Today, Rep. Andy Harris announced that he is endorsing Former Speaker Newt Gingrich for President of the United States and co-chairing Maryland’s Gingrich team. “I believe the United States urgently needs new leadership in the White House. We need a proven leader who will create jobs and reduce the nation’s debt. The Republican Party is fortunate to have many well-qualified candidates who can do just that. I am supporting Newt Gingrich because I believe he is the best candidate with the critical experience to turn this economy around and resolve our nation’s debt crisis,” commented Harris.
The early list of Maryland endorsements for the Gingrich campaign includes:
Delegate Warren Miller District 9A Howard County
Delegate Tony McConkey, District 33A Anne Arundel County
Delegate Ron George, District 30 Anne Arundel County
Delegate Steve Hershey, District 36 Caroline, Cecil, Kent & Queen Anne’s Counties
Rep. Andy Harris is currently in his first term representing Maryland’s 1st Congressional District which includes Maryland’s entire Eastern Shore and parts of Anne Arundel, Baltimore and Harford Counties. Previously, Harris served in the Maryland State Senate from 1998-2010. Dr. Andy Harris, MD is also an anesthesiologist who practiced medicine at Johns Hopkins Hospital for over three decades.
Who is he co-chairing with?
Gingrich seems to have truly "changed". he really has many great ideas and i believe he would make a good president. i'm glad Harris is getting on board.
I concur.
The party of Family Values wants to nominate a serial-divorcer who gets rid of his wifes when they get too old for a younger version? And, although you impeached Bill Clinton for adultry, you are cool with Newt's?
Republican Flavor of the week, part 4.
So, how many of you guys still think Herman Cain is your guy? OR Rick Perry? Or Michelle Bachmann? Do we have to go through the history of this blog to show how this group of commenter's loyalties change faster than Mitt Romney's positions?
"I believe he is the best candidate with the critical experience to turn this economy around..."
What is "critical experience," exactly, and how, specifically, does Newt fit that description based on previous activities?
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