Last Thursday I had to leave the Office for a little while. As I was heading east bound on Rt. 50 from Downtown I came up to the light near the One Stop Job building there were kids crossing Rt. 50. Now, they were NOT crossing in the cross walk and I'm not talking about one or two kids. I'm talking about 10 or so kids running across Rt. 50 100 yards or more from the cross walk.
I mentioned this to a friend of mine and he said, that's nothing! Last week kids at one of the schools were running in front of the school buses playing a game. He went on to say one of the kids actually laid on the ground in front of a moving school bus. Again, information you're not going to hear from the BOE but one thing is for sure, it IS being announced on their radios from one bus driver to the other.
I guess it's too much to ask for our educators to do something about this. Do they TEACH safety in our schools any more? My guess is, they're too busy lobbying for new buildings instead.
Are you that naive to think that the "children" haven't been warned about the possible consequences. Do you really think having a "class" on what not to do is really gpoing to affect the behavior of the ones that do these things to show off or be "cool". Why would this be the educators responsibility in the first place, good home training should have taught the kids how to cross the street and what is and isn't dangerous behavior. Once off the campus, its not the school's responsibilty anyway.
I have to agree with you. I've about had it with Bennett talk! They all say we are all here for the children. Doesn't look like they are to me. If the children are hit and killed on the highway, they won't need the buildings!
I have called the police AND the BOE on numerous occasions regarding this same thing. It happens at several intersections, but I have had the most problems with the schools on College Ave. Not only are the kids not crossing safely, they don't care about the cars and even give people the middle finger! I wonder how the school board chooses which intersection to put a guard at? Does anyone know? Thanks for bringing this up Joe. It really needs to be addressed.
Would you believe coupons were being handed out to students from one middle school giving them free food from Arby's if they would just use the crosswalk? Most kids declined. We've given them so much just to do nothing they're now deciding whether to follow rules or not based on how much the award appeals to them. I think the coupons were from the sheriff's office but I'm not sure. If the public has any suggestions about how to make large groups of children behave when they are technically on public property after dismissal, it would be good for those people to put their ideas in practice.
I know for a fact that both Wi Middle And Wi High stress to the students and the parents the importance of using the crosswalks during various PTA meetings and in the classroom. Some of these kids just don't give a damn and feel as if the cars will stop no matter what and if not they'll sue...! Maybe if the parents got a fine or had to do community service every time their child jay walked it would be a different story, but until then all one can do is slow down and keep an eye out for those that can not follow directions!!!!
Here is a thought...
it is the police responsibility... That's right the cops...
There is a law called jaywalking, ever heard of it? no that because they don't enforce it...
they say its the law to stop for pedestrians... Well I for one DON'T stop for any person or persons crossing the street UNLESS they are IN the crosswalk... And according to law you have to stop for pedestrians IN the crosswalk not for ones whom jaywalk... If cops would enforce this then maybe less dumb asses would do what was said above...
that isnt on the BOE to teach "safety". besides, i think you are looking for the term "common sense" in that regard.
Sounds like the "entitlement program" kids of Bennett and Wi Hi, wandering to school from the ghetto, with no respect for anyone or anything.
I feel sorry for the crossing guards. They have a very important, low paying job and have no power to make kids follow the rules. The public is seeing firsthand how out of control kids are. If we can't even make them use a crosswalk, how do you think a teacher can make dozens of them sit, listen and do actual work? Kids know there are no serious consequences so they ruin the school and the community with their unending demands for attention. Guess the answer is more pizza parties and coupons for free stuff.
I have a friend who is student teacher at bennett middle. He ask me the other day should he come between two students fighting. They are much bigger than he. I told him to get the police who are in the building to handle it. He said I cant get between them becuase he does not have insurance if he got hurt. I told him I think the school would have liability insurance. Maybe not. What we need in these schools is a kick ass principal like we had at wi middle when my son went there in the 80's.
I guess wsith the new school we will have better students...LOL
anonymous 12:18, there were no crossing guards at the school on Rt. 50.
Joe, there used to be crossing guards at the back corner where the staff parking lot is. I didn't know there isn't one now.
