With the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act and all the malicious intent contained within its virulent pages, many in the Liberty Movement, once relegated as “extremists” in documents such as the MIAC Report and the Virginia Fusion Center white papers, now find themselves faced with the very real possibility of being targeted as “enemy combatants” in their own country and in their own front yards. No longer is the fight between globalist and Constitutionalist obscured in the mire of cold war style information drilling and propaganda. Today, it’s all out in the open, and it’s nothing to be taken lightly. Unfortunately, however, an incessant belief remains amongst a large subsection of Americans, who assume that there is no need to act, or to choose sides. Apathy and fear cling to our culture like manure to a new leather shoe.
In my years as an analyst and activist, I cannot possibly estimate how often I have heard cries of nihilism, futility, and submission. The redirections and rationalizations used by naysayers and quivering weaklings at the onset of any social crisis always carry the taste of logic, but in those of us who have resolved to stand firm in our principles, such excuses elicit reactions of utter disgust. There is nothing more distasteful to the courageous than being presented with a man who would sell his own soul (or the souls of others) for a few extra minutes of oxygen.
Life is inherently dangerous. Always has been. Always will be. Regardless of the time or place in which we live, the threat of calamity is ever present. American culture has strained every sinew and burst every blood vessel trying to wrap itself in a bubble of artificial safety…to no avail. While we live, there is no permanent escape from struggle, beyond increasingly brief moments of calm. At bottom, those who embrace the reality of danger and conflict, and who have the will to see it through, are the men and women who are most likely to make a difference in this world. Those who run, hide, or easily surrender, matter little in the grand streams of history. They become cannon fodder buried in the dreary dust bowl pages of abandoned encyclopedias, and nothing more.
As the preeminence of this cold hard truth dawns on us, we are faced with what amounts to a very simple choice, at least, in my mind. Terror or valor. Slavery or freedom. Obedience or defiance.
Has anyone considered challenging this to be unconstitutional? The Supreme Court should strike down this one ...
This is definely unconstitutional.
It is the Obama Regime trying to take over the world starting at home. If we keep letting him throw the comstitution out the window there won't be any elections in November. It will just be Obama Dictator of America. Then he will be able to lock you up and throw away the key just for disagreeing with him.
Then he will be able to lock you up and throw away the key just for disagreeing with him.
January 8, 2012 7:27 PM
That's exactly what the new law provides.
This is not just a president obama thing.
The senate vote count was:
93 - YEA
7 - NAY
Stop your sensationalist views and realize that this is not a war against parties anymore, its a war of people vs government
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