With all the discussion of empty promises, drama, photo ops, temper tantrums, back door politics, finger pointing, protests, is Mayor Jim Ireton really coming through with his campaign promises?
With his most recent meetings with former Mayor Barrie Tilghman, former Council President Mike Dunn and other former Council members, has anything really changed? Is the river any cleaner? Is the Waste Water Treatment Plant working? Is there any progress on the Old Mall? Should your Mayor be out trying to gain signatures for a referendum petition on your time/dime?
We'd like to know what you think about Jim's performance. As the owner of Salisbury News, I personally think Jim Ireton is a drama queen. I believe his participation in local picketing as your Mayor during working hours is a disgrace. I believe Mayor Ireton's job is to represent all of the people of Salisbury and not his one sided political views. He is not the President of the United States, he's the Mayor of a small City in desperate need of professionalism and change.
His personal attacks against women, especially (Council Members) is not only a disgrace, its despicable behavior and influences others to feel this is normal behavior. I believe, even as a teacher, Mayor Ireton should be setting examples and not teaching younger generations that bullying innocent women is the proper way of getting any job done.
Nevertheless, we'd like to know, do you support Jim Ireton. Has he delivered everything he said he'd deliver in his campaign platform. Do you believe he is the answer to the City of Salisbury's problems. Don't just answer yes or no. Tell us why you support him and or why you do not.
Jim bullying women on the city council will come back to bite him in the a$$.
No! Due to how quickly he went from wanting Deb and Terry's support during the election and how quickly he turned on them once he was sworn in.
Nope, no how, no way, not now, not ever. Jim is just another Louise Smith, Barrie Tilghman, Bubba Comegys, Mike Dunn, sopoa member all wrapped up in one. He is not looking out for the majority of residents in Salisbury and he never has. He is nothing but more of the same, as it has been for quite a few years in Salisbury.
I no longer support Ireton because of the show boat, photo op'ing and lies about changes to internal city staff, such as Wilber.
How does Wilber have access to legal secrets the council (law creating body) aren't privy to? Nobody EVER voted for Paul Wilber.
Ireton is just Barrie Tighlman without the pumps. His tantrums, behavior and non-professionalism with others just don't get it with me.
No more campaign money or leg work from me for that kind of behavior.
Signed: Down the crapper
I agree with 12:06 100%. 100% about wilbur. He needs to GO!
I will never support that liar again. Bubba Comegys may have been a better mayor. At least we knew what we were getting.
no, his obvious ties to Tilghman and Dunn
I no longer support Jim Ireton. I think he still wants to do something positive for the city, but he has lost sight of what that is and seems to blow with the political winds.
His treatment of Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell is as you say, Joe. Ireton has teamed up with the Daily Times to wage a campaign of smear and hate against these two. Why? They are the reason I voted for him. He supported them, now he's turned on them. Why? What's he got to gain?
Not only did Ireton lie and cheat the citizens of Salisbury he lied and cheated many of the employees of the city. Look what he did to the dedicated employees of the Public Works department, the Police Department and the Fire Department. Look how many dedicated employees were cheated out of a promotion. What incentive is there to work for the city with bad pay and no chance of moving to the top. Many city employees are going to work hard to make sure Jim Ireton isn't re-elected.
Mayor Ireton has coffee running thru his veins. That is what keeps him hyper. He worries me.
I hope Laura has seen the light. She has been standing in the rain, cold, wind to get signatures. I dont think Jim appreciates her efforts. Hopefully she will see the light and join in with the other council persons.
Waste of space....
No, didn't support him before, certainly NOT now!
He is definitely a true back stabbing democrat that is in politics for self gain. His political future is TOAST!!
He's Barrie in drag -- he ran against SAPOA then sold his soul to them just like she did.
As long as Jeff Simpson is still milking the tax payers he won't get the support of my family.
He acted so HUMBLE while running for office. Now he acts like nothing matters except him. He has lost any vision he had for Salisbury.
12:57, you are joking, right? Laura Mitchell is part of what Ireton is doing. Didn't trust her from the beginning, her and her Louise Smith/Mike Dunn let's be civil bull crap.
Isn't it funny that the ones who have been the loudest about civility were the biggest ones who weren't?
No, he has not delivered on his promises and he is part of Salisbury's problems. I thought he would work with the council. He has been attacking them since they were seated. Plus he and Laura Mitchell sent SAPOA members to get signatures on that petition. I thought she may be a SAPOA plant like Louise Smith and this petition confirms it for me! The Mayor of Special Interests is all he is to me.
