Well, that's what we call it. I believe she stated that she had a mental lapse and wanted the public to know that she does NOT support Joe Holloway for Council President.
Hmmmmm, let's see... Sharee Sample Hughes has what level of education vs. Joe Holloway, yet he's Council President and she's never even been nominated!
Sharee went off months ago stating that ALL Council Members must at least have graduated High School. You see Folks, Joe Holloway NOR Joe Albero ever graduated from High School. Instead, we moved on with our lives, (some to help support our FAMILIES) and became extremely successful businessmen.
It's a piece of paper Sharee. It does NOT make you a better person. Some people have book smarts and some of us are what they call, street smarts. In my case, I retired at 40 years old. Nevermind, you get my drift. If ANYONE is a racist, well, I'll just leave it at that.
Sharee Sample Hughes needs to get out of politics. Congratulations Joe and Matt Holloway. Oh, by the way, they are not related.
You're right Joe, Hughes needs to go back from wherever she came from. She is a disgusting person who is attempting to make a life of politics. Orville Penn please step up and unseat her silly self. You are a class act as are many others from District 1.
Simple Hughes is just one more of those who spend time at Shore Up and get paid. Again, what is the ratio of their employees.
Did she vote for Joe Holloway? Is this what this is all about? OMG. I hope so. Just shows her ignorance.
Dumb Cluck!
She's in the same league as Shanie Shields and Rudy Cane -- worthless.
The west side should be ashamed of them.
Kudo's to Joe Holloway for not responding in kind to the mudslinging by that __itch.
Wanna bet that Rick Pollitt got her to do that?
Sharee may have a college degree, and probably pushed through affirmative action legislation. Another reason our country is in bad shape, because of the district she represents. Voting districts are allocated by affirmative action and by color of those persons living in that district. Sharee should represent all in Wicomico County.
Shree Simple Hughes...go to hell-o.
Joe Holloway will be an excelent president. He did not your vote.
I was there when the vote was taken and it was unaminous.
Joe Holloway is more of a person than you will ever hope to be.
He is a great asset to our county and the counci.
Set back and take notes of how to be a councilman and how to represent the taxpayers.
Not sure how you think that Joe H. was a successful businessman. His business all but went under. It is a joke for him to be council president. It is great to cut, but you should know what you are cutting when you do it. There are some things that just need to be funded. One day you will all see.
9:58 sounds like a bitter education unionist to me. It is this type of thinking that has lead this county/country to our present fiscal calamity. Continued uncontrolled spending must drastically be curtailed in all areas of government.
Maybe Ms. Hughes should be happy for someone's accomplishments instead of instigated more negativity into this council. Kudos for her education! Kudos for Joe H. in "The People" voting him in. She had just as much opportunity here.
This outrageous conduct by a disgruntled member of the minority won't be reported in the mainstream media.
Ms. Sample-Hughes is a self promoting person. She sits there and smirks at everything when she doesn't agree with it and she acts like she is better than everyone. I'm not sure where she has gotten her attitude at such a young age. I believe the citizens of District 1 have made a big mistake in electing her since she has done little to support her District. It's all about her and not them.
Trying to be a victim does not make a good leader. She should rise to the occasion and be a leader.
To 9:58
I used to drive all the way from Nanticoke to his store to buy the best shoes on the easternshore, "RedWings". He always had the best selection - owe - I almost forgot to mention - he also had the best Italian Cold-cuts that I have ever eaten.
I would most definitely define this business as SUCCESSFUL.
Joe, you should get a picture of her when she is smirking at everything. That would be funny.
Many look at higher education (college diplomas) for filling vacancies these days but I have found experience to be much more valuable. Many college graduates cannot spell or write a proper sentence these days.
Hughs works at Shore-up , if you research her hiring you will find many(all black) don't have high school educations and some are ECI
Anyway , one would never know that Hughes has any education.She's a discredit to her race. It would help if she took some public speaking classes , das al i gota sa
So glad to see J. Holloway took the high road and ignored Simple Hughes. She is attempting to tick him off so he will stoop as low as she is. It will never happen. I have confidence in J. Holloway.
9:10, when you say 'works', I assume you are using that term very loosely!
If Simple Hughes has an education she sure dont make good use of it.
I agree with 8:35. 100%.
She should set up her own business and see what it takes to own and operate a business. Maybe then she would appreciate Mr. Joe Holloway. Until then play it smart and keep her mouth shut.
Would Sample-Hughes like it if a high school diploma was required to vote?
Would she like it if you had to be actually paying taxes to have a say in how tax money would be spent? "You work harder so I can get more free stuff" does not sit well with most of us who have to work for what we get.
I didn't graduate from high school either, due to family issues but I can tell you, I'm a lot smarter than some of my friends who not only graduated from high school, but also have Masters degrees!
What a RUDE thing to say.
Compliments to Joe Holloway for ignoring her bad example to children everywhere.
Sample-Hughes = Shanie Shields with a BS degree.
(yes, that kind of BS)!
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