ANNAPOLIS (January 12, 2012) – Maryland Democratic Party Chair Yvette Lewis issued the following statement after Education Week ranked Maryland first for the fourth straight year in their annual report card on American education. Education Week grades all 50 states and the District of Columbia in six areas related to policy and performance.
“Maryland’s number one ranking among all 50 states for the fourth year in a row is a great tribute to Governor O’Malley and Maryland Democrats who have made significant reforms and record investments in public education. When it comes to opportunity, competitiveness, and jobs, nothing is more important than education. Thanks to Governor O’Malley, an outstanding education is within reach of every Maryland child. In these tough times, it is more important than ever to continue to protect investments in education and to ensure we never shortchange Maryland’s children and our future.”
Okay, so now we have that, Bennett Middle is a moot point! Let's just add A/C and fugettabout it!
And Salisbury is a top ten All American City!!! What a joke!!!
Our county could have opted out of Race to the Top, but we didn't. The money to make all the changes we're now required to make is much more than we're getting from RTTT funding. Number One should polish or refine what it's doing in order to make constant improvement, but it shouldn't discard everything. Poor leadership.
If its number one,the rest of the country is in sad shape.
Something is wrong here. I smell something political.
Guess all the efforts of parents, kids, teachers and administrators didn't count!? Not to forget all of the support staff.
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