At 4:42 p.m. today, I received from Daily Times reporter Sarah Lake the press release Councilwoman Laura Mitchell handed out at her press conference. The release has too many allegations to which I can respond in the short time allowed by the media’s deadlines and my own schedule.
While Ms. Mitchell was preparing for her press conference, I was working on advancing a meeting of governments on the tax differential after planning a work session agenda addressing topics such as zoning appeal changes, the proposed crime legislation of the mayor’s, and election redistricting. This was after updating the Council and Mayor by email on my hour- to hour-and-a-half-long meeting with the new city attorney yesterday.
A quick read of Ms. Mitchell’s press release indicates there are factually incorrect statements, with allegations to which I can respond more fully later. Time derailed by answering these manufactured press dramas would be better spent on the full workload the City faces, issues like the Wastewater Treatment Plant, the $67+ million Capital Improvement Plan, and more.
Hats off to the Brilliant Mrs Cohen!
Keep up the great work, your a real trooper!
The majority of citizens that I speak to are in fact upset with the entire city council which includes Laura Mitchel. My opinion, this is a disfuctional group that at times cannot make decisions.
Joe as a supporter of you and your family I would hope that you comment on mine and many others opinion. You don't have to agree with me but please post both sides of this issue.
Hey 6 08 ur incorrect Terry Cohen and Spies are carrying on in a way that satisfies a majority of the populace and not your insider good ole boy networks
Anon 7:00 No good ole boy network here. A small business owner and city resident that believes this council and the past 3 could care less about. This council does nothing to support businesses or
enhance new opportunist to locate here.
7:15, Do you pay attention? This council has tried to watch the city's pocketbook because it realizes that tax increases and water and sewer increases hurt small businesses. They have focused on supporting the police department to increase safety. Why do you think that city's audit is finally on time and the inability of the finance department to properly account for taxpayer dollars is finally set straight? Debbie Campbell stayed on that for 5 years until things were finally in order. They understand that keeping the businesses that are already here and bringing more that pay good wages are a must. Especially Campbell and Cohen have good minds when it comes to business. Spies may too, but haven't seen enough of his votes on policy to be sure yet. I am a Salisbury business owner, resident and taxpayer. I would gladly elect those three again.
It matters not which group is right or wrong. Both sides, equally, are showing they can not or will not try to work together. I am disappointed in them all, that after being voted into office, the only thing any have accomplished, in my opinion, is to point fingers, blaming each other. Sorry time indeed, that Salisbury and taxpayers has to suffer so this group can continue their play ground antics. If I had my way, they all would be fired, impeached or what ever it took and Salisbury would be run by the county, Be cheaper on the city taxpayers and less embarrassing too.
anonymous 7:35, so you, like Mayor Ireton, Laura Mitchell and Shanie Shields want a Council that is completely in harmony, or shall I say, yes men?
Have ANY of you people run a business with a Board? The IDEA is to have different opinions. You do NOT want perfect harmony soas your investment will run like a fine tuned machine.
ONE wrong leader, (Mayor) and the whole town falls to crap. If YOU believe Mayor Ireton has ANY clue how to operate and run a multimillion follard business you are absolutely crazy.
Now, that being said, Shields and Mitchell are living off the government, right. Yeah, I'd trust them too, NOT. I'm NOT knocking them but add in that picture JT. Its all about entitlements. Its all about screwing the taxpayers for whatever they want while every one else pays for it.
You better be damn thankful you have Terry, Debbie and Tim keeping a close tab on your City!
Ditto Joe...I can not believe that the Aficain american community can elect such a Moron...and elect a School teacher with no bussiness sense, expereince or leadeship qualities and a typical Libtard welfare queen who is part of the 1%..I say that becuase anyone on the Government Dole is not going to bite the hand that feeds it.
Hey Mr. Businessman with 11 employees and 5 kids, if you want to defame anyone, do so with your name attached. Until then, your comment will not fly here.
Okay, my two cents. To those damning "the whole council," think about this for a minute:
If you are being hunted, pursued, dogged relentlessly by someone who wants you gone, are you to blame for not "getting along" with them?
I am one of the "silent majority" and now I am going to say something.
You think back to how Campbell has been treated on that council for years, yet never stooped to acting the way she was treated. Or how Cohen stopped G.A. Harrison from going after Laura Mitchell, but Cohen never touched the gavel. Harrison, unlike that buffoon Gary Pusey, had the class to respect Cohen and stop himself.
Jim Ireton was badmouthing how the council was going to be from the git-go. He vetoed a budget and tons of other stuff. Who does that? Barrie Tilghman didn't even go all the way to vetoing a budget and I'll bet she vetoed less things in 12 years than Ireton has in less than a year.
Look at what Mike Dunn and Jonathan Taylor have done to Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen with these stupid ethics charges. Do you see these two women filing charges against their political enemies? No. And we all know Mr. Sassafras Dunn has a hell of a nerve doing this. Hell, he even threatened Bob Caldwell!
So tell me, how do you "get along" with people who want to destroy you at any costs? And for what? "Ruling" Salisbury?
I say GOD BLESS Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen and Tim Spies for putting up with the CRAP they do. None of their daddies got rich off a deal with the city.
Now you know why I can't go to a meeting and speak. I wouldn't be able to control my mouth and might wind up as the first person Terry Cohen would have to gavel.
Terry, Debbie, and Tim are the best elected officials this city has seen in years. We were fooled by Louise Smith and now Jim Ireton. We need a real mayor and not some flaming idiot who spends his weekends at a Delaware beach. We need a forth council member that isn't slopping at the government trough with her hand outs and entitlements. We need a forth council member with a brain that can think for themselves.
We are stuck with Shanie Shields because of the trumped up minority district.
What we don't need is Laura Mitchell and Jim Ireton!
Help Is On The Way!! Where the Hell is that recall petition?
Mr. alleged businessman, I knew I made the right move rejecting your comment. You can stop sending in more anonymous comments challenging me now.
JOE & 8:26 DITO DITTO DITTO GOOD take on the whole situation..they have no sense of civic duty but feel that they are entitled.. to steal, cheat and lie to taxpayers, to line anyones pockets but mine. I am all for doing the right thing funding infrastructure, schools, fire, police and gov admin and also to help the truly needy..but use our taxes for what they are intended not the abuse we have seen over the last decade..when the trough appears to be low we see the liberal mode of operadi unethcial tactics, lies, disinfomation, hissy fits
Joe, I am Anon 6:08 p.m. and have supported you and your family times you don't have a clue about.
I was behind you at Fernando's after parties. No you don't have to post anything I publish. Like I said you don't have to agree with me but post opinions from both sides of the hall. I don't disrepect the person I disagree with their choices. Enough said.
Hal and Nancy knows who I am.
anonymous 8:47, I cannot and will not publish personal attacks.
Wow. Pretty mild response to a pretty nasty event.
Kudos to Cohen for showing restraint.
Mitchell deserved far worse.
It's now Thursday morning. 16 & 47 have ignored Mitchell and not put anything on their site. Even though the times ran the story, the heart of their story is Terry Cohen's response! Laura's attack was trivialized by the fact that Ms. Cohen was too busy working for the citizens and doing her job that to spend time quibbling over Mitchell's tantrums!
A tax differential.....yes, something needs to happen to relieve the city taxpayers of some of the burden they are undr. Thank you.
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