The students from Wi High cross over Rt.50 to get home to the Church Street area.They will run right out in front of oncoming traffic with no regard for the drivers.The same happens at Bennett they cross College Avenue to get to the Row houses on Carrolton Avenue area also with no regard for the drivers they will run right out in front of you.This shows lack of respect to me and they all need to be fined by the police or something.One of these days someone is not going to be able to stop and possibly kill them.It will be their own stupidity that causes their death.
There use to be a guard at Ward and Rt 50 ( I don't know if she is still there)..it did no good though, the kids would run across at Davis St. I too called the school, in which I was told once they leave wi middle school property, they were no longer their responsibility.
It is the same argument as your previous entry about no consequences for these kids who have no regard for law or rules.
Your tax cuts at work.
They learn this from their PARENTS. I constantly see people j walking with their kids, nice example.
I agree with 12:13. Pedestrians only have the right of way if they are in a crosswalk.
There is an old saying. You can be right. DEAD RIGHT.
Have the police sit out there one day and start handing out community service. Something has to be done the kids are out of control.
12:21 PM
You referred to the kickass principal. Good point. Maybe a superintendent with no experience with minority students doesn't have the skills to bring order to our schools. Bet we keep him though cause we can't admit talking the game is not enough.
Tell your friend that since there is no policy that WCBOE administrators have to follow, which some think means they can do whatever the hell they want, ONLY break up the fight if he has an ethical administrator who he can trust will support his decision. It is a teacher's duty to use reasonable force when necessary to prevent students from getting hurt, but he could be hung out to dry if any issues arise from it...just the way WCBOE operates!
You are exactly correct! They all say they are here for the kids, but their actions state otherwise!
***Total Hypocrisy***
wait until you hear about the football coach that has been put on admin leave!!! it will rock wbe!! he should have never been allowed to be with kids in the first place with his record!!
well my question is if it is not the boards problem when off campus. why are they kids getting in trouble for stuff happening off CAMPUS????
I see them every morning taking my grandchild to school.
They croos rt 50 and walk slow and dare you to do a thing.
And yes they are most from the ghetto between 13 and 50.
I really blame the parents , the kids learn from them.
But , I just shake it off and consider the source of the problem , it will get worse.
The police don't need this on their schedule , or maybe they do!
I'll bet most are carrying a weapon or drugs.
I would like to spend some time with them in a closed room , I bet they would go to the crosswalk then.
Crossing guards are hired by the sheriff's department.
This is the thanks we tax payers get from these low life kids that give me the finger and "dare" me to run over them when going down College Ave. in front of Bennett High School. They are not at a cross walk and just keep walking out in front of cars like a dare! However, if I would ever hit one of them, it would be my fault! Makes no sense!
12:33 PM. There are no "Row houses" on Carrolton Avenue.
Last I heard that's jay-walking, which is against the law. And yes, I, too have been given the 'finger' from Bennett middle kids free-lancing across the highway and cursing at me, while I'm stopped waiting for them to get out of traffic!
Fine the parents!
Its like the typical walmart people..they walk out in front of traffic and do not even look. Same thought as these students. They dont even think how bad it will HURT.
In front of both of the doors at Walmart is a crosswalk. You are suppose to stop for them. However common sense would tell them to LOOK before they just walk right out in front of you. Sometimes with the sun you can't see someone.
If they kids can't behave they get community service. If they don't show up for it then make the parents join them in the community service at some point we need to let these creatures know that you are accountable for your actions.
Good point about needing a supt. who knows something about inner city schools cause that's what we have here.
If the board knew or should have known about a coach's prior record with kids, it's a major lawsuit if they hired him anyway. Background checks and fingerprint checks are supposed to be done on all personnel.
Fining the parents would be a good idea if the parents worked. As for community service, it would take a SWAT team to supervise a group of these kids and their parents.
I've witnessed first hand the many, many, many students who play "frogger" at this location. I worked for a business there. Before we relocated, every day at the same time these kids run across there with no regard to safety at all. They ran across Mt. Hermon Road playing chicken with the cars. Then they would risk it on Route 50.
We had to watch them closely as they would cut through the parking lot and would try to open people's cars to see if they could find something to take. So every day at that time, we would basically have to police the parking lot, the side of the building because apparently the bathrooms didn't work and the guys thought they needed to urinate on the building, as well as behind the office.
