As many of you know, it's not very often we see a Post that beings in over 200 comments in just a matter of days. Charlie, (the retired Police K-9) has become a massive topic here on the Shore and now around the World. Not only has Salisbury News hits gone through the roof in recent days, we've gone viral on Facebook too.
Today, the Ocean City Council will meet with not only the FOP, they'll meet with the Ocean City Police Chief referencing this matter as well. The City Council will become aware of the other side of this matter once and for all.
If you'd like to view all of the comments on this matter, GO HERE. So far you've only read about this story on Salisbury News. Other forms of media are still desperately trying to get their hands on it but Officer Campbell has chosen to keep it exclusive right here to maintain open comments that won't be turned away because of special interests.
I want to make something very clear here though. Because this is a personnel matter, you are only hearing one side. Mind you, the comments are what truly blow this story away and I highly recommend you take the time to read them and perhaps participate with one of your own.
Thanks for visiting Salisbury News. Stick around, we have a whole lot more to come every 15 minutes every day.
Well the bottom line is, and the first "clue" that the general public saw and it was not lost on them was the letter from the vet is dated Dec 5 and so is the letter releasing the dog.
There was no hold up.
After seeing that we can take everything else with a grain of salt, probably.
Anon 11:41
The LT was requesting the letter from the vet. I couldnt get the letter from the vet until Monday. The dog suffered for several days prior but Kirkpatrick claimed "City council" needed a letter, which also was a lie! I have personally spoke to members of the city council and they have adamently stated they knew nothing of the letter or the dog being injured for that matter!
Glad Officer Campbell is keeping it here instead of with the lying adolescent pimple-faced media around here.
I agree Mr. Campbell. I, too, spoke to a council member yesterday. He said he knew absolutely NOTHING about Charlie till yesterday morning.
Best of luck to Officer Campbel. I hope OC dose the right thing.
Doesn't matter who needed the letter, but someone did and you were the one who waited a week to get it.
anyone who used Dr Will Watson knows he is not hard to get ahold of esp in an emergency.
As far as the horses are concerned do not even go there. If those horses were being stabled in as deplorable conditions as are claimed and so called pictures are available than an anon call should have been placed to Kenille Davies and staff and volunteers at the shelter! So I don't believe that either.
Open comments? Since when?
If there was a mixup in whether or not the council's okay was needed to approve of transfer of city property the fact remains it took Mr Campbell a week to get the letter requesting retirement of the dog from the vet, Sunny.
Also Sunny, he states right here on this blog that he started asking for the dog on the 28th. I know because I was the one who asked him.
Thank you all. Thank you Sunny Truth will come out.
I was not asked to get a letter until that friday. Dr Watson was closed and I unfortunitely could not get in touch with him. Furthermore, your lie, ops I mean LT Kirkpatricks lie about the city asking for the letter was also nonsense, fact is they never knew about it!
I was asked to get it but couldnt on friday. Fact of the matter is it shouldnt matter about a letter, a living animal suffered!!! The letter could of came later!
How come whenever a citizen not someone with the PD makes a comment you don't like you accuse them of lying or being with the PD either of which I am not.
Common sense dictates that some kind of documentation would be required to transfer the dog, doesn't it?
You are so quick to say others are lying when they bring up a valid point. That's sure going to win you points with the general public.
Would not surprise me if you weren't asked to get the letter from the get go.
The truth is the truth, Im not going to get into a arguement, officer or citizen, over what was right or wrong. Anyone with common sense knows that allowing a dog to suffer is wrong. If your trying to get me to "Plant" a seed and try making me look bad, it wont happen. There is a course of action to get the truth and im certain the mayor and city council will reveal it.
Hang in there Earl, we are behind you and Charlie and this terrible situation! And, I believe you re the letter.
I've always been able to get in touch with Dr Watson. He's even called us back after 9 pm after getting a message from I guess it's his answering service.
The truth is the truth and you sound like some kind of nervous maniac calling members of the public liars.
I can't wait until the mayor and the council gets to the truth and reveals it myself so you will go poof and disappear. I think just about eveyone's had it with you as is apparent by the LACK of comments from the general public.
Thats not a fear of mine. I know what happened, Kirkpatrick knows what happened and it will come out.
Whatever....the only relevant parts are the vet letter dated the 5th and the transfer paper dated the 5th. End of story.
ok. Thank you for your post.
What is relevant here is that a police dog suffered because higher ups in the ocpd opted to drag their feet or just plain not do their jobs. It is a shame that a working animal that has given to so many in doing his job had to wait and suffer, for no reason. It has become very apparent that these higher ups seem to care nothing for their employees including animals and I find it sickening that these people are still employed.It's ashame our community has come to this kind of toleration. I'm glad Earl had the courage to stand up for what is right and for his family. I commend him for it.:) I wish there were more people out there like him:) To one of the last comments that the public is not with him- I will have to say YES we are and this is only the BEGINING. As I just heard about this today and you can bet I will be telling EVERYONE I know. You see the relevance has nothing to do with the date of when he got the vet letter or when the dog was released....that could go on and on... It's the PRINCIPAL of him doing the RIGHT THING!!! I want to Thankyou again Mr. Campbell for reminding us all of what really is important.
There is NO doubt, if this had been Kirks dog, the world would have stopped. They (including the Chief) did not like Earl, and they played a game as they always do, and now the truth hurts.
I could be wrong, but didn't the posted letter from the vet state that the dog should retire due to his condition? I did NOT see anything stating that the dog was in pain or in immediate need of surgery. Of course, I could be wrong...
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