Last night we published a Post referencing Parkside High School and the original cost of building it.
Today I have confirmed there is in FACT a letter stating the state would in fact work with the County whenever they are ready to move forward with Bennett Middle School.
Again, I'll repeat, someone within the Wicomico Board of Education is spreading a LIE about falling back into a ten year waiting list.
THREE Council Members, (so far) have confirmed the letter exists.
Do NOT fall for this crap. It does NOT need to be built NOW, but you're not hearing such information from County Executive Rick Pollitt nor John Fredericksen, yet they are well aware it exists. You are also NOT hearing this from the rest of your local Main Stream Media. Again, they ONLY deliver what they are hand fed because they cannot afford to investigate such information any longer. I told you a few weeks ago, the local MSM are becoming actors, not news reporters. The new show on WBOC absolutely 100% proves my point.
Pay attention to the talk out of Annapolis now that the Legislature is back in session. O'Malley wants to promise money for new school construction. Miller wants Counties to assume some of the funding for teacher retirements and benefits rather than the State footing the entire cost as has been the case.
Oh, I'm sure the construction funding is free money and that the State will relinquish the tax revenue they've been collecting all these years to fund the teacher benefits.
has anyone heard about 2 of the HR department ladies at the board being escorted out by a police officer? Heard a few rumors involving Frederickson. Like I said Rumors.
funny how our schools are so crap but MD just won best system in the country. With that being said we do not need to spend money we do not have on an over priced school.
2:31 - The ladies were shown the door last week. HR Director Stephanie Moses (salary at around $ 105,000) and Coordinator of Employee Relations Stacy Messick (salary about $85,000) were escorted out and put on paid administrative leave pending investigation. Moses is now telling people that she has been terminated.
That's the best news out of the central office in a long time. Moses (ala Stephanie Kim Jong Ill) was known as a mean dictator to employees, applicants, and colleagues. Most are assuming that Messick was fired too. She was a ditz brain.
they need to keep cleaning up at the board and then maybe they would have the funding they keep saying they don't.
They need to have a full blown investigation of WCBOE. A whole overhaul is needed to rid the county of all the illegal activity that is going on! The needs of our children are NOT the focus of WCBOE as it should be!!! The community needs to rally together against this diservice to all of us.
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