Bennett Middle School is being tabled for now. The Board of Public Works denied the request to reconsider the project until additional funding becomes available.
For what its worth, some politicians really put their futures on the line for something Salisbury News figured would happen anyway.
Let me assure you Ladies & Gentlemen. While it may be tabled at this point and time, your voices are clearly being heard and the Board has seen the massive volume of comments from those of you completely against this project. We have delivered information that is forcing them to take a more serious look at the location and future of this project.
While the majority of people believe something needs to be done with Bennett, clearly not enough effort was placed into possibly rebuilding/remodeling Bennett. Since Wi Middle was built in 1930 and is in line to receive new air conditioning, Bennett is too new, (1965/1966) to simply tear down and rebuild at a cost to the taxpayers of more than $80,000,000.00. Their own reports showed the school was in the shape/condition of a 25 to 30 year old school.
Keep those comments coming in. Contact your Delegates and let them know how frustrated you are with such an irresponsible expense. Start holding these liberals and bureaucrats liable for such fiscally irresponsible expenditures. Better yet, here's a no brainer. Make the BOE responsible for NOT maintaining the property/structure. At the rate they're going you'll have to replace the new project in another 25 years, or less.
The Board of Public Works decision is being appealed. BE HEARD NOW!
New Posts to fall below.
I wanna know WHO is getting the extra money that goes into building these schools? While Jim Ireton screams about $50 campaign contributions, get real! Why does his employer, the grand BOE, spend over $80 million to build a high school when other places spend far less and get much better?
Great news coverage Joe!
It could not have been explained more eloquently.
Yeah!! Thanks for the update Joe! I say all those in favor of spending $80,000,000 can take personal loans out to pay for it. My well is dry! And yes I have 2 kids in 2nd and 4th grade who will be attending BMS in the near future. Quit pampering! Do you think other countries have $80,000,000 schools? Get real! They concentrate on education not comfort! Their test scores put ours to shame! Look at China and Japan.
So the County Council comes out smelling like roses. They finally approve this and then the state turns it down. They get the credit for making both sides happy.
Hope the appeal is heard and this decision is overturned.
"I wanna know WHO is getting the extra money that goes into building these schools?"
I'm sorry but this happens at the State level. The State has some really bit construction firms. They are hurting as are other construction firms.
All the State (O'Malley) has done is shift funding from one pot to another. It used to be transportation but teacher pension is the current favorite.
Private contractor funds your elected official's campaign and what do you expect? You should expect more spending that goes to these private contractors. Albero keeps pointing this out but (you) the voter keeps ignoring it.
Ironic but the teachers have become the least informed as to what is real going on.
theres not a damn thing wrong with that school
@9:03..........council came out smelling like roses? I think Stevie Prettyman came out of this bruised and battered. A far cry from smelling like a rose. She forgets that she represents more in this county than just the BMS crowd.
Baahaaaa. The flip flop council. You did not meet the deadline and you still try. You local politicians are a joke and we in Wicomico County are the laughing stock. First you dont want it then you do. Just put ac in the school and then no one can complaint becuase that is the only complaint they have and its not even justified.
Good move! Wi Middle and Mardela are ancient compared to Bennett Middle, and they're being snubbed. BMS is structurally sound so just work with it, just like people who buy older homes. However, this "home" is not even 50 years old. Deal with it people. Just like church, a school isn't the building, it's the people.
9:05-you exactly right and there is a lot of funny business going on behind the scenes with these large,expensive schools.
The kids and parents need to suck it up ....i went through middle and high school over 25 years ago ..... and didnt have AC or all the other things they say are needed which are all Luxury items at best ..... every room does not nee a Smart Board or computers..... sorry to all you Liberal folk that wanna cry over this unless you are ready to empty YOUR pockets and pay for it....keep quiet and continue to go about your merry way
Of course construction companies benefit, but boards of education can decide not to approve plans to buy a Lexus when they can only afford a Focus.
Anonymous said...
@9:03..........council came out smelling like roses? I think Stevie Prettyman came out of this bruised and battered. A far cry from smelling like a rose. She forgets that she represents more in this county than just the BMS crowd.
January 31, 2012 9:46 PM
I disagree. Stevie is the one that started this crap so she played the game. Asked her lapdog to call for a special meeting so she can vote on it making her their hero. Then the BPW shot is down so she comes out smelling great.
The BOE has no clue how to budget because it is being run by power hungry idiots! Someone needs to take a look into how much money has been spent on litigation that they caused by their ignorance.
Of course, if we are in such a "budget crisis" then why doesn't the super get rid of those cocky employees who are causing the lawsuits....DUH
That's odd Pollitt was on the Bill Reddish show tuesday and it sounded as if everything was a go.
