Mr Albero,
Since the news blog hit the air on December 8, I have literally fielded thousands of phone calls, emails, text messages and social media from friends, family, local business owners and now news reporters contacting me from all over wanting to hear my side of the story. Respectfully so, this is a story about an animal that suffered, therefore everyone’s heart will be pulled in many directions.
I am writing this letter in hopes that people will understand that this is a matter of what’s right and what’s wrong. It’s about a dog suffering for no reason what so ever, when a decision could have and should have been made immediately. It shouldn’t be a matter of needing, wanting and receiving a letter from a vet. The paperwork can be filed many weeks later, fact of the matter, city council never asked about a letter, they didn’t even know about the incident. The easy solution to this problem would have been to immediately retire the dog and worry about a piece of paper later. NO DOG SHOULD HAVE TO SUFFER!
I need to emphatically state that this is NOT about money. Joe, you even asked me yourself as well as hundreds of other people, if the Town of Ocean City offered to pay me back for Charlie’s surgery, would I take it to stop onslaught of negativity that has come full circle and the answer is, has always been and will always be NO. There isn’t a dollar figure out there that is worth me selling my soul to the devil.
Many people have also asked if they can donate money to cover expenses for Charlie’s physical therapy, his surgery, food etc. Once again, I greatly appreciate the citizen’s kindness but I do not want one dollar from anyone. This is not about money, it’s about doing the right thing and standing up for what I believe in. I can’t emphasize this enough. I do not want any donations of any sort. Thank you all for your thoughtfulness and kindness during this holiday season, but this isn’t about money.
I’m a man of honor, integrity and courage and none of the 3 will be compromised, no matter what! When we take an oath to be a LEO, we say ”On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve”. To the guys, read that again and understand this is what I’m fighting for.
I am truly sorry to those who have been scrutinized in the court of public opinion but if I stop now and forget about everything, he gets off with the lies again, and you guys will certainly deal with it again in the future. I’m sorry, but that’s not going to happen. Not if I can do anything to stop it. I love each and every one of you guys and hold you all near and dear to my heart. Remember this, I don’t work there anymore so I have absolutely nothing to gain from this other than to make it a better place to work for my brothers in blue and to prevent any other animal from suffering in the future.
Joe, there are rumors of lawsuits, civil litigation, gag orders and retribution if I don’t stop the chaos surrounding this incident. I can tell you all this, I’m not afraid of their threats, I’m not backing down, I’m not going away and I’m in it for the long run. Justice will be served to prevent this from ever happening again.
Once again Joe, I know you are a very busy person so if people have questions please email me at EARLDCAMPBELL@GMAIL.COM I appreciate you remaining impartial and I respect you for that. Many people are quick to judge and make opinion. You have stayed impartial throughout this entire ordeal and for that, I say thank you!!!
Earl Campbell
Posted at 12:00. New Posts to fall below.
Well, I will be the first. Earl, I have watched this unfold, and it would appear you are being honest, and although I am VERY disapointed all the other "trash" has surfaced, IF, it's not true, maybe it was meant to be. This started about one Lt., and has grown to touch many undeserving, but, thats todays world.
Mr. Campbell, I am asking you for a direct answer, there are 1/2 dozen accusations that have been discussed, some very serious..... whats the answer to move forward? You have been honorable that it's not about $, then how can the wrong, be fixed. Is it supervisor you want fired, the entire command staff, or is it the Chief. Which by the way, has now been distroyed during her final years anyway. So, Sir, what is it?
This is like a bad soap opera. Two things, its a dog & cops have always gotten away with things.
This is a classic example of a Town without any leadership. First, it was the Town Manager but now were seeing the Police Chief under the spotlight. Who's next? Public Works? Transportation? Waste Disposal? It seems as if everyone has their own agenda with no shared goal.
The town may be moving in a different direction but there are too many directions they want to move in at one time.
Nobody has been destroyed by this, certainly not the Chief. We all know that poop flows downhill, so I would suggest getting out of the way.
Anon 12:24, He doesn't know what he wants. He is a crybaby that posts on here everyday for the trill of it. If he knew what he wanted, he would stste what it is.
He would then give the powers in OC an oppertunity to reply.
What is it? Well when there is a void in leadership what must happen? The leader is ultimately responsible, right? In fact, I believe she has stated on more that one occasion that "she" runs that department. That she is "control"!
Apparently there are many issues, and now it is public! How can we have confidence in her leadership? It is an easy question to answer, we can't! The right thing is for her to resign, if she does not resign the council should replace her with new leadership.
What do you think is the answer?
I see that Officer Charlie had the courage to step down rather that report to work under the supervision of someone that's had made his dog suffer and then apparently lied about it!
It isn't about money, that's pretty clear, it's integrity!!
The Chief and probably the LT that started the firestorm must go, either voluntarily or by termination. It is abundantly clear that the OCPD has issues, and needs to make some changes!
Do you disagree?
12:41 Dipino is in the drop, scheduled to retire soon. She could have written her check for almost any higher job opening. Gone, kabash, zilch, nadda etc. gonna happen now. 25 years of service, and served the town well, heck of a retirement present.
OOOOOOOOOK, everyone knows by now what this is all about. Female police Lt. gets promoted to Chief, dated a fellow cop for 5+ years, later promotes him, and now the same Lt. doesn't get along with Campbell, which be his admission wants out of law enforcement, guess whos in the cross hairs to go down? duuuuuuh
The only thing I would ask is that you keep us posted on how Charlie is doing. Is he home yet? Is he able to walk better now? I had an animal that had to have hip surgery and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I know how difficult it is to watch an animal suffer in pain. I hope that Charlie is getting better and stronger every day. I'm glad that you have brought the situation to people's attention and that you are standing up for what you believe in.
