Former Mayoral Candidate and most recently Town Commissioner Candidate from Delmar Tom McGuire was arrested TODAY around 2:00 PM in connection with the arson on the residence next door to their property in Delmar.
It's been reported McGuire's Son turned over testimony against his Father in reference to the arson. There's been no formal press release and more details will follow.
Let's see if the Anti Albero Bloggers will bail him out or if a Commissioner will accept disability checks.
New Posts to fall below.
Where is the Dustpan guy or JR now that their friend has once again proven how much of a waste of space he is? I bet his psycho daughter will probably be emailing you soon Joe...lmfao!
I hope his cellmate is a swinger!!!
Its about time. I hope they keep that pos locked up for a long time.
If he thinks that is bad wait til Brindel gets out. He aint ready for that.
His own son turned against him? Or did little weasel roll over on big weasel to get a deal?
Not even the Anti's like this loser.
I heard the other kid charged with arson also told on mcguire sr.
What do have to say now Tom?? What,what is that I can't hear you cause you have been SHUT UP!!
It couldn't of happened to a nicer guy.
Tom we know you are reading this so just in case you don't get it.
What roll does Nikki play in all this, does anyone know?
his wife was arrested last week for assualt on him...check it out joe
W hat the armed robery on Milford st. do you know anything Joe
WOW does that mean his sexy swinger wife is all alone right now.. I wish i knew I could provide her some comfort while her husband is swinging with the big boys...LOL
Now Delmar needs to roll up to the jail and blow our horns!!!!
anonymous 7:16, yeah, I know. It's unfortunate a commissioner actually fell for Tom's BS on that one. Tom towers at least 3 feet taller than Nikki and I highly doubt Nikki assaulted Tom at all. In fact, I know the real story about what happened, (or so I've been told by an insider) and trust me on this one, Tom McGuire has a LOT to worry about when it comes to the assault charges by either party.
Let me just say this. There's only ONE reason why certain people turned on Tom McGuire and there's only ONE reason why he was arrested today. ALL of which will come out at trial. McGuire now has to defent at least two criminal cases against him, for now. This will be extremely expensive. I hope the piece of sh!t stays in jail where he belongs, or at least a mental institution.
anonymous 7:28, I've been aware of it since 4:34 PM when the call came into my Office. However, we're waiting for a Press Release from the SPD.
Mcguire family, know that an entire community is sitting back in relief tonight knowing arsons are off our streets. Know that we will sleep well tonight knowing Tom won't be outside taking pictures of our homes and children. The whole group of you deserve everything you get. You caused pain for many of us and I will personally enjoy knowing your lives are torn apart.
Anonymous said...
I heard the other kid charged with arson also told on mcguire sr.
January 4, 2012 6:44 PM
Who is the other person?
anonymous 7:58, they are both minors, no names will be published here.
Karma Baby Karma
It's stories and comments let these that made me fall in love with SBYNews! I can't get enough,Keep it coming Joe!
Forget it 7:29, she's not into men. If she was bi, McGuire finally pushed her the other way.
They were expressing themselves so like what is like the big deal?
Mayor of Delmar? This guy is corrupt & sleazy enough to be President or at least Governor!
Ex Delmar DE Mayor Howard Dickerson ENDORSED this scumbag!!! Note to the good people of Delmar ignore Howard Dickerson!!!
The should be proud of the son for telling the truth. There's hope yet.
Blahhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha. Karma....
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