“In May I held a subcommittee hearing questioning the lack of transparency regarding how Stimulus funds are distributed,” said Rep. Andy Harris. “Now we have yet another company that received hard-working taxpayers’ dollars that declared bankruptcy after wasting $118 million. Ener1 is just the latest in a growing and disturbing trend of Obama administration decisions that have wasted hundreds of millions of hard-working taxpayers’ dollars to benefit politically connected Obama donors. Picking winners and losers based on crony capitalism is wrong and must come to an end.”
Obama just doesn't get it. He does whatever he wants with no regard for the law, the constitution or what the people of the U.S. want.The people do not want to use green light bulbs or toilets.
We do not want the government telling us what we have to use. We want toilets that flush the first time we want to buy whatever light bulb we want. If we want to buy a car that goes 200 mph and only get 12 mpg we want the option to be able to buy that. We don't want the government telling us what we can and cannot do. We have been free for 200 years and we want to remain free to make our own decisions. We don't want to be told what to do by some Socialist, Marxist Conmunist president of our free country.
Thank you 10:04, well said.
Personally I would like the option to tell the middle east to drown in thier oil.
That wont be happening while you have the freedom to drive 200 mph and only at 12mpg so you can have your freedom.
So you keep your inefficient light bulbs and hold them close to your heart. The energy you waste today belongs to your grandchildren, but thats okay, you have the freedom to do as you please.
You can also pay the speeding ticket when you get busted by the cops for going 200 mph. Freedom is not absolute. Never has been we have always been a nation of laws. Here is an absolute for you: for every action, there is an equal reaction. There is a limited supply of oil. Go ahead waste some today because you are free to do so. Its just less you have for tomorrow.
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