2. Field Container Corp. -Salisbury,MD - best estimate 150+ employees.
3. Dresser Industries/Haliburton - 500, 600 employees.
4. Shawnee Homes - 150 employees.
5. Salisbury Engineering - unknown no. employees - moved to DE.
6. Heinemann Electric - unknown no. employees.
7. Moore Business Forms - Snow Hill - 148 employees
8. Campbell Soup - Salisbury, MD facility - 604 employees.
9. Campbell Soup - Pocomoke, MD - Swanson Division - 245 employees.
10. Campbell Soup - Crisfield, MD - Mrs. Paul's Kitchen - 200 employees.
11. Montgomery Ward - Salisbury, MD - 110 employees.
12. Gant Shirt Factory - Salisbury, MD - 250 employees.
13. Jodi Shirt Co. - Salisbury, MD - 100 employees.
14. Delmar Sportswear - Delmar, MD - 90 employees.
15. Ford Laboratory - Salisbury, MD - 70 employees.
16. Grumman Corp. - Salisbury, MD - 401 employees.
17. Peninsula Press - Salisbury, MD - 45 employees.
18. Preston Trucking - Preston, MD - unknown - bankruptcy.
19. Chesapeake Bay Plywood - Pocomoke, MD - 500 employees.
20. Ruddy Duck - Cambridge, MD - 100 employees.
21. Airpax Industries - Cambridge, MD - 500 employees, 1500 at peak.
22. Service Merchandise - Salisbury, MD - 25 employees.
23. Purity Bacon - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees.
24. ES Adkins Co. - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees.
25. Masten Home Center - Fruitland, MD - unknown no. employees.
26. Masten Home Center - Pocomoke, MD - unknown no. employees.
27. 84 Lumber Co., Fruitland, MD - unknown no. employees.
