Mrs. Mitchell, this is America. You see, in America you are innocent until proven guilty. You go file all the ethics violation charges you like, you will lose.
In fact, Mr. Spies should file ethics charges against YOU for attempting to RETALIATE against another Council Member because your PISSED OFF you lost your referendum.
After Mitchell went to States Attorney Matt Maciarello, his case was suddenly delayed. Mr. Spies had already gone to an attorney to ask if there was any conflict and they advised him there was absolutely no conflict whatsoever.
Laura Mitchell needs to go.
stupid is as stupid does!
go make me a samich !
we made a mistake when we gave em a right to vote!
Mitchell, Sample-Hughes, Shanie-Shields, Jimbeau Ireton, and Rudy Cane (and possibly Rick Pollitt) are worthless.
Joe, your very last sentence says it all and I completely agree with 12:39 PM.
11:14, how ironic! Your whole posting seems to be a study in stupidity.
Miss Civility appears to be Miss Vindictive now.
Why is Macciarello involved? He's County. Spies' case is City. Why would Spies' case get delayed because Mitchell went to Macciarello?
This sounds fishy, Joe.
My God she's worse than Louise Smith and Lynn Cathcart put together. She's nothing but a pot stirer. The more you stir it the worse it smells.
Get over it and get back to city business instead of some kind of retaliation childish behavior.
This seems to be becoming just a tad personal don't ya think?
Just where did this woman come from? She appears to be a trouble maker.
I did vote for Laura Mitchell, partly because of her campaign stand for more civility. She came to my door, as did her husband on an earlier occasion, asking what issue concerned me most. I replied, "The lack of civility." She agreed. I believe that her campaign slogan evoked the idea of civility. So what has haoppened? She is acting anything but civilly.
She gets that conflict thing from her friend JT. They are forever claiming something is a conflict over there. When you try to tell him by reasoning things are not a conflict he doesn't approve the comment but will then turn around and approve nothing but a profanity laced one with no substance except words that are x rated and are a personal attack and always a lie or completely exagerated.
That's why I like Sby news because on here atleast comments that I know Joe doesn't agree with will actually get approved like my latest rants on corporate welfare (too much John Stossel for me I guess.)
4:35, the lack of "civility" was due to tyrants on council and dictators as mayor. Mitchell is sniping and petty. Recently,with a roomful of hostile politicos who were anything but civil in their own day, Terry Cohen was amazing calm and civil. That jerk Mike Dunn would have thrown everyone out and Louweasel Smith would have shut the whole meeting down. Cohen even gently corrected the big guy at the podium going after Mitchell, never reaching for the gavel. Mitchell got better than she deserved and far better than she has dished out. Civility is like religion - if you have to tell me how good you are at it, chances are, you aren't!
She loves it every time you put her picture up. More name-face recognition for her political career.
Let us pray the prayer...
Mitchel should go as part of a general house cleaning. The entire counciol is a joke.
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