Well Capt. Bo has been appointed new chief in Iowa. Congrats! that was great timing for you. Now who will the chief appoint to the new Captain position? Will it be the lieutenant who is partially responsible for this firestorm? Please mayor and council keep a close eye on this matter!
Lets see, "She" is a leader that has resposibility of law enforcement in the 2nd largest city in the state in the summer, WITH the lowest crime rate. "She" was charged to rebuild the Department and move out dead wood years ago, that has also happened. Have her resign, these "crybabies" will never be happy, I for one can't thank "Her" enough!
You negative people are retarded.” Its just a dog", "he’s being a cry baby". Are you serious? This is a Police Officer that dedicated years of hard work, service, blood sweat and tears to a Police Department. Put his life on the line every day, as did his dog. Not just a dog, but a partner. One that has pulled drugs off the streets, and put scum bag behind bars before they could steel your car, break into your house, or sell dope to one of your children.
This Officer, and his Partner deserved better then what they got. $6000, or $60,000 I don’t care. The bond between K-9 and handler is stronger then anyone of you can imagine. That dog would fight to the death to protect Ofc. Cambell. He’s a great cop, and great man that wants justice for the wrongs he has been given. Just like any of you would want!
You can attack Mr. Campbell all you want, but he has done nothing but honor the badge. If there was no wrongdoing then this chaos would not be happening.
OCPD has had a lot of changes. Once a place that took years to get hired because it was the place to be. Now they fill the academy with recruits because people leave like crazy. Something needs to change to go back in the direction of being the best. The new hires do not even have a retirement package now. OC you are not what you used to be.
It appears that the people running OC, from Mayor Meehan, State Senator Mathias, etc. need to stop pretending that there are no problems in the city and start making changes to improve the corrupt ways that have been going on for decades. Meehan and Mathias are supposed to be respectable leaders and they are controlled puppets who are worthy of no respect at all. Maybe an outside agency should review the situation to correct the corruption in the town.
To Anon 12:42-Mr. Campbell is a man of character and integrity and was informing the public of the corruption that has been forcibly tolerated by we the people in OC and the rest of Worcester County for decades by the wealthy business owners, long-timers and local politicians. Also, you should take an English class or two and learn how to spell and write.
This guy is the true definition of a worthless pig. Hope ole Earl enjoys cutting his teeth on the OCPD. This citizen is glad he and his dog are gone. I'm sure he'll get some job in security at a bank or amusement park. The dog, not Earl.
Tarek you are so fired! Lmao
1:35, another poster that shows credibility by knowing NOTHING! The new hires have a great retirement, although differant from the previous. Its a defined contribution, not a defined benefit. Some feel it's better. Back under your rock my stirrer.
Tarek had no intention of returning, so the laughs on you! Oh, he still gets paid in the meantime, another JT.
Enjoy your giggle. I again post with my name, you will not. I am "fired" why? How would you know who and what I am, either way I'll pay you no mind. Enjoy you giggle and when you wish to be taken seriously please use your name as I heave every time.
1:53 no one is going to hire Campbell. His judgement is poor. What kind of father/man who has a daughter with health problems gives up a job with benefits over his own self interests? The answer is someone with no common sense, and no integrity and no character. He cares only about himself.
Who cares who uses there name or not? Get over that obsession!
Well Earl you don't work here anymore so you are no longer a brother in blue
Good news Charlie is going to be Ok, as will former officer Campbell.
What is most illuminating is the admission of numerous officers as to the level of corruption of command and immoral behavior of the Department. Superiors telling officers to command dogs to alert so they can search, (they do it in another language usually Czech where the dogs originate) or to quote, "make it look good". which is completely unconstitutional! Officers and command "covering" for those officers that break the law... The illegal activity is astounding from the supposedly best and brightest. The reality is they are a mafia, government sanctioned criminals with a code of silence paralleling major crime syndicates. Sickening!! on the tax payers dollar. Shame on you all!
Anon 2:20 Umm, it seems that Campbell is the exact OPPOSITE of everything you said. He could be riding all this out on taxpayer dollars but chose not to. That alone to me shows amazing character. I have to assume his daughter is taken care of or else he would not have resigned. And how does someone who shells out 6k for their dog's surgery strike you as selfish? I swear people just get on here and rant with no idea of what they are talking about.
I want a policy put into place immediately that prevents this type of action from ever happening again. No animal should have to suffer due to not having a piece of paper. If the animal is suffering, action should be immediately taken. I also want the weak links that have caused the issue to face consequences for his actions. My main concern is simply making sure that things change for the better. I loved my job more than many could ever realize. I dedicated my life into perfecting my job as a k-9 cop in the town I love, Ocean City Maryland. I just want to make it a better place.
I would give them my requests if they would just call me. I have tried reaching out to them. I left my number for the mayor and have not received a call. I’m certain this may be because he is extremely busy or maybe his legal counsel has advised him to refrain. Either way, I hope that eventually he will contact me and we can sit down and come to an agreement on a better working environment for the current k9 handlers as well as every officer in the OCPD.
Charlie is doing fantastic! He is walking and doing absolutely perfect! He never quit on me and Ill never quit on him. I will certainly keep everyone updated on his progress.
1:53 or DG
Very hurtful but I understand. I wish you a happy holidays.