He has done nothing but lie about what he was going to do with the City Attorney and other staff!
Ill support Ireton and the rest of them when they enforce 4 to 2 and stop all the college kids and others from living too many to a house and constantly having loud obnoxious partys every weekend
Violent crime's down 35% since he took over. He got Allan Webster out with no lawsuit, and has hired two other department heads that have done well.
But let's not mention that, he's mean to Terry Cohen as she's single-handedly trying to become a one-woman government. Boo hoo.
Yes, I still support Mayor Ireton.
no!! i did not support him before! the man lacks substance and has no moral fiber at all!
I've known him for 20 years and he was a "hot mess" back then.
I will not support a man who caters to the male gender more than to the female gender - if you know what I mean.
12:53- nicotene running through his veins. He's disrespectful to women because he doesn't like them. Go figure.
8:16 grow up
The city of Salisbury/Ireton are like Modor/Sauron...and i am so glad I live in the shire..
9:13 - 8:16 is doing nothing but telling the truth and that is something that this town cannot handle at all.
Anonymous said...
Violent crime's down 35% since he took over. He got Allan Webster out with no lawsuit, and has hired two other department heads that have done well.
But let's not mention that, he's mean to Terry Cohen as she's single-handedly trying to become a one-woman government. Boo hoo.
Yes, I still support Mayor Ireton.
November 19, 2011 6:50 PM
Can you please name the 2 department heads that have done well????
6:50 has to be Ireton. Ireton didn't get rid of Webster. Webster took off laughing with a sweetheart deal. Crime down? Thanks to Terry Cohen bringing Safe Streets here and a council that wanted Barbara Duncan over an Ireton crony. The shot at Terry Cohen has to be Ireton. He's had a bug up his you-know-where since she got re-elected. Why is anybody's guess.
To answer your question, no, because he's a political hack and an unprofessional crybaby.
Ireton's hiring of the new Police Chief was not his first choice. He wanted Ernie Leatherbury who jusy happened to be the head of the Wicomic County Democrat Central Committee. It was a political ploy to retain the support of the committee even though he was performing poorly in office. It was the Council that prevented a political favor from taking place initiated by Ireton. Ireton is NOT a good mayor. He is a vindictive child who needs to be replaced post haste.
Should Laura Mitchell be out getting signatures on our time/dime?
I have never supported Jim nor will I ever. However he is the mayor so we need to deal with it. Laura is the only member showing any backbone or care for the city. Debbie is as clueless as Jim. Terry has some smarts but has no clue how to run the council. Tim is a faithful follower that could possibly be good if he got out of the shadow of Terry and Debbie.
No , he is not working for the people , he is working for the establishment "crooks".
Of course the whole country is full of greed. He's just one in millions.
Jim has disappointed a lot of folks, including myself.I was glad to see a change of guard in the mayors office and hoped we would get a hard working,genuine person to look after our small town.Instead, the small pinch of power that comes with this position went to his head and he became more interested in winning battles than the best interests of our citizens.He has lost my support.
THe Mayor of Special Interests. I love it. He's just like TIlghman and Dunn. Watch out. Dunn is starting with the press ops to make himself look like a good guy. How many times do we have to see this play out before we learn? He nearly ruined the city and was as mean as a snake, catered to special interests, lied, and cost taxpayers a fortune. Start now...just say no to Ireton, DUnn, Tilghman, and the likes.
Ireton is for Ireton. Actions speak louder than words and it is obvious that he has a greater passion for his own gender as opposed to the opposite gender.
I do not like his attitude nor his style of governance.
I supported him in the election, but that support is eroding. Campbell and Cohen are the Council members who truly have the best interest of the city at heart. All those who want to profit off the city or just gain power, oppose them. They really don't care about Salisbury at all. Ireton can't stand the fact that these ladies are smarter and are better at what they do than he is. The cries of racism earlier was just an awful ploy by Ireton and others who aren't getting their way.
Ireton has turned on Terry and Debbie because they aren't the ruber stamps he thought he was getting.
Those women are smarter than he is and he knows it.
He took his shirt off in a bar? Our city mayor? Was he drunk? If so he may just be Barrie in drag.
The citizens realize that nothing has changed since he took office.Just business as usual with the few running the city and there not even elected officials.
Please move the survey back to the top as well. Just under the news about the petition drive. Makes for a quick reference. Thanks.
And here comes Dunn, appealing to the hearts and minds of the electorate with bright lights, smoke and loud but meaningless sounds.
Watch out, Salisbury, the snake is again in our lawn.
