Dear Senator Mikulski,
This email concerns the amount of money the federal government is gifting to foreign countries and the need for that money not only on the Eastern Shore but in America, in general. Unfortunately, with expenditures like the gift to Taiwan recently, the American people will never be able to get back to normal. A couple of nights ago I attended a business meeting and during the discussion it was suggested that an idea we came up with should be forwarded to your office. A discussion about rising debt and what could be done, raised the idea of a “debt bond” similar to the War Bonds. I am sure you remember the war bonds of World War II that our parents bought. Another effort that was very successful was the March of Dimes. As business owners, we thought a “Debt Bond” was a good idea. Let the American people get behind this.
Just this past week an article appeared in my local newspaper about giving Taiwan $10 million! How are we to pay off our National debt if the federal government continues giving away money? How can the American people expect to get caught up when you have gifts of millions to foreign countries? The aid is needed right here, right now!
Eugene R. Parker
Ocean City, Maryland
Thanks for the post. Mr. Parker is a smart man. I copied his email and sent it to the Senator who's always so generous with our money.
Steve Betz
No bodys going to buy bonds that don't pay interest?
There are debt bonds -- they are called U.S. Treasury bonds. You are free to buy as many as you want and they fund the debt.
As far as foreign aid goes, I'm no fan, but ending all of it today would do nothing to solve the budget problem. Around 1% of all spending is on foreign aid.
Thailand--not Taiwan. And if China is providing flood aid to Thailand, the US had dang sure better be providing at least as much.
she pretends to be a Democrat but she lives and collects and does not pay like an old boy Republican
maybe we could send the liberals instead of $$$. they have made a boat load of $$$ of the taxpayers back. they can pay for their own foreign aid
First thing her secretary did was toss this out...
At least you tried though... That's better then most Americans whom allow this to happen by being silent...
No offense but Mr. Parker needs to take a big step back and shift his perspective because $10 million in the federal budget is like a grain of sand on the beach.
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