Update: 4 Yes, 2 No, 1 Abstain
I have just confirmed Dr.Fredericksen has been appointed for another four years.
Elmore - no
Fitzgerald - no
Blye - yes
Chase - yes
Willey - yes
Wright - yes
Dodd - abstained-wanted night meeting based on recently acquired information
New Posts to fall below.
Not surprised. The board had no intentions of listening to our community. They already knew what they were going to do...same old same old.
Sad day for our school system.
Publish the vote! Also, this just means we need to really dig in harder to get an elected school board!
I'm surprised....
We've been flipped off by the school board.
They can't claim ignorance.. it has to be stupidity.
I'm not, appears all those over at the boe who have had things their way for so long now know the writing is on the wall. finally met someone you can bs or intimidate! HA!
Did Michelle Wright vote?
Who abstained? Seems like kind of a cop-out. I think everyone should vote and if there is a legit reason you cannot you should step down. Sad day indeed. Reminds of that Family Guy episode where they all were chanting for 4 more years of douche bag. For real though it is maddening to see the lack of care that this board has taken with decisions that affect all the children of our county. And i don't even have children!
Elmore - no
Fitzgerald - no
Blye - yes
Chase - yes
Willey - yes
Wright - yes
Dodd - abstained-wanted night meeting based on recently acquired information
Yes--Chase, Blye, Wright, Willey
No--Elmore, Fitzgerald
I would love to say I'm shocked by this, but I'm not.
3:33--why do you ask?
""They can't claim ignorance.. it has to be stupidity.""
...more like corruption
isn't that just special...
They did say they want to serve ALL of the children, so maybe the tens of millions spent on at risk will be balanced by something spent on average and above average students.
the board's gain, is the students loss. way to go. good ole boyz want every one to stay backwards and less educated. mute the masses and dumb down the kids
Speak with your wallet as well, do not visit Wright's Market in Mardela and spread the word.
Michelles vote, either way, is a conflict of interest. Tell us why that is Dr. F? Michelle? And IF she is resigning she should have abstained.
What's recently acquired information Larry Dodd?
I'm aware that many of the issues the WCBOE faces are complex and aren't as simple as we the citizens sometimes think. There are consequences for each solution which creates a new problem. State and Federal mandates that Im certain would make my head spin. So Dr. F's job involves much more than meets the public's eye. BUT!!!! Not telling the truth, with holding information, circumventing protocol, and flat out lying is grounds for dismissal and can't be tolerated in any leadership position. End of story.
The talk inside my school this afternoon was shock and sadness. The people I talked to truly believe that the board does not care about the people that they employ, or the children that they serve. A very, very sad day for all of the children who attend Wicomico County schools.
The students get screwed yet again and parents are going to have to dig in a fight hard to win what is best for their child! Just goes to prove that you can't fix stupid!!!
Can not believe Dodd didn't vote--WTF?
Why did theyvote for a 4 year deal. I was told that upon renewal, the could do up to 4 years. With everything going on, why give it all?
What difference would the abstention vote make??
5 yes and 2 no
4 yes and 3 no
Either way Freddie had enough votes. Sounds like it was a done deal anyway.
I just can't imagine why anyone on the Board would support Fredericksen.
We need to support Elmore, Fitzgerald and Dodd. They refused to vote to renew the contract. Wright should have abstained or left the board before today. When the lawsuits get rolling, there will be a buyout of the contract and we're left holding the bag. Proud day for our county.
Wright should NOT have voted.
As someone who was at the meeting today and spoke at the meeting today I have tremendous respect for The members that voted no today. There were only 3 public comments. How are we to expect them to stand up for what we believe in if we are not standing up for what we believe in!
You can't stand up if your at work.
Some sneaky stuff going on in this county. I too am sad.
If I were John, I wouldn't want to be in a place where I wasn't wanted. But, he could, just could, have trouble finding anything else. So he will liinger here until he is ousted out.
can't pay the county's salaries if I don't work.
Could they have not just extended the contract until hearing what Dodd had to say? This seems like too much 'shove it down my throat' politics.....similar to our current President.
Mark R.
I am proud of and grateful for Dr. Elmore and Mr. Fitzgerald as they demonstrated great courage today. Unfortunately, the majority of the board feels that mediocrity and failing schools is acceptable in Wicomico County. The four board members who voted 'yes' today just signed us up for four more years with the devil...thanks!
The worst is yet to come as this is just the shot in the arm fast Freddy needed. He will now feel invincible, and if those that risked their employment status by sharing sensitive information are found out, they will be next during the rein of terror. He is ruthless and unconcerned about anyone other than himself. Of course, these are things that everyone knows already. The question is, what can we do as a community to correct this situation given that there is no support from the Board members when they do things like having a mid day meeting that working people cannot attend. The deck is stacked against the community, and more importantly, against children who cannot defend themselves from the worst our county school leadership offers. I have three children in the public schools right now, and I am hoping to pick up another job to send them to Salisbury Christian as there is no way my wife and I will allow them to be subjected to this tyrant and his cronies.
