As I took a quick stroll Downtown there was trash everywhere, as well as a lamp post that had been knocked down and removed, yet the wiring was left exposed and no cones around what was left.
Now mind you, the City can't be everywhere but I will say this, there are a bunch of slobs that travel the Downtown Plaza area. There is trash everywhere, yet there are trash cans all throughout the Plaza. Its just a shame people in this generation have no guilt whatsoever for littering.
What would code and compliance do to me if I have electrical crap like that around my facility?!!
The litter reminds me of the waiting area at the ER in PRMC. Took my son there a few weeks back and was shocked.
Welcome to the Eastern Shore. I have never in my life seen so many or so much litter. Truly disgusting, but look where you are. The land of uneducated inbred racist slobs.
Hey Joe. It's the same everywhere. I live out in the country and there is constant trash thrown out on the roads. Not just little things but tv's bags full of trash furniture oh and don't forget the poor animals that are dumped quite often.. I think people just don't care anymore. It's a very sad and sorry world we live in.
Sherry I agree with you we live in the country and beer cans and trash are thrown out by drivers coming through this area.I was washing dishes at my sink and saw a driver go by and throw trash in my front yard.We all are going to be in big trouble when we get older and these people are in charge of decisions pertaining to our society.This world has gone to Hell.
There is trach all down Main Street in the downtown area. Not just on the plaza. You know Salisbury is the fourth worst place in the nation to live for crime. People just don't care.
This generation? I'm 22 years old, and if I'm not mistaken, most of air pollution and trash in landfills come from the baby-boomers and older who had no sense of environmental cleanliness. The baby-boomers ARE the pollution.
Perhaps if there was a law stipulating somthing about seat belts or cell phones in downtown, there would be a police response. Otherwise, forget it. No MONEY in it and remember, it ain't about health, or safety, or security, or whatever tag you want to apply. Its ALL about the M O N E Y .....
With stuff like this at every City property, how can Ireton complain about the City Council not getting things done promptly???
The problem is that the people who DO care cannot do anything about the people who DO NOT care. The groups and/or individuals that do this crap are so defiant and threatening if you even look at them wrong; and it seems they have taken over. Our Society needs to to look within as to how we let this happen; and I have no idea how we are going to change it back to a civilized way of living.
ps: 12:16 you are a jerk; go back to where you came from
Insist on laws restricting welfare payments beyond the second child. Until we stop rewarding people for having lots of kids for the rest of us to pay for, things won't change.
I work on the plaza and when I look out my windows all I can see is drab window dressings. Amber Nicole is the only one with windows worth looking at. No wonder no one shops down here.
3:22 amen. The council doesn't need to make a bunch new laws. Ireton needs to get off his rump and enforce them...against someone besides just one council member. That's all we ever read about.
12:16 don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya on your way off the Eastern Shore.
If people that worked in this area would pick up one piece of trash each day when walking outside, it would look better.
How about the city do something with trash pickup for city residents? Oh wait, they wont do that.
We need an "Adopt the Plaza" group or send the work release down there to clean up
Well, did you pick up the trash or just take pictures and bitch about it?
If you aren't part of the solution you are part of the problem.
anonymous 9:54, aka Jonathan Taylor. Unlike you, we did pick up ALL of the trash throughout the entire Plaza.
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