Mike Dunn has filed ethics charges against three Salisbury City Council Members for hiring Mark Tilghman as their new City Solicitor.
Mike Dunn, still a drama queen, thinks he's going to out grandstand Laura Mitchell and attempt to make every one's life that much more difficult.
Funny, the jackass doesn't attend meetings and pretty much got throw out of Town by the voters because of all the unethical things HE was involved in for far too many years. Oh, remember the WWTP, the Old Mall, Sassafras Meadows pipe stem annexation and the list goes on and on and on.
Rumor has is that Mike Dunn IS getting back into local politics. Some have even claimed he's going to run against Debbie Campbell. I wonder if the Camden residents will sick their dogs after him and throw crinkled up paper in his face and give him exactly what he used to dish out.
In the mean time, Mike Dunn IS connected with Barrie Tilghman, Jonathan Taylor, Lynn Cathcart, Jim Ireton, Shanie Shields, Gary Comegys and the rest of the Dirty Dozen. Go for it Mike, you were a complete fool back then and you're still a complete fool today.
I may not personally like how things were handled last night but this Jonathan Taylor style bullsh!t has got to end. They're wasting taxpayers time and money. YES, you heard it here first on Salisbury News.
What is "forst"?
I find it hilarious that Mike Dunn would charge ANYONE with ethics violations. Give me a break.
Has the Key Club disbanded? No way to handle those frustrations now Dunn? Ireton could probably help you realease them!
Mr. Sassafras? Mr. Bank of Delmarva stockholder? HE filed an ethics charge?
Haaahhhaaaa hoo ha ho ho...
If the ethics board so much as even hears this one, they will have announced to the world they are a joke!
Salisbury needs to hire Bain Capital to run the city.
Mike, tell us about your little meetigns at the Chamber with Laura, Shanie, Barrie, Jim, Palmer, and the others. Do tell us about your activities in fleecing the taxpayer Sassafras annexation and millions in developer reimbursements come to my mind. Anyone else. Let's start a list.
Mike Dumb
What happened to that Old Mall TIF? Everyone get new houses?
Is this the same Mike Dunn who quit politics because your blog was so "mean" and moved out of the city?
Salisbury has more kooks in it than a funny farm.
Here's my personal favorite, the famous "Trust Me" video. Be sure to listen to the very end where Campbell tries to question him and he gets all upset.
The same Mike Dunn who told Camden to send somebody whose name isn't Debbie. She called out the real slumlords years ago and they have had her in their targets ever since. Let's ask Mike what his family ties are to the rental and investment property industry. Heck, let's ask him about htose parcels that his daddy made a deal on with the city. I think that was on Barry's shift.
If Mike Dunn is back in the dirty dealings of City Politics and it appears so,this can be a "do over" we can run him out of town on a rail again.
Don't even waste your time Joe, he is not worth the newsprint, or the time to type his name.
We have three outstanding council members, I have complete faith in them and their honor,
Is this for real? Joe, you are right about people like Dunn wasting our tax money with this bogus political stunt.
But then, he wasted our tax money when he was in office, so what's new?
What a loser.
5:27, Joe has to waste the print/type on Dunn. Otherwise, the world will not know the truth about him.
This just disgusts me.
Developer reimbursements including Sassafrass Meadows and Robins Ave. (Marley Manor and his campaign treasurer the Rinnier woman are the connection there). That was millions that we'll be paying for years. No money for police because we are paying to line pockets that seem to be linked to your family and your campaign. Thanks, Mike.
Dig out the photos with the Mall TIF guys and SAPOA. Dig out the Dirty Dozen comment. For those who haven't been following the city long enough to know, he called honest hard working city residents the "dirty dozen" because they dared to challenge him on the legality of legislation. Turns out, they were right and the court ruled in their favor. This guy could compete with Ireton in the hissy fit department. He was constantly changing the council rules of proceedure to try to shut Debbie Campbell down. What a loser.
Does Mike Dunn REALLY think he is going to be the next Mayor of Salisbury? Oh please. What a pansy!
Your kidding right Dunn? All the corrupt sales with your corrupt inspectors..Is that why you left Long & foster? Once a crook always a crook
7:39, I'm betting Dunn is going to run against Debbie Campbell. He moved BACK into the city BACK into that neighborhood. Things that make you go hmmmm.
You people are underestimating the power behind a liberal Ireton SAPOA Dunn SU Mitchell unholy alliance. Connections, money against just regular folk trying to do public service while living their lives.
After this last election, I wondered how long it would take the roaches to crawl out of the woodwork when their side didn't win. Not long at all.
I don't think, with the State political machine moving eastward, Mr. Dunn has a future in politics in Salisbury. He's too small town. The State Regime wants to control the profiteering of development and anything else it can on the Eastern Shore so they will fund only political initiatives that are in alignment with their own goals of making money.
I see mike dunn (not worthy of capitalizing) screams for attention then like a caged duck he runs away when approach in his case common sense and honesty. What a huge waste of time he is going to cause
8:02's comment is worthy of its own post. They are lining up the special interest money against the interests of regular working folk.
Ireton is a sell-out.
Dunn is...can't say it, Joe will ban me.
Brace yourselves. This is just the beginning of the nastiness people like Dunn are capable of. Those who have called for "civility" are among the wost the city has seen for such, in my opinion: Mike Dunn, Louise Smith, Laura Mitchell.
Don't forget the road to nowhere, Beaglin Park Extended, Aydelotte Farms TIF and the Paul Elliott deal where the city had to pay him for donated land to the tune of nearly $500,000.00
won't that be a conflict of interests if dunn throws his hat back in the ring for local politics? isn't he trying to be a radio guy now at delmarva public radio?
it seems they are getting outclassed by that DC station WAMU's new presence in ocean city on the left end of the radio dial on 88.3
I wonder if Ireton knows that Dunn is just sizing Ireton up for his weaknesses so he can run for mayor. Ireton would cut his nose off dispite his face while the dream team make him feel important.
The picture says it all. He and Mitchell stay too stoned to take seriously. HA HA
Joe, you should bump the BMS bs and Dunn scum to the top and keep it there. Local people need to know the local truth and they won't get it from the daily rag.
Along with his lo-o-o-ong list of taxpayer-suckingscams and probable self-serving ethics violations, please post the list of HIS campaign contributors. The lines between the dots will become even clearer for your readers.
Hey, if you post Dunn's campaign contributions lists, be sure to put a few words of explanation so that everybody can see who the players are, one by one.
Our morning coffee consensus today was that Dunn is a jerk and that the ethics people should just dismiss all of this political games that it is.
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