Officer Earl Campbell turned in his resignation today.
Officer Campbell's K-9 Partner Charlie had undergone a previous surgery in 2009 in which the scar tissue caused even more problems down the road. Charlie was taken out of service this year and the OCPD turned over ownership to Charlie to Officer Campbell in November.
In time, Charlie got to a point in which he was suffering quite badly and became paralyzed. Officer Campbell made attempts to convince the powers to be in Ocean City to front an additional $6,000.00 for another surgery in which Officer Campbell felt those powers to be took too long to give him an answer, so Officer Campbell reached into his own pocket to pay for the surgery.
Because of these delays, Officer Campbell turned in his resignation today with the OCPD. Charlie has had the surgery and is now recovering.
Folks, it's important to know that the Ocean City Police Department takes great pride in the health and well being of all of their animals. Their are channels and procedures in which cases like this, (in government) whereas instant decisions are almost impossible to make. There are some, (including me) people in which making a $6,000.00 decision for an animal, (as much as I love animals) would be made to put the animal down, especially if it is suffering and or there's even a chance it could further suffer down the road.
In my honest opinion, Charlie has already been through one surgery in which we are now seeing the long term results of such. I can, (however) completely understand and respect Officer Campbell's decision to follow through with such a surgery and my hat is certainly tipped to him for fronting the expense of doing so.
In this case, Officer Campbell felt that certain powers to be didn't respond quickly enough and as a result of such he has resigned. Because this is a personnel issue, the OCPD cannot comment at this time. However, I want it known that I personally know several of the people involved with the OCPD animals and while I do not want to speak on their behalf, I will say these are what I call, "Good People" and animal lovers. There are two sides to every story and in this case I am the recipient of only one side.
Not that long ago, (I believe this past summer) we did an article on another K-9 from the OCPD having to be put down because of a sudden illness. The Officer is still with the OCPD. What many do not recognize is that these animals are not just expensive right out of the gate, there's no guarantee their health will remain good until retirement age. In the mean time, Officers become extremely close to these animals and its only fitting that emotions come into play in situations such as Officer Campbell's case.
We wish Officer Campbell a healthy retirement along with our best hopes and wishes in Charlie's recovery and future. This Team, Campbell and Charlie will certainly be missed by the citizens of Ocean City and we thank them for their service.
In closing, Officer Campbell told me, "It cost $6,170 but worth every single penny!!!!!!" He went on to say he was getting out of the law enforcement profession all together.
Originally Posted on 12-8-11. Due to popular requests we have chosen to bring this Post back up again.
1 – 200 of 374 Newer› Newest»Six grand plus on a dog, you gotta be kidding me. Its a frkin dog.
Hey, you can pay a Town Manager 2 weeks with that kind of money!
When you take a pet, it's a lifelong commitment. He obviously loved the dog
why don't you both STFU... because if you were in this position you would have done anything for animal or person...
As easily as you can say "It's a frkin dog" I could say your just another frkin body whom doesn't deserve life because your scarred... Now how would that make you feel? what if your mother was in the hospital with problems after surgery and needs another and then I walk up to you and say, Its just a frkin old body or person, let it go... I'm sure you would think and feel a different way I can promise you that...
"Charlie was taken out of service this year and the OCPD turned over ownership to Charlie to Officer Campbell in November."
This is about who pays for an operation not whether it's justified. The dog no longer belongs to the OCPD so why would the taxpayers of OC be asked to pay for its medical care?
1:41 I guess it would of been easier for the tax payers if Charlie had been killed in the line of duty so there would be no question of who pays for what. While he was on duty he worked his butt off to help the taxpayers. People like you make me sick.
And another officer realizes he can no longer sacrifice his integrity for a paycheck. Charlie certainly is worth it.
Good for him. Yes.It is what "good people" do.
Them dogs are worth every penny. Tell me which officers can sniff around a car trunk and smell drugs, arrive later on a seen and smell which direction bad guy went, and run him down and hold him for others, or search a building for people, or any of the other many things they do.
I would have paid it out of my own pocket also. I think the city should reimbuse Campbell. I can't imagine any OC resident/voter who would not think Charlie wasn't worth it, even those of us who have never, met him.
I would like to say this also. OC should stop buying K9's from Eastern Europe. I saw something on TV once about this and it's a big scam. When you purchase one, you are buying with only the seller word which evidently ain't worth anything. These dogs have been proven to be inbred and are wracked with health issues.
The OCPD knows how some of the Russians are coming up with scams and it's the same with all those former communist countries.
I wonder if the officer is more upset that they took so long to get an answer to him or if the answer was no.
Sometime blowing someone off and not giving enough respect to address a subject is more upsetting that not getting the answer you want.
This should have been resolved in less than 2 weeks
I love animals too,but PEOPLE in this country die everyday because they cannot afford healthcare so this is frivolous.Do you know how many financially strapped senior citizens could have bought their meds with 6 grand???
Well i can tell all the answers because I am the former officer. The dog suffered terribly for over a week. The dog cried in pain and the department refused to make a decision to retire the dog, euthanize the dog or allow me to pay to have the surgery.
These are the facts that were left out. I sent an email on monday advising them that the dog was suffering tremendously and my family was suffering seeing the poor dog in pain. I could not allow this to happen for one more day!
Mr Albero may feel these people are "Good people" but i think differently. Anyone who would allow a dog to suffer in tremendous pain deserves to suffer just as bad.
I just hope that Lieutenant can live with himself knowing he allowed a dog that the community to rely on to suffer.
And to answer the question of if i resigned because of the answer, I wasnt given an answer until monday! I am the one who said I understood the city not wanting to pay the surgery, all i was asking was for them to retire the dog so i could either take him out of pain or have the surgery.
Earl Campbell
I think the issue was the dept allowed the dog to suffer, they would not make a decision and the delay let to more suffering. Leadership by committee when a person or in this case police dog life is on the line is weak leadership. I think had they shown some courtesy and at least responded to the situation he might have handled it differently. After watching the leadership treat his animal this way he decided the right thing to do, he shows integrity and leaves.
Well that means something has to change. A search dog not only searches for drugs but living people and the dead.
The dog gets paid not a thing and still loves his job. The least the city could do is cover medical for what this dog did while he was able to perform his duties.
The officer becomes attached to his partner and was committed to seeing his dog a longer life, just as any animal lover would.
I commend the officer for such dedication to his partner and wish many years together for them.
Quite ironic, kick the dog to the curb when he gets old, just like people today treat their elders.
Officer Campbell and Charlie, I wish you both the best, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Charlie is an Officer just as much as Ofc. Cambell is. His Injuries and surgerys were most likely caused by Charlie's line of work. Charlie deserves the same treatment as any other human officer, out of respect for his dedication and commitment to his department. $6,000 is nothing out of a department with over $20 million a year budget.
The cops get a pension, why not the dog. I can think of much bigger wastes of tax payer money that happen every day. He earned the right to have surgery if it would be successful.
"$6,000 is nothing out of a department with over $20 million a year budget" is exactly why the country is in the shape it's today. I love dogs. I love my dog. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to spend $6000 for an operation for her. The PD, city manager, council members have to use the same judgement when spending THE PEOPLE'S money. Times are tough for a lot of people these days and governments need to STOP SPENDING and balance their budgets. If they operate on balanced budgets, they still need to cut back.
I would say officer cambell did the right thing as a friend of his since high school and he was looking at the best intrest of his partner not just a dog Charlie was more then just a dog cause he had ofc cambell back at anytime how many ppl can u think of that would put there life on the line for u with no question asked everyday for no pay my hat is off to u Dennis hope u and Charlie get thru this
Earl Campbell
December 8, 2011 3:17 PM
You know what? I think you did the right thing. I'm glad you could come up with the money for the dog.
I'm sure you know how some people in society are, better than I. Just as I'm sure you have said a few choice phrases that I won't include here.
I hope you are reimbursed sometime in the future, if not by city or council, perhaps some generous person.
If not, you still did the right thing and can hold your head high.
I know officer Campbell personally and feel it's important to mention. I have the highest respect for him as an officer and a family man. That aside, I'm confident that most citizens would agree that there is extreme value in the K9 officer, which is what they are, Officers. They serve as proudly as any human. While employed along side their human counterparts they are covered under the city's health plan. Should they not receive retirement benefits as well.
I feel there must be the discussion and that in each case there should be an evaluation conducted to consider the health of the dog and likely outcome of the surgery. The decision did not come in a reasonable time and Office Campbell made a huge personal financial and career sacrifise to do what he thought was best.
I'm honored to know him and know that this is the type of officer that would be desired in any community. Doing what he feels is right even if it's not the easy choice. The world is not as cut and dry as pay or not pay... it's requires making moral based decisions like he has made.
Yeah but why quit?
As i have known the Campbell family very well, i have seen how much they love Charlie, Charlie was part of there family and protected them. You do anything for family, and he did a big thing and as well as a great thing.
Charlie was an"Officer" I think everyone if forgetting that part. It is no different then when a human "officer" gets hurt in the line of duty he receives workers comp to cover medical bills. Charlie should have received the same treatment. Campbell did what was best for the both of them. No one should judge him for that.
The issue that is either being ignored or overlooked is that Ofc. Camppbell's dog was suffering. The department was made aware that the dog was in pain and took their time in reaching a decesion as to what to do with the dog, leaving the dog in excruciating pain for MANY days.
The department could have retired the dog at which time Ofc. Campbell would have been responsible for the medical bills, if he took over ownership of the dog.
The department could have kept the dog and paid for the medical bills or paid to have the animal youthenized.
Ofc. Campbell obviously was willing to pay for the dogs bills, however he wanted Ocean City to inform him of how they wanted to proceed.
If Ofc. Campbell would have went out on his own and paid for the dogs surgery or pain medication and the dog would have gotten sicker or died what would happen to Ofc. Campbell? Ocean City would have held him accountable because the dog was still technically their property.
For those of us who hunt that would be like shooting an animal just to injure it so we can practice our tracking skills before the animal ultimately dies.
Just to clarify, the dog wasnt taken out of service in November. That was the issue. They wouldnt make a decision to retire him. As of monday at 1230, they still would not allow me to take him to have surgery because they still owned him.
If they would have simply made a decision, I could have stopped the dog from being in pain and corrected the issue.
Also, I just want to clarify something. At no time did i ask numerous times for the city to pay this bill. I understood that it was not adventagous to invest additional money into my partner. All I wanted was for them to make the decision to retire the dog so I could pay to have Charlie retired.
Earl Campbell
Why should the government have a say over what I put in my body? K-9 drug dogs are just another waste of taxpayer money. We pay thousands to train them specifically for something that the government will never win. Death tolls rise every year from drug trade.
Legalize, tax it and make a profit.. and most imporantly save lives.
I love animals and Im glad that the animal is recovering but this whole war on drugs is more costly than what its worth.
Officer Campbell I salute you. What a man. If only there were more like you. It sounds like someone should do a little pay back analysis on the value of having these creatures on staff. Loosers.
This is one time where I would agree with my husband and that doesnt happen often. This isnt a human, dogs aren't meant to live forever and if he was suffering as badly as the officer says then the humane thing to do would have been to put him down. He is going to "suffer" again.
Bruce, come on now brother, I can't publish such comments without proof.
He had the surgery and is doing much better! Vets said that there was a good chance with surgery, it would fix the problem. Bottom line, I wouldnt let my kids suffer and I wont let my partner suffer!
Earl Campbell
Campbell did the right thing . I would do the same if it was one of my dogs. My dog pugsley is 17 and needed surgery and i got it for him . Seeing him suffer was the hardest thing. These dogs aren't just dogs they are family just like a kid. Dogs protect alot of people everyday. Alot of people dont understand the love and attachment we have with our dogs. I can totally understand why he would resign . He saw that cold didn't care enough about his partner to retire him in a timely manner.. with him being an officer you should have faith and respect in your employer and i think he lost that with watching Charlie suffer. I agree with his decision and respect him.. there should be more people like him and his family
I dont think we are talking about a dog Earl, what you going through man? I think you lost something and you just wont loose anything else. You wouldnt toss your career away over a dog, theres something else going on here. Call me a liar.
I think your the one suffering Officer.
CerealPoster, though I sympathize with your claim, you and I both know that is not a good argument. If the city had paid for the surgery, then you have an argument. I don't understand why everyone is so emotionally charged over one man's decision to spend HIS money on HIS dog's surgery. You can claim his money could have been better used on whatever you want- old folk's medications, dying patient's health insurance- but the fact of the matter is that it was the officer's money to do with what he pleases, and he chose to save man's best friend, and probably life saver. I also wish I have 6 grand to spend on such a thing, and I probably would not have made the same choice, but this man obviously was willing and able to. If you want to see social change for whatever population you sympathize with, run for a government position and stop complaining. As for the dying patients, consult Hospice. They do wonderful things for all, even those who do not have insurance.
I am calling you a liar and a coward because you wont say who you are.
I left because I cant work for a dept that allows a Lt to destroy a such a great group of guys and made my dog suffer.
Earl Campbell
Pain doesnt mean you are less of a man it means your more of one. You get older and you get colder and if you deal with it long enough it just reminds that you aint dead yet. Kids are what matter.
Brother I aint your enemy, just seems like alot to spend on a dog when I know people who are suffering. I had three. I dug all three holes with my friend and my girls bent down and kissed them goodbye and cryed. I know how you feel. I wrapped them up in and old quilt so just their heads were out. You want to dig and take cuts at me, go ahead. I dont much care anymore. My intentions are always good.
I've got your back, Brother. Anything ya need, let me know. Contact me via WCSO 6011.
I'm still amazed that Joe lets some of these idiots spew their drivel on this blog in the name of "fairness".
Craig Theobald
I am proud of Earl Campbell, and his dedication to his partner. I wish him well in all his future accompolishments, and hope for a long future for Charlie. He made the right decision.
earl, i respect your decision, but i have to agree with the other posters. There is more here to this story than your side. To throw away your entire career for an over the hill pooch is just ridiculous.
Most people do not understand that its the principle of it. Thank you for having the courage to put your money where your mouth is. The rest of you people just don't get it. My brother would have done the same.
10:16, if in fact there is something else going on as you insinuate that's not the issue. The issue is an officer getting the "run around" over a decision. In this case since it involves an aminal suffering that decision should have come immediately-no if's and's or but's.
If there is another problem with this officer (which again it appears you are insinuating) it is not taken out on the back of a dog!
The dog was a retired officer or an officer on disability or whatever the term is. These dogs are police officers.
I always revert to the "3 sides to every story" saying and also try and read between the lines on issues.
I may be way off base, but could this be that the powers that be from the department, were fishing for ways to get this officer to resign? As their luck would have it, this issue with the K9 manifests? Then in the end the officer resigns because he can't bear to see his dog suffer thereby saving the department the hassle of firing him?
