The controversial billboard is the next stage of the "You KNOW it's a MYTH" campaign, which began last year.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Atheist Billboard Goes Up in Time For the Holidays
iReport — For a second year in a row, American Atheists is posting seasonal billboards. One of the billboards is located on the New Jersey side, upper left, just before entering the Lincoln Tunnel into Manhattan. The Lincoln Tunnel carries almost 120,000 vehicles per day, making it one of the busiest vehicular tunnels in the world and a prime location for a billboard.
The controversial billboard is the next stage of the "You KNOW it's a MYTH" campaign, which began last year.
The controversial billboard is the next stage of the "You KNOW it's a MYTH" campaign, which began last year.
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and this shocking HOW?
Atheists are the ones obsessed with religion.
It's freedom of speech whether you agree or not.
Atheists are hypocrites...they don't believe in God but then they spend money on billboards to tell people that God is a myth. If I didnt believe in leprechauns why would I spend money on a billboard to let everyone know that leprechauns don't exist. Why would you protest something that you dont believe in? Also, they only do this at Christian holidays...if they did it at ramadan they know there would be trouble.
They spend money on billboards and write books and protest religion because it's harmful to society and progression. Believing in leprechauns, however, isn't dangerous at all, so naturally you wouldn't waste your time. But atheists do this because it's beneficial to society's well-being.
And many notable atheists have written essays and books illustrating their condemnation of harmful Muslim practices and beliefs; you just have to look for them.
11:45 How exactly is God harmful to society and progression?
Religion teaches people to be OK with not properly understanding the nature and behavior of the universe and other people. It teaches you to hate, exclude, oppress, and kill others that are different, being an overall divisive institution that pits you against people who don't share your opinions. That is not progress.
And before you tout all the good religion has done and its innately beneficial nature, please bear in mind the cons overwhelmingly outweigh the pros of religion.
There are churches everywhere. Billboards with religious messages everywhere. Religions trying to effect every area of society to conform to their dogma. No one freaks out.
A few atheist billboards go up and it's insanity.
Let me tell you why this is important. I am an atheist. If this were to become knowledge to my co-workers or employers I feel that I could loose my job. Every day... EVERY day I hear them talk about God, their faith, and condemn all kinds of opinions and perspectives that are not of their faith structure. I am terrified to do anything on the web (facebook, youtube, etc) where I express my opinions or views for fear that if my employer or fellow employees saw it I would be either ostracised or worse, loose my job. I cannot speak openly about it either, or participate in conversation with them when it comes up. I have all ready heard the condemnation and vitriol about us "Godless self worshipers" from them to know to keep my mouth shut.
Christian persecution? Don't try to sell me on that lie.
Atheists are obsessed with religion? Show me any atheist missionaries. Show me any atheist group that goes door to door trying to convert people. Atheist churches.Show me atheist organizations who do charity work in the name of spreading atheism.
A few billboards? That's what gets you churned up? Atheists are the ones obsessed with religion?
Atheists have comparatively no voice when contrasted to religion. I don't condemn your right to believe, and I would fiercely defend your right to as an American. Just kindly respect my perspective please. Atheists are not guilty of being obsessed with religion... we are obsessed with not being belittled and persecuted by religion. To accomplish this, we must have a voice.
I respect yours, kindly respect mine.
In EVERY poll, in EVERY survey EVER taken, the majority of Americans profess a belief in God, whatever form or nature that may take, Muslim, Christian, whatever. So, atheists, what we (and I am nothing but a wayward Christian and FAR from perfect by any definition) want, as RELIGIOUS people and the MAJORITY, is for you to stop trying to shut down the mere mention of God, prayers at high school football games and graduation, nativity scenes, crosses placed in the middle of the desert, and other expresssions of our faith. Don't believe, thats ok with me (you'll answer for that later---and I have no need to judge your beliefs ---someone else will take care of that), but please stop trying to tell the rest of us we have no right to believe, or express that belief. Get over it. Don't be so offended at the name of God. It wouldn't hurt, as you say, to be respectful of other views and I don't understand how a nativity scene would drive you or other atheists to such frenzy. Or is "I respect yours, kindly respect mine" just a phrase you like to use?
