:10 you hit the nail on the head!
Your friendship with the Sheriff is TOAST!!log
10:38 AM
Seems like he is a fair weather friend anyway.
Everything the police do in cases like this is constitutional, as interpreted by the Supreme Court. This is our American system of checks and balances. You, as an American, can talk to your elected officials, and try to get laws passed that you want.If they pass muster in the court, and are found to be Constitutional, they are OK. Or you are free to run for office, and propose new laws in the assembly.
Pat downs for weapons in certain circumstances are legal, as confirmed by the courts. K9's smelling a car is legal, and is not a search, as confirmed by the very liberal Supreme Court.
This is how America works. You can do your best to change laws, or stop complaining because you have gotten arrested in the past, or think drugs should be legal.
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