If this is the case, then I'm siding with this officer. A leader does not (a true leader that is)
let an amimal suffer to make your own job easier! As a matter of fact it is the cowards way out!
The question arises as to the basis for the humanitarian movement's claim of ‘wrongness’ in the social conditions which it sought to eradicate or reform. It is true cruelty was often a manifestation of the social abuse or ‘wrongness’. Public reaction to cruelty was often vital to the mobilization of social action. You did the right thing.
Bruce Ben-Israel For those of you that don't work at OCPD you have no idea of the internal harassment these officers go through. I work there, however I have to remain anonymous through my secret identification as the Sweet Genius because the chief and her firing squad headed up by Lt. Elton Harmon will retaliate.
Earl was not looking for the department to pay for Charlie's surgery. He was looking for a decision to retire or not retire the dog. With Lt. Scott Kirkpatrick being the coward he is, he delayed the matter further putting Charlie through unnecessary pain. If Charlie had been retired earlier, Earl could've moved forward with the surgery. Charlie was the property of OCPD and Earl could not proceed with surgery on a department owned dog because the dog was not legally his. As soon as Charlie was turned over to Earl, he paid the $6,000 surgery bill. Did he ask OCPD or the tax payers for the money? No, so the police department doesn’t have an argument.
Of course PIO Mike Levy is quickly moving forward with local damage control (he is friends with the chief) by telling as many people who will listen that Chief DiPino knew nothing of Charlie's condition and said she thought Charlie was retired. Here we go with the lies....again. DiPino would've signed the actual paperwork retiring the dog. DiPino is the only one that can authorize the retirement of Charlie and Levy is running his big mouth saying she thought the dog was retired. Seriously Mike, can’t you do better than that? You are the supreme part-time mounted guru! At least you keep telling yourself that.
For those of you that don’t work at OCPD, other than officer spouses because they see the BS first hand, these third floor command staff members are liars. They lie to protect themselves because they screw up all the time and don't want to be held accountable. They pass the buck to the rank and file officers and deflect any wrong doing. They lie to the rank and file officers on a daily basis. They act like they care, but they don’t. They pretend to be your friend and they’re not. What they are, are self centered liars. Take it from someone who works there.
Don't be fooled by the smoke and mirrors that PIO Mike Levy gives to the press. It's all damage control because the truth hurts. It's very simple....put it all on Earl Campbell and make him look bad. Who is the public going to believe? Some road officer that did his job and a fantastic job he did or the glorious Queen Bee DiPino?
Look people, 4 police officers quit OCPD within 45 days of each other from October 2011 to November 2011. These were experienced officers with 4 to 10 years on the force and all the same rank of Police Officer First Class. Word has it another veteran officer is quitting very soon and three newer officers with three years experience are also quitting within 4 to 6 months. So let’s do the math. It looks like 8 police officers will have quit in 7 1/2 months. Do you think there is a problem at OCPD? So don't single out Earl Campbell and say it was him...he's the one that quit. No, those self centered liars on the third floor that run the Ocean City Police Department caused him to quit. Earl has more integrity than all of them put together and clearly doesn’t want to work for a bunch of back stabbing liars. Would you?? Why did Dorsey, Stender and Sprague leave?
Hey Mayor and City Council, when are YOU going to get rid of Chief DiPino? You’ve been hearing this from the officers themselves for the last 9 years. They don’t like her nor does she know how to manage the police department. She has caused the City to be sued how many times and how many hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars went to defend her and pay out the EEOC age discrimination case? It was around $450,000 in legal fees just to defend her. Geez...I don't think Dennis Dare has ever got the City sued and there were 4 city council members that told him to resign in a week or they’d fire him
So when are YOU, Mayor and City Council going to fire DiPino? How about next week YOU tell her to resign or she will be fired? She is responsible for the 4 officers recently quitting. You even received a copy of one officer’s reasons for quitting. I'm sure big mouth Levy will defend her and say, "Oh, she thought they were still working here". Hey Mike, it’s time for you to go too. You're a jellyfish riding the political tide. Whichever way they go, you're right there with them Mr. Pretend Mounted Officer. So how about the chief, command staff and PIO Levy do the rank and file officers and the tax payers a favor and resign next week?
I would easily drop 6 grand on my dog. But I am the 1 percent too.
Occupy a donut.
To answer the question of why I resigned and if there is more to the story....
Its called INTEGRITY! I am a father of 3 and what kind of man and father would I be if I supported a dept and employer that allowed my dog to suffer? What kind of basis would I be setting for my kids?
I preach to my kids constantly to always do the right thing and stand up for what you believe in. What would I be saying to them if I allowed the dept to do what they did?
For several days, my family shed many tears over Charlie because he was in tremendous pain. The right thing to do is make a decision and move on. That is what the dept should have done but they didnt, they delayed the decision and left a poor animal to suffer.
You can question me, pick me apart, think there were underlying facts and you are entitled to that. We live in this beautiful country that gives us that right.
But I know that I can go to bed at night and wake up in the morning knowing that my family look to me as making the right choice and honestly, thats all that matters to me.
Earl Campbell
To me the bottom line is-this was something that demanded immediate action. All the attempts at damage control aren't going to work. To say that the chief was unaware doesn't pass the test. In this day and age, info is instant, so don't even go there with that because it doesn't pass the test of common sense and kinda does reinforce what was said above about some lying going on.
I also work for the police department and we have been told "we"are not to comment on this or any other internal issue. We have been prohibited from commenting on FB, in essence a gag order...shut up or be fired! Yet they have mouthpiece Levy on the horn to whomever, including you Mr. Alberto. Yes, it leaked out within the dept that he contacted you and told you to go easy on the story or you would not have access to OCPD info anymore. Is this true, Joe, I think you owe us an explanation, did you get such a call?
The reality is the place is a mess, morale is at an all time low. There have been three four recent resignations, and more are on the way. The leadership simply lacks integrity. Harmon the new lap puppy is watching and putting his nose where it does not belong, feeding info to his puppteer, Guiton. Guiton, the IA or real chirf of the dept will quickly shut you down if you dont tow the line.
I can tell you this, there have been numerous lies that have been covered up, hidden, and glossed over for certain people. That info will come out soon enough, the chief always pretends she didnt know, or she thought, or has some excuse for her lack of control and knowledge. The reality is she knows, she lies, you dont think so, read google davis vs dipino and she how she was sued for making up probable cause for an arrest. She lost the case, the town paid out over 150K.
It is a sad state of affairs, flunky mouthpieces like Harmon, and and others are moved up and rewarded by playing the cover up game.
Joe, you have always been a leader in pushing the true, lets get to the bottom of it. Dig a little, look into Harmon and his record, he has been sued, look at Kirkpatrick, the info is there...will you publish it?
Is levy a friend, he loves to talk, did he talk to you about this before the story broke. He bragging about how he shut this piece down yesterday at work, is that talkk or is he telling the truth.
I have to remain anonymous, I am breaking rules by posting. Please let me comment through...
82XX,First of all, I don't know a Levy. Secondly, NO ONE will EVER tell me to go light on anything.
While I will admit that I personally like Chief DiPino and truly respect her position, we are about telling the truth and exposing WHATEVER is brought our way we feel is important to the community.
My position is a VERY difficult one. Because I do expose the TRUTH, it can sometimes cause tension, just as it has with Sheriff Mike Lewis. However, Mike Lewis is NOT my best friend and I respect his position as well. Because I have disagreed with Sheriff Lewis, we seem to be cut off after serving the Sheriff's Department for more than 5 years now. Does this stop me from telling the truth, HELL NO!
The information has been brought forth, including my position. I stated in this Post, I would not have spent the $6,000.00 on this or any other animal but I respect Mr. Campbell for his decision.
I am NOT being encouraged by ANY ONE to hush anything up, as you suggest. I am a big boy and I will do whatever I so choose, unless you haven't noticed such over the past 7 years. Go find another source because the one your talking to is lying.
Kudos to you Earl. Don't mind the comenters that spew hate, they just have a grudge against Joe personally so they like to start a peeing contest here on his blog.
Hey commenter 8:12PM
Those dogs don't just search for drugs. They serach for people wanted for a crime.
They also search for missing children and adults with dementia that have wandered off. They also search for your loved ones dead body if they come up missing.
If it was your child that was missing you'd demand satisfaction at any cost you two bit POS!
I think it's terrible that the officers aren't being allowed to give their opinions on this. If it leads to their other frustrations being brought out in the open than thats a good thing. There is always room for improvement in any organization and there is no better way than an anon forum. Anyone if free to correct anything said they believe is incorrect which is the way it should be done to allow the public to make their own decision. This hiding behind (excuse) "can't comment-personal issue" used by different departments and such is getting old.
82xx no doubt a drunk ex lieutenant that got demoted and lives in misery. The command staff has one of the best track records in recent history. Shame is the amount of time spent on the cry babies calling themselves cops.
Out of almost 100 sworn officers 4-5 resign, good -by! The chief is in the drop, nickel to a dollar the same discontents will complain just as much, or more! Earl overreacted ........ however has already said law enforcement was not for him, otherwise he could have applied elsewhere.
I overreacted??? Please explain??? Humor me... And if you, as an apparent officer, are honerable and have any integrity and dignity in your body, please say who you are. If you dont have the courage to say it on here, send me a text or facebook message. Id love to have a nice conversation with you.
Earl Campbell
I don't know if I would call any command staff "good" who waits 5 days to give an answer to this now former officer while a dog is in misery.
Earl, what's the use, damage is done. I believe you overreacted by resigning. I know things aren't perfect, but I would have the pup surgery, and had THEM come after me. I think you would have been reimbursed, if not, nothing lost. I just don't believe a quitter ever wins, sorry my 2 cents. Most importantly, God bless, and be safe. 81## dayshift.
I want to know how many ppl on here that commented would put there life on the line everyday for someone they didn't know..and I want to know why u look down on what ofc Cambell did by standing up for his partner cause ofc Charlie couldn't stand up for himself..like I said before I have known ofc Cambell since high school and i believe he did the right thing cause there is no integrity in letting a officer suffer even if it is a dog cause that dog kept u safe for no pay no pension and no retirement..I my life was on the line I would want these two officers to have my back..
Jason Scott
2:34 I know for a fact the command staff did not drag thier feet, it was over their heads. You folks are throwing the baby out with the bath water, and are to darn dumb to see your being played. Hey, I do agree levy is the worst excuse for a mouthpiece, but what did you expect?
Officer Campbell, with all due respect, you could have stood tall, and beside your "partner", without quitting. I would have gone over the LT, through the Capt., then chief princess, then the m&CC. Bet one of them would have brought closure. Heck, the chief treats her yappy rug rat poodle like royalty, brought the fleabag to the office everyday until Dennis talked some sense into her, tell me that's not true!
Kirk can throw out that "city council" card all he wants, that isnt true at all. I cant say much but give it time and it will come out.
You can say that people are being played but i have not hid anything, I post my name each and every time I have commented.
But just remember, this isnt about me vs a complete dept, its me making a point of a supervisors failure to supervise and allowed my dog to suffer in pain. If he is such the so called "animal lover", why would he not go above and beyond to stop a dog from suffering?
Earl Campbell
So what's funny about anonymous or 81xx day shift is he says mal contents keep complaining. There was a time the complaining was good, like when you guys were pushing for collective bargaining. Remember that time...I do. You guys pushed your agenda and stressed the changes that needed to happen in order to create a better work place. Now you say a complainer is a malcontent. Really? I'll tell you what, it is highly likely that you will lose your bargaining status very soon...trust me in has been spoken about many times, it's coming. I'm guessing you are a lackey, probably Harmon or collier...well guess its silly to suggest Earl was anything less than a great officer, and it's so nice to see you stand y your brother with such support. The pd is a mess, you don't Cary about losing 5% of your sworn force in less than two months... Really? That a big hit! And if more follow, I guess that s cool to right? 81xx..Identify yourself don't b a coward, don't hide, show some courage Harmon, Collier, no reason to be so afraid. You are both very big boys!
"I know for a fact the command staff did not drag thier feet, it was over their heads"
I guess that means it was a decison for the council. So when were they contacted about this 3:17? Something tells me that maybe it was finally on Dec 5th? Don't know-maybe I'm just too "darn dumb."
4:08 3 people before the council smart a**
I see it now K-9's in the next union contract. Kibble and bits rotated with special cuts, electric blankets in the kennels, early retirement, and they get to share the Chiefs poodle! Heck, why not ask, thier 'partners" get everything they want.
Who are these "3 people" that are in between the command staff and the council?
Campbell, you did what was right. The lies and cover-ups in the department are absolutely ridiculous, and you were sick of it so you quit. Good for you! I am so proud of you. So many others just stay with the filth because its a paycheck. Forget whatever anyone else says. Your real brothers and sisters at ocpd will stand by you. The snakes in higher positions will endure karma. Whoever says you made the wrong decision does not know you or want the best for you. You know the truth. The people who stand beside you know that you were an outstanding officer and you would never lie. You fight for the truth. You came out of that hole untarnished, and I commend you because that's hard to do. Bravo Campbell, and best of luck to you and yours.
Well since I don't have a gag order... I will share this. It's nice to be able to fully exercise my first amendment right and not have to worry about being disciplined for something that was given to me by congress in 1789.
When I first worked for the Department I loved it. I loved my job and I loved helping people and locking up criminals. I was on top of the world with the best job a person could ask for.. I thought....slowly over the years I began to hate where I worked. Not the job, the building where I had to come report for duty. I slowly got to see the true colors bleed out from those in the command staff. Not all but the majority of them were two faced liars. They would give you lip service so you would shut up and stop bothering them.
They wanted the rank and file Officers to bend over backwards to please every single wish of the chief and any other VIP that had a complaint about a delivery truck being parked in the bus lane, or a car parked with its wheels left to curb by their house or a skateboarder on the boardwalk.. a dog on the boardwalk.. Hey here's an Idea... last time I checked you wear a POLICE BADGE too Chief, Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant. I guess you must have forgot how to be a COP and enforce the law. Sure drive by and let someone else deal with it.. Why you ask...that's right, because you don't know what to do about it yourself and your too lazy to find out. Ohh that's right you have to hurry up and get to the third floor so you can drink coffee and figure out how to screw with the Officers that work there.
How bout this one... When Joe Hall went "missing" the entire Ocean City Police Department went into Search and Rescue mode... Only to find out he was where? Yeah that's right the Casino I believe it was. Notice how that was covered up. Granted the man can go to the Casino, that's his god given right but he wouldn't return calls from family or friends when they became worried about him. The Department spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars calling Officres in and paying them to search for Joe Hall in DELAWARE...Last time I checked it was the OCEAN CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT. Not the DELAWARE STATE POLICE.
The Ocean City Police Department has turned into a Dictatorship. The command staff don't even know how to enforce the laws themselves, yet they are in charge of an entire department of Officers.