28. IMP-(MVP.com)- Salisbury, MD 40 employees.
29. Powellville Garment - Powellville, MD - 100 employees.
30. Food Depot - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees. Last of Old Mall
31. Ames - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 11-14-01
32. Ames - Fruitland, MD - unknown no. employees
33. Crown Cork Seal - Fruitland, MD - unknown employees - closed 01/02
34. Central Tractor - Fruitland, MD - unknown employees - closed 01/02
35. Nanticoke Homes - Greenwood, DE - unknown employees
36. Stoney Point Decoy Factory - Crisfield, MD - 40 employees
37. Tyson Foods - Berlin, MD - 600 employees - closed 04/03
38. Black & Decker - Easton, MD - 1400 employees- closed 04/03
39. Pine Country Corp. - Pocomoke, MD - 35 employees - closed 10/03
40. Chesapeake Hardwood Mill - Princess Anne, MD - 40 employees.
41. Salisbury Steel Products - Salisbury, MD - 35 employees - closed 8/03
42. True Value Hardware - Salisbury, MD- unknown no. of employees.
43. Office Max - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. of employees.
44. Helovet Pharma - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. of employees.
45. Giant Food North - Salisbury, MD - 75 employees - closed 03/05.
46. Super Deep Discount Drugs - Salisbury, MD - unknown employees.
47. JV Wells, Inc. - Sharptown, MD - 100+ employees - large MD Timb. Co.
48. Nanticoke Seafood - Naticoke, MD - unknown no. of employees.
49. Islandic Seafood - Cambridge, MD - 300 employees - closed 3/07
50. Brunwick/Bayliner/Maxum - 180 employees - moved to N. Carolina
51. Americhem Inc. - Salisbury, MD - 30 employees - closed 10/07
52. Powerwave Technology - Salisbury, MD - 100 employees - closed 8-08
53. Oddi Atlantic - Salisbury, MD - 70 layoffs - closed 9/08
54. Invista Plant(DuPont) - Seaford, DE - 400 employees
55. Circuit City - Salisbury, MD - 30 employees - closed 01/09
56. Bob Smith Auto - Easton, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 3/09
57. Schaefer & Strohminger - Camb.,MD - unknown employees - cl.4/09
58. Boater's World - Salisbury, MD - 15 employees - closed 4/09
59. Boaters World - Denton, MD - 75 employees - closed 04/09
60. Saturn of Salisbury - Salisbury,MD - 15 employees - closed 05/09
61. Waterman's Seafood - Salisbury, MD-unknown employees-closed 4/09
62. Second National - Salisbury, MD - 500 employees - receivership
63. Southern States - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees
64. Burke Equipment - Salisbury, MD - moved operation to Delmar, DE
65. Jack's Religious Gift Shop - Salisbury,MD - unknown no. employees
66. Allied Building Products - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 01/11
67. Superfresh - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 08/11
68. Atlantic Bookstore - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 03/11
69. Southern States - Pocomoke, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 08/10
70. The Gospel Shop - Salisbury,MD - unknown no. employees - closed 12/11
71. Shelia's Craft & Party World - Salisbury,MD - unknown no. employees - closed 12/11
72. Benedict the Florist - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 11/11
73. The Bike Shop - Salisbury,MD - unknown no. employees - closed 12/11
74. Sunroom Store - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - moved to Berlin,MD
75. Tex Mex - Salisbury, MD - Centre of Salisbury - unknown no employees
76. Pani Pit Pizza - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 11/11.
77. Mombo Italiano - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 12/11
78. Checkers - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 11/11
79. Rugged Warehouse - Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed 10/11
80. Acme - Twilley Center Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees - closed FY08
81. Barn None - Snow Hill Rd, Salisbury, MD - unknown no. employees
82. Shoreland Freezers - Salisbury, MD near college - unknown no. employees
83. Salisbury Office Supply - Salisbury, MD near college - unknown no. employees
Good God almighty! I recognize most of these businesses - or use to be businesses.
I have never witnessed anything like this in my entire life. I knew our economy was bad - but until one actually sees a list like this then you can actually get a perspective.
Why don't you formulate a list of businesses that have come to this area.
Forgot to add the Gospel Shop in Salisbury.
Obama is soooooooooo gleaful that we are loosing jobs.
When are we going to March to DC and lock Obama up in Jail?
Joe - where did you get this information. I have not seen a list like this anywhere. What state agency is tracking this.
No wonder Wicomico, Worcester, Dorchester and Somerset have to cut budgets and spending. There isn't anything worthy of taxing left.
Begs the question, Why ?
How about one with layoffs?
Start with Perdue dumping 40+ of their IT staff....high tech jobs where most of these folks were relocated from out of the area - and now can't find similar employment in this area.
I wish someone would send this list up to our Governor O'Malley.
I can easily see why Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset, and Dorchester have blown budgets.
How could this have happened to our area. We have been completely decimated - economically.
While this is quite sad and very alarming, I see many professionals
soon leaving our area as well.
Unless you work in fast food and medical professions all the good jobs have left.People need to get out the elected officials in office and get new people in office to create new jobs in these areas.
some of these are very old closings, like 20+ years old
Reference 9:34 Posting - Begs the question why?
I agree - there is a bigger reason as to why all of these businesses have left our area. Question is - who is going to 'uncork the lid'.
I've heard rumors that various businesses (not all retail)wanted to come to the area.Most did not because our area was not outsider friendly.By that I'm referring to such things as a lack of tax incentives,poor road conditions (at the time),no breaks in services such as water and sewer,building code restrictions,etc,etc.Any intelligent business person knew that everything had to come together for their venture to succeed.Things simply did not.
These closings did not happen overnight. They have silently crept into our local economy. Some of the blame can be pinned on NAFTA and GATT, and the remainder can be blamed on our US regulatory environment and taxing structure.
There is definately a trendline here.
10:08 said - who is going to uncork the lid.
SBYnews already has - and now you are reading it. Thank you SBYnews for setting the record straight on our areas local employment condition.
INCREDIBLE! The list is a very telling story.
Acme should be added to the list.
And we wonder why our best and brightest graduates can't wait to get the heck off the shore. My 2 couldn't wait to haul tail to somewhere with OPPORTUNITY. The only thing growing on the shore is the number of retirees from PA, NJ, and NY. Just what we need.
11:04 - you are right. It is to late - we have definately exceeded the red line stage. This is also why there is essentially no new residential or commercial construction in our area.
Keep in mind that this is JUST IN THE LOCAL AREA. Its happening all over the country in thousands of small towns and cities across the nation. Our "leaders" are so busy passing our taxes (pay them or go to prison, thank you) on to corporations, banks, and themselves (by the TRILLIONS), they don't have the time or inclination to worry about the average Joe in the USA. Perhaps if you were in the surveillance business, or the prison business, or the law enforcement business, or something in the "Homeland Security" field, you'd be okay. Does anyone know anyone who was helped by the "stimulus" package? I mean OTHER than already wealthy bankers, CEO's of poorly run companies, and Wall Street tycoons? WHERE in the hell is the outrage among the people? We are getting our clocks not only cleaned but stolen from us, too. All done while we continue to chant "USA! USA! USA!". We SHOULD be chanting "Hang them all! Hang them all! Hang them all!".