I am no longer supporting Mayor Ireton. I had hoped that he would pan out but when I axed him as to why he did not appoint Mr. Leatherbury to the Salisbury Poelice department he never gave me an adequate axeplanation.
So Mr. Ireton - its over for me.
What a clown this dude is.
3:57, a better question would be why he didn't appoint IVAN BARKLEY, also an African-American, already on the force and already the acting chief? Mr. Leatherbury is a fine man, but he is a political friend of Ireton's.
Barbara Duncan made Ivan Barkely #2 on the force. A better deal than he would have gotten from Ireton.
Let Dunn run, I'm sure Joe still holds video of PAC-14 and Mike making a butt head of himself.
"We are just THIS [] close, not this [ ] close, this [] close to getting the old mall developed." lol
And don't forget about during the election when Mike Dunn in a hissy fit threw a wadded up piece of paper at a senior citizen. Not much difference between Dunn and Ireton anyway, we loose. Might as well vote Shanie Shields as mayor.
Anything is better than our city being controled by SAPOA via our supposedly representitives AKA Ireton, Mitchell, Shields.
No, because Ireton blew a great chance with a new council and sunk the city lower. If he had spent time working with them on his promises instead of attacking them for pointing out the folly of continuing the pet projects of his predecessor, we might be somewhere today.
Louweasel, Ireton, Mitchell--three strikes, I'm out.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Violent crime's down 35% since he took over. He got Allan Webster out with no lawsuit, and has hired two other department heads that have done well.
But let's not mention that, he's mean to Terry Cohen as she's single-handedly trying to become a one-woman government. Boo hoo.
Yes, I still support Mayor Ireton.
November 19, 2011 6:50 PM
Lets decipher this now.
*Violent crime's down 35% since he took over.
This sounds like the tired mantra the Jim Ireton preaches everywhere he goes. Violent crime is down 35%? That's what you say Jimbeau! What about crime in general? It's up Jimbeau!
*He got Allan Webster out with no lawsuit...
Jimbeau, all you had to do was tell him Buh Bye! Department heads work at the discretion of the Mayor. You let Webster rape the city taxpayers for 66 2/3rds with benefits. He should have been fired like you promised you pansy! What lawsuit? Nothing but scare tactics.
*But let's not mention that, he's mean to Terry Cohen as she's single-handedly trying to become a one-woman government.
Sounds like Jimbeau attacking Council President Cohen again!
*Boo hoo.
That's GAY!
Yes sir, sounds like Jim Ireton is reading this Blog again.
Anonymous said...
I have never supported Jim nor will I ever. However he is the mayor so we need to deal with it. Laura is the only member showing any backbone or care for the city. Debbie is as clueless as Jim. Terry has some smarts but has no clue how to run the council. Tim is a faithful follower that could possibly be good if he got out of the shadow of Terry and Debbie.
November 20, 2011 2:03 AM
Nice of Laura Mitchell to weigh in touting herself as the only person capable in city government.
Terry's biggest mistake on leading the council has been giving everyone their say instead of shutting them down like Louise Smith did. Mitchell and Shields have been abusive of the fair treatment they have received that Cohen and Campbell never got.
6:33, it's the mayor's job to enforce those laws you are talking about. Council's not allowed to.
Campbell and Cohen are the Council members who truly have the best interest of the city at heart. All those who want to profit off the city or just gain power, oppose them. They really don't care about Salisbury at all. Ireton can't stand the fact that these ladies are smarter and are better at what they do than he is.
Terry and Debbie may have the interest of the city, but they have no clue how to get anything done. There has been a lot said about Barre, and I don't disagree, but T&D need to learn from her and realize you can't bully your way through, a little finesse.
Nice of Laura Mitchell to weigh in touting herself as the only person capable in city government.
I assure you that is not Laura writing that. I disagree with a lot of what she has said, but Terry and Debbie aren't helping themselves at all. Jim in my opinion is a complete moron. I have known him since he was in college and he wasn't too swift then and he hasn't learned since.
No WAY, he's a jerk and a cry baby!
No way!! When he brought the outsiders in as department heads he lost my respect. He needs to go and he needs to take his department heads with him.
12:47, you contradict yourself really. Barrie got a lot done by bullying. Terry and Debbie, you say, have not got a lot done. That's debatable, but I have not seen any bullying. In fact, the opposite. I think they have been too let's-try-to-get-along to Mitchell and Shields and the Mayor. Those three have shown they have no interest in getting along, except for show. I'm not buying it. There is an attack piece in the Daily Times almost every day for months. Photo opp, photo opp, photo opp.
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