You can question me all you want but please leave my family out of this. You are entitled to question my judgement all you want but please don’t question my abilities of being a father. My daughter has insurance and I have integrity. I am more of a father then you can fathom. I can take all the bashing you can give but leave my family at home.
Earl, you were a great running back
His daughters health is none of your business. How do you know about his daughters health?The fact that you speak anonymously using his last name first leads me to believe you know him personally. Earl has no integrity? Well he post his name at the end of each statement. What say you?
Duh "Big E"-Campbell brought up his daughter's health-keep up before shooting from the hip. I'll tell "what say" me. If I want to post anon I will. If what I say bothers anyone then that's what you call it's hitting home. I've never even met Campbell-FYI.
Another thing when someone resigns from any job they do get their contribution toward retirement back so I'm sure he got a little bit of money but that will not last.
Earl, don't be concerned about 2:20's hateful and ignorant comments. He displayed to everyone reading this that he is a person of ignorance who has no character, morals or integrity. He is most likely one of those good old locals who brown-noses all the big boys in order for him to have a paycheck because he is actually the one that nobody else would want to hire.
Many people support you and respect your character and I would hire you as an employee of my company in a heartbeat! The most valuable employees a company has on its staff are the ones who have integrity. Me, my family and many of my friends and relatives support your decision and wish you the best always!
Let me spell out my opinion once again of how Ocean City is RULED with an "Iron Fist": O-L-I-G-A-R-C-H-Y & 2 definitions of oligarchy are:
1) a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with an elite class distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, commercial, and/or military legitimacy.
2) a form of government in which most of the political power effectively rests with a small segment of society, typically the people who have the most wealth, military strength, ruthlessness or political influence.
Andy-It's called The Golden Rule-he with the gold rules. Get used to it and get over it. It's the way it is and the way it has always been.
Well we have all gotten worked up about an animal. Plain and simple. A dog. A tool. A piece of equipment owned by the officers employer. While I admire the officers service to his community his dog was not a partner any more than his service weapon was. The Maryland legislature went overboard when they elevated an animal to status of a human being when they made it a felony to assault a police dog. This is insanity. It amazes me that so much was made of this. I agree that it was wrong for the dog to suffer as no animal should be left to suffer. But let's not get carried away here. An animal is not a human being. Period.
Anonymous said...
Anon 12:24, He doesn't know what he wants. He is a crybaby that posts on here everyday for the trill of it. If he knew what he wanted, he would stste what it is.
He would then give the powers in OC an oppertunity to reply.
December 14, 2011 12:42 PM
Your credibility was lost with your second grade grammar.
anon 6:29
you made me laugh...lol...thank you. I REALLY needed that today! Thanks!! :)
First of all if they are calling him campbell then a) they are or were friends of his or b) someone that works there. No one that doesn't personally know him calls him Campbell. His money situation has nothing to do with this and im sure he has a plan for the future which is no ones business . I know Campbell and he is a great father and even watched my dog pugsley when I went on vacation.he is caring helpful and was devoted to his work. He would never do anything to put his family at risk. I dont understand why some of you are criticising the officer this has to d with the Lt and the dept for nit retiring the k9 in a timely manor.
ANON 6:05...I don't have to get used to or over anything. Just because "It's the way it is and the way it has always been." as you state does not mean that it is the way it always WILL be in the future.
It's time for a change in the right direction...forward that is, not the old-school backwards ways as it has been for way too looooong. It's the 21st Century now, not the 16th and oligarchy is a communist-type government popular in Russia & China, not in the U.S.A. Mr. ANON 6:05.
Lastly ANON 6:05..in case you haven't noticed Maryland's new license plates, they commemorate the War of 1812 which was fought because the British were comparable to "oligarchists" which Americans wanted no part of whatsoever.
Andy, get a life, I worked with you, and just like a FEW of these so called officers, you had a horrible attitude, a goal to infusion that poison to everyone else, so you were fired. You know what? You haven't been missed. When the unemployment runs out let's see who in thier right mind will hire you.
You are so correct 9:24. I've worked with such people-every time you turn around they think they were wronged and try and "win" everyone to their side. That's another "get over it" in my opinion and suck it up and continue to do your own job to the best of your ability the whole while minding your own business. The fact is that in the end no one really cares. You have to chart you own course and not try to be the saviour of the world. People get tired of it real quick and tend to label you a "cry baby."
6:09 really a dog is a piece of equipment? I personally dont think a gun could love you unconditionally nd be apart of a family . The only thing it does is protect you if you your self use it. A dog on the other hand can sense danger. I once was stocked by an x and my dog could sense when he was outside my house. He would bark and run to the door and Windows. A gun on the other hand doesn't sense danger you do. Dogs are always there for their owners or partners they are loyal and faithful. The issue here is that the dog had to suffer because the Lt didn't do his care enough about Charlie to retire him in a timely manor so he didn't suffer.you would think that he would sine he has dogs and his wife was a k9 officer. Its sad to think this is how some of you think. That he is just a dog. He worked just as hard . It wasn't fair to make him suffer and the fact that ocpd wont just admit to what had happened and lied is horrible. What they need to do is fess up to their mistake apologize to the officer and implement requirements for the dogs such as physicals and if they dont pass retire the dogs.
A cry baby, really, not what I'd say this amounts too.
Let's see, theft, sexual misconduct, joking about child sex abuse, use resources for personal favor, reports being corrected, that's all pretty serious. On the other article, a cop, it's obviously a cop, talks about a supervisor pulling his pants down in public, That's indecent exposure isn't it?