Then they would climb the embankment there and go across. I've seen them almost get hit, people slamming on brakes almost causing collisions with other vehicles and flipping people off who blow the horn at them. It is very unsafe. Guess when one of them gets hit and dies and the parents sue the school board then they will be something done about it. Until then, avoid that area at that time of the day if possible.
Do you all remember this article Joe posted on the 26th? You want the BOE to stop the students from crossing the road - when the BOE is being told to come up with a plan to NOT suspend or expel students for class room behavior.
Md. To Reconsider Zero-Tolerance Policy Toward Conduct Violations In Schools
Each of the state’s 24 school districts has one year to create a plan to reduce the number of suspensions and the next three years to act on it.
In addition to dropping its high suspension rate, the state may also consider doing away with expulsions, except when a student brings a firearm to school.
Posted by JoeAlbero at 1/26/2012 08:00:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Suspensions will be reduced by ignoring the behaviors and behavior issues will be left in the classrooms for other to deal with. The good kids will suffer more than they do now. I think an alternative school is needed and parents need to be held accountable for their kids behavior. They think test scores are low now wait until the teacher is trying to control a few eventually the others will be left behind.
January 27, 2012 7:06 AM
These are stupid kids raised by stupid parents if one gets hit and killed the rest will learn from that if not they will be next, nature has a way of riding itself of stupidity it called death.
The teachers can preach until they're blue in the face. The fact is that the kids DON'T CARE. They want you to hit them so they can sue you. You hit a pedestrian, it's automatically your fault. At Bennett, they dare you to hit them. At Wi-Middle, they just run in front of the cars on Rt. 50. They don't care. How about playing "dodge kids".
Again...why is this an issue with the BOE? Oh, it's not but all of you liberals want to say it is just to bash them.
Once a student leaves school property, unless on a school bus, they are no longer under the care of the BOE. If they are too idiotic to follow the laws and get hit, that is on them and their parents.
Sorry to sound like I don't care but parents must step up and teach their kids. Teachers and administrators have enough to do in a day to woryy about this.
These kids are related to the adults you see out in public that look at you and dare you to hit them with your car. Law Suit!
512PM I totally disagree with you. The BOE is fully aware of the situation. The BOE has done nothing to ask for the proper crosswalks for these kids.
A request should have been submitted to State Highway Administration years ago. Then SHA will come out and do a survey and then they will see the real need for the crosswalks. Then once they install the crosswalks, if the kids don't use it, then guess what then it's on them. Why wait for a child to die or permanently disabled before you do something??
One other thing, if you don't think that the parents wouldn't sue over this and have a case, you are sadly mistaken. If you look at the traffic pattern in this area, it's really screwed up to begin with. I've seen more confusion at those 2 intersections (The other one I'm talking about the intersection by the BOE) with traffic flow than almost any where else in the county.
It's a police matter. The school has these hoodlums for seven hours a day. Before and after that, the principals and teachers just can't be responsible for the wildness. Sad thing is that teacher salaries from now on will be tied to the test scores of these "scholars". So more uncivilized behavior will be tolerated to keep the suspension rate down and teachers are supposed to be accountable if the thugs won't study. Like making a doctor responsible if his patients won't take their medicine, smoke five packs a day and skip appointments.
Bless your heart. There is a crosswalk behind Wi Middle. Do the kids use it? How will you make them?
I dont think he knows where Wi Middle is LOL
Face the fact that public educators will never say which group of students has the most money spent on them, causes the most discipline problems and has the lowest test scores. It is NEVER the fault of the kids who don't behave or work or the parents who don't do anything. It is always the fault of the teachers and society. Society couldn't spend much more on this one group, but that's never mentioned. The current solution is to expect less from them and spend more on them. Everybody loses.
6:57 I hear you loud and clear, sadly our state will NEVER let this happen.
Just learned this one today too, if a court has ordered a juvenile to "attend school", then the school can not suspend the student.
So, no matter how awful an offense they commit, they can not be suspended. Worse, the student know this.
I feel bad for the people of Wicomico county.
