John D Robinson
We should have a new holiday, BEAT A BLOGGER DAY!!!
Like · · Share · December 5 at 11:21am near Salisbury ·
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Mike Brewington Yes, with an effigy pinata beat down for the kids
December 5 at 7:26pm · Like
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John D Robinson
OK- I am so sick of these assclown bloggers who think they actually matter to anyone. I laugh because even the people that help them laugh at them behind there backs! I laugh at them to there STUPID freaking faces!
Like · · Share · December 5 at 11:19am near Salisbury ·
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Julie Dilworth Brewington What happened now?
December 5 at 11:27am · Like
John D Robinson They breath to much air. And they are not worthy of breathing good oxygen that decent people deserve!
December 5 at 11:30am · Like · 1
Mike Jarrell Opinions are like Albero's... They all stink. Oops, did i say that out loud?
December 5 at 11:38am · Like · 5
Kevin Powell i should blog about you
December 5 at 6:33pm · Like
Kevin Powell not sure what thats supposed to mean?
December 5 at 6:47pm · Like
John D Robinson Join the crowd! I am so interesting! NOT even my wife gets bored with me!
December 5 at 7:54pm · Like
Kevin Powell I could tell plenty of stories
December 5 at 7:55pm · Like · 1
Kevin Powell Most of them true
December 5 at 7:55pm · Like · 1
So what is this crap and where did it appear?
Looks like Robinson and the Brewingtons have been blogged. Robinson swore he had a video of you beating the crap out of him but he never produced it. I'd think the police would be real interested in this. They are trying to encourage someone to beat you up. Are you in fear for your life Joe?
Is he actually proud of that photo!!!???
What a DORK he is, as well as a SHYSTER who preys on the POOR by luring them into his store to give him their GOLD for MUCH LESS than it is worth.
Did I already say what a DORK he is???
What if your Master & Blaster all in one. Thats a fine line for sure.
It's on that jerk Robinson's facebook. I happened upon it the other day myself-one of those friend of a friend of a friend discoveries.
His (and others) major show of obsession toward Joe and Sby News are proof beyond a doubt of the influence and power this blog has otherwise they wouldn't waste so much time trying to marginalize Sby News.
The bottom line-Success Breeds Enemies.
You really followed his kid? His kid just called you Sandusky like on his Facebook page!
Jr's got a wife? How embarrasing it must be for her to have to deal with a husband so obsessed with someone else, he's constantly ranting about it even on his Facebook!
Who cares what someone puts on his facebook? The fact that you put it here is very childish.
All of you fail to realize how short the game is. Its the biggest mistake a person makes. Tic-Toc.
I got your back Joe. You have been a trusted friend.
If you waste your time like its candy in your pocket one day all you wil have left is lint. There will be no more candy in your pocket. Stop and enjoy the candy.
Look at that picture well. We have all seen that type at one time or another. Class clown who does whatever he can to get attention. Usually travels with others for support and courage.
Lacking self esteem and confidence. Attacks and demeans others in an attempt to bolster own self worth.
Threat level minimal. Nuisance. Fly in ointment.
Little Joey is mad that Johnny is talking about him so he cries on his blogs so his "friends" can jerk him off and make him feel better!
anonymous 9:07, Oh, I see, I publish something YOU didn't want others to see and now I'm childish?
Stevie Prettyman just told John off on his Facebook and said she supports you100 percent!
what an immature freak. robinson et.al. need to get a life.
I just went to his FB page and his profile pic is a pic of what looks like you sitting on his lap. He is obsessed with you.
He's even got Joe's picture photoshopped along with his own, as his FB profile pic! That is so weird.
Note to his wife-Please get that man some help! I don't mean to be insulting but he is really really strange!
HaHaHa-Stevie told him off but good and good for her! The nerve of that man (if you can call him that) embarrasing his wife and esp his children with his idiotic behaviour. Seriously though he has a severe mental problem.
Poor woman he's married to, most likely stuck with the loser because Lord knows he ain't got the proverbial pot to **** in.
What a dip$hit he is. He's blaming Stevie for giving Joe this post.
I guess the moron doesn't realize ANYONE with a FB account can access all of his content. So either he is a moron or he is trying to start something with Stevie that is untrue.
What a creep. Who's window is he trying to peep through in that picture Joe.
Julie Brewington has been on Facebook saying Joe is stalking her and she's in fear for her life. I sent it to Joe a couple weeks ago. That woman has some serious problems. Its no wonder she and John are close friends.
Oh, then she unfriended me on her Facebook. I heard she did that to a lot of people that day.
Here's what the "rocket scientist" said to Stevie-
"So did you share my information with Joe" If you do not respond I will as allassume the answer is YES!"
JR's got a unique consistant trait when he posts. If I see it on SBY News I'll let you all know.
Julie Brewington wishes someone was stalking her! And oh the drama-she's in fear for her life-give me a break!
Robinson just called you a pervert on his page. I'll send it to you Joe.
In one breath Robinson says Joe's stalking him on facebook and in another he's challenging Stevie as being the person who sent Joe the information.
HAHAHAHAHA, Robinson said Joe headbutted him and then shoved him with both hands. Its no wonder he wants a beat a blogger day. Good work Joe.
I heard John called the cops and they were in Joe's office high fiving him and laughing their butts off.
I can not believe any mother would let a child say what that kid is saying on his and JR's FB.
That's very low class and doesn't this mother realize what people are saying behind her and her child's back! I am sure that child is pitied at school by teachers and others.
This is great stuff. Robinson and both Brewington's make complete fools out of themselves. You wouldn't see any of this in the times. I mean, think about it. If Joe had done any of the things they claim he would have been locked up and thrown in jail. I guess some people will believe just about anything. Thanks for letting me vent.
10:18 PM the pig unfriended me as well. BAHAHAHA!!
10:41, I ain't buying anything Robinson says. He a habitual liar.
I think its great that you put this up. I want to know who I'm doing business with as well as others. Mr. Robinson seems to be obsessed with Joe. He may be slightly cheaper than some business wise but I'd rather give my business to someone else.
I was introduced to this John Robinson on 3rd Friday and best way I can describe him is a VOYEUR very, very creepy.
That guy on his knees in the pic. Did he just get done doing his deed and now wiping his lips?
This dude, Kevin Powell, is he the same person who teaches our children? I know that name from somewhere and I think it is from our schools.
If his full name is Kevin Andrew Powell, then, yes, he is a teacher in our school system. You need to check it out, Joe.
In reference to you assaulting John Robinson. Did you tell people you hit him? Even if you were joking they have told John. You may think this is nothing but i know that the county is building a case against you. It is an admission of guilt and will look bad on you in court. It is my understanding they are going to be arresting you on that bullshit charge. Be careful my friend of who you chat with even in a joking way it may come back and bite you.
anonymous 8:46, There's no case being built on me because its a lie. He has no evidence of such, I was there and I know what happened.
Oh right 8:46, just like JR has a lawyer coming to Salisbury "every week" and is preparing a class action law suit against Joe!
It would take JR all of an hour to swear out an arrest warrant and Joe would have been issued a criminal summons, it's not some long drawn out investigation like the windbag JR wants everyone to think. The county is not building any case-that's just JR's covering his lies as to why nothing ever comes of his claims.
So Brewington unfriended you on facebook, so what? No big loss was it? You probably had no info to help her degrade others, or use you as a stepping stone to some other drama.
Karma came and got Comegys, it's only a matter of time for the rest of those clowns.
I hope you get AIDS and Magic Johnson refuses to help you
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