@ 5:57
A majority opinion does not make it fact, nor does it express morality... at one time people polled would have said the earth being flat was fact... or that human slavery was moral.
A nativity scene does not drive me crazy.. in fact, it really is a quite beautiful scene for a quite beautiful story. When I see it, I associate it with Christmas.
Unfortunately, your post only reinforces the fact that religion is the culprit that is forcing it's dogma on the masses.
As an atheist, I see no reason why you cannot pray at high school football games, or graduations, or have nativity scenes on your yard, or have crosses placed on your yard. In fact, I would defend your right to do so.
However, compulsory participation or selective respect of particular faith systems on public land or government sponsored anything is patently Unconstitutional, and I would support the Constitution in this. You would not defend Muslim prayers in school would you? Or Bhuddist monuments being erected on public land.. would you?
You seem fairly judgmental in your post.. that doesn't seem very Christ like to me. You seem to have decided what the will of God will be when I have to answer to him... you seem to know the will of God?
I think, your post clearly displays the confusing vitriol that is thrust upon Atheists. I do respect yours, and defend yours. Why don't you mine?
6:35... the premises you argue are false, thus your conclusions are also false. No one "compels" anyone to pray at a high school football game, or anywhere else. And "patently unconstitutional" is not quite true, as the point is STILL being argued in the legal system. If you can point to a specific article in the Constitution that bans religious displays, please do so. I personally don't think that a cross or a nativity scene on PUBLIC land violates any Constitutional command. And Muslim prayers in school? Or Buddist temples? BIG difference in THAT and the indoctrination of captive students in school who may be forced to pray. Voluntarily attending a football game or a graduation and bowing your head (or not---your CHOICE) when a prayer is said is no big deal. And if this was a country where the MAJORITY of people were Buddist, or Muslim, I honestly would say that they should be able to offer prayers to Buddha or Allah with no complaint from me. I wouldn't even have a problem with a muslim prayer being said at ANY event even today.. As far as the will of God, that is written in the Bible and is clear to believers ..."no one may come to the father except through me....I am the way, the life and the truth...if you deny me, I shall deny you before my father"...THAT is the word of the God I know, and His will. And I am sorry for being judgmental, if you took it that way...."judge not, be ye not judged". As for atheists, my daughter is in love with one...I respect his views, as I respect yours. I think you are wrong, and wish others of your kind were not so adamant about erasing all references to God and Christ, as I am not very adamant about suppressing your beliefs. It will all work out in the end.....
@ Imcain
A few things that will help clear this up for you, and your confusion in the premises. Google "Establishment Clause" and "Thomas Jefferson Separation of Church and State". That will clear up your Constitution question.
Also, you are still incorrect about atheists trying to erase all religion. This is not true, and I've all ready established that in earlier posts. We do not want the government to sponsor or impose religions on the masses, which is Unconstitutional (you reference that this is still being decided in the courts.. google search that too, you will find that overwhelmingly that the courts support the Establishment Clause of the Constitution.)
Any time someone is forced to participate it is compulsory. To force someone to sit through a prayer, to watch a football game, is forcing them to participate. It is also the "government" imposing ideas and views upon you. Please, in detail, explain how it is anything other than that.
You also seem so hung up on this, well let me quote you..."you'll answer for that later---and I have no need to judge your beliefs ---someone else will take care of that".... and "It will all work out in the end". Are these meant to scare me? Are they like sticking your tongue out at me? Are these threats supposed to help change my mind about anything? What is your purpose... and please state what exactly you mean by this... what is the spirit in which you use these statements. You seem quite pleased about these things, tell me, why is that?
Also, explain to me how it is o.k. for me to fear for my job if it is ever found out that I am an atheist, and I have to hide the fact even outside of the workplace for fear of retribution... yet it's o.k. for my employers/co-workers to openly go on about their religious views on a daily basis?
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