BOND 01/05/2012 120105;00050000.00;PROP; ; ;100
Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)
City: BEL AIRState:MDZip Code:21014
Oh my, I guess JT kicked his buddy to the curb. Mom used to tell me about fair weather friends.
anonymous 8:20, don't fall for it. JT & JR are very tight friends with McGuire. They want everyone to believe they're not. It's all a game to each one of these idiots.
Looks like Tom's Ex Wife finally decided to be a MOTHER to their child for once. She filed papers against McGuire today.
My guns are loaded.
He can't go out of state Joe. If you even see him come by your house you can have him thrown right in jail again. He can't even go to the liquor store or food lion.
8:35PM, what do you mean? Is that a thinly veiled threat?
anonymous 8:46, I'm sure its a promise and not a threat.
8;42, everyone should keep a close eye on his whereabouts. Let Food Lion know and even Mcdonalds. The law says he cannot leave the state of Maryland. His bond will be instantly revoked.
The tide has turned McGoober and now everyone will be watching you instead.
I think its laughable no one will put their names up.all anonymous. Lmao......either way thus guy should be charged with attempted murder for this arson charge. All arsonists should.a fire fighter could get killed from it. As a fire fighter I risk enough from an accidental fire yet alone some ass setting them. Bump a cop with your car in the leg and it is and it was a lil bump.this guy could've killed some brave men and women.
What the hell kind of justice do we have around here? I've called the courts myself to tell them what kind of kook he is. I hope the judge who reduced his bond can sleep tonight knowing that something might happen between now and his court date, I sure as hell won't!
Joey Fisher some of us have jobs to keep. We're not allowed to post things using our name because it reflects on our employer.
9:14 PM
Gotta be a teenager. lol
Or at least I hope so for his sake.
Trying to remain impartial....yes he is an idiot. Yes he is a poor excuse for a human being. Yes he is an accused arsonist. Yes he is an accused woman beater. Yes he and his wife are sexual deviants. All true. But the bond is issued only to assure his appearance in court. Holding people on bond isn't done to protect the public (contrary to popular belief) because if the person were truly dangerous to society, they wouldn't let him out at all until trial. He hasn't been tried yet. When his trial date comes there will likely be a plea. There is almost always a plea - especially with Joel Todd working as an ASA. He will be convicted of something but definitely not everything. Thats just how the system works.
Hey 10:02! You can't lose your job over a personal feeling about a scum bag citizen.
Yet another topic though.freedom of speach the internet and the work place.
9:14. Nope 33 yrs old and stands up for what's right and voices the wrong.no fear.its how I was raised. I'm not scared to say things period.it's my god given right and our founding fathers agreed as well.our government has made it so people feel they have to censor there thoughts and beliefs.it's about time people stand up against such ways and voice the truth.fight for our rights and maybe our country would return to the real united states of America. I fought for my country.will you?
Joey fisher for president 2012 jk
Hey 10:02! You can't lose your job over a personal feeling about a scum bag citizen.
Evidently you don't follow the news much, as that has happened more than once.
Joey fisher said...
9:14. Nope 33 yrs old
Sorry to hear that.
Physical and mental ages do not always match.
He should be on suicide watch and still in jail.
Hey Joey,
I see the way you were raised had little to do with grammer and spelling. Your parents must have left that part out when they were taching you to be a very tough and opinionated internet user.... way to voice your opinion. So glad you don't have a decent job to worry about losing. Incase you were not aware it is now 2012 and people are fired everyday for facebook, twitter and blog posts because of what they say. There is no such thing as freedom of speech anymore. Guess you don't have to worry about that as a firefighter though. If you want to stand up for whats right then get off the comments page and do something valuable.
Too funny Anon 11:02, maybe YOU should be the one using grammar and spell checking!
I can't believe this guy is back on the street. I hope Delmar PD keeps a very close eye on this guy. He's out and I'm sure he'll attempt to hide further evidence against himself for crimes he's committed. Hope they got all of his computers out and have the hard drives already!
OMG! Tom McGuire is a walking time bomb. He should have been denied bail for the safety of the community at large. Joe, I hope you are locked and loaded...full metal jacket. His friends have brought this blog to his attention to stir the pot, if nothing else. Tick, tock, tick tock!
anonymous 6:27, aka, JR, it always cracks me up the many comments we reject that are threats similar to the one above.
Let me just say this. If any one of you jackasses are stupid enough to kill me for the so called glory, go for it. I have lived an excellent life, no regrets. I will leave my children with more than I could have ever dreamed and I am at peace.
The way I see it is, what's the purpose of living if you have to be a puppet to someone else. You know, like the way YOU are to people like BT, MD, JT and many others. You're a nobody who is making a few bucks, for the moment.
Let me assure you of one thing JR, money isn't everything, trust me on that one. I had the fancy cars, 10,000 sq. ft. home, anything you can think of I pretty much hads it back in my mid twenties. I'm now 50 years old and have no interest in going back to that lifestyle. I'd rather leave it all to my Family.
One day, when you grow up, (tick, tock) you'll understand. Until then, enjoy what you have because you will never be in love with your Wife like I am with mine. It's ALL about the money for noth of you and it clearly shows. You live a very sad life.
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