The list of smaller owner operater businesses that are gone is even bigger than this.
Union demands have been responsible for several of these larger corporate closings.
68. The Gospel Shop
69. Shelia's Craft & Party World
70. Benedict the Florist
71. Bike Shop on Rt 13 across from Benedicts, next to Exxon
HD in OC, Atlantic Book Store closed when Barnes and Nobles opened their doors, Montgomery Wards and I noticed the Sunroom store on Rt 13 is closed just to name a few more closings. My son is an IT Specialist and is seeking employment in NC...I'm going with him.
The large business's were shut down due to Union greed.
Not saying local regs don't need to be fixed, but blaming all this on the local officials is stupid. My brother has a business across the bay where the regulations make here look like child's play.
Why is he there? Market! There's not market here for many things. Most manufacturing moved out long ago, taking its middle class with it. But manufacturing has left a lot of places.
Benedict's? Retirement with a million dollar sale attached. Who wouldn't close it down? Superfresh? Not a local problem. Superfresh shut down a bunch of stores with "not enough profit." Circuit City? Went bankrupt nationally.
The shirt factories and Montgomery Ward closed eons ago. Keeping a list like this without any analysis is like listening to Howard Stern read all the dirty sounding last names in the phone book. Shocking, but hardly meaningful.
Joe, you forgot the recent layoffs at Sysco in Pocomoke. There have also been reductions of personnel at most levels of government, state, county and town over the last decade.
To 12:33 & 12:46
I'll update the list to include the businesses listed above.
Since the posting this morning I have received several emails about closings. I'll be sure and include those to.
As for 9:15 Posting:
There is NO Federal or State agency that tracks business closures as the publishing of such information would be a 'political hot potato' and/or political suicide for the staus-quo.
Joe, GA, and others have been tallying and tracking this information for quite some time now. We have even received telephone calls from other agencies - (ie - Private Industry Council) - seeking to duplicate and distribute our investigative efforts.
You can thank SBYnews for publishing this data - and for those readers that casually pass-off this information as being bogus - I can personally verify that those businesses did exist and can take you to their former locations. Many of these closed businesses real estate have been purchased by your State and Local governments - thus - exacerbating their budgeting problems.
Most of our locals and permanent residents know that this information is true.
Bonanza in Pocomoke.
Curves in Crisfield
Also a printing place in the Business Park in Princess Anne.
Southern States in Pocomoke (Pocomoke Lawn and Garden).
Unreal when you actually see the list. Doesn't look good does it?
Someone told Cold Stone ice cream closed. Is that true? Also Panini Pizza by Cold Stone closed as well.
I have been watching FOX news on TV and all afternoon they have been talking about America's loss of jobs. Huckabee speaking right now.
Someone at SBYnews should get this information to Huckabee ASAP and I can almost guarantee you that FOX news would dispatch an entire investigative coverage crew to area.
This information is worse than a blackeye - it is outright sinful!
Someone told me earlier today that Sheila's party world is closed (closing). Can anyone verify that?
if we don't cut out many of the regulations and taxes for businesses to want to come here and grow; then we will continue to see the list grow.
even if you're a self-employed person doing well by yourself, you're afraid to expand because of all the regs, taxes and paperwork. why expand when you will have a ton more work to do and pay more to the government than what it's worth. in other words; don't grow.
this is a sad commentary for not only this area but MOST of the country. there are pockets where they get it and businesses are growing.
and yes to the people that said the greedy unions closed many of our good companies. that is exactly what happened.
We gots lots of new prisons and fire departments though. Nobody drives away business like maryland.
It's amazing when you actually see all of these business closures listed in order.
I knew that we had lost quite a few heavy hitters, but man-o-man.
The Revenue Cap cannot be primarily blamed for the County's huge revenue shortfall. It is the loss of State Income Tax derived from the loss of jobs. In addition - the local tax or piggy back tax has diminished dramatically. So let's stop bellyaching over the revenue cap as the loss of jobs is the primary culprit. The revenue cap is a drop in the bucket compared to loss of state personal income tax revenues.
Ref - 5:31 Post - Ditto
Just count the shear number of known jobs and multiply that by the projected state & local tax rates. Mind boggling numbers!
as a former high tech small business owner I can tell you first hand this area is not business friendly. I moved my business from wicomico county when they kept trying to hold me hostage. They are thieves! even peterson from the tax office tried to tax me when my business wasn't even located in this county. Took her to court and won!
