On December 16, 2011, at approximately 12:13 p.m. Ocean City Police and Fire Departments responded to the area of 142nd Street and Coastal Highway, in reference to a two car vehicle crash involving a 2 door car and a full sized pick-up truck.
Upon arrival at the scene, emergency responders observed two badly damaged vehicles, one of which (the pick-up) was on fire. Fire department personnel quickly extinguished the fire and located the driver of pick-up who was removed from the truck by a citizen prior to emergency responders arrival. A driver and an infant child passenger were found trapped in the car. (These victims’ names are not being released at this time.) Fire department personnel worked quickly to extricate the driver of the car as well as the 18 month old infant who was trapped in a child safety seat which was located in the rear passenger side seat of the car.
The drivers of both vehicles were taken by ambulance to Peninsula Regional Medical Center for treatment of non-life threatening injuries. The infant was flown by Maryland State Police helicopter to PRMC trauma care unit with life threatening injuries. The infant was stabilized and then flown to Johns Hopkins Shock Trauma for additional treatment and remains listed in critical condition.
Preliminary investigation at the scene revealed the 2 door car was stopped at a red signal in lane three on the north bound side of coastal highway at 142nd Street when it was struck from behind by the pick-up truck that was traveling at a high rate of speed. The collision caused the two vehicles to move approximately 100 feet from the intersection before coming to a stop north of 142nd Street. A search of the pick-up truck revealed an amount of a suspected Phencyclidine (PCP), a schedule II, controlled dangerous substance.
The driver of the car remains hospitalized; the driver of the pick-up was treated and released. Upon his release from the hospital, the driver of the pick-up truck identified as Andre James Kaczynski, 47, of Ocean Pines, Maryland was taken into custody and transported to the Ocean City Public Safety building under suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs. After several sobriety tests Kaczynski has been charged with:
… unlawfully, as a result of his negligent driving, operation and control of a motor vehicle while under the influence, did cause a life threatening injury to (victim)
… unlawfully, as a result of his negligent driving, operation and control of a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs, did cause a life threatening injury to (victim)
… unlawfully, as a result of his negligent driving, operation and control of a motor vehicle while impaired by controlled dangerous substance, did cause a life threatening injury to (victim)
…did possess a controlled dangerous substance of schedule II, to wit: Phencyclidine
Kaczynski was seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner and is being held on $100,000.00 bond. Kaczynski has been transferred to the Worcester County Jail. The investigation is continuing.

This breaks my heart. I also have an 18 month old, and the thought of this happening to my child is terrifying and enraging. I pray that the mother and child survive and completely recover, and I hope that man burns in hell.
WHERE Please tell me WHERE is the DRUG OFFENDER RIGISTRY at?? We all would like to know who these drug addicts are to protect our families and properties from.
Can we be realistic?
The police department is supposed to be the Public Safety Department. In OC, it has digressed to be the narcotics dealer catcher, the animal assisted patrol (horses, dogs, segways, etc.), and one of the largest budget items for the Town of OC. Drive through the town. You will find officers assigned to parking lot observation posts. Just how does an individual manage to drive through a town that is only 10 miles long at high speed, without being noticed, and end up endangering the life of an infant because of a drug induced collision? Does this really happen in other resort towns?
I suggest that OC focus more on public safety and less on national media recognition. Let the County and State Police pursue law enforcement of laws that are not local government responsibilities.
Remember that the individual who may end up responsible for the loss of life for this child was not detected acting in an unsafe manner in a town that had "bigger fish to fry" priorities.
I've got to agree with 7:13. Though I don't hold the police accountable for this man's actions, you make a good point. I can only think that maybe he had JUST pulled out of a lot and this happened just moments down the road. I see police everywhere in OC, even during the off season. I hope the town can work out its issues and focus on public safety. Drugs are a bigger issue in OC than people realize.
5:14 What would a drug offender registry so in this case. I suppose the lady would have seen him in the rear view and said here comes that guy on the drug registry. I better move into a different lane so he does not slam into me.
My God ..is all I can say..How this child survived this terrible accident,is only known by God,,,This man needs to pay in jail for the rest of his stupid life..Praying for this innocent child...
I would like to meet this creep in person and beat his ass!
I will be praying for the baby for a speedy recovery. I will be praying for the driver also but I'll be praying he meets up with a big cellmate who found out what he he did and whoops his ass
Hope this guy serves some serious time for this. Praying for the child to recover--seeing that picture gives me chills.
Dear Lord, please help this baby recover.
I happened to be there when they were trying to get the baby out. After several minutes a fireman emerged carrying this adorable baby girl, lifeless. I will never forget that image and pray that she lives. Joe....do you have any updates on her or her mother? I just help thinking about this constantly.Can you try and keep us up to date?
anonymous 8:23, with any luck the updates will come through comments. We may see a Press Release but someone close to the Family will more than likely keep us updated.
The guy that did this is a roofing and siding contractor in OC area. Bayside Exteriors or Bayside Contracting. I always thought he was high on something. I pray that this little child will be OK.
I'm a bit late on this one, but how in the hell can you blame the police department for this jerk's actions? I suppose if they did see him and took after him, the accident would be their fault also. What is wrong with you people? This is no more than some scumbag getting high and drunk and driving. IT IS HIS RESPONSIBILITY!!! And to add...if there were a cop car on every corner, you would be hollering POLICE STATE. *rolling eyes* The world is just full of morons.
Oh, and 7:13 it not only happens in other resort towns, it happens all over the US everyday!! Look up the Texas story where the 18 month old was playing in her front yard with her family and a drunk driver drove up the yard and hit her! Luckily she survived. That was the cop's fault too, huh? LETS BE REALISTIC NOW...you are a moron.
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