It's also been reported that John Robinson tried to claim he had taken the images himself from product he bought at an estate sale but Bailey's immediately challenged them stating the images were actually taken directly from Bailey's Website.
It turns out, Frank White is the Ex Husband of Melissa Bailey who is now working for John Robinson. The actual "product" shown above is copyrighted jewelery created from Melissa's late husband.
Bailey's Jewelers wants it known that these products are protected by law and cannot be manufactured and or sold by Robinson's while using their product name and or copies of their product.
Master Jewelers design products, not mechanics. Frank White is a mechanic or at most a goldsmith. Claiming you're something you are not is unethical. Don't be fooled by imitations or false advertising. "Custom Jewelery Made By Frank White," (as shown above) IS NOT TRUE.
Frank White is a snake who robbed Princess Anne blind with all of he's meals at Outback and all the crabs he bought on their dime.
And the town knows it and cant do a thing about it
Imagine someone taking credit for a life long work created by your own hands
Told you about Frankie some time ago Joe----Just look who he's working for----that should be enough info in itself!
Frank has three ex-wives and he stole from all of them. He was one of my in-laws at one time and I know what kind of snake he really is. Anybody who takes jewelry making lessons while in a jail cell can hardly be called a master jeweler.
Not Penny - A - Pound Robinson! You bring a pound of gold and are offered a penny.
What a piece of crap I know one place I will never step foot in. Joe it will be a good day when you can add the Robinson businesses to the list of those closed in the area.
I wouldn't buy a used cigar from John Robinson. I have heard not heard anything good about his 'family of businesses'.
My advice - stay clear of the 'snake oil' salesman.
If there were ever one business that will be added to the business closure list - it is this one.
Who gives a shi___ -- White and Robinson deserve each other.
he stole my sister's diamond out of her engagement ring while at Bailey's and replaced it with a cheap fake..of course we didn't know at the time..don't trust him!
Just out of curiosity and I am being totally serious when I ask this---are Robinson and White lovers?
Would you actually expect more out of the low-life Robinson?
Everything Frank White does ends due to some sort of corruption. No surprise that he is involved in something like this.
Everything Frank White does ends due to some sort of corruption. No surprise that he is involved in something like this.
I am sure Mr. Robinson is sorry now for running that deceptive advertisement! He will have even more remorse one day over teaming up with Frank White because he is quite a smooth talker but will use everyone in his path - including you, John Robinson - beware!
Frank White ruined a gold ring my Dad gave me while he was at Bailey's.
I believe he also 'removed' a fair amount of the gold when I asked him to fix it.
Frank learned everything he knows about stealing from Neil Bayne who has moved from the area because of many fraud activities.
With friends like you Albero, who needs enemies.
Thanks alot asshole.
If there is intellectual property documentation, there should be no problem but if no copyright has been filed, well not much to be done.
Joe, I guess you finally figured what a common piece of crap Frank White is. You fell for his schmooze act during all the mess in Princess Anne.
He is corrupt as they come!! He has the distinction of being chief of police in Pocomoke when the State Police came in and locked him and his staff out. He used to beat at least one of his ex-wives. He's just a smooth talking pompous piece of sh__!
I've seen so many people fall for his soft voice and fake smile. only to have him take advantage of them after he gains their trust.
The jury was out for me when it came to John Robinson. I figured it was tit for tat when it came to you and him. But NOW I realize just what a piece of dirt he must be, to associate himself and his business with the likes of Frank White!!
As usual, Frank scams again! Never trust him or believe a word that comes out of his mouth. And Frank, if you are reading this, you don't have to blame Joe. It just took him a little longer to realize what kind of scam artist you really are. You have no one to blame but yourself. I guess you really thought you would be able to get away with all of your corruption forever. Remember, "Be sure your sins will find you out."
John Robinson= crooked business man.
I think most of the people in Princess Anne knew what Frank White was when he got caught eating off the taxpayers' money. I was surprised when you stood up for him and figured you just didn't know the facts. Seems he also likes women's underwear. Fortunately, Bailey opened her eyes before he took her to the poor house. White and Robinson deserve each other.
Jealousy......if you were doing honest worthy work u would not be the topic of talk but looks like u are dishonest
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