Affairs which happen, but while on duty, that means while getting paid to serve the public that was going on!
It seems as though there is a hostile and very oppressive working environment, it seems there was a lot of intimidating of officers if they did speak out.
Read the cops that are posting on here, they are proving the point by their hyper aggressive posts towards anyone that disagrees with them...I have looked at all the articles, in is clear that cops are posting anonymously and bashing the guys that brought this info out. So they are encouraging cover ups, they are mad the dirty laundry is out, I would think they would applaud the guys speaking out so they problems can be eliminated. I guess not. In any case, in def does not seem like cry baby stuff to me. Cry baby is my boss was mean or yelled at me, you know normal work stuff. It not cops hooking up on duty, meeting victims and getting dates, wearing priest outfits at cop parties and acting as though a child is giving you a blow job. This is very disappointing behavior. I think one of the other articles has a poster that said a cop of maybe two had their homes searched from a warrant and one guy had 5 charges maybe more against him. I don't get it, are these cops or gangsters?
Anyway I respect you opinion ut to me this is a lot more than cry baby activity.
This past summer there was an intoxicated off duty OCPD supervisor that pulled down his shorts and underwear in the middle of a public street and exposed all of his genitalia for the public to see. There are 4 witnesses to this incident. One is the victim, an off duty OCPD officer, two are tourists that observed this from a balcony at a downtown hotel, and the other was a newly promoted off duty OCPD sergeant that is friends with this supervisor. The newly promoted sergeant quickly removed this supervisor from the scene.
There are several problems with this incident as you may already be thinking. Was this supervisor charged under the Police Department’s General Orders for conduct unbecoming? NO. Was this supervisor terminated? NO. Was this supervisor criminally charged for indecent exposure under Maryland Criminal Law? NO. Did the newly promoted sergeant report this criminal act? YOUR GUESS IS AS GOOD AS MINE. Has this supervisor arrested people in Ocean City for indecent exposure? YES.
So how is it that this supervisor has arrested people for indecent exposure and they’re incarcerated, but he commits the same crime and skates free? Well I’ll tell you how? He works for OCPD where there are two sets of rules. Rule number 1: If you’re liked by Chief DiPino and the Command Staff you are protected. Rule number 2: If you’re not liked by Chief DiPino and the Command Staff they will retaliate and you’re done!
Chief DiPino, Captain Colbert, Captain Kirstein, Lt. Kirkpatrick and Lt. Harmon have made it very clear it’s their game and you play by their rules. They only abide by the Department’s General Orders when it benefits THEM to administratively charge an officer they don’t like. The Department’s General Orders don’t apply to them because they make the rules. Some of their rules are bullying, intimidation, retaliation and harassment. For example, when an officer is administratively charged under the Department’s General Orders you are told these are your choices. Take a demotion with suspension (no pay) or take your chances with an administrative trial board and if you’re found guilty you will be terminated. Not a lot of choices.
These officers then go home each day after work stressed for weeks, lose sleep and their families see this and also suffer. These officers return to work feeling worthless, intimidated, fearful of what awaits them each day at work until the bullying is over, they don’t do their job out of fear and over time become zombie like and are only left with a shell of a person. So basically these officers are intimidated and bullied into taking the demotion and no pay suspension out of fear of losing their job. Just like they did to 8258. How would you like to feel this way at your place of employment? This occurs all the time at OCPD and officers are deliberately targeted by the administration in an attempt to get the officer to resign.
So I have an idea. Chief DiPino you've always preached during In-Service Training to come up with new ideas. I have a new idea and you will be proud of me. Chief DiPino, Captain Colbert, Captain Kirstein, Lt. Kirkpatrick and Lt. Harmon we are giving you the opportunity to resign immediately. All of you have committed repulsive acts of bullying, intimidation, retaliation and harassment against your subordinate officers. We are going to play by the set of rules that YOU have established and perform on a daily basis. Now you can spent the next several nights wondering what awaits you at work. You can wonder what skeletons of yours in the closet we have waiting to come out to show the public and media. We have been taking notes on all of you for years. Just like the times Lt. Harmon pulled officers into his office and told them they are not allowed to take notes on supervisors. He would tell us it’s a violation of department policy. Remember saying that JR? I do! What Policy Harmon? Show me! That’s because there is no policy and you know it. However you throw that out there to officers to bully and intimidate them. You keep notes on us all the time. So you’re a hypocrite! But I’ve been taking notes JR and a lot of them on all of you.
You administrators have kept the rank and file officers suppressed and silent using fear to intimidate us and telling us we will lose our jobs. NOW WE ARE GOING TO PLAY BY YOUR SET OF RULES! If I were you, I’d seriously be wondering what skeletons await you these next coming days at work. Now you can feel the anxiety and sleepless nights you have caused us. Night night…sweet dreams…that is if you can sleep!
Good summary of the incidents...looks a cop tried to minimize things and was rebutted by another cop.
To make it clear I am a cop, last night there was a domestic that occurred, look it up. It is a CFS in the system.
The commendation, claiming to catch a baby when you did not is an issue. I agree it is an old issue, but character as a cop is based on doing the right thing, telling the truth ALL the time. To exaggerate that incident, to claim greater glory than is deserved is wrong. To minimize it is like saying, he lied on the stand but it was in 1988…really that is ok?