They are thieves! Willing to steal what they aren't willing to work for! Get used to all those service jobs, meanwhile all the top dogs on the local government payroll and school board are making bank off all you poor working slobs! Keep voting for those democrats! FOOLS!
How is the impoverished Board of Ed. expanding its IT program with plans to expand a lot more?
3:18, I just checked the Stone Cold website, and they indicate that there is a store in Salisbury. I called the number, and they are indeed open.
7:22 rome's burning, the area is going to crap and you're worried about ice cream, but then I guess your independance card works there! that's if you can get off your fat @ss to make it there. then all us working slobs will have to pay for your medical care since you are so obese!
You might want ad Tex Mex restaurant at the Centre of Salisbury Mall to the list. I believe famous Dave's has replaced it - but it is gone.
Also, I believe that Boscov's filed bankruptcy about a year ago - although I do not know what their current status is. And I'm sure everyone is aware of Sear's & K-mart's precarious financial position.
I heard today that Best Buy is in trouble and might be leaving Salisbury in the near future.
Why not bring Cracker Barrel to Salisbury, at every one you see they are always busy. Plus their breakfast menu is available all day and the selection is great!
I own a business that at one time I had six employees....today it is just me. With the proposed Obama Care coming up, I would be petrified to even hire one person and all the taxes, payroll, etc, that I would have to be worried about. I will work 50-60 hours a week to keep going while there are those who are handed their independence cards and eating better than I ever will. Gotta love those when I am behind one of them in the grocery store - steaks, meats, desserts! And I worry when my bill is over $20.00! Geeeesh!
I think its a bit unfair to list stores like Ames, Montgomery Ward, Circuit City, Service Merchandise (not listed) and Saturn which are all completely gone, certainly nothing to do with anything locally.
Also convenient not to mention new stores that replaced the ones that left, like Ames, Office Max, Super Fresh, Montgomery Ward and Service Merchandise being replaced eventually by Ollies, Best Buy, Harris Teeter, Dick's Sporting Goods and Gander Mountain respectively.
7:22 rome's burning, the area is going to crap and you're worried about ice cream, but then I guess your independance card works there! that's if you can get off your fat @ss to make it there. then all us working slobs will have to pay for your medical care since you are so obese!
January 8, 2012 8:21 PM
He was answering another commenters question, mean ass.
You and the other nitwits need to stop attacking one another and focus on the common enemy.
The government and police want you at each others throats. You will be too distracted to notice what they are doing.
The government hands out entitlements so people will be dependent on them and they will have a loyal (and desperate) following.
The police want you to snitch on each other and make their jobs easier. Unfortunately there are all too many willing and eager to accommodate them.
You need to find out who you can trust before it is too late.
Why list national chains that went belly up? Because if we had supported these places with our patronage they would either still be open in our area or a competitor would have moved right in to replace them because there was money to be made.
IMS which serviced MVP.com at their Salisbury MD location in the old Campbell Soup Building also had another account in that building. Also had operations in Ridgley MD and Cannon (Seaford) DE which serviced dozens of well known accounts (cheese cake factory, Godvia, Ambercrombie and Fitch, Avon, to name but a few) Is now completely gone sold to Cross Roads and operations moved to other states that offered a better bottom line. Best guess jobs lost 300-500 during peak times.
Yikes - the economy is much worse than I thought.
Now I can easily see that our economy is getting much worse than what it was even 6 months ago. It will take at least a decade to restore some of these lost enterprizes, maybe longer.
Did Coldstone close? There also used to be a place where Dave's is now. It was once called Tia's and something else before that.
sheila's party world is not closed
Most of my out of town friends kid me about locals giving directions based on where business's USED to be.
LOL!! Like,"you know where Wards used to be?" or "just down the street from where Dresser Wayne USED to be? funny but not.
Rugged Warehouse next to Target closed a few years back also.
Pebbles in the old mall
Circuit City
I'm sure we could name a bunch more.
We are the lost generation, we will all fall through these cracks and be forgotten. Grandma told me to work hard and be honest and everything works out, I dont believe that anymore. The biggest crooks win and the rest of us are all gonna die.
So very sad. Something has got to change.
9:49 Post - Sheila Party World - 410-860-6934 - It says their phone has been disconnected? What gives?
So many of these businesses I recognize. What-a-shame for our community. The economic times are worse today than even 6 months ago and that was horrible.
11:23 PM - Since when was there ever a Harris Teeter in Salisbury?
