SALISBURY - Salisbury City Council President Terry Cohen released a statement describing discussions held at an additional open council work session held Friday afternoon, January 13, concerning the positions of the city’s fire chief and city attorney.
“Contrary to reports and rumors Friday afternoon, the discussion about the Salisbury fire chief position did not involve an assessment of the mayor’s nominee. Rather, the discussion focused on what the council’s next step should be with the process. The mayor’s actions are a distinct departure from decades of employment practice, as is the advice from the city attorney about the interpretation of the City’s employee handbook,” Cohen stated.
“Council’s consensus of four members present was to get verification that proceeding with the nomination process as now set before the council will not create conflicts with federal or state employment law,” she said.
Cohen also said that the council conducted an evaluation of the legal services contract, discussing numerous deficiencies in the provision of legal services, including delayed information concerning “The Bricks” property that surfaced mid-last week.
“Council’s consensus was to work on reorganizing legal services by having the current city attorney firm act in an assistant city solicitor capacity and to consider selecting one of two firms that responded to a September 2010 request for proposal (RFP) as the lead city attorney,” Cohen explained.
Councilwoman Shanie Shields was absent and Councilwoman Laura Mitchell left the meeting before consensus was taken. The city clerk was directed to contact the two candidate firms with questions Council wanted to consider before making a decision.
“Again, contrary to reports and rumors, the council did not decide upon any division of duties among the law firms, which would have been highly premature. The meeting was also given due public notice and held in compliance with the Open Meetings Act,” Cohen concluded.
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"Liarton" -- the name fits him!
Salisbury doesn't have a mayor it has a little boy living in his own fantasy.
looks like Tilghman will be the new city attorney...dare I ask, any relation to you know who!
No one has ever explained why the Agenda was changed 4 times in 4 hours. Inquiring minds still wish to know.
Jim Ireton needs to quit playing silly games and appoint the right person as the new fire chief. Hoppes is the wrong choice and he knows it.
Is Tilghman Tilghmans husband??
No, 2:38, this Tilghman is not related to "you know who." That Tilghman just retired from his insurance ageancy; this Tilghman is Mark Tilghman(and his wife, Susan), not Mat.
Whew!!! Had me worried there for a minute
Mark's Brother
Is Mark Tilghman the lawyer married to Susan the lawyer the brother of Mat Tilghman?
Thank you Terry Cohen for once again, just like countless times before, you explain in a reasonable ,logical, and coherent fashion. I don't know how this city got so lucky to have intelligent, honorable and selfless patriots like Cohen, Campbell and Spies, but if you own property and actually live in city limits you should thank these people for all they do. Ireton is a dishonest,petty juvenile little pantywaist who will have a hissy-fit if he doesn't get the proper adulation and attention. Put that in your juice box and suck it , Ireton. You better believe you have ZERO support in our neighborhoods.
Open the process!
Mark Tilghman the attorney MAY -- I say MAY -- be a distant cousin of Barrie Tilghman, the ex-mayor. But he is NOTHING like her or her husband. In fact, GOD HELP HIM now that his name is out there since the Power Elite of Salisbury will probably come after him with everything they've got!
Just my opinion and I hope like hell I'm wrong!
His wife is also a lawyer and is the niece of late Councilman Sam Seidel. Now THERE was a great public servant. Many a boy in this town learned basketball from that man! Those were fun days!
Very classy. No nastiness, just the facts.
I don't know that I could be so generous, after the crap she has to take, but I admire that she sticks to the facts.
The best thing this city council can do is "nix" Ireton's choice for fire chief and open the process. Ireton choosing who he did proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he doesn't care about the city residents or the employees of the Salisbury Fire Department. Ireton must go!
Holy Cow, Joe! Just about to leave for work and checked into Daily Slime and here. You should see the hit piece in the Slime on the attorney issue.
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