A supervisor making a comment about a child giving oral sex to an adult is not mundane! I am going to be crude here, I apologize. I believe the comment was something to the effect of, he sucked his dic& and so forth and so on…and I believe it was brought to the attention of the command staff. In fact, I believe an officer actually met with a detective because he was so concerned about the comment and he believed it NOT to be a joke but to be REAL. I think that officer contacted the mother of the child; again, it was not mundane to him. Must have been a hell of a mundane joke to get that kind of a reaction from a police officer I am going way on a limb here, I apologize in advance. He has been posting using his name so I hope he won’t mind, I believe the officer that handled the case was Tarek. Please Tarek when you read this speak up! Mr. President, you say the investigation was sustained, in police language that means the investigation determined that the incident DID happen! Again this supervisor is still working while in the UFC they terminate a fighter that made a joke about rape. What a contradiction, fighter terminated yet cop still working. It’s not the cop that made the mistake, it’s the command. Did they contact the mother, did they make the situation right. No, they did not. Tarek, speak up brother, where are you man???
We had a report “fixed”. You call fixing a report ok, “correcting” a report is covering up. Call it what you will, the report was corrected because there were things that were NOT TRUE in it! That is not ok; you and I know that what I am saying is true. You say the investigation was sustained, in police language that means the investigation determined that the incident DID happen! He was not terminated, he still works in how department after an investigation determined that he DID “correct” a report inappropriately.
There was an officer that was engaged in misconduct, and hired else where, we all know who that was and where that officer is now. Let’s bring out some facts, the officer was lying in reports about their K-9 alerting to drugs, the officer was not being truthful. Guys let’s keep up here, this officer did it with Cpl (I’m sorry again, I have to names some names…Townsend, PFC Richardson), they all know and there is no way under oath they would deny these facts. And, I WILL SAY THIS AGAIN… You say the investigation was SUSTAINED, in police language that means the investigation determined that the incident DID happen! That it DID HAPPEN! What kind of relationship did this officer have with the command staff, let’s give the details. What kind of reference did this officer get after an investigation determined their police reports were untrue?
...continued in post below....
This is the rest of the post where the cop rebutted argument of other cop.
The horses, I don’t know and can’t address that incident. Stender claims he has pictures, let him post the pictures?
Under age sex crimes, you are correct about him not being an OCPD cop at the time and him being a Sheriff at the time of his arrest. BUT we did have an officer, it is common knowledge that he was at a police party in a priest costume and he DID have a little boy attached to the costume with an open mouth right at the spot of the priest genitalia. It was costume being worn by a cop who was at a party with other cops; the costume was a priest getting a blow job up by a young child! Is this ok, is this what we expect from our officers, don’t justify this and try and make it appear minor. This is horrible; it is not funny on any level!
The snow, I don’t know, it was definitely a topic of conversation that night, and I was working. Nobody was pleased that a LT, the ex-boyfriend of the chief was directing two uniform cops to shovel snow from the her sidewalk and driveway. It fact, one of our concerns was safety; one officer was taken out of sector, far out of sector to shovel snow. That left the guys short of manpower and had we needed assistance we may have been in trouble. You say, it was winter, it was slow, we had an officer involved shooting in winter, when in was slow, her backup was slow to arrive and this officer was severely beaten!
You did not address the cops having affairs on duty, shall we open that box?
You did not address the now supervisor that had a brief inappropriate relationship with a victim of domestic violence. Is it ok to bed the victim of a domestic violence call, a call that you respond to as an officer? Was this information brought to command, was it investigated? I know the answer, do you? We have a domestic violence follow up unit; they go to the homes of domestic violence victims after the event to check on their status. What a great way for low character guys to get a date, in this case he didn’t even wait for the follow up!
And finally, and most importantly since Earl lost his job because of the terrible treatment of his dog. You did NOT address the DOG, the treatment of Charlie, was that an acceptable, mundane, situation? Apparently Campbell thought it was so egregious that on principle he resigned from the OCPD! Remember he was injured; he could have collected a pay check for months and kept his health insurance as well. We all know his young daughter is sick! Yet, he was so turned off, so upset by the treatment his animal received, he left on his own, in good standing, with his pride, integrity, and character intact!!
The fact is that all of these events occurred under our leadership…only one occurred before our last no confidence vote. We had no confidence then, how can we possibly have confidence now after all these incidents have been exposed!
My name is Gina. I worked in the Ocean City Police Department for 9 years. I was "constructively discharged," as it is called in legal terms. As this applies to Officer Campbell and several other "resigned" officers, it basically means that the police department had such intolerable working conditions there was either the choice of leaving our employment or sacrificing our mental and physical health. I chose my health.
I refused to read this site up until today because, after I left the department, I decided to “cleanse” myself of the toxins that I call: Command Staff. I am only posting because there is so much discussion about the Powers That Be, and I want to add to the discussion by presenting more evidence. First of all, to the officer that posted from his patrol car: Kiss the internet goodbye! Seriously. You just set yourself (and the rest of the officers) up for another knee-jerk reaction that will punish the officers simply because a little more truth leaked out. That’s how the OCPD is run – which goes to show how poorly managed it is. For a department that makes a vast majority of its decisions in a fast-paced, half-cocked manner, this proves that when an issue is critical, the Command Staff becomes a group of headless chickens. And I use the term “chickens” because it can be dually defined – the Command Staff fears integrity. That’s why Chief DiPino has hand-picked the associates she has.
The Chief is about to cost the Town of Ocean City and its tax payers even more. I filed not one, but two complaints on several officers for literally years-worth of harassment issues. Both Chief DiPino and the Town of Ocean City disregarded my concerns. Therefore, one of the officers (having been protected twice) struck a third time – he committed a criminal offense against me. I had no say in his sentencing, even being the victim. This officer now has no criminal record, received his retirement pay, and was on paid suspension pending the criminal trial – which was postponed several times. Need I say more?
