Determined to distinguish herself with the most draconian immigration position in the GOP field, today Michele Bachmann elaborated on her plan to deport every single undocumented immigrant in the country:
[P]residential candidate Michele Bachmann called for 11 million illegal immigrants to be deported from the United States in steps. [...]
Asked by radio host Laura Ingraham on Monday about an earlier statement she made differentiating between immigrants who had recently entered the country illegally from those with longstanding ties to the United States, Bachmann said she was never referring to legalization.
“What I’m talking about is the order of deportation, the sequence of deportation,” Bachmann replied. “It is almost impossible to move 11 million illegal immigrants overnight. You do it in steps.” Bachmann said deporting those convicted of crimes would be the first step.
How much would it save in the end?
Arizona's unemployment numbers have gone down after cracking down on illegals so I guess the argument of illegals do the jobs that Americans don't want is a lie.
Make it difficult for illegals to work, or conduct any business, and they will deport themselves. At no cost to the taxpayers, either.
Case in point: Look at the mass exodus from Alabama once their new immigration laws were enacted. If enough states enacted similar laws, the illegals would go back to where they came from on their own.
In order to stop the illegal immigration, you have to go after those who hire them. Unless you stop the desire to come here for jobs, they'll keep coming!
Need to also change the anchor baby legislation. One parent must be a LEGAL resident in order for that child to have immediate legal status.
You won't see it happen though with the Republicans in charge. They want that cheap labor!
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