My son attends Wi Middle and countless times we have had phone calls and information given to parents about students using crosswalks and being safe. Truthfully, it is not the job of the school, PARENTS need to step up and do THEIR job. Parents in this area have no idea how to raise a responsible individual and they need to realize it is not always the school's fault. PARENTS should have taught their children how to look both ways when crossing when they first started to walk as a toddler. Really I am a parent and sick of the teachers getting all the blame when I see kids running in the parking lot of Wal-Mart, I don't blame a teacher. I blame the parent for lack of up bringing. Parents need to do their job and maybe just maybe the BOE won't have to give out tickets for good behavior and spend senseless money to make kids want to come to school.
I don't know about now, but back when I went to school, pre-1978, if the kid didn't show up for school, the truant officer would show up, at the home.
Back then they could fine the parent 50 dollars a day for every day the student missed school, for an unexcused absence.
Do they not have that option now? If they do I am surprised if they don't use it. The powers that be just love revenue generating laws.
If they can't, or won't, discipline the kids, go after the parents. If you can't spank the student, spank their parents wallet.
And get rid of any law that says parents cannot discipline their own kids.
They want obedience but take away the tools to ensure compliance.
It is nobody's fault but the parents. If they allow their kids to behave in illegal and anti-social ways then the parents are just as guilty.
More so I would think. They are the ones who should know better. And they are supposed to teach that to their kids.
Some of the parents do not want to raise their kids correctly. But they will scream holy hell when the state takes over.
I got no use for or any patience for any parent that does not try.
They should be punished right along with their kids. Heck, I would bet that some of the parents are kids themselves.
If you love your kids, correct them now while you have a chance to. If not, society and nature will do it for you. And I'm pretty sure you won't like that.
Are you kidding me? Since when is it the educators responsibility to teach children how they should behave. What is the parent's responsibility? I would never expect a teacher to teach my kid how to act like a normal human being.
11:44 PM
You represent a reasonable segment of the population. With schools having before and after school programs, summer programs and every other program, the kids are being raised by the school system. The attitude is that somebody has to be responsible so just put it on the schools.
And what excatly are the educators supposed to do to discipline the kids? You want to know why our youth is going to crap? Chalk that one up to the government who thinks that spanking your children is "never the answer". Parents should also be held at least a tad responsible SINCE LAST TIME I CHECKED PARENTS ARE SUPPOSED TO TEACH RIGHT AND WRONG AND HOW TO ACT IN PUBLIC AND TO OBEY THOSE IN AUTHORITY. But yea other then that its all those dag nabbed teachers fault.
I love you people. You want tax cuts and you want the BOE to eliminate positions. But then you want teachers to teach children the common sense and decent behavior they should be learning from their parents , and you want truant officers and crossing guards too. You can't have it both ways!
This is why we home school. We make our kids behave, we make them learn respect for others, we make them learn, we enforce the rules. we also still pay taxes that go to support the pathetic pubic schools. They have spent years dumbing down the curriculum, lowering the behavior standards, giving in to the "bad" kids. Because, honestly, it is the "bad" minority of students that ruin it for the others. They are like a poison that infects the school and causes issues like this. It is those same kids that grow up to be problems and drains on society. Your kids go to the school, your kids want to learn, want to behave, but are hindered at every turn. Demand that those responsible are held accountable. My daughter attends a dance class with a family that gets everything for free, Food Stamps, rent, Christmas Presents from the Sherrif's office (yes, she gave them a list and then complained that the kids didn't get what they wanted), etc. And this is a 2 parent home!!!. Do I sit by and let her complain and think things are okay? No, I tell her she has no right to all of those things in the first place, then do my best to make her feel like a piece of s*%# for draining the system. Get angry, don't let people slide, have compassion for the truly poor, but not the moochers, not the welfare families, that are able to do better. Get angry.
I agree 100% that the WCBOE is not responsible for this one. They have plenty to answer for though. If my parent caught me doing anything like this my a$$ would have been laid out for a week. I think that we should have public beatings of the student and parent of the student as well.I am a very liberal person but I also believe in the phrase "Darwin at work"
I'm actually surprised at how few people were as passionate about parent involvement as they are blaming the WCBOE. Again, I am not even a big fan of Dr. F. but come on people....this crap should start at home.
Maybe with the newest money grab (gas tax) that o 'Mally has issued for infrastructure, we can put up a 20 mile fence. Or with NDAA past we could get some marines down there to keep guard.
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