Officer Campbell deserves great recognition and appreciation for what he has done. Like me, Earl is a person of integrity, of principle. Earl stood up for what he believed; and he believed that working for an exploitative employer was not good enough for himself or his family. Earl stood up for his partner, believing that his retirement didn’t mean his “end of life.” If anything, Earl saved a life – the life of an Officer. I give Earl much respect. He will always be an Officer in my
Just an important fact I think most people are neglecting to recognize.
The OCPD is a government agency that works directly for the people. So, the OCPD's dirty laundry is the publics dirty laundry, therefore should be public information.
We all have the right to know if there is wrong doing in the ranks, not matter how high.
Also, Officer8000, there are 8.2% of unemployed americans out there who would love ANY job! That doesn't justify abuse of power and misconduct (alleged). If it's not true, then that will present itself once all the "facts" are ALLOWED to come out.
The only people who fear full disclosure are the ones with something to hide. As a citizen of OC for 10 years, i'm someone that truly cares about the town I reside. I'd like to decide for myself whether my HARD EARNED tax money is going to people who PROTECT and SERVE us, the people, or going to people who PROTECT and SERVE themselves and their interests.
There isn't one person in the world that doesn't have a complaint or two about their jobs. However, swearing in to be a police officer means you are 100% bound by the law you are employed to enforce. There shouldn't be ANY grey area, or a big blue wall preventing people to blow their whistles!
Mr. Campbell, the best of health to your daughter and Charlie.
Wow, check this out...found it through a link on FB and on google. Awesome article!!
Idyllic Ocean City Maryland, the island by the sea…now a town with their police Chief in Peril. Chief Dipino, leader of the Ocean City Police Department may have finally encountered a storm she cannot weather.
Theft, allegations of sexual misconduct, inappropriate comments by supervisors about child sexual abuse, police supervisor “corrections” of inaccurate police reports. Officers on duty and in uniform being directed to shovel snow at the home of the police chief, extra martial affairs on duty, an officer claiming credit and receiving a commendation for an act that did not occur. At least one officer alleged to have curried sexual favors from a victim of domestic violence after he met her when he responded to the call for help.
Serious allegations, not your typical small time, sea side village experience.
Officers are coming forward, sharing their stories, bullying and intimidation by a Lieutenant that refers to himself as a “tyrant” in his email signature. Parties amongst cops where an officer is dressed as a priest with the cut out of a child attached at the crotch simulating the priest receiving oral sex from a child. All by cops, in the presence of other cops; especially disturbing considering one of their ex-officers is serving time for sex crimes on a child and a second may be facing similar charges.
What happened to the Ocean City I used to know?
Have the Chief and her inner circle turned a blind eye to these abuses for years. Officers state that they made command staff aware of situations and no action was taken to address the problem.
The nail in the coffin may be the resignation of a highly decorated Officer and his K-9 partner, Charlie. PFC Earl Campbell resigned over the inhumane treatment of his K-9 partner. Campbell says that he made numerous attempts to correct the situation, to help the dog, but command staff ignored his requests and the dog was forced to suffer. Campbell resigned in protest and now other officers are coming out with their stories.
There has been an unsuccessful attempt to smear Campbell but an examination of the facts revealed that his protest was not without merit. Consider the fact that Campbell was injured on the job and had just had major surgery on his shoulder less than a week before he left the department. The recovery period for the shoulder was expected to be at least several months. During this time Campbell could have remained on Town of Ocean City’s payroll collecting 100% of his pay. In addition, Campbell’s continued employment would have kept him with major medical health insurance.
Instead, he was so disturbed by the treatment of his dog, by the command staff and their barbaric indecision that he resigned in protest; he left with his integrity and character intact. Campbell walked away from at least six months of full pay and major medical health insurance. Campbell immediately obtained private health insurance; he has a very sick five year old daughter and maintaining health coverage was paramount.
When asked why he left Officer Campbell responded “Charlie was part of our family, my wife and kids watched him suffer. Would you continue to work at a place that abused your child, to us Charlie was one of our own.” Asked what his plans were in the future “I intend to start my own business on the eastern shore, maybe in Ocean City. Either way I have my integrity, character, and my honor. My kids look at me with pride, to me being called daddy means a lot, to accept abuse of Charlie would be something my children would never forget, I may be poor but I am proud and I have my honor and most importantly the respect of my girls”!
Officer Campbell, we salute you, you have my respect and you definitely have your honor! Wear your daddy label proudly, you have certainly earned it!
Something needs to be done about this department! Chief Dipino needs to resign or just be fired for throwing his deputies in the cold (literally) like that! Council needs to address these issues pdq because as an Ocean City resident, this infuriates.
Much respect to Office Campbell for taking things into his own hands and helping his K9 companion. I see a lot of people are astonished at the $6k you took out of your own pocket for Charlie but I think it's amazing. It really shows what kind of Officer you were and I wish we had a lot more of you good guys!
Just an important fact I think most people are neglecting to recognize.
The OCPD is a government agency that works directly for the people. So, the OCPD's dirty laundry is the publics dirty laundry, therefore should be public information.
We all have the right to know if there is wrong doing in the ranks, not matter how high.
Also, Officer8000, there are 8.2% of unemployed americans out there who would love ANY job! That doesn't justify abuse of power and misconduct (alleged). If it's not true, then that will present itself once all the "facts" are ALLOWED to come out.