There should have been an answer to Earl within a day. No, instead he got the run around, no surprise there. They are too scared to make decisions up there unless it benefits them or the Fab four. They do not stand behind their Officers but rather let them hang out to dry.
The Department lost four PFC's in 45 days. That should send a RED FLAG to someone. Sure didn't though. The funny thing is is that even more want to leave but they can't. They have too much time invested in the department...it'd be career suicide, or have a family to support and can't leave.. Understandably I agree with those who have decided to stay and ride it out even though they are miserable there. God speed.
For those that say the decision was above the command staff's heads.. that's BS. The ball was in their court and they didn't do a single thing about it. Shame on them. Just like 99.9% of the time when there is a decision to be made they pass the buck and give you an excuse that it's out of their hands. Please, you think anyone that works their buys that crap anymore. EVERYONE that works there knows they are FAKE LIARS.
There are serious issues going on internally there...This one just being the tip of the Iceberg.
Denny you made the right decision brother. Don't let a single person tell you, you did anything wrong. You tried to do the right thing and were shot down by incompetent, heartless, and back stabbing people. What a joke.
Hey Earl, why don’t you let Albero and the citizens know about what happened when Charlie had the last surgery and the dept screwed you that time. And then when you went to the Chief and you got scrutinized! The entire dept, with the exception of a handful of people, thought you were right that time as well, but they put the screws to you and allowed you to take it in the rear! Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the dept want you to drive from OC to Annapolis daily during the blizzard because they didn’t want to pay for a hotel? And then you had to burn all your personal time because they wanted your family to take care of the dog, yet the policy states that you have to take care of the dog? And didn’t the same Lieutenant tell you to call out sick and he would cover it (Basically told you to lie)?
I have sat around and listen to these people make their claims and I am sick of it. I think the FOP needs to stick up for us and call for a no confidence vote. In the early 2000’s we did it and it seems to get us nowhere and this time it probably would get us nowhere as well, but at least it would give the city a understanding of how we, THE OFFICERS OF THE OCPD, feel! It’s just a real shame that it took a stand up guy like yourself to make a statement and stand up for what’s right, for these guys to see it. My hat is off to you bro, my folks in PA called and it’s even hit the news up there. Everyone is on your side and I’m proud to call you my friend.
As a tax paying citizen of Ocean City, I'd like to know why this happened and why its a personnel issue? If the officer resigned, why is the dept remaining silent? It now appears that the officer told the truth because he showed documents proving they owned the dog until Monday. So why was the dog left to suffer for several days prior?
Hey Earl, I'm sad to see you go, but I support your decision, I know it must have been difficult for you to leave but you couldn't work under the oppression any longer.
I am an Ocean City officer.... I can tell you that in my experience I have seen some amazing things and I'm always shocked that nothing happens. I used to joke that I should write a book, Tarnished Blue, the inside story of the OCPD. Its not the road guys, they work so hard and are under appreciated and under paid. The last raise was about four years ago, and there is not one on the horizon for another 12-24 months. The guys deal with difficult conditions, low pay, and oppressive leadership on a daily basis.
The leadership...now that is a different story. I'm guessing there is a gag order, I don't know because I'm not there, I'm out sick now, but nobody gags LT. Harner when he comes into role call and brutally disparages Earl for making this decision and going to the press, Lt Harner free to say whatever he wants about Earl without any repercussions. I know the guys are reading this, I hope they comment. It's time to lay it on the line, Earl did!
I can give you stories, I have documents that back up my assertions and if any body from the press wants to contact me I'm available and ready to talk. We have leadership that joked about sexual abuse between cousins, a 15 and 21 year old. Leadership joked about them having oral sex, in the UFC you tweet a joke about rape and you get fired. In Ocean City police leadership jokes about sexual abuse of children and nothing happens. Oh you ask, maybe nobody in power knew...they did, an officer wrote a letter and brought in up the chain. He'd be happy to share it, and his punishment. Did I mentioned he was punished for discussing the incident with his wife, his family, he was supposed to say nothing and when they asked if he had spoken with anybody he said yes. The penalized him, it is more important to keep your mouth shut then it is to speak out on child sexual abuse.
We have leadership leaving their post regularly, on the clock, leaving for long periods of time. Saying I can be reached on my cell if you need me, and visiting their girlfriend. Did Ocean City know, why yes. An officer brought in to their attention, pushed it up the chain. The same guy, bullied a female into tears telling her she ate to much and she was not allowed to eat. He would not allow his staff to watch television updates on hurricane Irene this summer (at front desk where a TV is mounted on wall to follow the news) but cartoons that he liked, that was ok. The same guy, handles a domestic call, meets the man and woman involved. Gets her number and later meets her and gets to be quite close with her (being polite, you know what happened). The husband finds out, makes a complaint. Result, nada, but he does become a supervisor. Did the leadership know, yes. Did they do anything, no. Is this integrity, is this what you expect from you police department.
There are numerous incidents like this, I have much more and I have documents, many documents. Let the press contact me so I can expose the activities of this place. Let me give them information on how a leader at OCPD covered up police reports, how reports that contained lies disappeared and were re-written. I have copies of the reports, the first and the re-write. Normally we might have corrections, in this case it was deleted so the officer could be protected by his friend, the leader. This "leader" has covered up other lies and police misconduct by people close to him. I'll share it later, but the guys in OC reading this know exactly what I'm talking about! If you want a clue, it involves a k-9.
Check the next post, this was to long as one comment...continued below
Continued from above....
Or simple stuff, but still wrong, like two officers being directed to shovel the sidewalk and driveway of the chief in a snow storm. This was while on duty and in uniform.
I'll be the whistle blower, but I'm protected. I know they will come after me once they see this post. I have an attorney, I filed the complaints with the appropriate agencies and I'll be fine with whistle blower protection. The bottom line is there is a pattern of dishonestly. The knew about Charlie, the dog wasn't retired in November, it is lies and deception in order to protect the agencies public face.
It is time for us to have a vote of no confidence for the Chief and for Kirkpatrick. Now is the time guys! Let's support Earl, he had the courage to start the fight now let's back him up! We need a motion at the next meeting of the FOP and let's stand together. Let's make change happen, let's not let Earls fight end with his resignation. Captain Bo, who we all respect and admire may be leaving for a position in Iowa. That info came from the chief herself, if this happens Kirkpatrick will be the next Captain. You all know it, that is what is going to happen. He has already moved into a larger office on the third floor in anticipation of the promotion. It's time for us to step up and fight together, no confidence vote, we did it in 2005 it's time to to it again.
I know this is long, believe me I have so much more and would be willing to speak with anyone that wants to expose the wrongs at OCPD. Joe, I'd give the info to you as well, my worry is you are to close to the Chief and Levy to put it out there, am I wrong? This blog has been great so far, I can assure you I have stuff that will have the local area abuzz.
Please don't think all police at OC are bad, the majority are amazing. It isn't the road guys, even most Sgt.'s are excellent. Sgt Paddock is off the chart, if I had to choose one officer in all the world to respond to my family it would be him! Brett Case, is there a better detective in the state..no! I could name another 65 -75 guys that are simply amazing. Once you move into the world of gold badges there is a profound change. They forget where they were, they leave there integrity on a bench behind their house. I could name numerous names and examples of misconduct, bad behavior, cover ups, etc. I won't here, I'll save that for later but it will come out, I'll bring it out.
I talk with many of the guys in the department, that's how I know about Harner knocking Earl in roll call. Nobody will admit to talking to me so any brass reading this don't waste your time on an investigation. I won't tell anybody who I speak with, but I will say I speak with 20 plus guys on a regular basis. The guys are being told to shut their mouths, being forbidden to post on this blog. They have been told to remove posts from Facebook " if you know whats good for you" , is this right? Today PETA was in town, hopefully tomorrow it will be somebody else.
I hope you post this joe, and like I said I have much more and I'm willing to talk. I'm not working now, I'm out and nobody has told me not to talk or post on this blog but they will after they read this today.
To the public or anybody in the news, contact any cop ask them privately and you will hear then say the same thing I have here today. It is simply crazy that this has not been exposed before, thanks to Earl and his courage we now have a platform! Guys in ocean city, you know who I am, you know that everything I put here is true. Comment, do it anonymously, back me up, more important back Earl up! Let's get that vote started soon, if not you know who the next captain is and we will have nobody but ourselves to blame.
If anybody on the city council wants to speak with me, I'm willing to talk.
Hey Joe, you are getting some pretty good comments. Any chance you can make this the feature post again so it stays in the headlines.
It would help if the topic remained hot, there is a lot going on, news etc. The story is yours, I'm sure there is a lot more if you are interested.
I for one am ready to talk, yes I work there, and I am not afraid to expose the truth. Let me know if you like to speak with me, I have a lot.
And another thing...where does this stand legally. Is the LT that is responsible for the cruel treatment of this animal (a working police k-9) subject to charges of animal cruelty, if no why not. He is directly responsible for the inexcusable treatment of a working police k-9, this dog has protection under the law. Earl if you read this I'd suggest you charge him, i think it's a felony and he should be held accountable.
Let's start making changes right now! The lies have to stop and I'll stand beside you and fight.
And I'm not afraid to use my name...what's right is right.
They are not remaining silent within the building. 8229 is attacking Campbell verbally any chance he gets. They are being told not to speak about it, the guys are not allowed to discuss it or post on FB. In roll call, it is a major topic of conversation, they are all being warning to keep there mouth shut.
The mo is ignore it and it goes away, as a citizen of OC, don't let it. Demand explanations, call the council. If they lie about this doesn't it make you wonder what else they lie about?
Take action, demand it as a citizen of the town. This is the tip of the ice burg! Remember it's not the working class guys, they are first class! When you see them keep in mind that when tere is a crisis these guy run to the trouble while most people run away. They are courageous hero's some of the finest men and women I've ever known!
Leadership, hold them accountable!
I am gonna call for a no confidence vote!
You are 100% correct, a vote is due and there has never been a more appropriate time! They are telling us they will find out if any of us post on the blog, that we are prohibited from speaking out! They say even if we post anonymously they can track us down or joe will give them our info. I call BS!
Enough already...I'm not going to allow intimidation to work this time!
Brothers and sisters in the dept, speak out with me, with the others that have commented already...let's not be silent! This isn't just Campbell's fight, it belongs to us all and like we would on the street it's time to back each other up! Do it anonymously so you won't get jamed up! But do it...post with your ID number with the last 3 x'ed out. Solidarity guys...
Don't use work computers because that they can track, let's do this guys it time to "do work son"!!
WOW! I knew firsthand that bullying upper management who were tyrannical dictating liars that lacked integrity existed at the Dunes Manor Hotel, but thought it was an isolated case until recently. It seems as though abusive & illegal treatment inflicted by employers is a widespread crisis in Ocean City. The town where many employers are notorious for being inhumane and uncivil towards their employees has some serious issues that need to be resolved.
I commend you Earl Campbell, in regards to your decision to resign due to the principles, values and integrity you possess and the lack thereof that existed at your workplace. It was admirable of you to fork out the $6k out of your own pocket and showed how compassionate of a person you are, which is becoming a rare quality to find in people in this day & age.
Best wishes to you and as in my case, I am sure it was a fortunate event and a Godsend that will lead to MUCH better opportunities for you and a happier & more successful future in your life.
I know for a fact the command staff
Whenever I see something that starts out with," I know for a fact", I immediately suspect it's truth content.
But that's just me.
I wonder just how many of these so called "professionals " that claim to be so "righteous " for the people they serve, so under paid, under appreciated ..... see just how weak and childish they look right now behind thier anonymous keyboards. Oh, lets call for that big vote, the one of no confidence, worked great the last two times huh? Let's see just how much sh** we can stir, breed anger and depression, poor moral etc., yep just what the citizens expect from "silver badges" on the street. Let's just see how you make out at the next contract, just the type of employees I want to take care of lol. Frankly, I hope those bullies on the 3rd floor find out who you are and show your butts the unemployment line, vote on that!
Lord I hope if I need help, everyone of you that can hide behind anonymous doesn't show up as my back up, because no doubt your weak, unreliable,and the worst excuse for a "brother" that could ever exist! The worst part of the OCPD is you ...... think about it. Good luck on your vote, wish your name was out there so we could vote on you!
I have lived in OC for 31 years and for the first time ashamed of the OCPD. Not the top, but the "bottom". You guys are really winning points acting like high school children fighting and crying like babies. This is just what unions live for! You want a vote, you got one, put collective bargaining on the next ballot and let's see how do! FOP = For Our Pockets!
I love how many of these MEN are so big (mouth) and gonna do this, fight for that, call for a vote etc. And yet sign the first two digits of thier ID. Oh, two exceptions, one that resigns, the other out on sick leave (bet your a prize) all this more to tell, documents to prove, and still hiding? Yep, just who I want to trust. Is that a badge you wear, I don't think so.
What's funny is those of you that call us out for protecting our identity are posting as anonymous...go figure. If we get a guarantee from the dept that there will be no reprisals we will gladly provide our identity!
Sorry you feel the way you do, but the bottom line is if we gave our names they would try and terminate us right away.
I can tell you that we have dealt the the nonsense for a long time, thanks to Earl the secret is out. This story is going viral on FB, it has been linked to thousands of people. You are entitled to your opinion, but if I had to guess Id say you are command staff or friends of command staff.
Using the threat of a vote aganist the FOP is a way to try and drive a divide between Earl and the guys. If the guys think he is effecting them you hope they will turn on him. Sorry thats not the case, we support him and when the story gets out people will be shocked at the corruption and abuse.
Im shocked that you read an article about police supervisors joking about the sexual abuse of a child and the best you can do is insult a guy for being out sick. Really...thats it?
Again you are entitled to your opinion, and you have free speech so wht are you posting anonymously. You know our reasons, I'm curious about yours?
I'm not anonymous, my name is Earl Campbell! The guy that stood up for whats right,maybe you should try it, it feels pretty good! The guy that now can proudly post his name because doesnt live in fear anymore of constant internal investigations! These guys cant comment because they'd be on the chopping block and committ career suicide!
For that matter, you speak cowardly behwhats going on with their tax money and he admits he was wrong.
Why dont you stop hidding behind YOUR anonymous comment. Why dont you say your name, be proud and dont hide behind your gold badge!
Trust me, this is only the start. I wont stop until the lies are all exposed, the citizens know and my guys can get back to enjoying the best job in the world!
Earl Campbell
It's refreshing to finally see some officers call out the rampant malfeasance and mismanagement of the OCPD Brass.
I commend Earl Campbell for maintaining his integrity and separating himself from what he perceives as a corrupt institution.
However, I am saddened that those on the third floor (and those that aspire to be on the third floor) drive out trustworthy & honorable police officers like Earl Campbell which only serves to perpetuate the cycle of contamination within the department.
You calling out people for posting anonymous and hiding you identity is the same as a fat guy giving diet advise!