I agree, and i asked for the decision to be postponed to a time when the public could voice their opinions. However,the board said they recieved 12 emails. There are more than 12 people who leave comments on here. It could have been a simple email to a board member with their concerns.
Mr. Willey minimized public concerns by saying they pertained to three or four decisions people didn't like, and that would be true of any superintendent over a four year period. Then he spoke of the awful economic situation. It's predictable that he tried to pretend it's decisions we don't like, instead of lying and all the rest of the garbage. John certainly has a soulmate to defend him.
They received more than 12 emails. Besides, since they know his shenanigans as well as we do, why is our responsibility to tell them what they already know?
If the vote was 3 for, 2 against and 1 abstention, why did Mr. Willey vote?
What's the news on the Cheerleading coach from Mardela
It's obvious that education is not the boe's first priority.
I know there's a lot of disappointment directed towards BOE employees for not coming forward about certain, if not many issues, for not being more vocal and taking a stand. I know because I'm one of them. As much as I'd love to be an idealist and spill everything I've seen and heard over the years, as I'm sure would many others, the unfortunate truth is that ideology is all well and good but we have families to support, bills to pay and trust me, they pursue those who spill secrets feverishly.
I don't think there was ever any doubt that he would be re-appointed. The back scratching, and the "secret handshake" mentality runs way too deep. Those who have commented openly will be dismissed, maybe not right away but it's coming. Oh it will be "performance related" or some other trumped up justification, but it will happen. They censor us daily. They (try) to block access to forums such as this, they read our email, they monitor our Internet activity and they have a video surveillance system that would make the NSA proud.
Yes, there's a certain nobility to being a whistleblower, but that same nobility won't pay your mortgage or feed your family. Don't judge us too harshly for not standing up and speaking out. In a more positive economy with a stronger job market it might have been different but realistically, how many of could really afford to be unemployed right now?
Fredericksens dirty. Cathy Townsend is as bad if not worse, and yes...the "old boys" network is alive and well. Speaking of old boys..... let's not forget just how much everyone disliked Ron Willey when he was an employee....now he's the board president?
Stephanie Moses' dismissal is an example of how deep this all goes. I have no love for the woman, in fact she's made things less than rosy for me on more than one occasion, but rest assured, those things she did, she did under the direction from those above her and when she finally took a stand and refused to be complicit...she was fired.
Frederickson was brought here because of his ability to tighten a budget and be a hatchet man because lean times are here and going to get worse. The Board of Education has been pleased with that aspect of his performance. They don't care if he's not popular or doesn't get along. That's not why he's here. If people hate him then it just takes the focus from the Board which is going to have to make some very unpopular decisions and cuts. Of course instruction is low on his priority list, BECAUSE THAT'S NOT WHY HE WAS HIRED. HE'S A BUDGET CRUNCHER.
And for those of you who think that his cozy relationship with WCEA president Dave White somehow benefits the union you really don't understand how that relationship works. It's all for the benefit of Administration and the BOE. For years, and a number of superintendents prior to Frederickson, the Administration paints the picture that it's the Administration and WCEA versus the County Council. After all, they hold the purse strings, right? Meanwhile, the teachers in the trenches have seen the pay schedule slowly slide to the bottom of the list in Maryland even as county BOE expenditures have risen. We see great new teachers get a few years of experience and then bail to a higher paying county. Who can blame them? You can't say "We need better teachers!" without facing the reality of better salaries and benefits EVERYWHERE ELSE.
Today's decision, and nearly every other decision made at that level, was about money.
The (re)appointment of a local superintendent must be approved by the state superintendent according to state education law. "4-201(2) The appointment of a county superintendent is not valid unless approved in writing by the State Superintendent.
(3) If the State Superintendent disapproves an appointment, he shall give his reasons for disapproval in writing to the county board."
Mr. Dodd should annouce whatever information he was holding for and anyone else should let the state superintendent know of any reason they believe that Fredericksen should not be reappointed. It may be a long shot but it's the law. If employees feel afraid expressing views here, they can certainly express those concerns to state superintendent Sadusky and urge him not to approve the appointment without a full investigation of all charges.
The video system is not because of the superintendent but is the result of one paranoid employee. Funny thing is he's the one that many fear..more than outsiders trying to do harm. And his wife sits and looks at the videos. Nothing better to do.