The only people who fear full disclosure are the ones with something to hide. As a citizen of OC for 10 years, i'm someone that truly cares about the town I reside. I'd like to decide for myself whether my HARD EARNED tax money is going to people who PROTECT and SERVE us, the people, or going to people who PROTECT and SERVE themselves and their interests.
There isn't one person in the world that doesn't have a complaint or two about their jobs. However, swearing in to be a police officer means you are 100% bound by the law you are employed to enforce. There shouldn't be ANY grey area, or a big blue wall preventing people to blow their whistles!
Mr. Campbell, the best of health to your daughter and Charlie.
Sounds like ANON 9:24 is either Vicki Morris, Susan Morris or Jim Quick (who were ALWAYS right & NEVER wrong) at the Dunes Manor Hotel, who are too cowardly to identify themselves and who control their employees with an “Iron Fist” via bullying & scare tactics, YELLING at employees and constant threats to fire them in order for them to…”Shut Up…OR ELSE!!!”
They held Anti-Union meetings, LIED to Maryland's Unemployment office and refused to give me my severance pay that I was RIGHTFULLY entitled to and I had to sue the hotel in order to win my $$$ that the judge knew that you tried cheat me out of. I suggest you tell your 2 incompetent Baltimore lawyers to brush up on their law education because I have never taken a law class in my life and I defeated them with no problem.
The 3 of you bullies may intimidate & scare people with your bullying, threats and tyrannical “Beat ‘Em With A Stick!” tactics, but you didn’t scare me. Maybe that is the reason the hotel hired approximately 15-20 illegals because they KNEW that the illegals would…”Shut Up…ORE LESE!!!”
If I would have only known that the employee I replaced committed suicide, I would have never set foot in that dreadful & spooky “Haunted Hotel.”
As hotel employees have stated, being an employee is/was comparable to being a prisoner and treated like a slave at a penitentiary and what that hotel DESPERATELY needs RIGHT NOW is to organize a union and the 3 of you KNOW it or else Anti-Union meetings would be non-existent.
As far as you ANON 9:53, who is obviously an ally of the “Almighty Pwoerful” at the Dunes Manor Hotel, …if employees who are constantly bullied, mistreated, YELLED at and treated inhumanely by their employers at their workplaces do not speak up and cower, than they will continue to be bullied, mistreated, YELLED at and treated inhumanely at their workplaces…whether it be a hotel, the police department or any other workplace.
The EEOC, NLRB, State Department of Labor & other Civil Rights organizations need to get more involved in order to protect worker’s rights. Just because employees speak up for their RIGHTS and defend themselves against tyrants at their jobs who behavior similar to “Big Bad Bullies” who threaten children at schools, DOES NOT make them “cry babies.” NOBODY should tolerate being mistreated and “get over it” and “suck it up” as you state and people DO care when workers are treated in an illegal, uncivil and inhumane manner at their workplaces just as this person did who posted the details of my HORRIFIC experience on his website that fights for justice for hotel worker’s rights…check it out when you get a chance ANON 9:53:
Also ANON 9:24…as you are well aware, my job position was posted in the Help Wanted section of The Daily Times in a sneaky & covert manner by the Dunes Manor Hotel while I was still an employee there because they did not have the courage to FIRE ME. Instead Vicki Morris fired me 40 days after the ad was posted just because I wanted to talk to Jim Quick 1 on 1, who was the HR Manager (which was a JOKE because he is also the Assistant GM, and sometimes the Kitchen Mgr & Restaurant Mgr) which probably would not have made a difference now that I think about it since he reports to Vicki Morris & Susan Morris.
I informed her that I did not want her to sit in on the meeting because she belittled & YELLED at me behind closed doors on SEVERAL occasions, so “The Big Bad Bully” had a hissy-fit because someone stood up to her tyrannical ways & she YELLED at me to…”GET OUTTA HERE OR I’LL CALL THE POLICE!!!” & when I packed up my belongings to leave, she continued to bully & belittle me as I was packing up. What a TYRANT!
I think an independent investigation is needed. Any disagreement, it looks that bad.
Actual words from the judge in the case...long read, here are main points..not good!
Even if DiPino reasonably believed that appellant knew she was engaged in the performance of duty, we remain convinced that DiPino lacked probable cause to secure appellant's arrest. This is because appellant's act of speaking out, under the circumstances attendant here, did not constitute an act of hindering.
The court found the evidence of hindering insufficient. It reasoned that, from across the street, the defendant could not have heard the woman agree to engage in an act of prostitution, and thus could not have known that a crime was being committed or that the officer would be making an arrest. Further, as the officer was able to effect the arrest, the defendant could not have hindered him
Davis did not make a false statement. Nor did he incite lawless action. To be sure, this case did not involve national security that was jeopardized by a former governmental employee who had knowledge of sensitive security information.
Moreover, the evidence did not show that anyone besides King and the officers actually heard appellant's comment. Indeed, the police officers merely speculated that people across the street may have heard Davis's remarks; DiPino claimed that she saw “dirty looks” from others on the Street, but conceded that her two targets had already left the area, and things in the area were beginning to “wind down.” Additionally, no evidence was presented to show that appellant actually placed the officers in any danger. To the contrary, almost two months passed, uneventfully, between the time of the occurrence and appellant's arrest. During that period, there was no suggestion of harm or threats of harm to DiPino that would have justified her continued belief that Davis put her in “extreme danger.” While DiPino may have been exposed to a greater risk of danger than she would have been absent appellant's remarks, this does not amount to the “clear and present danger of imminent lawless action” that words must cause in order for one's First Amendment rights to succumb to valid state action.