No confidence vote!!! Get kirkpatrick out. Get Bernadette out. We support 'the bottom' as someone previously called you. The officers who work hard everyday only to be given the runaround by superiors like kirkpatrick. Fight back. You aren't complaining, you're finally standing up and fighting for yourselves.
Mr. Campbell, you produced a letter when management transferred the animal. Lets see the document or any proof you told them 5 days earlier about the severe pain he was in. No smoke and mirrors or sidesteping, let's see what you have? I frankly know you can't. You have e-mails that tell another story, put those up.
Good luck to you Earl and Way to stand up for your beliefs and what you felt was right...
Joe, Pfc. Campbell is not the first to leave because of Chief DiPino and the command staff. If you want a story worth following try to track down Pfc. Stender who recently resigned in November. Chief DiPino, Captain Kirstein, Captain Colbert and of course Lt. Kirkpatrick harassed and retaliated against this officer to the point where they drove him to resign. However, like Pfc. Campbell, Pfc. Stender was no dummy. He filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and there is a current federal investigation into the matter. These people screwed with this officer where he went out on stress leave. Now the tax payers will pick up the tab. Word has it a 6 – 8 million dollar suit is in the works for the Town of Ocean City and the Ocean City Police Department. Who can the tax payers thank? The above mentioned people. I know this officer personally from working with him for 10 years.
There was also a mention of suing the above mentioned PERSONALLY outside the department. I suggest they up their insurance policy. Why did Pfc. Dorsey, Pfc. Stender, and Pfc. Sprague leave and now Pfc. Campbell? Hostile work environment, harassment, retaliation, etc. the list goes on. Why are these officers posting as 8xxx? Because they will suffer the same consequences if they stand their ground and speak their mind as Pfc. Stender and Pfc. Campbell.
Joe, Pfc. Stender has photos of despicable living condition of the four former mounted unit horses Mr. President, Buddy, Roy and Shadow. This officer brought this to the attention of the patrol division commander (at the time) Captain Colbert and what happened to Pfc. Stender? They narrowed their crosshairs on him and started the process of retaliation.
I hope Pfc. Stender wherever you disappeared to you are doing well with your wife and new born daughter. I know you will stand your ground and it’s just a matter of time until you resurface and the truth will come out. Chief DiPino, Captain Kirstein, Captain Colbert and Lt. Kirkpatrick, the four of you are going to cost the tax payers millions on this one. Time to sharpen your pencils and update your resumes. You’re going to be out of a job on this one!
In regard's to Earl Campbell's comments @ 10:29...
The problem, not only with so-called "superiors" at the OCPD but at many other workplaces, is that employers utilize fear tactics with their "Beat Em With A Stick" scheme to scare employees from exercising their 1st Amendment rights and to to keep them silent, which is detrimental to the employee's physical & mental health. Many of these employees will whine and complain on a constant basis about their unfair treatment.
All employees need to be courageous, just as Earl Campbell is, and stop cowering while they live in fear & get abused at their workplaces. Employees need to speak up and defend themselves against hypocritical & self-righteous “superiors” who abuse them in order for justice to prevail, rather than perpetually suffer at their workplaces by “SCREAMING silently” within their minds.
80XX, said a vote should have been taken about 12 yrs ago when the princess took over the job. I use to work side by side with a lot of the brass. Boy have they changed, well I guess not to much as they were kissing butt then also. I remember the days when it was great to go there and do your job with pride. I hope the officers still want to do that. I hope when the pricess leaves they don't get another Ray D. from Balt. Co. For all the older officers they all know Ray D. Things can always get worse
Bring back Massey.
God I love real men like you Earl. I am on the same page with you.
Okay so this makes a lot of sense. Two people post about other people posting as "ANONYMOUS" and what do they post as "ANONYMOUS".
Perfect example of DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO. Great leadership principles.
Not to mention you don't want to get in trouble either. Hmm funny how that works..why because you'd be in the same boat as every other person if they brought out their name and put it up here. Well no you probably wouldn't because you would be the one's who would start internals. Pfhhh
Then you have someone who has lived in Ocean City 31 years of their life chime in. CONGRATS. These Officers are not crying or acting like babies. How would you feel if you were constantly lied too or put down. How would you feel if you didn't have a say in things that affected YOUR career. You are a mockery of some sort. You know NOTHING about what is going on and you sit their and act like you do. Go ahead and take away collective bargaining. See what kind of Officers will get hired and what kind of work they will do. I'm sure you wouldn't be living in Ocean City too long after that. You my friend are very Naive and have no understanding of the morale injustice and wrongdoing being done to these Officers.
I have no problem doing any of this because. I know I did my job HONORABLY. I dedicated myself to that job and to helping others. I served with compassion and selflessness.
Challenge my Honor, my Courage, and my Commitment. Yea I left the Department for various reasons. If you don't know those reasons it's because you were not close to me and I didn't give ahh" about you.
There is no Honor that comes from the majority of white shirts. There is no Courage and no Commitment. I said majority. I did not say all. There are those who still know what it is to be a Cop, to be selfless and are committed to their Duty as a Police Officer. But the majority aren't...look what happens. Point in case - THE FAB FOUR. Look at what the majority did there.
If you people don't understand now you never will. Earl did the right thing. He tried different approaches and repeatedly asked for a decision.
Duty, honor, country: Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be. They are your rallying point to build courage when courage seems to fail, to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith, to create hope when hope becomes forlorn. -General MacArthur
Kirk, if you think I’m going to fall for that ”let’s see what you have”, you are dumber than I thought. No sidestepping, smoke or mirrors, but in the game of poker, you don’t show your hand until the games over and this game just got started!
By the way, sorry, previous poker post is Earl Campbell.
So I come back and find a few comments calling out the ocean city cops that are posting anonymously.
Yet, the people calling them out, critizing them for not having the courage to use their name...are also posting anonymously. If that isn't the kettle calling the pot black...so hypocritical.
And so transparent too, notice the threats of losing collective bargaining. Let me be clear here, this is leadership trying to cause dissention between the troops, to make them pressure Earl to stop because they fear losing collective bargaining. These are not real citizens, they are the leaders doing what they do best, create fear and intimidate but it this case they will fail.
The guys do support Earl...
Let these so called citizens (camouflaged command staff) post annonymously critizing those that that post annonymously. Lol. Think about the absurdity of that statement and yet it is exactly what they did...so funny and so obvious!
Collective bargaining is in place to stop this kind of nonsense, to protect people from tyrannical leadership. If anything this public forum will make collective bargaining stronger.
Re-read the comments where they criticize, they call them silver badges, clearly they believe they are better and superior, they call a guy out on sick a loser, that's polite!
And I'm not hiding behind an anonymous label, my name is Tarek, and I'm exercising my constitutional right to free speech in America.
I support Earl Campbell, and I have the courage to use my name when I post, do you....?
Just for the informational purposes, here are the command staff posts...the ones ridiculing OCPD officers for being anonymous while they remained anonymous themselves...so absurd!
Dec 10 @ 9:08, 9:17, 9:27, and 9:43pm.
All command pretending to be citizens, notice the cluster of comments...maybe the same person even? Putting down silver badges, co-workers on sick leave, etc. Threatening the loss of FOP collective bargaining rights. Funny that they all say basically the same thing, different words but same message. All written within 30 minutes of each other, really obvious what's going on here...and all anonymous too!,
Dec 11 @12:14pm
Again, command staff, in fact it is the LT himself, the one who started the whole firestorm!
Again, I'm not anonymous, I use my name...will you?
I'm exercising my constitutional right to free speech, the one we all as Americans share...I am allowed to do this , aren't I?
Tarek is that your first or last name? Are you with the OCPD? So, someone's into something here folks, the OTHER side of the story! Cat got your tounge Mr. Campbell? , poker face, you have put everything else out here, so where is the proof? That's right, you have it, it just doesn't match your story huh? And we are supposed to trust "boys in blue "? Not anymore!
I've been in OC for 29 yrs and I personally have had only pleasant experiences with anyone from the PD that I have dealt with, though OC being somewhat of a small town I have heard the good the bad and the ugly stories others residents have to tell.
That put aside, it appears there is a bit of exasperation (for lack of a better word and for the appearance of civility) on the part of some officers. It also appears they fear some sort of retalitaion if these exasperations are taken up w/their superiors.
I'm not sure I'm liking that. There does not seem to be a mechanism in place with allows "beefs" to be "hashed out" without the fear of reprisal, otherwise this would not have manifested itself to this point.
Everyone's opinions, concerns, etc are important and should be viewed as valid not brushed off or someone with these concerns viewed as a troublemaker which seems to be a common theme by some of the comments.
Hi Joe, I know you are the expert here, just a suggestion. This story, the link to your blog is literally going viral. It is all over Facebook, and twitter.
People are interested and it is gaining steam and getting more attention. Is there any chance you can make the story sticky, you know what the term means...it would help keep it alive?
It is spreading exponentially from person to person using the share button on Facebook. I would guess traffic to your site has increased, what are the numbers, can you share?
Thanks for putting this out there!
I'm exercising my right to free speech as an American, I am allowed to do that...aren't I?
While my numbers are somewhat higher than normal, I do not believe it is based on this one article.
Salisbury News continues to grow each and every day. Once someone comes to the Site they usually keep coming back. Other Bloggers claim there are highs and lows, depending on the time of you, so they claim, we do not experience that.
We provide local articles and other articles we feel our viewers might be interested in. It allows most to simply come here instead of searching all over the Internet for top stories.
I will agree, it is rare any more that we see more than 100 comments on one article, that doesn't mean our hits are any higher because of it. In my honest opinion, it simply means a hand full of people are making multiple comments.
As for the sticky post, we have already brought this article back up within reach of one page. I can tell you that there are reporters as far away as Washington, D.C. desperately trying to get more information on this matter but when we stated this was exclusive we meant just that. The local MSM has been going crazy trying to get in touch with Mr. Campbell, even going so far as contacting me personally for his information. I have refused.
Its not about being the only one with the information. Its about getting the TRUTH out there for both sides. Salisbury News allows this to happen, unlike the Daily Times and their Faceboook comment crap.
As for the news stations, what's a 10 second sound bite going to do for this story? We have provided two articles on this story and every one has the opportunity to share their thoughts on both sides. That's balanced.
The only personal note I added to the information was that I personally would not have spent $6,000.00 and instead would have put this beautiful animal down. However, I respect Mr. Campbell's decision and should add, what he did was the right thing as he is so strong in his convictions on this matter.
In my household, we have spent tens of thousands of dollars on rescue foals alone, so I understand his position.
We'll see how the comments continue to consider a sticky post.
The ocean city general orders do no allow you to identify yourself as an officer in a social media setting. So he can't answer the question about him being OCPD.
Campbell, he can't post text, email, or recordings because it is a violation of MD law. He will I'm sure, he just has to be sure the names and phones numbers of the other party are not visible, otherwise he will violate the law.
Now that said, you know this because YOU ARE OCPD brass again...and you are trying to bait them into doing something you know is wrong and will create a problem for them. You are hoping they act emotionally without thinking and give you the opportunity to charge them criminally or internally.
We are reading this blog, we are posting. We are not going to stand by and watch you denigrate Campbell. You state you have the info, then YOU post it. You have Campbell's permission I'm sure he won't object. YOU POST it and show he is lying, don't ask him to violate the law to prove he is telling the truth! You said in your 12:14am post that you have the emails. Well LT, go ahead and post them...?
And really, stop being anonymous, at least Tarek has the courage to use his name. The sad thing is you are trying to manipulate public opinion by encouraging people to break the law...great integrity there, another example of the character of our leadership.
I'm posting my name, unless the Chief or her spokesperson comes on here and gives us permission to post wothout fear of reprisals. If that happens, I assure you the flood gates will open. Until then we have to protect our jobs, our careers....
We will post, I am 82xx
Unfortunately we DONT have the right to free speech under the constitution, ask 8258 what happens when you exercise those rights.
And to let you know i am a member of the OCPD, we responded to the report of a fire today, an electrical fire...now you know I'm a cop working today!
Do work son...
I hope the Mayor and City Council are reading this, lies, shoveling snow for the chief, police report manipulation, I mean this is concerning to me as a resident of Ocean City!
This worries me a lot, our officers do not deserve this treatment and the mayor and council need to get involved right away!!
Citizens and Employees of OCPD,
This will be several emails to follow. Over the past few days, many comments have been put on the blog, good and bad, making many claims. I want to clear something up immediately. I think that some people may be turning this story to make it look like I’m trying to profit or gain popularity by these posts. This is the furthest thing from the truth. My main concern is that no one from the OCPD (officer’s) get in trouble or create animosity amongst the rank and file. I want to clarify this to all…….
As many of you are aware, I was injured at work on July 30, 2011 and since have been out on medical. I had surgery to correct my shoulder on November 29, 2011. I was receiving a full paycheck from the OCPD for workers comp. Because of my surgery, I am scheduled to be out for 6 more weeks without the ability to use my shoulder. Then, at the conclusion of the 6 weeks, I was scheduled to begin PT. At that point, the doctors would let me know if I could return to light duty.
This means, if I choose to, I could have easily stayed out 6 weeks receiving pay from the OCPD. Then, I had an additional 77 hours sick leave that I could have burned giving me an additional 2 weeks without having to work or go into Ocean City. That is a total of 317 hours that I could have received money from the department equating to approximately $8,300. If I was a dishonest person or didn’t have a firm set of morals, I would have stayed out for the 8 weeks, taken the checks from the Town of Ocean City, and then resigned when my time was running out.
I chose the route of immediately resigning because I have STRONG family values and I believe that you stand up for what you believe in. What kind of person would I be if I lied to myself, my family, my co-workers and the great city that employed me for many years? Sometimes, the only thing you have is your word and my word will never be tarnished because I “played the system”.
I strongly believe these types of actions such as “ripping off the city” are utterly wrong and partially responsible for the economic crisis this country is in today. Therefore, I chose to stand up for what’s right and leave immediately. By leaving immediately, it allows the dept to replace me and fill that slot in the upcoming police academy and it saved the city $8,300 from not having to pay me additional checks while I dragged it out.
But that isn’t all. When I resigned, I gave up full health insurance for me and my family. For anyone that knows me and my family, you are aware of my heart issues and my daughter’s on-going health issue. By leaving, I totally lost ALL health benefits to me and my family. COBRA that is offered by the insurance companies would have cost me $1,703 per month! I chose to go outside the plan; however I still only found the cheapest rate of $1,160 per month for my family insurance. Sure, I could have stayed and had insurance for 8 more weeks, saving me additional money but once again, it’s just not right.
