A new report says the easiest way to raise more money to fix crumbling roads and bridges and aging transit systems is to make drivers pay at the pump. Would you be willing to pay more for gas if it improved your commute? What do you think about that idea of paying a travel fee? You'd pay more if you drive more.
don't we pay enough already? let's see the government says cars need to be more fuel efficient, we need to drive less. Oh wait now people are using less fuel and the government isn't receiving as much revenue so lets raise the gas tax. How has all the money paid into these funds helped the lower shore? Show me one project that improved wicomico county, other than a bypass for western shore tourists heading to the beach. That's all I've seen in 20 years. every fee associated with a motor vehicle has increased many times over. What do we have to show for it?
I am not willing to pay more at the pump!! The whole gasoline price scale is a scam just so the rich just keep getting richer!! The best thing anyone could do for our economy would be to get the price of fuel down, that would lower the price on almost everything else, but if you notice none of our law makers even want to touch that subject!! The Fed's, State's, Counties, and Cities would have enough tax money now to pay for road improvements if they would quite robbing the funds to pay for other things, like pet projects (and schools) Wicomico County hasn't done any maintenance paving for five years now except with the stimulus funds they received, now with the new school back on the books don't look for Rick to have any money to put on roads for a long time!
how would that work with hybrids and electric autos
I feel like I have ALREADY paid for these things, and the money just keeps disappearing.
11:54, We would tax your sunlight when it hits your solar panel. We're working on taxing air next in case you get a windmill.
Charge a fat tax. Make untold billions! Sit outside any resturant and see.
I am against any tax increase for any municipality that hasn't made drastic reductions in spending.
It would not go to road repairs. It would turn out to be just another slush fund for the politicians to piss away on more liberal utopia. Look what they have done with social security. When Maryland first started the lottery, it was going to fund the school system. How did that one turn out? It's just another bullshit excuse to raise taxes instead of cutting the spending, and they will do it no matter what we (the peasants) think.
Charge a fat tax. Make untold billions! Sit outside any resturant and see.
January 26, 2012 12:19 PM
What is the name and location of your diner? I'm sure everyone would like to thank you personally for the opportunity to give you money to eat there and for you to infer they are fat.
You must run a McDonald's or something similar. No, wait. McDonald's is even too classy for you.
Instead of taxing us how about taxing all the american exporters of fuel and crude that are selling it to their own off shore companies at dirt cheap rates to make huge profits off of us. If this was stopped then maybe gas would not be over 2 bucks a gallon. Raise the export duties t a point that it is no longer profitable for tem to continue to rape us.
Many people commute because it is the only way they can survive. If they are going t make us pay more at the pump since we are forced to drive more than I think I should get a rebate on things that I am not using. I will pay more at the pump if they stop making me pay for schools my child never went to. I would also like to stop paying for people on welfare since we have never collected that either. Can I also get a huge tax refund please. Just because we are married and had kids doesn't mean we should not get as much as someone that didn't get married. They are already collecting enough in food stamps and other free things. They surely don't need that large tax refund.
This is what people are sick of. The ones that have been forced to go across the bridge to work are now going to have to pay even more money, the 200 dollars a week for gas is not enough. Maybe they should all just sit home and collect welfare, food stamps and anything else free we can find.
Sure thing. You can tax me for the air I breath next.
If they could find a way to tax stupid, well, we would no longer have a deficient.
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