I have to agree with everyone else. They had this planned all along. They had no intentions of letting the parents have a say just like always. We(the parents) are sorry if we have to work to pay your high $$$$$ salaries. I really don't understand just because you have a hot shot title and a staff that does most of your work for you, why you need to make the salaries you do. Why don't you spend your "hard earned" salaries on your own lunches instead of using budget money? Why are our kids the ones that have to suffer? The "No Child Left Behind" program in Wicomico County is a JOKE! I am not talking about the teachers either. The Board of Ed could care less if your child can read or write as long as they are in school every day for them to get their precious census count for their funding. Why don't the WCBOE let parents join their little "3 Ring Circus" of meetings. Anyone can attend a meeting and eat and drink and talk about the other employees, but do they have to do it on our (the taxpayers of Wicomico County) DIME! Maybe some interested parents need to become a part of your "Board Members". But then you would have a real fight on your hands. Let's ask some of the parents out here why their kids are wanting to quit school and go and take their GED test and get out of Wicomico Schools. There is so much drama in the main office at the WCBOE that now it is trickling down the pipes to the teachers and then to our students. Wicomico County Schools are not like they used to be. I think we should clean house at the main office at WCBOE and start with some fresh ideas and positive attitudes. I am not saying that everyone there is bad either, but trust me when I say they know who they are from the highest paying position to the lowest.
Dr. Fredericksen has not cut positions. He has added them. For every cut listed, either the children left the county like the Delmar fifth graders or the program left like Adult Education or the position listed as cut was replaced by a new position with a different title. That saved a little money but nothing that's a skeleton crew like they say. The board does not need a full time public relations person for a start. Interesting that they cut a deputy from Salisbury Middle before they would cut a PIO. The kids really don't matter much.
Ok NOW what? We all can complain and whine to deaf ears--nothing will change. As a matter of fact, it will get worst. So, let's get a game plan going. Whose for it?
It will take numerous meetings, letters to the editor, attending board meetings and challenging the boe on every level. Passion, caring parents wanted for the job.
In the end our children will be the winners. Let's do it.
- the date for renewing the contract has been on here for a week or more
- names of school board members and contact info has been listed, over and over again
- BOE, (teachers and administrators )have been drug through the mud over and over by comments
- gossip, rumors and "my best friend's mother's boyfriend's ex-wife's mother-in-law said" stories repeated by viewers have been rampant
The day of reckoning arrives, so how many who were protesting the renewal of the contract bothered to show up to the meeting? I do not buy the "I had to work" excuse, as there was ample time to make arrangements to be off for a few hours. (Just like there is time to take off for things really important to you).
How many actually contacted the school board members with a grievance for renewal the contact ? From viewers comments on here it sounds like hundreds, but do you actually know that to be factual?
In my opinion (from reading comments on SBYNews about Mr Fredericksen, the staff and teachers) over the past four years, the only reasons given not to renew the contract have been mainly repeated rumors or gossip or insinuations.
Now I question if there are only one or two dozen people in the county who voiced their opinion of not renewing the contract. I question how many viewers are actually writing comments (is it the same 12/24 over and over). I question if tens of thousands are coming to this site daily to read about the BOE.
If my questions or opinion of the above is correct than I say most don't care or they think this whole BOE fiasco has been blown out of proportion.
7:26 One correction. The Adult Education program did not leave voluntarily. It was cut from the BOE budget. It was taken over for a very brief time by WorWic, but then WorWic cut it. I worked with the program for four years. What a loss this program was!
Reply to 5PM. Dodd didnt vote because thats his style. He plays both sides in everything he does. That way he can manipulate those folks that fall into either category into thinking he's on their side. Not voting at all is "not" in the best interest of having a board. If he cannot make a logical desicion he needs to get out of public arena and now! "On the fence" stances are no good for anything. He thinks he looks good by this, but in reality he is just as unwarranted and unqualified for his seat on board as Frederickson is for his job. ELECTED BOARD NOW!!! Dodd wouldnt get 10 votes in an election. Once again its who you know around here........
If you find the current administration acceptable, either you've had no contact with it or you weren't aware you were being lied to.
I agree that comments about food and other side issues were inappropriate. Lies, lawsuits and intimidation should have been the focus and information about those issues was true. Funny that no matter what lies he's caught in he's not to blame. Ever.
$300 a month doesn't equal high salaries.
And another thing, the timing of the board meetings alternates monthly. One month during the day and the next month at night...this is how it has been for quite some time. As was explained at yesterday's meeting, the original meeting time had to be rescheduled due to Mr. Fitzgerald's medical treatments. The timing of this month's meeting was not a conspiracy against the parents.
9:37 AM
The regular February meeting on the 14 was day time. Yesterday was a special meeting also during the day. March will be at night but the alternating schedule had nothing to do with yesterday.
i might be repeating this but think about it people he is collecting retirment in minnesota if he gets one more year he can collect retirment from maryland he is just a con artist
just like the four day week idea that failed in minnesota so he brought it here well legal matters will take care of this long before four years have passed
The lawsuits are mounting. Mine will be filed with the courts within the next month. Wrongful termination, unethical practices and defamation of character are at the top of the list.
So to put in all in a nutshell reduce administrative cost now and force this useless buracracy out of bussiness with vouchers..GET IT ON THE BALLOT NOW where do I sign up . The BOE is a money eating machine , useless which serves no purpose but to skim funds before they reach the classroom ..these dollars would go allot further without this useless corrupt drain on the funding stream.Vouchers will force them to focus on things that work and get these kids educated without all this crap i.e. BOE
Has Michelle resigned or does she continue to serve? Conflict of interest?
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