Last nights Wicomico County Council meeting can best be described as a ploy to circumvent the normal 2012 operating budget negotiations procedure.
Not witnessed since Germany's General Rommel launched his 1942 Africa Venezia maneuver - his attack launched against the Gazala Line - whereby Rommel performed an 'end run' around the Free French Brigade at Bir Hacheim and turned north, cutting across the Allied rear - so did Pollitt in his attempt to fund the JMB middle school project.
Last night the county council was met with a barrage of budget projections, advised on how to spend left over funding proceeds - (approximately 8 million dollars left over from JMB High construction) - for acquisition of land, A/E fees, and other development costs. In addition, projected renovation costs were 'thrown' at the county council as a way of justifying the construction of a new building verses alternatively seeking to renovate the existing JMB middle school structure.
As if this were not enough - added to the County Council's 'platter' were additional future funding projections for future renovations to Parkside High - ($38 million dollars) - and also renovation of Mardela's school facilities. All of the above was being done - prior to - submission for Wicomico's 2012 operating budget.
Wicomico County Administrator Mat Creamer 'chimed in' and voiced his concern on how already dedicated monies that was previously bonded and dedicated to construction for Prince Street and Bennett High School could now be reassigned to other school projects. Then - there were concerns regarding the bonding council and underwriters council weighing-in on the proposed financial maneuver.
Bottom line - the County Council cohesively came together with exception to one lone dissenter - Sheree Sample Hughes - and decided to undertake further investigative studies before 'rubber stamping' Pollitt's proposed Capital Improvement budget for construction of the JMB Middle school. In my estimation - it was the appropriate course of action.
Not witnessed since Germany's General Rommel launched his 1942 Africa Venezia maneuver - his attack launched against the Gazala Line - whereby Rommel performed an 'end run' around the Free French Brigade at Bir Hacheim and turned north, cutting across the Allied rear - so did Pollitt in his attempt to fund the JMB middle school project.
Last night the county council was met with a barrage of budget projections, advised on how to spend left over funding proceeds - (approximately 8 million dollars left over from JMB High construction) - for acquisition of land, A/E fees, and other development costs. In addition, projected renovation costs were 'thrown' at the county council as a way of justifying the construction of a new building verses alternatively seeking to renovate the existing JMB middle school structure.
As if this were not enough - added to the County Council's 'platter' were additional future funding projections for future renovations to Parkside High - ($38 million dollars) - and also renovation of Mardela's school facilities. All of the above was being done - prior to - submission for Wicomico's 2012 operating budget.
Wicomico County Administrator Mat Creamer 'chimed in' and voiced his concern on how already dedicated monies that was previously bonded and dedicated to construction for Prince Street and Bennett High School could now be reassigned to other school projects. Then - there were concerns regarding the bonding council and underwriters council weighing-in on the proposed financial maneuver.
Bottom line - the County Council cohesively came together with exception to one lone dissenter - Sheree Sample Hughes - and decided to undertake further investigative studies before 'rubber stamping' Pollitt's proposed Capital Improvement budget for construction of the JMB Middle school. In my estimation - it was the appropriate course of action.
Now thats funny. Corruptness at its finest.
Beezer, you are wonderful at blogging. Your flourish at describing events is perfectly suited for this type of media.
Looks like the "inept" County Council continues to do nothing and kick the can down the road. The school will be built, with or without the current County Council.
Thank God for a council that does not buy into Pollitt's bull%^&^. I only hope they keep up the good work.
Beezer, you can bet your bottom dollar the Daily Times will be slamming the County Council on this one just like they've been doing to the City Council (see today's Spin Article du Jour).
ooh look! We "found" $8 million, let's spend it!!!!
The Executive and the BOE are worse than a fat kid with a $5 bill in a candy store. The only difference is that the fat kid would get as much as possible with his $5 while the BOE with get the finest morsel of Swiss chocolate and make the guy behind him in line pay the remaining balance!
Beezer and 10:36, can we say facetious? I think they got you, Beezer.
Seriously? You are going to compare these guys to Rommel? Time to get some perspective.
To 11:14
Finally - it is nice to see a 'Fair and Balanced' media.
How refreshing it is to see the newest kid on the block - SBYnews - kick ass of the old MSN - Daily Times.
I can now see why SBYnews is so popular.
Why is Pollitt pushing for this middle school and pairing with Frederickson? Is there something in it for him? He is such a disgrace as administrator, surely is NOT representing the people. His biggest agenda is raise taxes, cater to the Frederickson whims and to hire others to do HIS job. What a loser!