Continued below
Continued below
That the officer was arbitrary in pursuing Davis is evident from DiPino's own testimony. On cross-examination, she testified that her father worked with Davis's girlfriend during the relevant period. After Davis's arrest, DiPino learned from her father that it was Davis's girlfriend who had revealed DiPino's true identity to Davis. Yet DiPino never sought charges against the girlfriend for hindering. Nor did the officer file charges against appellant when he revealed to DiPino, a year earlier, that Sergeant Holtzman was actually a police officer. DiPino thus seems to have acted “selectively on the basis of the content of the speech. Such discretion is particularly repugnant given ‘ [t]he eternal temptation ․ to arrest the speaker rather than to correct the conditions about which he complains
Appellant's comment understandably annoyed or angered DiPino. But we cannot countenance an arrest based on “conduct that annoy[ed]” a police officer. Nor can we sanction an arrest because of an officer's “personal predilections
Based on the facts of this case, we conclude that appellant was arrested in violation of his constitutional rights to free
We have concluded, however, that Davis's arrest was not founded upon probable cause, and that his arrest contravened his rights to free expression
I am also persuaded, however, that appellant's evidence was insufficient as a matter of law to establish either (1) that the right to “blow the cover” of an undercover officer had been “clearly established” when appellee filed her Application, or (2) that no reasonable law enforcement officer would believe that the information contained in the Application was sufficient to establish probable cause for appellant's arrest.1
Soon names will be named with proof of misconduct! very soon! Public don't go away, there is more, names...nothing to lose now, it's out all over.
I love Ocean City. It is a beautiful and relaxing place to go with my husband and children but I am disgusted with what I have learned concerning the treatment of its employees. They are the heart and soul of the town who provide the blood, sweat and tears to keep the town running. It sounds like Ocean City's government official are looking the other way and not taking corrective measures and I think it would be a good idea that Governor O'Malley and his office to step in and conduct a thorough investigation of the allegations of mistreatment and corruption taking place in the city especially within its police department.
I agree with 11:39 and find it appalling and disturbing to learn of the illegal and immoral treatment of the city's police and hotel employees. Ocean City is such a beautiful and serene place to vacation with my family and I am now upset and totally disgusted of the fact that nobody with authority is taking action to rid the town of corruption at its police dapartment and hotels.
I am astounded of the atrocities and am dumbfounded as to how such a primitive, dictatoral, and oppressive local government exists in a city in my state of Maryland. Somebody please enlighten me and tell me, how can this be!?
What an absoulte disgrace and shame!
This information is very disturbing, the judge has said that that an arrest was made because she was annoyed! This guy lost his freedom, was put in jail because he annoyed her, the judges words. The judge was that Dipino was arbitrary in pursuing Davis, he calls her actions, repugnant said the arrest was made on the basis of her personal bias. Furthermore the judge says that Davis was arrested in violation of his right to free speech and expression. Last he says that no reasonable officer would believe that the information that she wrote in het charging papers was sufficient to establish probable cause!
What happens when she gets annoyed a an officer, I think we have all found out by reading the comments. Tell the truth...apparently the judge didn't think so. I really don't know what else to say, as a previous supporter I to now agree that we have to make a change.
The best thing to do, the way to show concern is to call the council, the only way is for us to tell them of our displeasure. Comments are great, but calls and voicing our concern about this situation. Call the council, 410-289-8221 is the main number.
Call and don't stop, they need to know we do not support this from our police and the leadership. Demand a change now!
The website list numbers for some council members, since its public info I have included the numbers they list on the town website for contact information.
Brent Ashley
Doug Cymek
Mary Knight
Marget Pillas
Mayor and City Council:
On November 17, 2011, I contacted you via E-mail of my resignation due to intolerable working conditions at OCPD. I have yet to hear from any member of the City Council. The content in my E-mail deserved serious attention! Ignoring misconduct by Chief DiPino, Captain Kirstein, and Lieutenant Kirkpatrick is unacceptable!
I may not work at OCPD anymore, but I will fight for better working conditions for my former fellow officers and service animals, as will Earl. Like Earl, I did not want to resign, but we had NO choice.
Former Police Officer First Class Bruce Stender
Well it looks like the OCPD is caught, lying and damage control. Stender, Campbell, who else? Thx for making a stand guys. There are many of us who support you and we know there is no open door policy. Kirk finally exposed, awesome!
Kirstein, what did he do? Please tell?
I wanna know about Kirstein too?
December 16, 2011 8:37 AM
December 16, 2011 9:59 AM
You both know what Captain Kirstein did because you both work at OCPD and one of you is Kevin Kirstein. Nice try!
8xxx :)
DiPino and Levy are blowing smoke again for damage control. DiPino's "Open Door Policy" is a bunch of crap. I and other officers have utilized this path before and the retaliation began after we discussed the issues with DiPino. To the residents and general public of OC, DO NOT believe anything DiPino and Levy tell the press. All damage control to save their butt!
As I stated before ANON 12:39...
Almost EVERY employer has an "Open Door Policy" people, BUT...be careful what you say because if you have the courage to express your concerns of major problems & expose serious issues within your workplace to your employer, you run the risk of that same "Open Door" PERMANENTLY slamming into your butt by your employer on the way out and becoming a "Closed Door" you will never be able to "open" again in your life.
Well since the Mayor and City Council don't want to contact me, the press has. You had your chance. And so it begins!
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