For the people who think this is about gaining popularity, the day I resigned and the 2 days following showed I don’t need to increase my popularity. I received phone calls from current and former employees as well as local business owners expressing their heartfelt sympathy of me leaving the department. These people overwhelmed me with stories of how I affected their career, was a role model to their lives and how I touched some as far as saying I could have possibly turned their life around by the actions I have taken over the years. In many cases, I was so overwhelmed with emotion, I had to end the conversation because it became too much to take in. Your claim of trying to gain popularity doesn’t hold much weight. I have plenty of friends and they have stuck by me through this entire ordeal.
I have been contacted by numerous people wanting to make donations and start funds to help me pay for Charlie’s surgery. The Eastern Shore Police Canine Fund, Zim-Miki Canine Fund, Friends for Aniimal Rights, friends, family and NUMEROUS, NUMEROUS…. business owners have all made attempts to pay for the surgery of Charlie. I have been very thankful for these kind acts, but I have refused to take a dollar from anyone! I have had friends offer funds, offer to send money/gift cards and start donation pools and I explained the ONLY thing I ask for is a prayer for my daughter’s health and Charlie’s recovery. If you think I have profited from this, ask the friends who know me and they will tell you the facts. I don’t want anyone’s money, I just want what’s right and make a better future for the guys at OCPD!
Finally, a lot of friends are posting on the blog from OCPD and now have begun using their numbers and names. Please, I beg you to use EXTREME CAUTION and let the pieces fall into place. I am not opposed to you remaining anonymous but DO NOT USE YOUR NAME OR ID#’S. I don’t want or need any help to accomplish what I have set out to do. I certainly appreciate each and every comment and post in support of fighting for what’s right and stopping the lies, but let me fight this battle.
When we decide to take this job as a police officer, sheriff or other LE, we do it for to protect those who can’t protect themselves and fight for what’s right. I know many of you want to comment and put your name out there, but let me do it for you. There is no sense in all of us losing our jobs and putting a big target on your backs. As you know from when I worked there, I don’t intimidate easily and I won’t back down from the fight. I got this one, step aside and let me do my thing. The truth will come out over the next few weeks and in the end, you all will have a better place to work and serve the beautiful Town of Ocean City!
Mr Albero, I wanted to personally say thank you for giving us the ability to voice the good and bad comments. I understand many people have contacted you in reference to this story. I also have been contacted on facebook and by email. I don’t want to become a burden on you so I have an email that they may email me at. I will send it to you and if you want to post it you may. earldcampbell@gmail.com
Currently, you are the only source I have chosen to use in the media. There are other angles and sources I will be utilizing but as far as news and media, the story is all yours. I’ve done this because I don’t want a one sided story. You have been upfront with your opinion of the dept and I respect that. Therefore, you’re the only one that will get the story.
Earl Campbell
Wow, what an awful situation! I commend Mr. Campbell and the other officers for standing up and speaking out. I want to ask the mayor and council how they will address this situation, i will calling tomorrow. if this is true an immediate change is due, dennis dare was fired for less. the council said he did a great job, the situation in the police dept appears far from great. i am embarrassed, i expect more from the leaders of my police dept. this is soothing i never imagined existed, 17 years I've been in OC, I support the FOP and the PD but now I demand answers and quickly. The conduct of police leadership appears shameful, mayor and council, please act accordingly!!
So I say change is due, maybe we need a change at the helm it's clear there is a problem. I'm 56, seen a lot, but not a out cry like this by officers that have been mistreated. Our chief and her LT's have been in office since 1999 or so, time for a change is due. The system is broken and only a change of leadership is going to fix the problem. I have lived in OC since 85, my vote is important and it will be cast for the people that solve problems. This is a problem and needs a solution right away!
Stop the madness! My question, has the police command, the council, or FOP contacted Mr. Campbell? I would hope the answer is yes, please let us know who if anybody is involved in rectifying the problems you illuminated.
After reading all of the comments regarding the situations at OCPD, where is the FOP? You fought together as ONE to obtain Collective Bargaining. Over the last few years officers have had trouble with the OCPD Administration and the FOP did nothing to stand by these officers. The Executive Board (EB) of the FOP are long standing sergeants and corporals that are in their own little click. They do support certain officers on issues, however the FOP EB will only support and fight for an officer they like. The EB must consider that officer if they are in the EB click, otherwise they take a blind eye approach.
Hey Mac, you are passionate about certain topics in the locker room and are willing to fight for officers how come the rest of the EB won’t follow? Whether the EB likes an officer or not, you are supposed to be ONE. So start acting as ONE. What’s the Queen Bee DiPino going to do, retaliate against all of you? If she does you can jump on board with 8244’s civil suit. Why didn’t you and the EB back him when they singled him out and put him on display in the lobby like a circus side show freak that charges a nickel to look at him? Why didn’t you go to bat for him? Oh……that’s because the EB doesn’t like him. It’s obvious if the EB can benefit on a particular issue, they will fight for that officer. As a supervisor you knew what they were doing to 44 was a violation of Department and City policy. Don’t you think yourself and the other supervisors that stood by and did nothing couldn’t be held civilly liable?
So Mac and the rest of the EB are you going to take to 3rd St. and Baltimore Ave. and show your support for Pfc. Campbell and Charlie? Let the public know you do stand as ONE. Kirkpatrick and Guiton can post and intimidate with the threat of losing Collective Bargaining. So what! Do you think we need it that bad? If we stand together as ONE, we will have a say on officer treatment and issues such as this. How many federal and state labor laws do you think have been broken with harassing and retaliating against us? You can start by getting rid of SBL Law and hiring a pit bull law firm that WILL go after the administration for violating 8258’s 1st Amendment Rights. What are you guys doing Mac? Are you standing silently in the shadows fearful you are next? Why rock the boat, it doesn’t affect you!
Cpl. 8xxx
Paul, yes. I cant say much but the person i've talked to is an honorable guy and im sure he will work on the problem. It wont happen overnight but im confident it will happen.
Good, it would be disgraceful if you had not been contacted by somebody in power! I want to commend you on your courage, I read what you said, you could have remained on the payroll for months and yet you left with your honor and integrity intact! Thank you for your service, I sincerely wish you all the best, I will be monitoring this blog and I have shared it with my local and Facebook friends. I support you and your FOP family, thank you for all you have done Im sorry you were treated so poorly. God speed and good health to you Mr. Campbell!
I read the thread, joking about the sexual abuse of a child is not acceptable for anybody, but from police supervisors it's appalling! We as citizens of Ocean City expect, no demand more from our police department. Thank you for bringing this to our attention we need more courageous men like you in our town, unfortunately now we have lost the bravest of you all!
Earl, please feel free to provide my contact info to any of the news organizations that speak with you. I am very willing to share my information, I am not afraid to use my name, I will not ever hide behind an anonymous tag. I have a lot of information that I think they would be interested in, just FYI. You are not in this fight alone, I will absolutley stand by you and help expose the ugly that I know exists. I may pay a high price but Im ready and very prepared for what may come next.
Also I just want to say again that I beleive the guys, the bottom or the silver badges, (using the labels that the previous command staff poster used) are the finest police officers in the country. I am not suggesting that these men and women are anything but the best! I am indicting certain people in leadership positions, these people have abused their power, have lied, have appled and have had double standards applied to them, it is these individuals I wish to expose. I hope I am not upsetting the hard working street cops in Ocean City, that is not my intention! I have nothing but the highest respect for you all!
I am just exercising my right to free speech, my right as an american...I am allowed to do that, arent I...?
Just got home, checked my email, got this from a friend that works for a government agency in DC. I have nearly 100 facebook messages, and numerous voicemail. The story is getting stronger. Im going to call this emailer and fill him in directly.
This was his email,
Hey brotha, I just read your post and the blog. Which is, to say the least effed up! Hope you don't mind but being that it is a public blog I sent a link to a good friend of mine at the FBI who is an analyst in working on law enforcement corruption cases. I also called her directly I was so disturbed. Hopefully she knows who this should be sent to for investigation. I don't know for sure if this is in their jurisdiction but any exposure is better than none. Hope it all works out!
It would be interesting for Mayor Meehan (who never has any competition when he runs for office???) to be BOLD enough to speak up and hear what he has to say to everyone about this ongoing dreadful issue, as well as the illegal "going-ons" that have been perpetually occurring at places of employment in O.C. during his "watch."
Mr Berges, please understand that the mayor and city council did not know about this. Please dont look at any of those guys in a dim light. Keep in mind, this will take time. Its no sprint, its a marathon and im in it for the long run. But please, dont think negatively of anyone on 3rd street. Im sure he is looking into this and will make appropriate changes as information comes out.
Once again, thank you for your support and I wish you a happy holiday.
What the heck is going on??
I just read that an ocean city supervisor goes to a domestic violence call for help, he meets the victim, gets her number and then "hooks" up with her later! Talk about victimizing a victim! The husband finds out and files a complaint, I wonder if he beat her too! If this is true it is such an abusive of power, such an abuse of authority! My question is what happened to his cop once his supervisors became aware of the incident?
Is this what we call a professional police force, I want an answer from my mayor and town council ASAP!
The silenced officers, not allowed to speak out, is this America or Iraq? What is going on in my town, how can we not be appalled? Is there accountability, if yes, where, when, how? These are questions that need to answered!
Did a supervisor make a joke about sexual abuse to children, did leadership or command staff as they call it, know? This is so disturbing, I have kids, this has me seeing red! If leadership knew and didn't take action we need to respond like Penn State and make immediate changes, not tomorrow but right now!
I am suggesting that the council have an emergency session, closed door if neccessary. Bring in the people making these allegations and hear them out! How much more embrassment do we need in Ocean City? If these allegations are correct there is no other option, we need new leadership because the current group has lost their vision, their mission, and failed in their duty to perform professionally.
I'm telling you right now I want answers, I'm so upset, so disgusted by what I'm reading! Ocean City citizens, Mayor Meehan and Council is this what we are paying taxes for, is this what the we expect from our police force? I say no and I doubt I'm alone! Act or we will act at the polls, this is NOT acceptable!!
I agree with Earl. They did not know, they do now and I am confident they will act appropriately. We need to support the town fathers and let them demonstrate that they won't tolerate this nonsense. Give them time, but demand action. The typical response from OCPD command is ignore it and it will disappear. The town fathers can't allow this to happen, I know I'm not going away, the story is only growing, Earl appears committed to the fight. The main stream media is getting involved, FB is buzzing as is twitter, and not just locally. I have messages from from people in TX, Colorado, and Illinois on FB. There are pictures posted of horses that were kept in deplorable conditions, Bruce Stender made them available. In fact I'm sure he whom provide them to you Joe, if you would like to post them. These horses were managed by this same LT! Let's give the town fathers some time to act, not two weeks or a month but a week to 10 days to digest this information! They are good people, fathers, daughters, husbands, wife's, mothers and fathers themselves. They will do the right thing, I'm confident they will.
Free speech, the right of every American...right?
Understood Earl, but also understand that when I presented my case in regards to the illegal treatment I, and others, endured at the Dunes Manor Hotel that his response was non-existent, which led to me contacting the EEOC, NLRB &, Governor O’Malley (<--to no avail.)
The SERIOUS problem at hand is that the people located on 3rd Street whom we rely on to take action when immoral & illegal activities are transpiring at places of employment in O.C. are sportin’ blinders. They KNOW of and are fully aware of the immoral & illegal activities that transpire, but prefer it to be kept hush-hush...especially from the media.
No offense to you but as far as you stating that you are sure that you are “sure he is looking into this” and that “appropriate changes” will be made, I disagree so I suggest you not be disappointed when no changes are made.
I hope you, your family & your HEALTHIER K-9 have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year and as aforementioned...I STRONGLY believe that your decision was a fortunate event in your life & a Godsend that will lead to MUCH better & prosperous opportunities for you and a happier & more successful future in your life.
Stay strong my brothers and sisters in BLUE, justice will come....Be safe...
Hey Joe, a quick question for you. I was asked if you would allow pictures of the Ocean City Police horses being kept in deplorable conditions. I was contacted by an officer that has them he would like to share them on the comment section so the public can see the abuse. The same LT that has created the firestorm for Campbell was responsible for the horses I believe...please let me know.
Thank you Joe!
Andy Berges said...
Well Andy, I certainly hope for your family's sake, you are spending some of your time looking for ways to support them instead of criticizing those that you no longer work for. You really need to let go.
By the way, have you quit smoking yet? I read over your website postings about that and it seemed that you have gradually arrived at an excuse not to follow that through.
You are what you make yourself.
Mr Berges, I do understand your stance and unfortunitely, Im not familiar with what happened at your business. Like I said I've been out since July so, far away from the goings-on in OC so its not fair for me to comment either way..
That being said, I do wish you the best of luck and hopefully in time everything will fall into place to make it beneficial for all parties involved.
Im prepared for alternative angles in case no action is taken and like I said, this is just the begining. People dont plan to fail, they fail to plan. I HAVE A PLAN. With the right course of actions, proper management and community support, we can....AND WILL, get OCPD back to being a great place to work!!!
I wish you and your family a very merry xmas and a great new year!
Andy, this time changes will be made! As Joe can attest, the media have been all over this story! Earl has been contacted by many major media outlets, as have I.
There is no way to ignore this story, we are going to share so much more, what is listed here is just the tip of the iceberg! The town fathers will have to act, they can't ignore this kind of misconduct! They have not acted previously because they were unaware, now they know.
Captain Bo according to the chief is leaving to Iowa, that opens a spot for as a Captain for LT K. No way this can happen, once all the info is on the table hopefully there will be wholesale changes! We don't want to expose it all but we will if neccessary, we love the town and the people deserve better from ther police leadership. You already have the best road cops in the state, bar none, they also deserve proper leadership!
Dennis Dare was let go after 29 years and by the town fathers own admission he was "doing a great job". They have demonstrated their willingness to change, they can't fire a guy doing a great job after 29 years and do nothing about this kind of misconduct and absentee leadership! if they did, Dennis Dare would be handed a case that any lawyer would love to litigate!
Things will change, we are not going away! The town fathers will do the right thing, I'm sure they will!
Linda says "I am suggesting that the council have an emergency session, closed door if neccessary. Bring in the people making these allegations and hear them out!"
I agree but do you think it should be a private meeting? I think it should be open to the public especially if the officers making the allegations speak. This all for the sake of transparency and so nothing gets taken out of context or twisted in anyway. The officers should be given full immunity from any repercussions and questions asked by an outside "disinterested" (not influenced by personal interest or motives) panel of registered Ocean City voters.
Dennis Dare was let go because council members were not getting answers from him, from the way I understood it, therefore they unable to do their job with full competancy in performance.
It appears as though this situation in the PD is running similar parallels.
Campbell, I wish the best to you and Charlie. And to the road cops who are my friends, good luck.
Since noon today when I posted my email, I have been swamped with emails. Please understand it’s nearly impossible for me to reply to each one individual, so I will mass answer on here.
Once again, I have been receiving many requests for my address to send donations to help with the surgery. I appreciate everyone’s concern but please understand that I do not want anyone’s hard earned money in any way, shape or form. This is not a financial issue, this is an issue about what’s right and what’s wrong.
