This was originally posted on 12-15-11 at 12:00 noon. We have been trying to prove to each and every one of you critics the funding the Daily Times put out there was a lie. The state is not paying 96% of the TOTAL cost of this project, as the Daily Times implied.
NOW, IF you cannot understand the facts above and you CANNOT see where Bennett Middle School is costing the taxpayers $42,000,000.00 PLUS, well, you just don't want to see clearly.
New Posts to fall below.
I hope everybody see's this number...$75-$80M and understands that this crap has to stop! Spend, spend, spend.....
Just because the County Council is livid doesn't mean that Tricky Ricky is - I can just see him now sitting there with a smile on his face.
This is a trophy project for them no matter what the cost or hardship to taxpayers.
The DT's misleads more and more with anything they put in that rag.
If the State of Maryland would allow competitive bidding on this project it would reduce the project by 8 to 12MILLION dollars.
But this State has so much extra money its okay.
Funny how EVERYONE shut up once the FACTS/TRUTH is put in their faces.
Dont need a new school or anything else. We the taxpayers are BROKE. We now live on little to nothing the way it is.
Stop trying every angle to SPEND, SPEND. Take care of what we have.
I am sure some little worker bee typed up this power point for a big wig in the County. lol
I wouldn't call only 5 comments 12/15 everybody shutting up. No way would I consider your side of the story the correct one, Gee this won't be chosen to post will it, your loss,
This project is a done deal, the school is being built. The deal has been made. All of this back and forth is only a smokescreen for public consumption. Get over it.
If the council approves this then they all must go. Fat boy needs to loose one. This is utter stupidity at such a time when all are inn dire straights.
If it is built,Im sure WT will be building it with all their out of town contractors.We get screwed two ways.
this school will cost $540 per square foot with whiting turner building. it does not leed certification and it needs to be redesigned
Houses are worth less each year,but the cost of building them has gone up.Would'nt that same rule apply to commercial bldgs?Won't the cost of construction keep increasing each year?
Hey, January 17, 2012 1:50 PM
Agreed, If project does ever go forward White and Turner or whoever get the project should have to keep the project contractors somewhat local, at least money would be dumped back into local economy. Remember The UTECH project over at S.U. have been manned by contractors from as far away as Texas(HVAC guys)... that's millions of state taxpayer money heading out of state and down the highway. Doesn't make any sense
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