To 10:41
You said;
'The school will be built with or without the current county council.'
My reply: Maybe - BUT NOT TODAY!
I WILL NOT vote for anyone who approves Pollitts agenda for the school and will actively campaign AGAINST anyone who does agree to Pollitts plan!
Maybe Pollitt is pushing for this school because he believes it is the right thing to do. Maybe he is listening to the many voices who want it built and are willing to pay for it with their taxes. I am one of those and hope he is listening to me. I know the council is not listening to my point of view, but I don't think they are evil or conniving or nazis or whatever. They just have a different vision and opinion than I do.
10:42 - I just read The Daily Times version of what transpired.
I believe you are right - they will be slamming the county council on this one.
What is amazing is the differences in the reporting styles between SBYnews and DT.
Funny how the public has been spoon fed information for all of these years by The Daily Times. It is refreshing to finally get to see the other side of the coin.
hey folks
you don't have to spend $80 mil to build a new middle school. especially when $35 mill is in soft cost ie consultants. this is the whole problem. the cost is double what it could be
10:41 not. we aren't in any position to build a dog house let alone a school.
new assessments? hmmmmmm
do you think ricky and company get it yet?
How is "rubber stamping" another Slick Trick by Rick the "appropriate course of action" even if they do "investigative studies"??? What we saw was a delay before Barko, Matt Holloway and Prettyman cave in. In the end only Joe Holloway, Bob Culver and possibly John Hall will stand up for the taxpayers against the Rickster and Dr. Freddy and their followers.
That guy who called them pawns last night was correct, as was G. A. Harrison and the lady who spoke against this ridiculous waste of money.
Last night Pollitt looked like he was "costipated".
His prescription for that malady, of course, is higher and new taxes.
I was there last night and I see Ricky exit the chambers immediately after he asked for funding the BMS project.
What gives with him not hanging around. Something of this magnitude deserves more attention than simply exiting the scene.
To 3:41
I would not be so easily convinced to believe that Bartkovich, Prettyman, or Matt Holloway will cave-in to funding this school.
One could easily see they were pretty ticked-off at having this subject dropped in their laps at the 11th hour - and out of sequential order - budget.
It's as though the BOE and Pollitt intentially left them out of the loop.
all the three above smell like doo doo.
I attended the meeting and was shocked and disappointed by Pollitt's maneuver, Fredreckson and his minions, and Mrs. Morris fromt eh county office who attacked council and citizen speakers. A shameful display. Thank you county council, and especially Mr. Holloway and Mrs. Prettyman.
sharon morris is the most overpaid female in wicomico county goverment. she puts on a sugar sweet image but the true her was shown last night.and her title {acting administrator} boy that title fits her like a glove.
Anonymous said...
Looks like the "inept" County Council continues to do nothing and kick the can down the road. The school will be built, with or without the current County Council.
January 4, 2012 10:41 AM
This sounds like John Fredericksen with his Kicking the down the road quote again.
Anonymous said...
Why is Pollitt pushing for this middle school and pairing with Frederickson? Is there something in it for him? He is such a disgrace as administrator, surely is NOT representing the people. His biggest agenda is raise taxes, cater to the Frederickson whims and to hire others to do HIS job. What a loser!
January 4, 2012 11:28 AM
He gets his name at the top of the list on a plague at the school. He also gets the center of attention during the open houses.
Anonymous said...
Maybe Pollitt is pushing for this school because he believes it is the right thing to do. Maybe he is listening to the many voices who want it built and are willing to pay for it with their taxes. I am one of those and hope he is listening to me. I know the council is not listening to my point of view, but I don't think they are evil or conniving or nazis or whatever. They just have a different vision and opinion than I do.
January 4, 2012 11:38 AM
Since you want to pay for it with you taxes then maybe you should chip in for mine while you are at it... oh and if you truly support paying more taxes for the school I am sure it was a simple faux pas, but you forgot to sign your name.
Anonymous said...
sharon morris is the most overpaid female in wicomico county goverment. she puts on a sugar sweet image but the true her was shown last night.and her title {acting administrator} boy that title fits her like a glove.
January 4, 2012 7:30 PM
How do you go from secretary to the Acting County Administrator with minimal to no credentials? Female? Race? NAACP support for Tricky Dick?
I believe if you check the campaign contributions for Pollitt you'll see a connection with the donors - MTA - and Pollitt.
I tried to warn Ricky about taking money. As the old saying goes;
'Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts'
10:12, why do you want someone else to pay for your taxes? Are you a dumbocrat, or just like to pretend?
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