For those that have asked about Charlie, he is doing great!!! He is walking and enjoying life as a pet. I know now without a shadow of a doubt, that I made the right decision in getting him the surgery.
For those that have sent prayers for my daughter, thank you. It is truly appreciated beyond words. She is doing much better and has not had any painful episodes since Friday. Thank you!
For those that asked how I am physically and emotionally. Physically-I am sore but it’s expected. Drs told me I would be in pain for up to 6-8 months. Emotionally-Stronger than ever!
For those who asked me to speak at the city council meeting-I do not reside in Ocean City so I am not certain I could speak in that fashion. I am no longer an employee or resident. If I am asked by the Mayor or Council, yes, I will speak with them.
For those who asked if I plan a picket/march/protest at city hall-NO. At no time, have I thought this is their fault. Please, don’t do this. If you truly want what’s best for the officers of the OCPD, you will trust in me and know that I don’t need that. Remember, even though the city council is in charge of the city, they aren’t aware of every single thing that happens inside departments. Have faith in our Mayor and City Council. These are good people who want what is right for the city.
For those that ask about my future and employment, I am out with my shoulder until at least February-March. At that time, we will see where I am in life. Thank you for the concern.
For those that asked about the FOP-Because I resigned, there isn’t much they can do for me so I have not asked for any of their assistance. Keep in mind, the members of the E-board are all officers and unfortunately would place their status within the dept in jeopardy.
For those that ask if I have spoke with officers, I will tell you this.....these guys are the best group of men and woman I know and I have remained in contact with many of them. They will always be a permanent part of my extended family. I don’t expect anyone to communicate with me right now. Remember right now if they talk to me, they are guilty by association. Speaking to me and making it known that they talk with me would put a big scarlet letter or target on their backs.
Once again, thank you all for your support. Please understand that I try to answer the emails but if I miss one, it was not on purpose!
I support Earl Campbell... the town council needs to address this situation and maybe Chief Dipino should think about stepping down!
So I sitting in my police car this evening, it's slow, and I'm thinking about what's happening in Ocean City. I'm wondering why I was annoyed when this began, why I felt as though we should not air our dirty laundry in public. Now I think I'm a fool...this situation is the only answer to our problem. If we keep it locked inside we know what will happen...more of the same!
Insanity is when we keep doing what we are doing and expect a different result. We have to stop the insanity!
We have an opportunity to fix our problems, to hopefully stop the pattern of abuse that starts with the 8153 and works its way down.
We reward people that can't do their jobs, there are supervisors in the department that cant do the job they are tasked with supervising. We have a Cpl on the desk, at night, working with me tonight. Do you know he has no idea how to do his job. He can't transfer calls, can't do the basic paperwork, can't manage the cells, he simply can't do what he is paid to do. Yet he is a supervisor, a member of the swat team, and completely incompetent! That's just one example....
We have anLT iin charge of IA, that is ethics, internal affairs. I can't tell how how many times 8204 has made the comment to me and to others "you need to get on his good side" ! Why do I need to be on the good side of the IA investigator? Are ethics based on who is in which click, who is friends with whom? According 8204 it is, what else can "you need to get on his good side" mean?
The 8103's wife is in charge of dispatch. We all have had many problems with our communications dispatchers, especially during the day. But, nobody will address it because if we do, we risk upsetting her husband. Is this right, is our safety less important than rocking the boat, fixing the problem? I saw earlier that somebody suggested that we officers be given immunity so we could speak without fear of repercussions. That would be awesome! Please, make that happen, you have no idea how powerful that would be, you would be shocked by the information you would get from us!
We have a Captain that engaged in very unscrupulous behavior while on duty, that took credit for a heroic act that he didn't do? This is allowed to happen and we are powerless to stop it! We are held to a different standard then our commanders by our commanders!
Like previous posters have said, we have commanders that are aware of many indiscretions, like a supervisor leaving his post regularly while on duty, or a supervisor hooking up with a victim of a domestic call for service, a victim he is sworn to protect! They turn the other cheek yet 8258 puts a benign post on Facebook and is suspended and loses rank.
We are good, hard working, men and woman. We want to do our job the right way not generate bogus CFS numbers when we go into 7-11. That means we enter 7-11, we call out with a CFS, we get an incident number and at the end of the day the total number of incident numbers are tallied. Is this real police work, or cooking the books? 8153 then goes to the council and asks for budget increases based on these cooked numbers. I know I'm giving out secret info here, but people need to know what's up.
See they next post for the rest of my comment
Continued from previous post-
We have an event, any event involving large numbers of African Americans and we cancel leave, request additional officers, and act like the world is coming to an end? Why, because of their color? Is this ok, is this fair? An example is on Thanksgiving this year, 8176 was all over it! Canceling leave, promising a Sunday off to watch football if we'd work on Thanksgiving. It's all on record, we have the email, it was a hip hop event and they panicked at the last minute. Why the panic, is it race related?
We have an amazing FOP, we have given up raises voluntarily for 4 years and probably will again. We vote as a group and we overwhelmingly sacrafic for the town and our commanders. We often waive our schedule change penalty, that's a 3 hour penalty that we are paid if they change our schedule without seven days notice. It happens, and we do it willingly in order to help the town budget crisis.
We have officers that do amazing work, solve crimes, and go out of their way to protect the public. We have others that go out of their way to enforce the whims of the brass. We have one supervisor, before he was a supervisor he locked up six plus skateboarders, all kids under 16. Why, 8176 said the chief wanted them jailed, no other explanation. So he did, promotion was forthcoming. He works the desk, day shift.
We have supervisor, he has "corrected" bent police reports it is common knowledge. I won't say the officers name, but they are friends, he made sure he was protected. He has protected a k-9 officer, much the same way! That officer is now in Wicomico. An earlier post mentioned this supervisor had uniformed officers shoveling snow at the home of 8153. That's true, I was working that evening, and two of our guys were at her home doing exactly that, shoveling her driveway and sidewalk. Is this what we when to the academy for, to serve as our chief's errand boy?
I'm sorry but things must change, we can't continue to work under oppressive conditions. We can't be dominated and controlled by 8204, 8103, 8176, 8181, 8206, 8153, to name a just a few. It just gets to be unbearable, the daily grind.
Continued below in third comment -
Continued from above - comment 3
There was a cop killed at VA Tech just a few days ago, every time I go 10-41 I risk my life, I could be shot, like he was doing his job. I accept this risk, I place myself in harms way willingly knowing what might happen. What I didn't sign up for is the attack from within the walls of my sanctuary, from the people that are supposed to be on my team. That is not acceptable! There was an Officer that was killed in the line of duty, Chad Spicer, two years ago. This officer was from Georgtown DE, just up the road from here. Do you know how sad it was to see evey chief of police in the area at the funeral, and many more from outside the area. Do you know that our chief did not make it, in fact, not a single member of our command staff made an appearance! I was ashamed then, and I'm ashamed now to have to write this, where was our leadership, why were they absent?
We have an a officer suicide, after that we started to have suicide training. For those that don't know, officer suicide is unfortunately an issue in police work. Well the fire passed, the suicide prevention ended, no more training no more concern. Surprising consider we have had at least two officers take time off for mental health reasons. I guess after the next suicide we will start the training again? Put out fires, management by reaction not proactive, more like the flavor of the day!
DT, means Defensive tactics. Well I guess that's important, let me tell you what would never happen. We would not send an officer to the range to learn from somebody that can't shoot, we don't send an officer to the track to learn from somebody that can't drive. But we regularly sent to DT to be taught by out of shape, overweight, instructors that do not have to or are not required to do the same tactics we are expected to preform. Why is this accepted, how is it safe? I'd expect that the DT leadership would be the most capable in the area of self defense in our department. Like our firearm instructors. A boxer, would he lean from Floyd Merryweather or Butterbean, of course we know the answer. From Floyd, we have Butterbean and his brother, and I am ashamed again by our departments willingness to accept these standards.
Continued below on comment 4 -
Comment 4 continued from above-
I'm getting to the end, please citizens of Ocean City, Town Council, Mayor, City Manager, don't blow this off. Take the time to listen to those of us willing to speak, take the time to listen to what we offer, we want to improve this department not ruin it! I know 8229 with say I'm ruining it, I'm not, I'm keeping it real, exposing our ugly scars and trying to improve this place because it has to improve. I've worked without a raise for a long time, I won't see an increase for another year maybe longer. That's fine, but not when I and many others here face a daily barrage of knives in our backs and smiles to our faces. It has to stop, call me a rat, a traitor, sedious, I say I'm honest, and committed to changing this place for the next group of cops, we have fresh set graduating very soon. I have been here long enough to know that things are bad, I'm young enough to know that change is needed and old enough to look forward to what I know will be a better department. In five years, I'll put my uniform on with pride again, knowing my command staff has my back, my supervisors can do the job they are paid to do, the specialty units have openings and allow others a chance to get in, the chief and her circle are honest and committed to the truth. Right now I don't feel this way, but I look forward to that day, it is soon. Our Xmas party is this week, I'm not sure what it will be like, I'll go but it won't be merry. We have a fight in front of us, this is our opportunity to change things. There may not be this chance again, guys our time is now. As we often say in our halls hoorah!!
I wish I could give my ID number, I can't I would be gone tomorrow. We have been told in roll call since the day the story broke to keep our mouths shut. If anybody talks they are finished here, unless they get blanket protection from the council we can not reveal our identity. I'm sorry the best I can do is....
Should say you are upset with Ocean City, or You support Earl Campbell, that the town council needs to address the situation, you must be for Earl Campbell and the comment should reflect your disappointment in his treatment. That its time for Chief Dipino to step down, LT. Kirkpatrick should step down or be fired, that you do support the FOP. Use your own words, you don't have to say all of this, but these are the key points very important you include at least two, choose randomly, not the first two. This way all comments are diff, don't want them to be exactly the same. Use your own words, this is important.
Linda J – Yes this really did occur with a supervisor hooking up with a victim of a domestic assault after he responded to a call for service at her residence. He is a Corporal, works the night shift at the front desk (Services Division) and he is protected by DiPino. She absolutely adores this officer and always has protected him. This entire incident was swept under the rug and not one thing happened to him. If you care to learn more go to this link on the police department web site: http://oceancitymd.gov/Police/bikeunit.html
Go to the second picture on the page where the three officers are riding the bicycles. He is one of the three in the picture. Print it out and ask the City Council to identify this officer. How come he wasn’t administratively charged by the police department? Why wasn’t he terminated? He’s protected, that’s why.
Tarek – a suggestion for you my brother in blue. Forward what they did to 8244 to Henry (D.C. contact). 8244 has that entire administration scared and rightfully so. What they did to him was repulsive. Wait until the tax payers find out. 8244 I know you are watching this closely and reading this blog. My former brother in blue you have support here. Don’t think you don’t. I know you loved your job and being a police officer for ten years in Ocean City was your passion and being a mounted officer was your life. Your passion and care for the horses was obvious and you loved your job. The small minority that don’t support you are the supervisors that don’t want to be exposed. They saw what DiPino, Kirstein, Colbert, Kirkpatrick and A. Custer were doing to you. They chose to do nothing and they too are just as responsible for not taking action.
Come out 8244 where ever you are and go public with your story. Now is the time to take your stand. I know you are lining your ducks up for a monumental civil case. You can still go public with your story combined with Earl’s story and that entire 3rd floor will be terminated. Once the tax payers hear what they did to you there is no way they will stand for a police administration of this caliber. I know you have photos of appalling living conditions of the police horses and when you took a stand for the health of the horses they retaliated against you. The tax payers need to see these photos of the mounted unit horses they adore so much on our boardwalk.
Tax payers – demand the truth of your Mayor and City Council what the chief and command staff did to Pfc. Bruce Stender. You will be appalled when you find out the truth. Ask them why he resigned after ten years with the department. He is one of the four officers that resigned last month. You want a cover up by PIO Mike Levy? They will jump on this very quickly. Mike will probably say he still works here and the chief had breakfast with him yesterday….right Mike? You had a hand in all of this too? I’m sure you’ll be deposed. This officer had Chief DiPino and other command staff personnel served with a Cease and Desist order. TAX PAYERS request a copy from the Mayor and City Council. The tax payers need to get involved, ask questions and demand the truth.
So is this true Chief DiPino is leaving to take another position in Iowa? Convenient timing since the poop hit the fan huh Bernadette? She will still be held civilly liable for her actions no matter where she flees to. Is PIO Mike Levy going with her? Hope so!
The way the this PD handled this was appalling! K-9 animals are a great service in solving cases, but they are animals and mans best friend. It doesnt matter how these animals are being helpful to their owners, they help everyone. Even service dogs for the disabled and blind help so many people.
I comment what officer Earl Campbell did for this precious animal. I also agree with alot of the other commenters that Chief Dipino should step down and allow someone else that can better handle the PD. That way these K-9 animals are treated with dignity they deserve! Such a disgrace for mankind to treat these service animals.
ANON 8:14 PM…Supporting my family is (and ALWAYS will be) my #1 priority in life. As far as my “criticizing”…you had the courage to harshly criticize me publicly, but did so tapping away on your keyboard in anonymity which exhibits that you are not so courageous after all. In fact, it establishes that you are a hypocrite that does not practice what he preaches.
As far as my goal of quitting smoking, I am not making excuses not to follow through. My plan I set a couple months ago was to make it my New Year’s resolution…remember??? I am down to 7 cigs per day now down from 20+ that I used to smoke. By the way, congrats to your Giants victory last night over the Cowboys but expect them to get their butts kicked on Christmas Eve by my Jets.
In response to Tarek…I hope you are right in regards to your comment that "changes will be made!"…hopefully for the better because positive changes being made in the right direction in O.C. have remained “stagnant” for a long, looooong time.
To December 12, 2011 3:05 AM
No Chief DiPino is not taking a position in Iowa. That is Capt Bo. Just to clarify
Has anybody heard a response from the town, so far it appears that nobody is listening to these stories? I am wondering what the town is going to do, these stories are dreadful! Im glad the cops are speaking out, I guess when you look under the covers you never know what you might find?
Please don’t start throwing stones at each other. This is not helping the cause. The comments about communications are totally uncalled for. This group of guys and girls have nothing to do with this. These are the men and woman that get us information to keep us safe! Their sole concern is to gather and give you information to get us to the call as soon and safe as possible. Please don’t bash these guys. It isn’t fair, isn’t appropriate and more then anything, it is uncalled for.
