While we cannot expose a minors name, we can tell you through reliable sources that someone VERY close within the McGuire Family has been charged for the arson next door to their property.
Another reliable source told me that Tom McGuire has been quoted as saying he wished that house would just burn to the ground. Was someone listening?
McGuire now hosts a swingers blog and has formerly run for Mayor and Town Council but lost dramatically in both races. The McGuire's also wished little Brooke Mulford dead and insisted I publish a letter stating such. Tom McGuire is also the individual that called corporate WalMart and stated I called an interracical couple a N-Word loving whore while ringing the bell at Sam's Club for the Salvation Army. He, along with JT were relentlessly calling our advertisers demanding they stop running ads with Salisbury News.
Unstable is putting it mildly with this Family. Mind you, these are charges and in America you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
What goes around, comes around.
Did he tell his son to do it.
Everyone needs to keep a close eye on who continues to stand by them. A man who claims he's all about the community and then burns the house next door does not care about his community. They should be run out of Delmar. What more will it take before our community realizes these are dangerous people. Thank god no one was in the house. Mine isn't the nicest in Delmar but will he burn mine down next because he doesn't like it.
You know that old saying? The nut don't fall far from the tree!
Yes, they whole family is trouble. Information recently came to light about the oldest in the house pleasding guilty to child porn. The McGuire's are admitted swingers. Now another one close to the family did this? Delmar doesn't deserve this!
You are right. What goes around comes around. They should changer their ways because karma keeps slapping them in their face each time it goes around. A smart person would learn..they never do.
They all are of bunch lunatics I think there has been alot of inbreeding going on in that family.
They should be run out of Delmar.
Oh hell no. He might move over here. You guys keep his sorry ass over there.
Poor kids would of been better off in forster care. Then to have to go to school with every knowing your mom & dad are swingers what a poor set of parents.
Thye Tv on 47 said two kids were charged ???
Ex-Mayor Howard Dickerson ENDORSED this creep for Commissioner!?!
12:07, I mean no disrespect to you, but I must agree with 2:13. I live in Salisbury and don't want them anywhere near here! Again, I mean no disrespect to you. Maybe they can be pushed north. Like, the north pole maybe.
What is the big deal? He was just expressing himself!
GUILTY, I tipped off 47 News and I'm glad they ran with the story.
McGuire is constantly calling them with BS news tips. At least when I contact 47 News its not BS.
If you tipped off 47 was it one or two arrested. Did not see it on their website. Did you get your info from The Delmar Truth. I read it there earlier and also John F McGuire child porn charges in Hartford County a few days ago.
anonymous 7:04, it was two arrested. I only care about one.
The porn charges happened years ago. Unfortunately, he was not required to register because it was before the sex offender law reform. This latest charge is from an arson which occured back in November. The person charged is living under the same roof as the convicted sex offender. There were two charged. It is unclear right now as to whether the other teenager is also a Delmar resident. I am a concerned Delmar resident and although it is unfortunate that there were two individuals involved, one of them is living in a home which already houses a felon, another who has several assault charges against him, and a woman who begs for sex on websites. The children re left unprotected and NOW look at what has heppened! He has become one of them! Something needs to happen BEFORE their are more victims of this family!
7:04 I WISH I had this info. Great work Joe Albero!
I agree that the best thing that could happen is the McGuires be gone. I would not wish to be a neighbor. As for the fire, perhaps the minor was trying to make Daddy proud of him, after hearing John wished the house burned down. Scary thought of what else the minor would do because Daddy wished it,
can you please post the "sexy" pic of mrs. mcguire Joe?
I think there has been a little misunderstanding regarding the McGuires. There are actually 3 generations living in the household. John F. McGuire is the oldest and the one with the child porn charges. Thomas J. is the son who has several assault charges and several more that he brags about having been removed from the court records. His wife is Nikki who ran for mayor this time around and has advertised for sex with strangers on swingers groups. There are two children living in the house, one his, one theirs. His is the teen who has recently been charged of arson. So, now we have 3 generations of criminals (though at this point the teen is only accused, not guilty) living under one roof. Just wanted to clear things up.
Let us not forget that Thomas also carries domestic violence charges, assault, malicious destruction and stalking charges as well. The Mrs. has domestic abuse on vulnerable adults charge also. And these low lifes wanted to run for government? Scary thought. Almost as scary is the fact that The Delmar Dustpan blogger Howard seems to be in McGuire's pocket. Birds of a feather?
Funnier thing is that if convicted, mommy and daddy will be held financially responsible for the damages. Too bad they can't garnish his welfare check, but they can go after the step mom's paycheck. Social Services should look into their parenting skills before the youngest is deprived of the opportunity to be a fruitful part of society. They will ruin that child also given the time.
1202PM...So it is true the nuts do fall far from the tree,seems they waste tax dollars in several ways such as court system and social security disability.i say put them on a boat ship them out of country.
Is this related to the 43 yr Delmar man who was arrested for arson too?
A completely seperate case Cerealposter.
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