To put it simply, if this project is to go through, then ALL school buildings over 45 years old need replacement with $80,000,000.00 buildings. Let's see THAT list!
Better watch for another attempt by Ricky and Freddy real soon now.
I am tired of reading negative comments about Stevie Prettyman. She has served this community well for many years.
I have news for you, the school is going to be built. And a lot sooner than you think. Your interpretation of the decision is fatally flawed. This project is a done deal. Mark my words.
8:25 - Stevie is in dire need of replacement. Her judgement has become clouded. She first votes no and then AFTER receiving info that the County would need to dole out almost $4 million, she decides to change her vote to yes...it does not make sense. Sorry Stevie but YOU HAVE GOT TO GO! It is time for back door politics to be eliminated from from Wicomico County on all levels!
Clarksburg MD...county council approved construction of a new middle school and their side of the cost is $44.35 million. Not sure if it's comparing apples to apples in size and scope...but it's worth a comparision.
I still like Stevie. I do have my doubts that she will run again and that is a true loss for our county. She's done a great job in her tenure to only have this one issue scar her history of dedication is sad.
The state of our combined governments is in such dire shape that there is not much left to accomplish with the funds we have to spend being minute.
Times are hard all over.
9:31, out of all the comments, yours is the worse. Why? Because you have no idea what you are talking about.I am not a teacher, but a volunteer who has spent many hours there. The hot days will take your breath away,you come home soaking wet, equipment to teach is so old, handicapped kids can not get to the second floor classes,I bet if OSHA and other groups came in, it would not pass. I would like to see those who work in an office and you AC goes out for 1 day, what you have to say.Maybe we can not afford a new school right now, but don't say we don't need it. So many people make so many comments who have no idea what they are talking about. It is better to keep your mouth closed and not appear stupid, than to open your mouth and show it. ome of you just don't seem to have common sense. What a shame, because the majority of the people who read salisbury News seem to be rather smart.
Joe, I wish you would see if the BOE will allow you to go to Bennett Middle and let Liza Hastings show you around and see for your self. Not to make you change your oppinion, but to see how it really is. I know many at the BOE are not your fans, but many of the teachers are. They will trust your true insite then!
Politically speaking,the council has covered their butts.That's all that is really important.That's all the locals cared about anyway.The council certainly knew,as did I,that this project was beyond their control.
When was the last time you were there in August or June?
@11:17.....I disagree. What did Stevie gain that day that allowed her to change her vote. Gail heard everything that Stevie heard but Gail stood her ground. Stevie made it perfectly clear she did not appriciate the negative email and bad mouthing she received after her first "NO" vote and it is obvious now that she did not wish to be exposed to that again. She either needs to grow some thicker skin or move on. You cannot be in public office today and come across as inconsistent on the issues.
i have appreciated stevie's conservative oversite regarding the monies available in wicomico county for years. she's always seemed to be watching out for the taxpayer and really made an effort to keep spending under control.
unfortunately, this time she blew it. i really was amazed at how she flip-flopped on this very important issue and vote. i'm just guessing here, but it seems to me she received probably over 100 emails from the BMS group and forgot about the rest of her constituents. this was not a wise move on her part.
to make it worse; i believe conway will get the money somehow and come out "smelling like a rose". this could be a set up. again; this is just guessing on my part. keep a watch as events unfold. NEVER trust the government. our founding fathers warned us about this and much more...
11:13-only one large construction company will benefit, not many
Ok, Let's back up a minute here - We are all happy that they are building a new school now and as a taxpayer - I am glad!! Now as the above comment stated about Mardela and Wi - Middle being older than BMS is very true - But, here is a question - Just like your home when things start breaking and etc. We have them repaired or remodeled, we do not tear down the homes and rebuild - So, I guess what I am saying - If BMS is sooo bad as the staff is saying, then who is responsible for that? What about the custodians? Surely they have to report or repair anything that is wrong and I know that they do alot of that over the summer. So at my house - If I have a electrical problem - I call in an electrician with insurance and a company and I also get estimates and why can't the board do that?! I know, It's easier to spend the taxpayers money!!!!
i just wonder how nice we could make the current bms with say $10 mill?.....ac,computers,new roof,update the kitchen......no one i know tears down their house and builds a new one when the roof leaks......
why have we not looked into refurbishing/expanding the school where it sits currently any more than just a passing glance??
It seems or so it appears most people on here agree with updating the school. This can be done for less money with many of needs people are looking for. With the amount of money they want to rebuild one school, many of the schools in this county could be updated. Not that we have it to do now, but over time.
The school may be hot in the summer but that is why the students are not in school during the summer. When I went to school none of the schools were air conditioned and guess what it didn't kill us. So air condition the svchool if you want. But no money no school. What about when the Governor put the teachers pensions on the counties then where is the money coming from.
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