To call out certain people is wrong. No other way of putting it. 8103 is not his wife and she shouldn’t be brought into this in any way, shape or form. Please, have a heart and stop. I understand that emotions are boiling over but let me do this! The more you push with these type comments, the more we are putting a wedge between the town. Please, I beg you just stop and let me run with this. You guys know im not going to back down so let me do this!
to 8xxx whoever you are. there are no perfect organizations. you can go to any workplace and find this sort of drama. the majority of us just want to go to work, do our job and go home safely. we don't want to hear this young and the restless drama. supervisors are easy to pick on because they're the ones who tell us what to do, dole out discipline and punishment, etc. do you think making personal attacks against supervisors is going to make things better for us?
for the most part our supervisors are very fair and lenient. do you want to go back to the days of getting counseling slips for being one block out of sector, having to get permission to return to headquarters just to go to the bathroom, turning in 3 pieces of paper every night(which means stopping every citizen with a blown headlight. I'm sure if supervisors looked hard enough they could find officers in violation of some policy each and every night. I for one do not want to work under those conditions!
So if OCPD is as bad as you say have some integrity like PFC Campbell and quit or do like others do, study...promote and rise up the ranks so you can make OCPD a better place to work.
So 8xxx if you have all this evidence put up or shut up!
8xxx The OCPD arrests kids for skateboarding????? That is VERY scary.
I have just called Doug Cymek, Jim Hall, Marget Pillas and Mayor Meehan. I expressed my dismay about the situation and asked for answers. They have assured me they are on it, and will get to the bottom of this mess! To the people on my block, no need for more calls, I told them I was the block captain and they understand the gravity of the situation. I could not reach Lloyd Martin, Mary Knight, and Joe Hall, I will try them all agin! We are Ocean City, we will not allow this to go on in our town.
Just to clarify they do not arrest kids for skateboarding. They arrest kids when they tear up people's property using skateboards. This is something that city hall can fix by making the town more skateboarder friendly. This is not the officers fault but city halls fault by having anti skateboader laws on the books.
To the person who made the comment about it being "just a frkin dog"... I bet you wouldn't feel that way if that animal had any part in helping you or saving your life or that of a family member. Those animals have no choice in becoming officers... it's not like they woke up one day & said "Gee, I think I'll become a cop"! They are chosen & deserve medical attention just as the human officers do. I wish I would have known about this because I would have donated to help & I have a lot of friends who would have done the same.
Spoke with Ms. Knight and Lloyd Martin, only one left is Joe Hall. Ms. Knight assures me that she is looking into the matter.
Let me say this about Margaret Pillas. She will get to the bottom of this I'm sure. She does everything to 100% of her ability. I know the PD has had some gripes about her, but I can say she is always on top of city business and she listens. I'm not saying the others aren't like her, but I have personally dealt with her so I know. She does not leave any stones unturned. She does not make decisions without fully understanding the concept. I know of 2 others who have called her and say the same thing about her.
I have to agree with the post at 9:50 AM. There is no place of employment that is perfect. There will always be some type of upper management issues or fellow coworkers that do not meet expectations or follow the rules. There hasn't been a single place that i have worked that i haven't had some, or many, complaints. If this perfect work environment does exist please tell me where I can find it because I’m sure I’m not the only person who would quickly jump on board. However with that said, I never have thought it appropriate to completely throw these people under the bus, so to speak. Sure, you all want everyone to know that there are problems with the Ocean City police department and that is understandable. There may be many things that need to be investigated and/or changed. But I believe that this has gone a bit too far. I thought this story was about officer Campbell’s issues with k-9 Charlie, not every other single incident that may or may not have occurred in the department. I think I speak for many people when I say that these posts make the entire OCPD look incompetent and quite frankly, for lack of a better word, like buffoons. And now other departments are being criticized as well. All for what exactly? You guys wanted the attention and you sure have gotten it. As for change, well I’m sure it is forthcoming, and it may or may not be the type of change you are expecting or hoping for. I just hope letting it all out on this blog is worth it. This article has become something it shouldn’t have, period. Campbell, you and Charlie will absolutely be missed by many, including myself. I wish you and your family the best of luck with everything and a speedy recovery to you, Charlie, and your daughter.
Wow, a lot going! I'll just say thanks to the officers that have the courage to speak out and support Campbell by refusing to follow the gag order. I'm surprised by anonymous, 9:50 am today. Obviously you work for the PD, why would you not want this exposed, why are you upset with your own people when they have the courage to speak? Why are you hiding behind anonymous?
It true that supervisors dole out punishment, the question is are they applying the rules to EVERYBODY fairly, you know that answer! Some people do a lot and nothing EVER happens, others do a little and get hammered. The things you mentioned, permission to go to the bathroom, that just ended when a Sgt retired, isn't that correct? It is only recently that you could use the bathroom without permission. Three pieces of paper? So putting a scorecard up of stats, listing the officers by name and highlighting those in the "lead" as though it were a scoring contest is ok? I understand that happens, am I wrong? You know this occurs in the substation, shall I post a picture, I have one...actually a few!
Now justify a supervisor, an LT, that emails his squad and signs it, "the tyrant" is that really ok with you? A man that is so proud of being a tyrant that he actually signs his emails using that moniker. Shall I post a copy to remind you! This same LT just this winter send out an email requiring us to "justify" our days off and to explain how there were gonna fight crime. He wanted a literal paper written on how we were going to police, he held our days off hostage until we gave him an acceptable plan. So let's see, I can't plan my life for the next nine months, until he felt that I had adequately justified the reason for my requested days off. How about i work 40 plus hours a week and by law im entitled to have days off...no thats not good enough!
Justified, what does that even mean since we had no parameters. You can get upset at me for posting this but remember how upset you ALL were at the time. How many of you said "I'm not gonna do it" !
Now im a bad guy for speaking out. Why is that, are you honestly saying that it is ok for supervisors to joke about the sexual abuse of a kid, for a victim of domestic violence to be victimized by us again when we respond to help. Hooking up with a victim is exploitation! Remember how we were ALL upset when we were required to shovel snow at the Cheifs home? How many times have we discussed our displeasure with certain LT's and Captains for getting away with things while we watched lower ranked guys get jammed up for so much less. Remember when she left, cleanly with no issues and got hired as a k-9 somewhere else, we were ALL disgusted! Remember when reports were change, manipulated, and that was cleaned up...I know you all do! Why are we trying so hard to keep it quiet, why are we protecting the bad instead of praisng the brave? Are we courageous cops, or cowards? I know why I signed up, I know that I've seen things that are wrong, and I know you all have too.
Do you really want me to post the "evidence" as you call it? How bout I start with the "tyrant" email, then the score card for stats, no quota...bs, not officially but then why is here a score card? Shall I post a copy, I can.
I no I'm not alone, I know others support me, and I know the truth will get out. I will support only the truth and if it means I'm unpopular that's fine I'd rather be unpopular and have my integrity than popular and have to look at myself in the mirror and know that I was to afraid to stand up when the fight came to me!
A working cop,
10:16 By the way, they do pull kids over for skateboarding down the street even when they are not "tearing up" property. Your statement is incorrect.
I'm not buying 11:12's arguement. I've been around. I can tell you there are certain workplaces in which employees are felt as though they are smothered and their concerns not met with seriousness or they are afraid to speak due to termination-Walmart comes to mind. Then on the other hand you have companies like P & G, Starbucks, Google (come to mind) where upper management does listen and values employee input which is the true test of professonalism.
11:34 8xxx said officers arrests kids for just skateboarding. that is not true. yes, they can stop kids riding on skateboards because town law says no skateboarding on the boardwalk or public streets and sidewalks. city hall needs to change the anti skateboarding laws. learn your facts!
8xxx i wrote the comments at 9:50. i love how you condemn me for writing anonymously. isn't this like the pot calling the kettle black?
i do agree with you about the 8176 foolishness. my suggestion is become a LT and you can run your shift any way you want like he does.
again, put up or shut up!
To 11:34:
I never once said anything about their concerns not being met or that they weren't afraid to speak due to termination and what not. i know first hand that this is absolutely how they feel. But what i did say was that no work place is perfect, even google or whoever else you want to name. Have you worked for all of them? Or any of them for that matter? Probably not. I understand where they are coming from to a certain extent and i do sympothize. But like i said before, this has turned into something it shouldn't have.
I haven't worked for any of these companies but have done work for a non profit and a foundation that amoung other things track private companies employer/employee relationships.
8235 arrested a paddy wagon full of kids, pull the record! It is all there, there were not causing damage, they were kids skating and ended up in jail. It is a fact...
I'm a cop in town, I know It is a small issue but it is a fact!
Here is the bottom line, we need new leadership now! This story is so big, I saw 8181 today and he looks stressed, 8204 looks sick, clearly the truth is hurting them and it's about time! I hoping more cops step up and put the facts here, calls us buffoons if you will...I'd say we are standing up for what's right, isn't that what we are sworn to do?
Thank you Campbell for having the courage, for shinning a light on this issue.! It is a long time coming! Council it is time to act, I heard today that Dipino is traveling overseas soon, she will run and hide and once again let her absenteeism protect her! This time she needs to stay and face the music, no trip, it's timid to lead! Or better...pack, I believe members of the command staff can be fired by the council. Set a precedent and take action, council... people are watching, we are watching!
There is a meeting at the Hilton, does prove I'm cop, ck the system...I'm looking at it!
Well one things for sure after reading all these comments there will be job openings for new OCPD officers shortly! Oh, and way to go with making yourselves look stupid because you probably won't get a raise for years to come!
So let me understand, they look stupid because they DON'T support sexual abuse of children jokes, because they DONT support exploitation of victims of domestic violence, because they DON'T support bullying, abuse of animals both horse and dog, abuse of power, intimidation. They DON'T support manipulation of police reports, they DON'T support these and many other examples of abuses of power...and yet they look stupid? I'd guess this is a command staff, making a threat...it seems the officers are correct that their jobs ARE in jeopardy for speaking out.
The public supports you and wants answers to the questions, misconduct cannot be accepted in a police department. We can't NOT trust our police...right now I'm very suspect and even afraid!
No, they ARE stupid to resort to name calling, and back stabbing through a means that allows this, witchout confirmation of the facts, and WHO they are. I agree with the above, any chance of a pass raise to such unprofessional babies, not in OUR town!
Look I would not spend 6k on a dog either but there is no need to attack the officer involved.This whole topic has taken a nasty turn....
@ 12:46...No, I am not a part of the command staff nor do I work for OCPD. I don't support violence, however airing all of your dirty laundry to the general public is uncalled for. There are proper ways to handle this if something is going on. You are making your department look like idiots. If you don't like where you work, than how about you quit so that someone grateful who is out of work right now can have a job! BTW....if you haven't figured it out this is the worst economic time since the great depression. I'm sure an unemployed mother/father trying to support their family would love to have a paycheck with good paying benefits!
I bet there is "sompom going on" at 65th street today LOL. The 3rd floor is playing the damage control game big time, only they can't concentrate while spending equal time finding out who they want to fire that posted here. Same ole, differant day, it will all blow over in a couple days. This entire mess still makes the entire Department looh horrible! Thanks Earl, this is they way leave.
I'm glad we agree on the "foolishness" of 8176.
The problem is that we are working to satisfy the whims of different LT's. In the case of 8176 it is out of hand, we needs a set of guidelines and everybody needs to follow the same guidelines and standards. You know that is not the case, it is a moving target depending on who you work for during each deployment. Some put schedules out a month early, some less than a week. Some assign days off using senority, some use a "who is my buddy" method, others use a method that I've yet to figure out. Suggesting we become an LT and make changes is great but unreasonable. If that was the case Sgt. Paddock would be an LT right now, but he is held back because of his FOP organizing. Again we all know this to be true, do you deny it? Name a person more deserving of the position than Sgt. Paddock?
You don't run a shift anyway you like, and there is something fundamentally wrong with a leader that takes pride and calls himself a "tyrant". Is this really ok with you, he takes pride in being a tyrant, and we have to accept that because he is "just running his shift".
Also I'm anonymous for the same reason you are, we have no choice. I'd love to put my name on paper, how can I, we know what would happen. That is why you post the same way, let's keep it real here, I'm on the same team as you...we just believe in different things. In the halls, in roll all, during car to car conversations we have all had these discussions and it usually ends with "well what can we do or well there nothing we can do". You know this is true, be real man. Now there is something, because Campbell had the courage, because he did something we all have been afraid to do, we have a forum, a chance to bring the problems to the surface. Why are we cowering, look at 8258, they have destroyed him, is that fair? You know this is true, we both know it's accurate! Do you actually believe 8206 treats people right, his madness must be stopped? I know you don't disagree...no way! Is it ok for 8181 to do all the things that he has, you know what I'm talking about, is it ok? Look, I know it's not terrible everyday, and it could be worse, but how much does 8258 have to endure, how much did Campbell endure, when do we stand up and fight for our guys even if the fight is not directly with us? 8153 knows what's goes on, you know it and so do I! This is a systemic problem and the solution is a change of leadership. What else has to happen for us to stand together, let's collectively stand together and make a change. The citizens are demanding answers, those answers are going to hurt, but it will lead to change and we will be better for it in the long run. I know you agree?
I am shocked, disappointed, and completely lacking confidence in the police leadership! The officer is credible, he resigned with his integrity intact, he could have remained on the dole for months and had health coverage paid by the town for his family. He left, purchased insurance, and has no check, to me that is total credibility! I can not understand how these things have been allowed to occur, is there more, can there be worse, lord only knows? I support the police, I support Mr Earl Campell! I don't support Chief Dipino and I do not support the leaders of my town if they refuse to address this situation right away. I read the Chief is going out of town, how is that allowed under the circumstances? She needs to answer some questions and we Ocean City residents are due answers!
Dennis Dare, we lost him for a lot less!!!
You mention Dennis Dare, I ask you, how does the council stand be and do nothing on this while Dipino skates? How does Kirkpatrick survive and Dare dies? Disgraceful! If the council won't act we need this police leaders to resign, show some honor, follow Campbell's lead and resign! You have done enough.
8xxx the reason why Sgt. Paddack is not a LT has more to do with than FOP organizing. If this were true, there would be no Sgt. McIntyre, Sgt. Grady, Sgt. Mongelli....so that point is redicolous.
@Anonymous 1:25- Should that same unemployed father/mother sell their sole to the devil to have a job or should they stand up and be a role model for their kids? In my eyes, there is NO question!
Integrity- 1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty. 2. state of being whole, entire, or undiminished: to preserve the integrity of the empire.3. a sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition: the integrity of a ship's hull
My integrity will NEVER be tarnished! You see now, im one of those unemployed and I can tell you as a family man, there is no way I will sell my sole to the devil just for a paycheck!
Thank you Allison, I appreciate the support.
Sgt. Paddack is NO leader, keep your eyes on the ball boys! This is not about all these "side stories", it's about a command staff with no integrity, that doesn't do whats right for the cause, but whats right for them! Most importantly, EVERYONE knows you can't run any department when you can't get a answer on the questions that are important to some of our lives. I hold little hope for the m&c to fix anything, when they can't even manage thier affairs.