This is a ridiculous list--many of these closed places have been replaced by new businesses. That, my friends, is the nature of capitalism. Why don't you put up a post just on the new businesses and success stories? The shipbuilding business, for one, is thriving. The guys behing Evo beer, Specific Gravity, Sobo's, are thriving. Mombo Italiano closed? Well, Longhorn Steakhouse is about to open. Far more employees. Businesses open and close constantly. To focus just on the closures (some of which were years ago) is silly and misleading. Yeah, we are having tough times. But be fair and show both ends.
To 11:01 Post
Since you have started to develop such a comprehensive new list - then why don't you go ahead and proceed to finish the task.
11:01 while you are correct whenit comes to restaurants, please list for us the companies that came to Salisbury to replace Gant, Campbell Soup, Dresser, Purity Bacon, etc... if you can't see that we have lost a large portion of our manufacturing base then you are either ignorant/ill informed or a fool.
another one - Call Center services in Salisbury used to have over 1500 employees and they closed I believe in the early 2000's
Does anyone know what is going on with AC-Wind on Northwood Drive?
Did I see Checkers on the list or in the comments? It shouldn't have been premitted to build there in the first place but that's what our planned growth is all about. I am willing to bet Sonic will soon be gone, they shouldn't have been permitted to build there either. I go by just about every day and at times from 6 a.m. on, and rarely see any or many cars.
Of course we have lost a lot of the manufacturing base--that is nation wide. There has been a massive expansion of the local medical field (high paying jobs). Take a drive down 13 and 50 and list all of the medical facilities that have opened. Harvard has expanded its business. The university has expanded its business (yes, you might not like it, but there's a big expansion of relatively high paying jobs). Aiport? Expanding! This is just off the top of my head. If you wanted to be fair, you would do a similar post asking people to list all of the newly opened businesses (exactly the same way you did here), but that might make things look a little less gloomy.
Nobody is saying times are not tough, it just isn't the way you've tried to put it, with everything shutting down with no replacements.
To 12:52 Post
We will also add Checkers to the list.
Thanks for your input.
Jimminy Crickets - there have been an incredible amount of business closures! Stunning information.
I am no fool, this is a depression that we are currently experiencing. To say it is a recession is malarky!
Ok, now lets try something new.
Rather than being so cynical all of the time, lets look at something that is coming to salisbury.
A new industrial wind turbine plant.
Whats that? Oh you mean jobs are coming to salisbury?
1500+ Jobs right there. That alone makes up for half of this list.
Barnone closed in Salisbury on Snow Hill ROad. 25 employees.
When I was growing up here we had several places to go see a movie -as literally all of them have closed and now we just have one place. The plaza has never been the same since the five and dime left.
Gospel Shop, Acme, Checkers, Shoreland Freezers,
I am pretty sure that 12:58 is with the local economic development office. By now I'm sure his phone has rang about the new wealth of information - (Business Closures) - regarding his performance record.
Remember 12:58 - SBYnews is Fair and Balanced. The DT is the one that has been biased through all of these closures.
It amazes me what I learn from this site. Before SBYnews I would have never paid attention to any of these closings as I tend to be nonchalant about my everyday business. Now - it seems as though I'm very aware about my surroundings.
I agree with 1:30 psting. This is a depression.
Checkers, Rugged Warehouse, Acme, Bar None, Shoreland Freezers, Salisbury Office Supply have now been added to the list of local business closures. For those who have contributed - we at SBYnews appreciate your contributions in helping to develop this comprehensive data base.
Thanks again,
I sense that many of the comments written on this blog are from folks that have lived in this area all of their lives. (And there's nothing wrong with that)
My point is that this cycle of economic activity happens everywhere and SBY is no different.
In the USA it is survival of the fittest. If you are not delivering something that people want or need you're not gonna make it.
Having come here from another area, I have seen alot of progress in the Salisbury area in the time I have been here. I am glad to see it and I welcome more.
I challenge all of you to offer ideas on what we can do to make this town better.
By the way, I would love a Harris Teeter here.
It closed a long time ago, but Nichols in Fruitland was around when Ames was.
Windmill Plant - posting 1:53
I do not think that you are accurate in your assessment that 1500 jobs is replacement for 1/2 the list. You had better go back and look at the known no. of employee displacements.
It would take at least 10 windmill plants to replace what has been lost in the last decade.
Really this is what O'Malley says is a recovery On her there are at least 7,678 jobs lost. There were so many unknowns that there met even be way over 10,000 people without jobs.
Bistro 54 in Delmar - CLOSED
They say they're closed because they're moving, but many of us don't believe that for a second!
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