You know what I notice, there are two cops one at 2:11pm and the other at 1:34pm. The one at 1:34 is suggesting change is needed, he is posting anonymously.
The other has posted at 2:11, 11:48 and 11:45... Maybe more, there are so many comments now.
What stands out, what is simply startling to me is the poster from 2:11 is supporting the department, he is supporting Dipino and yet he STILL posts ANONYMOUSLY! Has anybody seen this...this just makes it more credible that they are under a gag order, that they do fear reprisals, that there is intimidation and bullying! There is absolutely no reason for a supporter to hide their identity unless he/she has been explicitly told NOT to post, unless they have been threatened. For me this proves the points of the others that say there is a major problem with leadership. Look at the fear in the supporters, I'd hate to be the detractors! God bless for having the courage, I wish there was more strength and character displayed here, very sad!
As the previous poster said so eloquently
We lost Dennie Dare for a whole lot less.
Earl, in all due respect, when I grew up, the paycheck to provide for my family came first, THEN when the time was right, make the change. Although, maybe all your time out on sick leave was profitable, lod knows for some in the government sector it has been. I think you would have better served the "cause" to stand up while part of the organization, and dare them to fire you. Besides, then you could have called Catrino for all the unemployment tricks. I feel the very fact you sit and smile on all the negative this brings on law enforcement speaks volumes of your INTEGRITY. Just my opinion.
Anonymous 0229
When is the time right? When do we say enough is enough? You can question me being out all you like, that won’t deter me. I was injured and the city doctor is the doctor I used. And you say I should have stood up to them? Sort of like I did in February 2010 only to get scrutinized and threatened to be removed from the K9 unit? I spoke my mind then and what happened???? I got hung out to dry!!!! Stand up to them so more internals can be initiated? I don’t need to explain myself in that manner, my credibility and integrity speak for itself. If I wanted to milk the system, I easily could have yet I chose the right way.
And I encourage you to stop being anonymous or simply pick up the phone and call me! You speak with intent but you hide behind your cpu!
Furthermore, to the "officers" speaking out against there own department in a negative manor: There are hundreds of thousands of college students busting their butts this week to do well on their final exams. Why do they want to do well? They want to fulfill their dreams in obtaining an entry-level position as a police officer, in a department that pays well, and either means something to them or has a geographically nice jurisdiction (along with many other reasons)... Ocean city offers this and more. Each of you are expandable, for every single officer who has posted negatively above there are thousands of of young men and women that would sacrifice anything for your position. You set a horrible example, you do not represent the Ocean City Police Department or the Town of Ocean City in a professional manor, and you deserve to be replaced by someone who will. You can continue to shift the blame to your bosses but really they would not have to act in the manor's that they do (strictly) if they didn't have to manage officers like yourselves. Thank you however for providing me the ammunition to "ace" my final police studies and ethics research paper on police officers acting UN-professionally towards there command staff. I look forward to presenting it this week and encouraging my colleagues to not attend the any recruitment testings until these few bad apples have been picked from the bottom of the tree.
To the officers who don't participate in this kind of behavior, thank you. You hard work, diligence, professionalism, and strive to uphold your mission to protect the people of Ocean City does not go un-noticed and it is a shame you have to share a badge with other officers that would resort to name calling on a blog site.
This is now on the internet, for everyone to see, coast-to-coast.
Listen, this is simply a case of info is info. A change is long overdue, I vote do you, this is not what I expect from the OCPD.
Officer 8000---The "college students busting their butts to fulfill their dreams" as you state are extremely young & naive and are clueless of the OCPD's unethical tactics and hostile work environment.
Thank you for enlightening us all to the fact that every single officer is expendable...sounds like a threatening remark to me. It's not just police officers who are expendable, but every single person/worker as well including the most prominent & important people in the world. Just because we are expressing our opinion and making the public aware of the facts does not mean we are setting horrible examples. If everyone was fraidy cats and kept quiet when they were mistreated, then everyone would perpetually be mistreated so exposing the truth in many cases is justifiable behavior---just as it is on this blog, so deal with it buddy!
It seems as though you are extremely angry due to the truth being revealed so you are attempting to intimidate others with your threatening remarks, which is similar to how a childish bully behaves. The truth of the matter is that---you do not frighten or intimidate most of us in any way whatsoever.
To Officer 8000
You provide a link to the ethical oath for officers. Read it yourself, public and council please read it too...my comments are at the cobottom of the pledge.
This is just an actually very sad because it is exactly what we have NOT done! Lets see...we over looked the report of a supervisor making a joke about sex between a child an an adult. FAIL
WE had an officer meet a woman during a domestic, he beds hers, and the husband files a complaint. FAIL
WE have an LT direct two officers to shovel snow at the Chief's home. FAIL
WE have horses kept in deplorable conditions, I have seen the pictures, you will not be happy when they go public. FAIL
WE have reports that were corrected or fixed, whatever term you want to use, again...FAIL
WE have officer(s) engaged in misconduct here, leave in good standing, and get hired elsewhere. FAIL
WE have officers convicted on underage sex crimes, in jail now, and maybe another on the way. FAIL
WE have people getting commendations for acts that did not happen. FAIL
We have affairs on duty, more than one, again...FAIL.
You have an officer that goes to a halloween party dressed as a priest...with a young cild type of outfit atttached to their costume.
Attached at the crotch, the child is giving the priest oral sex, that is the costume. This happened, there are pictures,and there were many officers there laughing. Deny it..please so I can post a photo. 8103 do an internal, see how many people were there and knew about it, laughed at a costume of a chile being molested! FAIL
Let me say this again...an officer in a priest costume, with a young male boy cutout at the crotch performing oral sex! Is this OK...FAIL
You better watch out before you start throwing nonsense around...there is plenty more, how much do you want? Id suggest you be careful, you lit a fire under me...and I will bring up more, do not challenge me, I have more info than you can imagine. So what do have to say now officer8000,
This oath is simply a bunch of words UNTIL it is acted upon. Then it becomes a creed, a principle to be honored..dont give me this silly nonsense, lets clean house and then lets live by this code!
Live it, demand it from your peers and your leaders then share this code with me.
OK officer8000
Your 2nd link is an
I think the victim of the domestic abuse should have been given this instead of a date with a supervisor. Would have helped her much more...again FAIL
Do not put things up here and pretend we have no skeletons, I am prepared to expose them, if I lose my job thats fine!
Let me remind you AGAIN...I can post much more, I can include pictures, you do not want this to get worse. I am prepared to fight til the end, to expose it all...think before you post. I hope nthe public is more outraged by what I have shared...
Bring some more dribble, let me throw some more fuel on the fire. Council, Mayor...how much more do you need...how much.
To remind people, so we wont forget...and offcier8000 they can thank you for taking it this far..
This is just an actually very sad because it is exactly what we have NOT done! Lets see...we over looked the report of a supervisor making a joke about sex between a child an an adult. FAIL
WE had an officer meet a woman during a domestic, he beds hers, and the husband files a complaint. FAIL
WE have an LT direct two officers to shovel snow at the Chief's home. FAIL
WE have horses kept in deplorable conditions, I have seen the pictures, you will not be happy when they go public. FAIL
WE have reports that were corrected or fixed, whatever term you want to use, again...FAIL
WE have officer(s) engaged in misconduct here, leave in good standing, and get hired elsewhere. FAIL
WE have officers convicted on underage sex crimes, in jail now, and maybe another on the way. FAIL
WE have people getting commendations for acts that did not happen. FAIL
We have affairs on duty, more than one, again...FAIL.
You have an officer that goes to a halloween party dressed as a priest...with a young cild type of outfit atttached to their costume.
Attached at the crotch, the child is giving the priest oral sex, that is the costume. This happened, there are pictures,and there were many officers there laughing. Deny it..please so I can post a photo. 8103 do an internal, see how many people were there and knew about it, laughed at a costume of a chile being molested! FAIL
Let me say this again...an officer in a priest costume, with a young male boy cutout at the crotch performing oral sex! Is this OK...FAIL
You better watch out before you start throwing nonsense around...there is plenty more, how much do you want? Id suggest you be careful, you lit a fire under me...and I will bring up more, do not challenge me, I have more info than you can imagine. So what do have to say now officer8000,
This oath is simply a bunch of words UNTIL it is acted upon. Then it becomes a creed, a principle to be honored..dont give me this silly nonsense, lets clean house and then lets live by this code!
Live it, demand it from your peers and your leaders then share this code with me.
And finally...Officer8000, im guessing you work in PIO by the way...maybe im wrong but I doubt it.
The mission statement of the OCPD you attach...i put it here for eveybody to read!
The Ocean City Police Department, as part of and empowered by the community, is committed to a safe and peaceful environment, rendering aid to those in need, and protecting the lives, property and rights of residents and visitors. We shall provide the highest degree of ethical behavior, professional conduct and quality police services. We shall actively seek to identify community problems and their solutions, enhancing the quality of life in our community.
Have the examples I provided met the mission...FAIL.
Has leadership met the mission...FAIL.
Are you helping achieve the mission, no you bash us, the ones with courage enough to expose the uglyness...FAIL
What else do you have officer8000
Please give me more dribble, more meaningless words, the actions are what is important...the actions speak volumnes...lets see you have the courage, is any of this wrong, would you accept it from the police in your town (salisbury)..no you would not...again FAIL
Yet you support it because you work here, because you loyalty has been bought, FAIL FAIL FAIL
To remind you and the citizens and the press...one more time...
Lets see...we over looked the report of a supervisor making a joke about sex between a child an an adult. FAIL
WE had an officer meet a woman during a domestic, he beds hers, and the husband files a complaint. FAIL
WE have an LT direct two officers to shovel snow at the Chief's home. FAIL
WE have horses kept in deplorable conditions, I have seen the pictures, you will not be happy when they go public. FAIL
WE have reports that were corrected or fixed, whatever term you want to use, again...FAIL
WE have officer(s) engaged in misconduct here, leave in good standing, and get hired elsewhere. FAIL
WE have officers convicted on underage sex crimes, in jail now, and maybe another on the way. FAIL
WE have people getting commendations for acts that did not happen. FAIL
We have affairs on duty, more than one, again...FAIL.
You have an officer that goes to a halloween party dressed as a priest...with a young cild type of outfit atttached to their costume.
Attached at the crotch, the child is giving the priest oral sex, that is the costume. This happened, there are pictures,and there were many officers there laughing. Deny it..please so I can post a photo. 8103 do an internal, see how many people were there and knew about it, laughed at a costume of a chile being molested! FAIL
Let me say this again...an officer in a priest costume, with a young male boy cutout at the crotch performing oral sex! Is this OK...FAIL
Thank you officer8000 for making me upset enough to share this, please push a few more buttons so I can offer more...
Officer 8000 is a PRIME example of what I was talking about earlier in regards to upper management at places of employment who are "Big Bad Bullies" that huff & puff with their never-ending scare tactics and who constantly threaten their employees to: "Shut Up...OR ELSE!!!"
I know who Officer8000 is and he/she in no way represents/works for the town. This is neither to support nor go against the individual. They have no professional association with OCPD.
Are we going to get answers from the police dept, or will they hope this dies and goes away? I keep asking myself how in such a small town with such a small dept with so little crime...how could this happen. My answer is...such a small town, such a small dept, and so little crime...let's to this nonsense. A lieutenant that calls himself a tyrant, I would love to see this email...please post.
I'm overwhelmed with disapointment! I have nothing more to say!
Sorry about the officer and his precious partner. Dogs play such an important role as officers themselves and a lot would be different if they never existed. They need to be treated with the uppermost respect. I hope he has many more good years to come.
If this were television, The Earl and Tarek Show would have been cancelled due to the 'excessive whining factor.'
Dito 8:37, I am just as disappointed in the ranks as the command staff, both need serious help. Btw wonder who paid for the command staff meeting at the Hilton today???????? Can't trust the ears at 65th street?
What he did is unacceptable, this is disgusting!
Earl, you know I’m only a phone call away if you or your family needs anything. Sorry everyone diluted your story and absconded with your blog. Hopefully my post will help you get back on message.
I think officer Campbell did the right thing in saving his partners life. Charlie served the OC area and deserves that much if not more. It's upsetting to think that no one wanted to make a decision to save his life. I think the town council should put this matter on their agenda and acknowledge the fact that Chief Dipino and the like did not take this matter seriously. If this were regarding a human officer it wouldn't have been an issue. However, because Charlie is canine they must have felt that his life was expendable. How deplorable!
Please tell me this is a joke, how can any Catholic read this thread and not object. An officer with other officers behaving like this, were there supervisors at this party? It seems every time I look at the news there is child sexual abuse...Penn State, Syracuse to name just two, now I hear our police dept is joking about this kind of activity. Just not want I expect from people I look up to, and hold it high esteem. I still do, I know it can't be the whole bunch, it's a sad day in Ocean City I will say that for sure.
It's so funny that the rudest comments are to the 'bottom'. They're 'whining', 'babies', etc.? They are fighting for a healthy work environment!!!! higher ups threatening and talking about losing jobs. This is obviously from a supervisor who has an interest in this article, mainly because it is about him/her. This department has serious issues in the higher up positions. Our officers risk their lives everyday to make 40-50k a year, get assaulted everyday, work in a hostile environment...but yet I bet if you asked them, they would say they love their job. They just don't love the people who run the department and make their lives hell. Campbell, don't get discouraged. You did what everyone else wished they had the courage to do. Push through, make this department better for your brothers in blue.
There's a gag order in place that officers are not allowed to speak or comment on this issue, so they support each other anonymously. If you're sick of it, stop reading. As for the public, they need to know, deserve to know. Inform. Educate. That's the best route for a much needed change. And I'm not referring to a change in the 'bottom'.
I am really disgusted with the Ocean city officials, This dog was an officer that served the community well, Is this really how you want to treat your retired and disabled officers? The town council really needs to stand up and correct this problem. I support Campbell and the FOB, take action and make right a horrible injustice.
To the poster @10:37, the one talking about me whinning.
1- I have not posted since the first day, when this was under 50 comments.
2 - I do not use anonymous, I have always, and will always use my name when I post! I am not afraid to speak out and I will continue to speak when the time is right. I look at you calling me a whinner as you hide behind your anonymous badge. Very courageous!
3 - If you decide to attack me at least have the courage to use your name, I do!
Tarek, did you see that I used my name, Tarek. Have a little bit of courage and identify yourself. You won't....
If Charlie and the other K-9 Officers are consider officers shouldn't they have the same rights and benefits as a human officer. I understand they are expensive from the start and they must be fed and everything else but does that even come close to the amount a human officer gets paid between salary, benefits and pension? I think the K-9 officers should have all three also and the money left after the expenses of taking care of them should be put in a retirement account that can be used for things like this. It is not right that they let charlie suffer. you have a $20 million budget a decision should have been made in minutes even if it was a no so charlie could have got the surgery sooner.
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